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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> ipods?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 53, (reverse)
11/07/2003 12:19:52 PM · #1
Does anyone have one? What do you think?
In particular have you used it to store photos?
Does it work well?
11/07/2003 12:28:58 PM · #2
I have a 10gb iPod and I personally use it for music; however, you can store any data you'd like on it. I have over 2,000 songs loaded on mine and that has filled it up. I'm not sure why you would be interested in loading photos on it... if you are looking for storage you may want to look at an external firwire HD... more storage space for you dollar.


11/07/2003 12:56:13 PM · #3
Would'nt touch a Mac with a 10 foot pole.
11/07/2003 01:04:28 PM · #4
fibre, an ipod isn't a mac, its an mp3 player, and it works with both macs and windows pc systems, as does its acompanying music software, itunes.

i'm not interested in macs, either, but i think we all know that statements like the one you just made are just fule for flame wars...

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 13:04:49.
11/07/2003 01:23:15 PM · #5
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

Would'nt touch a Mac with a 10 foot pole.

I love people like you! You exactly the kind of person who shouldn't use a Mac. Too much design originality for you! ;D
11/07/2003 01:35:23 PM · #6
I don't think there is anything even approaching the power of this little jewel. The 40 GB iPod stores 20.000 images! It's build by Apple (see links below), which, to me, means powerful, fast, reliable, elegant and fun. It does a heck of a lot more though than store images and music.

Here are some links for you:


The Belkin Media Reader: //store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?productLearnMore=T7418LL/A

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 13:36:38.
11/07/2003 01:38:15 PM · #7
ipod is a Mac product, no? So let me rephrase I would'nt touch Apple with a 10 foot pole. As for this comment...

I love people like you! You exactly the kind of person who shouldn't use a Mac. Too much design originality for you!

LOL! I don't buy a computer to match my decor. I buy a computer for what it can do. If you want a cute little computer to browse the internet (half assed by the way) and check your email? Get a MAC. If you want true computing power at a reasonable price, go with PC.

And for those of you who are about to argue the fact that a top of the line MAC can blow a PC....keep dreaming. Case in point Half Life 2. Pure power can only handle this game. Mac is'nt even in the picture.

BTW I was a devoted MAC user. Until I discovered Steve Jobbs was just ripping me off.
11/07/2003 01:47:18 PM · #8
BTW I was a devoted MAC user. Until I discovered Steve Jobbs was just ripping me off.

I hate to prolong this debate, but this is too funny - are you saying Bill Gates isn't?? lol

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 13:48:07.
11/07/2003 02:07:58 PM · #9
How is Bill Gates ripping me off?

I purchase his software that works with my existing software. Example? I'm a web developer. We have Adobe and Macromedia products. Was running Flash 5 then the company upgraded to Flash MX. Worked fine.

Now the MAC. We have one for testing purposes here in the office. Was running 9.2 OS. Had Macromedia Flash 5 running on it. Decided to upgrade to Flash MX. "Error.....Flash MX requires OS X". Same thing happened when we had OS 8.6 running.

So it's either Steve Jobbs is trying to catch up to Bill Gates by cornering his customers to upgrade thier OS to run new versions of software or Apple is really stupid. And I don't think Apple is stupid.

So I have to ask, how do you figure?


Message edited by author 2003-11-07 14:08:36.
11/07/2003 02:09:00 PM · #10
I don't buy a computer to run high end games (got the Playstation for that) I buy one to do graphic design and Video production. Interesting that MAC has been industry standard in Graphic work for the last 10 or so years. Must be all the Crappy browsing the internet and checking mail power. I don't have anything against PC's (I need something to hold papers down on my desk or prop a door open) : )

As to the OS compatibility. Can you run that Flash MX on Windows 3.1?
I don't think I have to say anymore do I?


Message edited by author 2003-11-07 14:11:52.
11/07/2003 02:16:32 PM · #11
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

Decided to upgrade to Flash MX. "Error.....Flash MX requires OS X". Same thing happened when we had OS 8.6 running.

If your dumb enough to by a program that states on the box it's for an OS that your not running, then, hmmmm...nevermind. ;D
11/07/2003 02:26:18 PM · #12
Factor X

I could'nt agree with you more. I majored in Graphic Design in '96 before jumping into web design in '98. And YES even back then Mac's were and still are the industry standard for Graphic Design. No arguement there. As for Video Editing.........Industry Standard? Mac? No that would be an AVID work station (NT). Web Design..hmm let me see MAC 2% and PC 96%. Any Web Developer should use a PC scince 96 % of people surfing use a PC.

Gaming Power...PlayStation? XBOX? Obviously your a MAC user and have never seen a high-end video game, infact you could'nt have. PlayStation and XBOX are running 733 mhz chip and no company does any serious develpment for MAC.

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 14:29:29.
11/07/2003 02:34:43 PM · #13
Five reasons not to buy an ipod

11/07/2003 02:38:03 PM · #14
"If your dumb enough to by a program that states on the box it's for an OS that your not running, then, hmmmm...nevermind. ;D"

HA!! Well with the PC version we did'nt have to and it worked. LOL!!!!
If your dumb enough to use an OS that is not compatable with software that runs on the same OS................well enough said.

As to the OS compatibility. Can you run that Flash MX on Windows 3.1?
I don't think I have to say anymore do I?

Actualy you do.......Flash MX works on Win 95, 98, 2000, me, XP.

So let me restate your comment.

As to the OS compatibility. Can you run that Flash MX on any thing less than OS X? no.
I don't think I have to say anymore do I?

11/07/2003 02:47:28 PM · #15
Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


Wow and they're designed all pretty so they can match someone's waredrobe......what a delema for MAC users.
11/07/2003 02:56:21 PM · #16
Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


I can come up with more reasons not to buy bread or milk or a jet.
11/07/2003 02:59:44 PM · #17
But what about 3.1? I'm just stateing that you had to update the OS at one time or another. Understand that you have to upgrade your OS at some point or nothing will run on your computer. I don't think that you can run much in DOS these days right? Bill Gates has been ripping people of for years. All computer companies do. As soon as you buy a computer there is something bigger, faster, and better. Welcome to technology! What processor speed do you need to run MX. I can run it just fine on my Mac G4 Cube (450 mhz) I think in the processor upgrade department PC's have been ripping people off for a long time. Pentium 1, 2, 3, 4.

Dude I started in to get you going! I have to use Both Mac and PC's Personally I like Macs. I always will I run my machine 24/7 and I haven't had a system crash in 6 months (I will know because I said that)

I have work to do.

Bye bye
11/07/2003 03:06:00 PM · #18
Yeah, I'm done messing with you too. I actually use both. I just wanted to mess with you a bit.

Half-life 2 will rock, but I'll have to buy a new PC to play it...
11/07/2003 03:10:18 PM · #19
I could'nt agree with you more. I majored in Graphic Design in '96 before jumping into web design in '98. And YES even back then Mac's were and still are the industry standard for Graphic Design. No arguement there. As for Video Editing.........Industry Standard? Mac? No that would be an AVID work station (NT). Web Design..hmm let me see MAC 2% and PC 96%. Any Web Developer should use a PC scince 96 % of people surfing use a PC.

I've been in it since 92 still work for an agency. But, if you notice I didn't say it was industry atandard for Video Production I work in a Avid enviroment (Adrenalines, DS). I also use Final cut Pro, DVD studio Pro, Combustion and After Effects. I agree with the Web part too I didn't say pc's shouldn't be used.

Gaming Power...PlayStation? XBOX? Obviously your a MAC user and have never seen a high-end video game, infact you could'nt have. PlayStation and XBOX are running 733 mhz chip and no company does any serious develpment for MAC.[/quote]

I don't play games on my computer (MAC or PC Yes, I have both) I just find it funny that that is always the basis for comparision for most of these rants (debates whatever) I'm saying that if you want to play games you don't need a computer to do it.


Message edited by author 2003-11-07 15:11:57.
11/07/2003 03:14:36 PM · #20
Originally posted by FactoryX:

But what about 3.1? I'm just stateing that you had to update the OS at one time or another. Understand that you have to upgrade your OS at some point or nothing will run on your computer. I don't think that you can run much in DOS these days right? Bill Gates has been ripping people of for years. All computer companies do. As soon as you buy a computer there is something bigger, faster, and better. Welcome to technology! What processor speed do you need to run MX. I can run it just fine on my Mac G4 Cube (450 mhz) I think in the processor upgrade department PC's have been ripping people off for a long time. Pentium 1, 2, 3, 4.

Dude I started in to get you going! I have to use Both Mac and PC's Personally I like Macs. I always will I run my machine 24/7 and I haven't had a system crash in 6 months (I will know because I said that)

I have work to do.

Bye bye

Look, I don't care either way. I just like to debate. But I don't get your 3.1 deal? It runs on all Windows excpet 3.1. But people do not use 3.1 as much any more compred to OSX and OS 9.2. You really can't compare.
11/07/2003 03:24:41 PM · #21
All I was stating is that you have to upgrade some time. If everything runs under 95 why upgrade to XP? See what I mean. aWhen 95 came out it shut down 3.1 I remember not being able to get anything that would work under 3.1. It's the same for MAc os 9.2 or X. It is fun to debate it because they are getting more similar everyday. I love my mac. I think it's funny that the Imac revolution is always made fun of (what a computer doesn't have to be off white) It sparked a huge marketing movement though. without it we couldn't get a George Forman grill with a blueberry colored cover. HAHA

Hey it's been fun


11/07/2003 03:32:41 PM · #22
i'm not really interested in defenindg or offending anything. i use what works for me and other people do the same, in different ways, which is what makes us all unique.

but in my experience i have come to see macs as more of an esthetic, where people tend to associate them with their image, their style, their sens eof purpose as designers or content creators or individuals. macs are pretty, osx is pretty, apple has a real keen sense of beauty in industrial design.

but i have to say i think osx is terrible. its way to in your face. i like my os to do its job, and do it where i can't see it - just let me run my applications in peace, don't pop up any docks or throw any crazy colors at me. i have the same gripe with windows xp, but at least with xp you can turn the gui off and revert it to the more utilitarian windows 2000 gui, which is what i have done with my systems at work and at home. with osx you have to do it their way, and for me its just too distracting.

but for others its just the best thing ever, so to each their own.

i love the great pc/mac debate, i just hate the hard feelings that sometimes go along with it...
11/07/2003 03:33:55 PM · #23
Originally posted by zeuszen:

Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


I can come up with more reasons not to buy bread or milk or a jet.

But none of those would be relevant to this discussion, so ?
11/07/2003 03:41:49 PM · #24
Originally posted by darcy:

...but i have to say i think osx is terrible. its way to in your face. i like my os to do its job, and do it where i can't see it - just let me run my applications in peace, don't pop up any docks or throw any crazy colors at me...

Want to hide the dock? Turn on Automatically show or hide the dock in System Preferences > Dock.
Want to change colours? Select 'Graphite' from the Appearance pup-up menu in System Preferences > General.
11/07/2003 03:43:49 PM · #25
Originally posted by Gordon:

Originally posted by zeuszen:

Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


I can come up with more reasons not to buy bread or milk or a jet.

But none of those would be relevant to this discussion, so ?

They wld match the relevancy of the five points offered below, sic.
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