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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> ipods?
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 53, (reverse)
11/07/2003 04:01:53 PM · #26
thx gordon and xcharrier for answering my question.
I have decided to hold off buying one because I wanted it for uploading photos on my holiday and the attachment I need to do that is not available to me today in my area. (i leave tommorrow).
Did not mean to open the 'mac-pc' can of worms, I too have used both. Love the mac, has been nothing but reliable, simple to use and worth every penny IMO. So the fact that ipod is made by mac only tells me that it is innovative and likely to be a product I can depend on. Yes it is expensive and they do 'look' good too, but hey,if I machine, (whether comp or ipod) I prefer to have something that is asthetic as well as functional when given the choice.
11/07/2003 04:52:46 PM · #27
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

Would'nt touch a Mac with a 10 foot pole.

With a Mac, unlike a PC, you don't need to. It is quite safe to touch and even to use!
11/07/2003 05:02:08 PM · #28
Originally posted by ellamay:

thx gordon and xcharrier for answering my question.
I have decided to hold off buying one because I wanted it for uploading photos on my holiday and the attachment I need to do that is not available to me today in my area. (i leave tommorrow)...

For that, probably X-Drive II is most convenient and your best value.
11/07/2003 05:10:52 PM · #29
Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


Quoting this article " We too have run our fair share of iPod-centric headlines--for a good reason. With about 1.5 million units sold, the iPod is the most popular MP3 player in the world, and it still makes other players look and feel inelegant in comparison. Don't get me wrong; it's still our favorite overall MP3 player. Although everyone can think of reasons why they want an iPod, I've decided to use this column to list a few reasons why not to buy one."

I've got a 30 gig have it about half full with music, and I've been putting photos on it. The card reader was cheaper than a new memory card and my iPod can hold...um...hmm, well, somebody else can figure that out.

As for the snide, "Macs are good fer nothin but web browsing", go talk to my friend at Disney. But I guess they don't do anything that requires REAL processing power. Anyway, let's not bash people's computers of choice, if they do what we need them to do, isn't it ok? By-the-way, did you know what the #3 fastest super computer in the world is? Virginia Tech's G5 cluster. Macs. //www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20031105S0011 : )

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 17:21:12.
11/07/2003 05:17:31 PM · #30
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

Would'nt touch a Mac with a 10 foot pole.

With a Mac, unlike a PC, you don't need to. It is quite safe to touch and even to use!

HA HA :). Actualy I was comparing the Mac to a peice of crap on the ground that I would'nt bother touching with a ten foot pole. But hey if you want to compare it to danger like dynamite that's cool. Cause it can be a powerful machine. But you can only move mounatins with dynamite unlike fire crackers. :P

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 17:18:18.
11/07/2003 05:18:37 PM · #31
Originally posted by sagestudio:

Originally posted by Gordon:

Five reasons not to buy an ipod


Did you read this article?

Yes I read the article. It provided a less bigoted view of the situation than most of the other rabid fanboy posts did.
11/07/2003 05:31:56 PM · #32
As for the snide, "Macs are good fer nothin but web browsing", go talk to my friend at Disney, the PCs there are few and far between. But I guess they don't do anything that requires REAL processing power. By-the-way, did you know what the #3 fastest super computer in the world is? Virginia Tech's G5 cluster. Macs. //www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20031105S0011 : )

Funny stuff. Disney eh.....hmmmm could that be because of the relationship with .......... PIXAR? Who in turn is owned by....hmmmmmm Steve Jobbs.......who is the......hmmmmmmm CEO of Apple. Ya think?

And as for the super computer......notice it's #3. Do you know what processor (and less of them I might add) was used to build the Fastest?
I'll let you google that.

Finally you say that 1.5 million ipods were sold? That's impressive. It's a great product then. People must like it.
Well here are some numbers for ya. Scroll down to the OS stats. Let me know what is few and far between.//www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp

Oh well I love debating MAC vs PC........ I really don't care either way it's just fun.

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 17:39:08.
11/07/2003 05:34:02 PM · #33
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

And as for the super computer......notice it's #3. Do you know what processor (and less of them I might add) was used to build the Fastest?
I'll let you google that.

Nothing you are likely to have on your desktop:

11/07/2003 05:34:05 PM · #34
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

ipod is a Mac product, no? So let me rephrase I would'nt touch Apple with a 10 foot pole. As for this comment...

I love people like you! You exactly the kind of person who shouldn't use a Mac. Too much design originality for you!

LOL! I don't buy a computer to match my decor. I buy a computer for what it can do. If you want a cute little computer to browse the internet (half assed by the way) and check your email? Get a MAC. If you want true computing power at a reasonable price, go with PC.

And for those of you who are about to argue the fact that a top of the line MAC can blow a PC....keep dreaming. Case in point Half Life 2. Pure power can only handle this game. Mac is'nt even in the picture.

BTW I was a devoted MAC user. Until I discovered Steve Jobbs was just ripping me off.

If I had any desire to play shoot-'em-up games, perhaps I'd use a PC. But I'm a graphic designer, and I have to work. Also, check your spelling before you try to get people to take your opinion seriously.
11/07/2003 05:37:44 PM · #35
I don't care what platform you choose to use. Either works for my purposes as I'll just write programs for whatever I get paid to write programs for. My concern is the ease with which the phrase ". . . ripping you off for years . . . ." just flowed throughout this discussion. As a person who makes a living off intellectual property (and since I work for a major insurance company all my IP that I build at work belongs to them but oddly enough I never had to sign anything stating that all my IP at home or elsewhere belongs to them, too) I find it interesting that everyone on this website wouldn't think twice about stealing a Canon or Nikon camera or lens. We'd all accept that to do so would be morally or ethically wrong. But when it comes to paying for the software and operating systems that were designed by teams, updated and maintained by companies of people who usually try to produce useful appropriate applications the users seem to feel like they are being ripped off. I was offered a job with Microsoft about 3 years ago before the end of the tech boom cycle and surprisingly the money from MS wasn't that great. They have incredible benefits but not everyone who works to make project deadlines and find and remove bugs before people starting using the code actually make fortunes. Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or others who start businesses and, either through their own ingenuity or through their business . . . err . . . eemmm. . . .acumen are able to provide software that many people want or need do end up making a lot of money. That doesn't mean that they ripped anyone off. If one of you folks figures out some cool gadget and I have to pay $12.99 or $129.99 everytime I have to go to the store and buy one before vacation or so that I can share my photos with the rest of the family or just to keep my car running then does that mean that you would be evil or that you were intentionally taking advantage of me. Heck, in college one of the first things programmers have to do for most upper level courses is write a skeleton operating system. It has to handle IO and queueing among other things. Its not like people couldn't get together and build their own OS (as with Torvalds and Linux which was a knockoff of a copyrighted program that Bell Labs wrote although its legal, blah, blah, blah). I just find the immediate acceptance that something that we all must be using if we're actually reading and posting on this site is a tool to take advantage of us to be an odd concept. Mac, PCs, Intel, AMD, Sun, Atari, NEC, whoeover. It's just a piece of hardware and it needs some software to make it friendly (unless we all want to learn to program in Assembler for whatever chipset we own). Pick the one that provides you with the most value. Just remember that both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs provide a valuable asset to the whole US - jobs. They both help to create an economy that provides thousands and thousands of people with jobs so that we can buy things like cameras and lenses. They're not saints. Just successful capitalists.
11/07/2003 05:43:52 PM · #36
Originally posted by kostia:

Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

ipod is a Mac product, no? So let me rephrase I would'nt touch Apple with a 10 foot pole. As for this comment...

I love people like you! You exactly the kind of person who shouldn't use a Mac. Too much design originality for you!

LOL! I don't buy a computer to match my decor. I buy a computer for what it can do. If you want a cute little computer to browse the internet (half assed by the way) and check your email? Get a MAC. If you want true computing power at a reasonable price, go with PC.

And for those of you who are about to argue the fact that a top of the line MAC can blow a PC....keep dreaming. Case in point Half Life 2. Pure power can only handle this game. Mac is'nt even in the picture.

BTW I was a devoted MAC user. Until I discovered Steve Jobbs was just ripping me off.

If I had any desire to play shoot-'em-up games, perhaps I'd use a PC. But I'm a graphic designer, and I have to work. Also, check your spelling before you try to get people to take your opinion seriously.

Wow, you have to switch computers if you ever wanted to game? That's to bad........cause I can work (Quark, illustrator, PhotoShop), programming, 3D production, edit video, music and Play high end video games on one computar.......ooops sorry make that computer.
11/07/2003 05:44:54 PM · #37
Well said Kevin.
11/07/2003 05:48:58 PM · #38
I was about to post the same thing as sagestudio.......well said. But Kevin, let's put the love fest off to the side.......what do you use?
11/07/2003 05:51:10 PM · #39
Originally posted by KevinRiggs:

I don't care what platform you choose to use. Either works for my purposes as I'll just write programs for whatever I get paid to write programs for.

So maybe you'd know:
Unix runs on Pentium Chips
Linux rund on Pentium Chips
Mac OS X.x.x is based on Unix -- why won't it run on Pentium chips ... or is that just next year?

If I were Steve Jobs I'd port the Mac OS to the machines everyone has and offer a competitive upgrade for $29. And offer a cheap bundle with Virtual PC or other emulator so folks can use all their old stuff too.

Actually if I were Steve Jobs I'd probably take a vacation ....
11/07/2003 05:57:41 PM · #40
I use Windows 2000 as my server; one of the hard drives died last night after several years so I have to install a new piece of hardware. Perhaps someone wants to bash Western Digital or Seagate. I also run two Windows desktops (XP Professional) and a Linux machine that can serve as a desktop or a backup server (needs a lot less hardware to serve pages and store files than for gaming). I've used Macs at home before for writing code but at this point I'm just used to replacing one part here or there if something goes down on a Windows PC. I've supported any of these platforms and had all in my home as well as business environments. I haven't had anything to do with Sun but at this point I can stay employed and do whatever I want with what I've been using.

Like I said, I don't care what platform. Enough money and motivation and you can get just about any of them to do whatever you want. Heck, if worse comes to worse, just write the code to make the hardware do what you want, buy some PCB and solder and build your own extension to a computer. Who knows. You might just find that your entrepreneurship hits a niche and you might be able to give bunches of users something that they too were wanting while providing a manufacturing job. Hmmm, cool idea.


Message edited by author 2003-11-07 17:59:40.
11/07/2003 06:05:29 PM · #41
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by KevinRiggs:

I don't care what platform you choose to use. Either works for my purposes as I'll just write programs for whatever I get paid to write programs for.

So maybe you'd know:
Unix runs on Pentium Chips
Linux rund on Pentium Chips
Mac OS X.x.x is based on Unix -- why won't it run on Pentium chips ... or is that just next year?

If I were Steve Jobs I'd port the Mac OS to the machines everyone has and offer a competitive upgrade for $29. And offer a cheap bundle with Virtual PC or other emulator so folks can use all their old stuff too.

Actually if I were Steve Jobs I'd probably take a vacation ....

Very true. But you'll never see a MAC OS on a Pentium sysstem. Hell, they're being stingy with they're own source code for the new G(whatever) processors. Adobe cut them off. Now Adobe makes Premiere, After Effects, Encore DVD and Audition only for PC.

And remember when Apple came out with clones trying to mimic the PC. never took off.

Bottom line is PC users won't use Mac because of price and software access. MAC users find Windows based computers too unfriendly. So none of the above, even though true, will ever fly any way. Use what you like I guess.
11/07/2003 07:30:51 PM · #42

I just don't understand why people want to always bring up the PC vs. Mac debate. I think it might make them feel superior to other people if they state what they use and why.

I feel I have to add this. In my elementary classroom I always seem to have to tell the children "Worry about yourself, not about what other students are doing." (And please don't take this out of context and make it sound like some social brotherhood issue)

If what your using works for you, why should you care what someone else is using? I understand testing on both machines if you design programs, but this is a photography site here.
11/07/2003 08:42:51 PM · #43
Ouuh the Japanese Bike Bikers that smash Harleys...Oooh the Hoggers that burn Japanese bikes...Just Propaganda Power. Same game Bill against Steve (altough i have my sympathy): let everyone work with his favorite tool, ride the stars, and let the debate go on; if there was nothing to envy one from the other because only one amongst them survived, in 2010 windows would still be 2000, X still X1/2 and Nikon not much more. Good thing to motivate R&D, don't you think?
11/07/2003 09:04:54 PM · #44

Ellamay, you may also want to check out the jukebox zen. The newer version also holds all kinds of files and can plug into a digital camera like the ipod. I have a previous version which unfortunately only does mp3s, but I've been pretty happy with it so far.
11/07/2003 09:06:15 PM · #45
Radeon rules, Nvidia sucks...

Message edited by author 2003-11-07 21:10:55.
11/07/2003 09:08:30 PM · #46
"It is good to know the truth, but it is better to speak of palm trees"
arabic proverb
11/07/2003 09:39:19 PM · #47
on iPods:
I think iPods are great under the following circumstances:
1. Money is not an issue. [I am currently saving up for a 15GB btw]
2. You don't expect to take it with you on your morning jogs
3. You won't be using it for more than 6 hours straight [unless you have extra battery packs]
4. You could use PDA functions such as calendars, message books, notes, alarms, games, etc.[I really like these features]

haha. Dont know if anyone is a big lyrics person, but I would like to put a few/a lot of lyrics on my iPod so I can view them while I listen to the songs.

BTW, there IS an easter egg in the iPod. A hidden voice recorder. Thus you would not need to buy the Belkin voice recorder. Ask me if you want to know how to access it. [The microphone is in the left earbud btw. I didn't believe it until my friend showed me.]

on Macs and PCs:

Choosing between a Mac and PC boils down to what you mainly use them for. Macs are NOT just for good looks and surfing the net. I would like to have a Mac for its superior multimedia features. I plan to be a graphics designer or work with digital graphics.
Macs dominate in quality, multimedia, and looks [in my opinion]
PCs dominate in software and programming.

plus PCs crash a lot more. damn that dreaded blue screen of death...
11/08/2003 03:17:12 AM · #48
after effects still runs on macs at version 6, the newest. premiere was the only adobe app to be pulled out of the apple tree, when it became premiere pro, and ppro only works on windows xp. audition and encore are new to adobe and were only written for windows computers. audition is actually just the last version of cool edit with a bit of tweaking.

premiere pro rocks.
11/08/2003 12:18:41 PM · #49
Originally posted by Fibre Optix:

Very true. But you'll never see a MAC OS on a Pentium sysstem. Hell, they're being stingy with they're own source code for the new G(whatever) processors. Adobe cut them off. Now Adobe makes Premiere, After Effects, Encore DVD and Audition only for PC.

And remember when Apple came out with clones trying to mimic the PC. never took off.

Actually, I heard/read a rumor about a year ago that porting the Mac OS to Pentium machines was Apple's "long-term" (3-4 year) strategy.

My shop still runs TWO Mac clones, one from PowerPC and one from SuperMac. The program failed because Apple first screwed their licensees and then terminated the program. If only one could combine Apple's ability to engineer superior user-friendly software with Microsoft's marketing "expertise" ....

You can waste a lot of money always buying the latest/greatest/fastest when your current gear still works.
11/12/2003 08:07:34 PM · #50
I have the new 40 GB IPOD and I love it, it's great you can also store data pn it
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