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01/30/2007 11:15:32 PM · #1 |
In this thread are nominations for two distinguished awards given out by the Suck League.
An OOBIE sucker is awarded to an "Out Of the Box" entry in a DPChallenge, something that meets the challenge in a creative fashion that DPC voters might not have properly appreciated.
A YAPPIE sucker is given to a commentor for either a particular comment or a history of great comments.
If you have ideas for someone who should get an OOBIE or a YAPPIE, please post your suggestions in this thread. It's helpful to have a blurb or even a poem about why you are making the nomination.
Description of the general nominating/voting process:
*Open the nominations up Wednesday morning.
*After posthumous announces the team standings, those team members on the leading non-sucking team will be PM'd and informed of this week's nomination/voting schedule.
*The schedule will be posted in the thread DPC.
*The nominations will close Saturday night, midnight, EST.
*On Sunday morning, the winning team members will be PM'd a ballot and will be requested to PM back their votes.
*The voting will end Tuesday night midnight.
*The winners will be announced Wednesday morning and a new nomination thread begins.
There are currently only 2 rules:
1) Please do not nominate your own photograph or self
2) As much as we appreciate commenters, please hold nominations on repeat Yappie winners until 90 days have elapsed. To see a list of Yappie winners check: the Yappie Hall of Fame
Message edited by author 2007-04-26 09:12:19. |
01/31/2007 06:19:48 AM · #2 |
Special Yappie Awards
posthumous The Deathtime Achievement Yappie
- he has made so many comments and been nominated so many times, deservedly so, that it is impossible to track how many yappie suckers he should have.
The Cat Yappie to jutilda, SandyP, sherpet
Yappie Date
Critique Club....05/15/2007
KiwiShotz (aka KiwiPix)....05/29/2006
Message edited by author 2007-08-10 15:17:30. |
01/31/2007 08:22:05 AM · #3 |
I wanna offer up Deb for a Yappie.
She's not only always right there with comments, she's considerate and constructive.
Here's my effort to jazz it up!
I nominate Deb for a Yappie,
Her comments are helpful not sappy,
Though always on the go,
She's always thorough,
She strives to make us all happy!
01/31/2007 11:11:09 AM · #4 |
I wanna nominate this'un for an OOBIE.
I know, I was a free study, but where I get my POV from is that this shot during the midday sun would just be another perfect tourist shot full of sparkle and color, whereas this one has depth, mystique, and Old World Charm.
EDIT:Duh, Jeb!
I'm such a maroon!!!!
Message edited by author 2007-01-31 11:26:59.
01/31/2007 11:18:38 AM · #5 |
Nice limerick, nikonjeb. There was a girl from Nantucket...
I agree, Deb's an awesome commenter. A highly deserving nomination. |
01/31/2007 11:22:08 AM · #6 |
Originally posted by noraneko: Nice limerick, nikonjeb. There was a girl from Nantucket...
I agree, Deb's an awesome commenter. A highly deserving nomination. |
You BAD girl!
Why is The Girl from Nantucket one always the one people think of first?
Kinda gives limericks a bad name.
Go DEB!!!!!
EDIT: Wait a minute! Isn't it a MAN from Nantucket????
Message edited by author 2007-01-31 11:25:29.
01/31/2007 11:23:33 AM · #7 |
Originally posted by NikonJeb: I wanna nominate this'un for an OOBIE.
I know, I was a free study, but where I get my POV from is that this shot during the midday sun would just be another perfect tourist shot full of sparkle and color, whereas this one has depth, mystique, and Old World Charm. |
It would be helpful to list the photographer and a thumbnail to the image. |
01/31/2007 11:28:36 AM · #8 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: Originally posted by NikonJeb: I wanna nominate this'un for an OOBIE.
I know, I was a free study, but where I get my POV from is that this shot during the midday sun would just be another perfect tourist shot full of sparkle and color, whereas this one has depth, mystique, and Old World Charm. |
It would be helpful to list the photographer and a thumbnail to the image. |
It's raish who's the photog.
I have no idea where I put my brain this morning.
The cats must have rolled it off the nightstand and batted it under the bed.
Message edited by author 2007-01-31 11:29:25.
01/31/2007 11:50:35 AM · #9 |
Hey, I just checked tho old nominations thread and there was a self-nomination from a guy....I gave him a light, virtual slap for that, BUT......check this out!!!!
I dunno what the protocol is for this being almost two years ago and a self-nomination, but I think it's cool!
01/31/2007 12:00:50 PM · #10 |
And I'm quite flattered, but I already have a Yappie, thanks!
By the way, I emailed sevilduvarci about her Yappie - she was quite delighted. if you visit her profile (which I highly recommend), you'll not only see some really really nice photography, you'll see she's proudly displaying her Yappie! |
01/31/2007 12:08:08 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by NikonJeb: Oh GOOD GRIEF!!!!!
It's raish who's the photog.
2nd his photo - extremely good! |
01/31/2007 12:23:29 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by Melethia: And I'm quite flattered, but I already have a Yappie, thanks!
By the way, I emailed sevilduvarci about her Yappie - she was quite delighted. if you visit her profile (which I highly recommend), you'll not only see some really really nice photography, you'll see she's proudly displaying her Yappie! |
RULING PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?
I'm nominating Deb for a Yappie just from the last week or so.
How old's that Yappie, and is there term limits on 'em????
01/31/2007 12:45:42 PM · #13 |
Hmmmm, rule? a established standard or habit of behavior?
We in the suck league have difficulty in establishing rules in that generally we hate to follow the establishment. The only rule I know of is to not to self-nominate.
I do believe Deb, with great subtleness and graciousness, asked us to direct our attention to other DPC yappies that exist out there. |
01/31/2007 12:58:39 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: Hmmmm, rule? a established standard or habit of behavior?
We in the suck league have difficulty in establishing rules in that generally we hate to follow the establishment. The only rule I know of is to not to self-nominate.
I do believe Deb, with great subtleness and graciousness, asked us to direct our attention to other DPC yappies that exist out there. |
Oh SURE!!!!
Now as well as talented, considerate, nice, and helpful, she's going to be gracious, too????
WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP!?!?!?!?!?!?! lol!!!
01/31/2007 01:17:10 PM · #15 |
Mary is very kind. But yeah, there are lots of good Yappie candidates out there. I'll nominate one such individual after the Minimalism challenge closes.
For now, might I suggest talj (Natalya)? She routinely volunteers to comment on other people's pictures, then does so with thoroughness and constructive suggestions. |
01/31/2007 03:29:50 PM · #16 |
Not sure if we're still looking for OOBIE nominess but here's one:

01/31/2007 03:51:10 PM · #17 |
Thank you-plenty of time to nominate-nominations will close 04feb2007, midnight EST. |
01/31/2007 04:44:53 PM · #18 |
The one, the only, the inimitable Bear_Music has been known to throw a challenge or two beyond the edge of the box. His well-shot Battle of the Sexes entry (Bear is not very good at sucking in any technical respect) is one such example:
In a way, it's a self-tribute to his self-portrait from way before Team Suck existed:
I then hereby nominate the BearMan for an OOBIE for his Battle of the Sexes entry, or at a bare (Bear?) minimum, a retroactive OOBIE for the self portrait. |
01/31/2007 05:43:21 PM · #19 |
I nominate Jutilda for a Yappie, because she makes so many comments and not only on the challenge photos. She has commented on a number of my portfolio shots almost a soon as I get them uploaded. Sometimes her comments are just encouraging, but sometimes they offer some very helpful advice. It always makes me feel good to hear from her. |
01/31/2007 06:32:02 PM · #20 |
Melethia, you beat me to it. I was going to make the same nomination - and mention the self-portrait - which is perhaps the OOBie Gold Standard. But while Bear Music allows himself to indulge his creative urges at times, this talented Janus also knows how woo voters with shiny, ribbon-winning gems. I'd like to second this nomination to give Bear a standing O in the form of an OOOBie - for being Often Out Of the Box.
01/31/2007 06:47:29 PM · #21 |
thank you so much Deb for posting this! somehow I've missed those images.
this is so sad. (the system here I mean, not the images of course:)
btw, have I told you lately hurrai hurrai hurrai!!:) ? you rock:) |
01/31/2007 08:35:12 PM · #22 |
I'd like to nominate SandyP for a Yappie. Not for any specific comment, but because she leaves so many constructive comments!
Message edited by author 2007-01-31 20:35:39.
01/31/2007 10:21:29 PM · #23 |
I'm leaning on this for a OOBIE. It was in Entrance, the more I look at it the more I like it.
02/01/2007 12:03:03 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by Citadel: Not sure if we're still looking for OOBIE nominess but here's one:
I second this, and I said I would nominate it before I knew whose it was.
I think Bear Music should get a special OOBIE for creating the ur-OOBIE, his self portrait.
02/01/2007 12:40:30 AM · #25 |
Originally posted by posthumous: Originally posted by Citadel: Not sure if we're still looking for OOBIE nominess but here's one:
I second this, and I said I would nominate it before I knew whose it was.
I think Bear Music should get a special OOBIE for creating the ur-OOBIE, his self portrait. |
I'd like to not only second Robert's OOBIE nomination, but nominate him for a Yappie as well. I dunno if anyone remembers me nominating him last week for general good above and beyond, but especially considering that he is active in competition, voting, the forums, AND leaves *very* well thought out comments.....well, I think it'd be cool as all getout to acknowledge his all 'round well-roundedness by awarding him both at the same time.
I'd think that idea would have both merit and appeal to OOB thinkers like us.......if ya can stand it that I thunk it up!.....8>)
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