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02/03/2007 03:24:36 PM · #76
Pool party this weekend at my house. BYOB.

Michigan in February

Message edited by author 2007-02-03 15:47:00.
02/03/2007 03:42:32 PM · #77
Originally posted by Melethia:

Wow, Kelli, what a freakin' nightmare! You definitely need to get your money from her. She's not the world's best business person, it seems. Though I do wonder if you'll be able to get any money from her. I do wish you the very best of luck in all of that, though. Sorry it turned out to be such a crappy job, too. :-(

I'm in Italy on expensive internet time. 5 euro for 50 minutes (which seems expensive to me.) Didn't get to see much when we got here but it reminds me a bit of the older parts of Ventura, California. Not fancy, mostly working class type area. And sadly, I have no transportation at all. So I have a free day tomorrow, but not sure what I can do with it. I can wander the beach, which could be a very nice way to spend the day. Just don't expect lots of pictures. If you want, go revisit Jayson's website - that's the Italy I kinda hoped to find but will have to find it the next time I'm here, when I come on my own time and get a car!

Sorry you're disappointed Deb. Maybe you'll get to go again and have better luck. Thanks for the condolences though. ;)
02/03/2007 04:34:54 PM · #78
kdsprog that sounds like the biggest nightmare ever! I hope something else turns up for you soon. It may be impossible to get any money from the woman running the business. It sounds like she is up to her eyeballs in debt, and afraid to face her mess. Keep us posted - I hope this turns out okay for you!

bmartuch I assume you posted the photos of your pool 'cause you're inviting us all to a pool party for this evening. I'll be there in my swimsuit and flipflops. Looks excessively inviting. :-) (It is actually pretty nasty in SC today too. No swimming here either.)
02/03/2007 04:46:27 PM · #79
Originally posted by kdsprog:

On a personal note...

That's crazy stuff. I have known a few people who have run businesses in the ground, and this is basically what it sounds like. Sorry you had to go through so much trouble, confusion, and lying.
02/03/2007 04:49:02 PM · #80
Originally posted by Melethia:

I'm in Italy on expensive internet time. 5 euro for 50 minutes (which seems expensive to me.) Didn't get to see much when we got here but it reminds me a bit of the older parts of Ventura, California. Not fancy, mostly working class type area. And sadly, I have no transportation at all. So I have a free day tomorrow, but not sure what I can do with it. I can wander the beach, which could be a very nice way to spend the day. Just don't expect lots of pictures. If you want, go revisit Jayson's website - that's the Italy I kinda hoped to find but will have to find it the next time I'm here, when I come on my own time and get a car!

Sorry to hear. It can be a beautiful place, but even driving through the Tuscan region, it is getting very industralized. There seems to be a thick haze that just sits over the countryside now. Italy is one of the fastest growing industries in the EU, I think after a few more decades it won't be recongizable. Hopefully I am wrong. I hope the weather has been good at least, and if you comparing it to Ventura, it can't be that bad. :)
02/03/2007 04:51:30 PM · #81
Originally posted by kdsprog:

Hi Don! Is there a reason we are all saying hi to Don? I seem to be lost...

On a personal note, I think Friday might have been my last day at work. Hooray! I was about to lose my mind.

I agree with Deb about the money, I wish I could help! many many (((((hugs))))))! I hope everything will be fine!!

I just said hi to Don because I haven't seen him online for a while.
everyone's online when it's night here:(

hi Kelli!
hi Catherine!
hi Jayson!
02/03/2007 04:58:14 PM · #82
Hi, Svetlana! How's Norway right now? I've only been there once, and business unfortunately (Kongsberg), but it is such a lovely country. I was actually amazed how much of it is pure country side.
02/03/2007 05:15:56 PM · #83
Originally posted by jaysonmc:

Hi, Svetlana! How's Norway right now? I've only been there once, and business unfortunately (Kongsberg), but it is such a lovely country. I was actually amazed how much of it is pure country side.

:) hehe, Norway is one big charming country side. (that was a compliment) yes, lovely is a right word. sometimes I feel Tolkien created Hobbiton from his dreams about Norway:)

I've been to the woods today and snow is melting.
this winter is a national catastrophy.
we don't have snow!!! we can't go skiing!!!
02/03/2007 05:24:59 PM · #84
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

I've been to the woods today and snow is melting.
this winter is a national catastrophy.
we don't have snow!!! we can't go skiing!!!

I'll be glad to let you have our snow.
02/03/2007 05:29:59 PM · #85
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Originally posted by silverfoxx:

I've been to the woods today and snow is melting.
this winter is a national catastrophy.
we don't have snow!!! we can't go skiing!!!

I'll be glad to let you have our snow.

Send some to Philadelphia also.
02/03/2007 06:25:51 PM · #86
Hi Svetlana! Looks like we're the only ones here right now, and I'm about to sign off and have some dinner.
I love Norway. I've only been once, though several times to Sweden (most of my relatives are Swedish). Jag kan platar litten Svenska men inte Norske. Forgive my bad Swedish spelling, please :-)
The most memorable thing for me was stave churches. They look so menacing yet so intricate and beautiful at the same time. I wish I could go back and photograph them. Maybe I'll look in your portfolio later and see your new stuff. I always enjoy it.

Ooops, edit to add: looks like Jayson is here too. Hi, Jayson!

Message edited by author 2007-02-03 18:26:30.
02/03/2007 06:38:54 PM · #87
hi Catherine:)!
I am editing my personification entry and it is so exciting (the editing, not sure about the photo:), so it is almost 1 am here and I am not even sleeping.

you were talking about the lighting classes. I totally agree with you, when I look at my one month old photos now I really can't understand how I was able to score 5.5 on most of them:) they are very bad techically. all is about practice, I am looking at my original photo for personification and on my almost finished editing now - and I am almost proud of myself:) I like the result. I am getting better at PS every day - it's just practice.

ah, stavkirker! they are intriguing, I love the light there- from tiny windows under the roof. very beautiful inside.

don't worry about your swedish, I don't understand much anyway:)

you should come and visit fjords!!!

Message edited by author 2007-02-03 18:39:15.
02/03/2007 09:06:09 PM · #88
Originally posted by kdsprog:

Even if she calls I don't want to go back, but I really need to get my pay from her and I'm afraid if I don't go back I won't get it. Whew! It felt good to unload. Any opinions?

Kelli, make sure that you inform Labor & Industry, the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, the County and State agencies that have anything to do with whom taxes are paid because that gets legal wheels in motion and is one of the ways that you will eventually will get your money.

If this person does declare bankruptcy, you also have the choice to be able to decline being in it and you can wait and sue her civilly for the amount once the bankruptcy is discharged.

You're in the best shape also if this person is a sole proprieter and not a corporation.

You'll need to check with the various agencies first, especially Labor and Industry because she *HAS* to pay you if you worked, and a lot of those agencies will go to bat FOR you because she's breaking their laws so you'll be a tangential and consequential benefactor because you're an employee.

BUT.....you may still need a lawyer and the agencies can generally advise you to do so and even recommend someone who is a specialist in that field.

All of this is based on some skeletal knowledge that I have and should be verified, but you MUST do something to protect yourself, and the sooner the better. There are usually Guides to Human Services in the phone book that give you 800 numbers for info from the various state and federal agencies. Be persistent, fill out the forms thoroughly and in a toimely manner, and do not waste time having sympathy, it will not get you paid. Yopu have already given too much of yourself......tyhe moment she locked herself in the back room and left you to gdeal with a creditor, she stepped WAY over the line.

Do NOT go back to work, IMMEDIATELY file for unemployment compensation, and ask the Unemployment people what you should do next.

IMNSHO, I think you should be waiting at the door to the Unemployment Bureau with the bounced checks first thing Monday morning.
02/03/2007 09:25:06 PM · #89
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

snipped too... You're in the best shape also if this person is a sole proprieter and not a corporation.

Do NOT go back to work, IMMEDIATELY file for unemployment compensation, and ask the Unemployment people what you should do next.

IMNSHO, I think you should be waiting at the door to the Unemployment Bureau with the bounced checks first thing Monday morning.

After talking with my husband and several family members, I've decided I'm definitely not going back. As for unemployment, I'm not eligible since the two weeks I worked for her are the only two weeks I've worked this year (I've been out of work for 14 months to be exact). After working 20+ years without a break, I was only entitled to 6 months of unemployment (at 48.8% of my gross wages). Also, the bounced checks weren't for me, they were for two teachers there. She did make good on them as far as I know. But she owes $80k in payroll taxes to the federal government. She already has about 5 pending lawsuits with I'm sure many, many more to follow. She owes back rent on both school properties. And hundreds of thousands in other bills and refunds to students. I was worried about proving I worked there. That's why I emailed the stuff to the payroll company. She never even asked for my SS number! All she has from me is my resume. I left my W-4 in her personnel folder. The pay that she owes me isn't due until this Friday coming (goes in every two weeks on a Wednesday). And she is a corporation, so her half a million dollar home and mercedes are pretty much off the table as far as my understanding goes.
02/03/2007 09:52:49 PM · #90
I'm really sorry Kelli-this reads like a horror story and is so unfair. I imagine it's hard to be sure what to do in this situation. Not going back and walking away from this might be the best option. Whatever you decide, we will listen and hold your hand virtually if needed.
02/03/2007 09:54:36 PM · #91
Originally posted by quiet_observation:

I'm really sorry Kelli-this reads like a horror story and is so unfair. I imagine it's hard to be sure what to do in this situation. Not going back and walking away from this might be the best option. Whatever you decide, we will listen and hold your hand virtually if needed.

Thanks everyone! It's so nice to have TS on your side when you're down. I've been feeling pretty stomped on lately.
02/03/2007 09:57:23 PM · #92
Hi Catherine
Hi Kelli
Hi Jeb
Hi Mary
Hi Jason

This is fun.

Edit to explain saying "hi" is fun. Certainly hearing Kelli's horror story is no fun at all. I couldn't believe what I was reading! I'm so sorry you had to experience that nightmare, Kelli. I wouldn't have had the strength to last even two weeks in that situation.

Message edited by author 2007-02-03 22:06:59.
02/03/2007 10:05:15 PM · #93
Originally posted by kdsprog:

After talking with my husband and several family members, I've decided I'm definitely not going back.

My condolences.

I'm a half-full glass PollyAnna person and it sounds to me like you got out pretty easy compared to most.

It still sucks and you have my hopes and best wishes for a better shot next time.

I've been out of work since the week before Thanksgiving and I know how you feel.

Life goes on and I'll be there to take pics of the good stuff.

Join me?.....8>)
02/03/2007 10:07:38 PM · #94
Hi Julianne!

Driving to my grandmothers house tonight I saw the perfect shot for Personification, but driving at 50mph in the left hand lane I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to take the shot. LOL. I'm going back tomorrow and will pull over safely from the right hand lane to get it! I will have to stand in the middle of a divided highway however. The way things have been lately, lets hope I don't get run over.
02/03/2007 10:21:00 PM · #95
Kelli - I'm glad to hear you decided not to go back. My guess is you would just end up giving her more gratuitous labor. That is just such an awful situation. And as Jeb said, she went WAY over the line when she left you to deal with that creditor. We are definitely here to hold your hand virtually and lend an ear anytime!

So who else is in Personification? I just finished editing my entry. I predict 5.5 max. Maybe much lower. But, it was good practice for doing an indoor lighting shot.

Hi Julianne, Jeb, Mary, and Bob if he is still on!
02/03/2007 10:27:46 PM · #96
I'm in for personification. Like I said earlier, mine is a little off-the-wall but it will be fun to see what people think of it. I doubt it will do well but I want to see the comments.
02/03/2007 10:30:10 PM · #97
Hey...why didn't anyone show up for the pool party? The temp is a sweltering 3F outside right now.
02/03/2007 10:33:42 PM · #98
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Hey...why didn't anyone show up for the pool party? The temp is a sweltering 3F outside right now.

I couldn't find my full body fur swimsuit or my ice breaker. Sorry, maybe next time. ;)
02/03/2007 10:34:40 PM · #99
Originally posted by bmartuch:

Hey...why didn't anyone show up for the pool party? The temp is a sweltering 3F outside right now.

I'm short on Beer money right now. If it wasn't BYOB, I would have made it.
02/03/2007 10:36:36 PM · #100
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to DPC. Joined last year and have participated in several challenges. I was wondering, how does one become a member of Team Suck? I think I qualify and would like to join.

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