Author | Thread |
02/12/2007 11:52:04 AM · #1 |
It's been a long, cold past two months, and I feel the need to get out and do some shooting! There was talk at the last Fall Foliage GTG of a Winter GTG, so let's do it.
Saturday, March 3
I propose that we meet at the Ithaca Bakery at 8am. We can grab a cup of coffee and decide from there how we want to go. Treman Marine Park is nearby, as is Ithaca Falls. Taughannock is out near Treman Marine Park, and Buttermilk is on the outskirts of town to the south. So it's a good central location to start from.
Treman Marine Park
Buttermilk Falls
Taughannock Falls
Ithaca Falls
Sapsucker Woods
Lick Brook Falls
Wine Region Parks
cloudsme (Possible)
dolikemagoo (Possible)
Message edited by author 2007-02-26 12:00:14.
02/14/2007 11:48:18 AM · #2 |
No one? This isn't encouraging! Here's a bump for the day crowd, hopefully more people will see it.
02/14/2007 12:05:20 PM · #3 |
Hi. I'll help get the ball rolling here. I'm over in Buffalo. I rarely get east of Rochester, but if the driving isn't too scary that day, I'd make a day trip of it.
Ithica would be what, about 4 hours? (I guess my longest photo "day" trip was to Lake Placid via Watertown so that shouldn't be too bad.) |
02/14/2007 04:46:31 PM · #4 |
Originally posted by nickp37: Hi. I'll help get the ball rolling here. I'm over in Buffalo. I rarely get east of Rochester, but if the driving isn't too scary that day, I'd make a day trip of it.
Ithica would be what, about 4 hours? (I guess my longest photo "day" trip was to Lake Placid via Watertown so that shouldn't be too bad.) |
Alright, glad to have you! According to Mapquest, it's actually only about 3 hrs from Buffalo to Ithaca, so it shouldn't be too bad at all. Which weekend works better for you? I'm leaning toward the 3rd myself, but I'm flexible.
02/14/2007 04:55:58 PM · #5 |
Hey, Brent. I think I'd be available, but I'd have to check with the boss first :)
I can verify that Buffalo is only about 3 hours away, but that will depend on road conditions.
As for the waterfalls, remember that many of the parks close their trails during the winter. However, we should be able to get to Buttermilk Falls (at least the lower falls) and the Taughannock overlook, and the gorge trail may also be open. |
02/14/2007 05:24:16 PM · #6 |
Warning: barely on topic
If you want to do a spring gtg... I'd recommend the Marathon Maple Festival, it's a lovely and hokie event with lots of opportunities for pics. I'd recommend showing up earlly (7 a.m.) for the school's pancake breakfast and then wander around and find lots of locals to shoot (no, not "shoot" like that...most do own guns themselves.... ;) )
Can't guarantee any attendance at any gtg...but I will keep an eye on the thread and see if I can come up when you all go out. (I sure do miss my home state and all the fine folk in it!)
02/14/2007 09:04:14 PM · #7 |
Originally posted by eqsite: Hey, Brent. I think I'd be available, but I'd have to check with the boss first :)
I can verify that Buffalo is only about 3 hours away, but that will depend on road conditions.
As for the waterfalls, remember that many of the parks close their trails during the winter. However, we should be able to get to Buttermilk Falls (at least the lower falls) and the Taughannock overlook, and the gorge trail may also be open. |
Glad to hear it - hopefully the boss gives permission!
I was thinking that the bottom of Buttermilk would be open, and I have yet to visit Taughannock, so that's great too.
-KaDi, glad to hear from you. I'll keep the Maple Festival in mind; I'm sure we'll have at least one GTG in the spring. And if you can't make this one, we'll understand. It's a little short notice. But we'll get on the ball for a Spring GTG soon. And you're welcome up here any time!
02/14/2007 09:23:36 PM · #8 |
Sounds like fun, will definately consider going. |
02/16/2007 11:09:52 AM · #9 |
I am in - provided I get my camera back from the Nikon Service Center by then - I just called and most probably I should!
To those who don't know : my camera stopped working on my trip back from India, shutter would remain open and the LCD would blink 'ERR' message. I mailed it to the Nikon Service center at Mellvile, NY and they said its being repaired under warranty (I thought it ran out in November 2006) and they will also clean the sensor for me :) .. i can't wait to get it back now!
and thanks Brent for letting me know about this thread!
02/16/2007 11:35:00 AM · #10 |
cloudsme and vikas, welcome aboard! Vikas, I hope you get your camera back in time!
So does anyone have anything they really want to shoot? I figure we should start to form some kind of plan, at least which weeekend, where we want to meet, and when?
02/16/2007 11:54:14 AM · #11 |
I might show, I'll be with Vikas. any weekend is good for me. could be flood season by then, spring thaw, happens all most every year. high water in the streams and falls. could be fun! |
02/16/2007 01:15:51 PM · #12 |
I'm going to push for March 3rd as the weekend of choice, since I just realized that the 10th is part of Spring Break here at university, and I was hoping to go home to VT for a few days then.
We're pretty sure that Buttermilk and Taughannock will be accessible, so let's tentativly plan on shooting there.
Sunrise is at 0644, don't know if we want to be there that early. But it would be good to take advantage of the morning light, either to get good long exposures at the falls, or maybe to shoot the lake. Maybe 0700 or 0730 would be better for meeting up?
I can be there all day, so we can either gather some more suggestions and make a tentative plan, or just wing it once we're there.
02/19/2007 07:47:46 PM · #13 |
I definitely won't be able to make it March 3. Buttermilk may be open as I can't recall. Toughannock has some great opportunities though and shot well can be a lot of fun in the winter (only 3/4 mile hike through the snow). I went out yesterday and got some nice shots that I'll post so you guys can see what it looks like right now. Ithaca falls is another place that looks really cool in the winter.
Here's Ithaca falls:

Message edited by author 2007-02-19 19:57:41.
02/19/2007 10:06:42 PM · #14 |
Hey cresus, sorry to hear you won't be able to make it. But thanks for postinig the pic - it's a lovely shot, I think Ithaca Falls was just added to the list ;-)
02/19/2007 10:20:33 PM · #15 |
I might be a possibility - coming from Western New York, It would make a nice day trip.
02/24/2007 12:46:08 PM · #16 |
Hey all. As of right now I'm planning to attend.
Brent, not sure what's available at Sapsucker this time of year but you had mentioned it in your original email to me. I'd be up for that as well.
Also, I was under the impression that lower Taughannock was always open...but I could be wrong.
Edit: There's a place called Lick Brook Falls (just pass Buttermilk) but last I knew there was no place to park because of all the snow. It's been melting lately so maybe it will be okay by then? If one were to walk to the top it's quite a strenuous hike up. We started at the top once and wound up bouncing from one tree to the next so we had something to hold onto.
Lick Brook
Message edited by author 2007-02-24 12:49:47.
02/24/2007 08:58:51 PM · #17 |
Okay all, we're a week out now! We should try to get a time and place set for meeting in the next few days.
Butterflysis, glad to see that you're able to make it!
For anyone who doesn't know, Butterflysis has the Finger Lakes Forum, and there are some folks there who may be joining us, so I'll be posting there too once we start to generate a plan.
Message edited by author 2007-02-24 21:02:58.
02/24/2007 11:33:19 PM · #18 |
The 3rd sounds good to me. I don't know the area, so I may need help with directions. I'll leave it up to those more knowledgeable than me to pick a location.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just changed computers and spent nearly a week fighting with vista. I'm running XP again and all is well!
Deborah (dsterner), yes he's my uncle! it would be great to meet you if you can make it! Sorry it took so long to reply (I'm still getting e-mail up and running and it took a while to get your pm). |
02/26/2007 11:27:04 AM · #19 |
Looks like I can make it for the 3rd. When and where? |
02/26/2007 11:51:48 AM · #20 |
Originally posted by eqsite: Looks like I can make it for the 3rd. When and where? |
Great, we were hoping you'd be able to make it!
02/26/2007 11:59:14 AM · #21 |
I have adjusted the original post to show our plan. To summarize, I propose we meet at Ithaca Bakery at 8am and make a final plan over a cup of coffee. It's a good central localtion, and we can head out wherever we want from there.
If anyone has a different/better time or place to meet, speak now or forever hold your peace :-)
02/28/2007 10:45:58 AM · #22 |
Ithaca bakery ... sounds great to me!
Hope to see you all there.. this time I will be shooting with a P&S (thanks to dolikemagoo for letting me use his) - test to find out if its the camera or the photographer that makes a photo :)
03/01/2007 10:50:09 PM · #23 |
I'm currently fighting with a bad cold. I hope to join everyone on Saturday but it will depend on how I feel.
There were roughly 4-5 interested people from camera club Tuesday night, so they may be joining you. Gary S. will know some of them from previous outings.
Hope to see you Saturday, if not, sometime soon!
03/01/2007 11:00:08 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by ButterflySis: I'm currently fighting with a bad cold. I hope to join everyone on Saturday but it will depend on how I feel.
There were roughly 4-5 interested people from camera club Tuesday night, so they may be joining you. Gary S. will know some of them from previous outings.
Hope to see you Saturday, if not, sometime soon! |
I hope you're feeling better by Sat! But certainly don't push yourself to come if you're not up to it - we don't want you getting even sicker.
Looking forward to meeting some new photogs, we should have a pretty good sized group!
03/01/2007 11:05:58 PM · #25 |
Thanks Brent, I hope I feel better soon too!
If I don't see you, have a great time!
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