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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Propaganda - interpretation
Showing posts 26 - 38 of 38, (reverse)
11/19/2003 03:30:07 PM · #26
Originally posted by dsidwell:

Originally posted by e301:

For my part, I shall vote according to this idea: that propaganda is the underhand use of an image to further a political/religious/social/moral idea or ideology.

By underhand, you give propaganda a loaded, negative bias. Yet propaganda can be good and can be used to good ends, and does not have to be secret or clandestine in any way. There are lots of positive examples of propaganda: Smokey the Bear, Hootie the Owl, and others (I didn't see them in the images, by the way). Propaganda has taken a sinister tone, but it is all around us, and we are subjected to it all the time.

People often tend to overlook the propaganda that they are most influenced by. Bad or negative propaganda (in terms of your particular world view) is obvious, the 'good' propaganda is just 'common sense' or helpful.
11/19/2003 03:37:19 PM · #27
Bottom line here IMHO, is that NOBODY interpreted this one correctly at all based on the majority of photo's. We should wipe the slate of this one and start with something else.
11/19/2003 04:56:09 PM · #28
Originally posted by FatWillie:

Bottom line here IMHO, is that NOBODY interpreted this one correctly at all based on the majority of photo's. We should wipe the slate of this one and start with something else.

Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.


or is the "The majority of photos".

There may be a lot of people where the propaganda is not evident to the viewer, but if you can't even see one photo there (as you stated NOBODY) then I think the misinterpretation is likely to be yours, as there are several there which are obvious propaganda (not mine as I never entered).
11/19/2003 09:19:11 PM · #29
Originally posted by FatWillie:

Bottom line here IMHO, is that NOBODY interpreted this one correctly at all based on the majority of photo's. We should wipe the slate of this one and start with something else.

Contrarywise, I think that almost all entries (except 3) interpreted this very well. Some of the pictures are wonderful some are modest (as a photo) but I have no complains to make as they didn't meet the challenge. What if you are trying to interpretate this in a very peculiar way and the rest of the entries don't meet YOUR ideea of propaganda?
As about the sad look of it, I have to desagree (I am in a very "disagreable" dispozition). I saw photos there that effectively made me laugh. Too bad I can't exemplify. But if you look carefully, you will find these ones out. There are at least 8 of them.
11/19/2003 11:11:57 PM · #30
Originally posted by Gordon:

People often tend to overlook the propaganda that they are most influenced by. Bad or negative propaganda (in terms of your particular world view) is obvious, the 'good' propaganda is just 'common sense' or helpful.

Effective propaganda is often taken for granted, and so seems benign. "Give a hoot; don't pollute!" is propaganda I grew up with, and when I saw the signs and commercials, I said to myself "duh! of course I don't want to pollute." But my mind was a little more made up on the subject every time I saw it (ideally).

Message edited by author 2003-11-19 23:15:14.
11/20/2003 06:24:20 PM · #31
I agree with Willie that this was a poor choice for a challenge. Maybe the worst one yet. I keep getting pm'd by one particular person who shall go nameless who can't seem to drop the subject. I was dq'd and I agreed with the decision. It is OVER, DONE, FINITE!! DROP IT!!!

11/20/2003 06:42:00 PM · #32
I am sorry to hear that Stewan. I noticed that there are 4 photos missing but I couldn't say which. I maybe better go and number my 10's and 9's to see if it was one of them.
11/20/2003 06:48:26 PM · #33
Originally posted by amazoneea:

I am sorry to hear that Stewan. I noticed that there are 4 photos missing but I couldn't say which. I maybe better go and number my 10's and 9's to see if it was one of them.

Just goes to show, you never know if how you personally interpret the challenge is within the given guidelines or not. Sometimes I think they take these topics a bit too literally.
11/20/2003 06:52:32 PM · #34
Here, here Steve:)
11/20/2003 07:17:21 PM · #35
I think that the person who is harassing you should take it easy. If you offended him, you probably did it unintentionally.
11/20/2003 08:38:05 PM · #36
2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
I got a lot of comments dont understand but propaganda is in everything today commercials, advertisement, specially media like right now with Micheal Jackson, I took a photograph my own view of trying to sell an idea with just the image cause an image can move anything.
"A picture says a 1000 words"
And I know this dont sound good or it may sound like a cop out excuse but I was extremely sick the last day of turning in a photo so I turned my best one in and gave a title that I am being judged about more so than my photo! Please people look into the picture not at the title! Is there always going to be a title or phrase in art galleries and museums?
11/20/2003 09:37:15 PM · #37
I am a marketing phd student and new to this site, so first of all HELLO ALL! Ami, I wanted quickly to comment on your contribution. I think when we look at advertising, is would be a gross injustice to the ubiquity of marketing to simply say that only a product is being sold. In my opinion, the particular product or content is entirely secondary to advertising's main purpose: to sell a lifestyle, provided it is one that can be enhanced materially. Advertising then IS then a kind of morality; it embodies, represents and recreates the modern ideal. Whether or not we are able to create a space outside of this cycle I think is the real question.
As far as the photographs go, I was also disappointed with what I have seen so far. Pictures of posters and magazines, recreations of certain ad campaigns, and overall not as much imagination and creativity that I have seen with the others challenges.


Originally posted by Ami Yuy:

My view on Propoganda when I took my photo was:

Advertising sells an product.
Propoganda sells an idea or moral.

I also don't think it just has to be political.

Some of the entries are just totally off-topic and if/when I vote they'll see it reflected...I'll try to comment, but it's that far off-topic, I won't waste my time.
11/21/2003 01:43:39 PM · #38
Propaganda is ''Publicity intended to persuade or convince people''

Very, very, few meet this categorey in the current challenge.

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