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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Help me pick a lens!
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04/05/2007 04:01:36 PM · #1
Hello everyone!
I would like to know what kind of lens I should buy to shoot in small rooms like a bathroom(it was the only small room I could think of on the spot)anyway I was thinking a wide angle would be best but I'm really not sure. And if a wide angle lens is best what should I get for my Rebel XT? I need some advice before I go out buying what I "think" will work. Please don't be shy I could use all the advice I can get.
04/05/2007 04:04:38 PM · #2
what are you shooting in the small room?
04/05/2007 04:12:02 PM · #3
Originally posted by I Enjoy Ham:

what are you shooting in the small room?

People, things I don't know what ever I can think of. Sorry this is so veg.
04/05/2007 04:12:46 PM · #4
I have seen some pretty big bathrooms, But if you are looking at wide angle, I would go for something between 10 and 20mm if you are going to be shooting in tight places.
04/05/2007 04:13:14 PM · #5
Fisheyes can be good for interiors, they have a different look than rectilinear wide angles. The Canon 15 fish isn't as 'fishy' on a crop sensor as it is on full frame, but it's still pretty wide so that would be a good choice.
04/05/2007 04:19:57 PM · #6
What about a wide angle converter lens? Are they any good?
04/05/2007 04:45:17 PM · #7
One word - no.
04/05/2007 04:50:06 PM · #8
Originally posted by MadMan2k:

One word - no.

Good to know. Thanks!
04/06/2007 08:22:56 AM · #9
If you have a standard kit lens, that will go to 18mm. This is pretty good, and if you are shooting people in the room, then 18mm is probably fine. However, if you need to go wider, the best bet is probably a 10-20 zoom.

I bought a cheapie fish-eye attachment for my old P&S, and it was great fun to use. It's actually pretty good quality. I tried all the fish-eye attachements in the local camera shop and they were all rubbish - very reputable shop, just no good attachments. Anyway, I got very lucky buying an untested one of Ebay Raynox fish-eye 0.4x converter. As I said, the quality of this one is very good compared to all the others I tried, but still nothing on an SLR image quality. Centre is actually not too bad, but the edges are blurry, and there is a bit of CA is there, but very small. I don't notice it in a 4x6 print. I got an adaptor to fit this to my 400D, and it's good for some fun snaps, but don't expect any great quality, and don't go pixel peeping. I think most of these are designed for video use, where you probably wouldn't see the faults much if at all.

So, it's a lot of fun, especially with a P&S camera, but as you have an SLR, even getting a good one, you are probably discerning enough to be dismayed by it's flaws. I should post a couple of samples though, just for fun.
04/06/2007 08:29:53 AM · #10
A great wide angle lens that would be perfect for your Rebel XT is the Tokina 12-24mm. There have been several other threads about this photo in the last few days, but it is a great lens. Built like a tank, sharp, reasonably fast and pretty good from a chromatic aberation standpoint.
04/06/2007 12:30:17 PM · #11
Tokina 12-24, or if thats not enough, Tokina 10-17 Fisheye.
04/06/2007 12:41:33 PM · #12
While you're considering may I chime in and ask about a good portrait lens?

Room is about 17 feet long 12 wide.

It's been suggested I get a 50mm fixed, but would that really be any better than my Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro?

04/06/2007 12:48:23 PM · #13
Originally posted by chesire:

While you're considering may I chime in and ask about a good portrait lens?

Room is about 17 feet long 12 wide.

It's been suggested I get a 50mm fixed, but would that really be any better than my Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro?

You can get the 50mm f/1.8 for something like $70, which is a great price for a lens like that. It is a much faster lens then the Sigma zoom and so will often work much better when shooting with available light indoors.

The other lens I like to use indoors is the 28mm f/2.8 from Canon, it is not as fast as the 50mm but I like the focal length better with my 1.6x crop camera.

04/06/2007 01:43:47 PM · #14
Originally posted by chesire:

While you're considering may I chime in and ask about a good portrait lens?

Room is about 17 feet long 12 wide.

It's been suggested I get a 50mm fixed, but would that really be any better than my Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro?

everyone needs a fast fifty...
04/06/2007 02:10:03 PM · #15
Canon 10-22 3.5-4.5 is the best/widest choice. It will give you nearly a 90 degree angle of view at 10mm - what that means in reality is you can stand in teh corner of a room and get BOTH walls to your right and left in the photo with you!

The Tokina 12-24 is the next option, but it's 20% less FOV offsets it's lower price, and it focuses a tad slower.

These images were all taken with the 10-22
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