Author | Thread |
12/03/2003 04:10:22 PM · #76 |
I will admit I don't like how much noise is in the picture, but I couldn't get the lighting right.
It may have been my worse score, but it got the most comments, and I find comments better than scores anyhow, but again it was filled with abunch of useless comments, people with no sense of humor, and people that looked way to deep into it.
12/03/2003 05:38:47 PM · #77 |
This photo (for the insect challenge) that I still think of as rather humorous was gratified with a last place and a score of 3.something.
12/03/2003 06:20:38 PM · #78 |
Here's mine:
Never had so much fun while taking an image, but because I didn't have enough light-sources available at that time, the quality was simply way too low so it was voted down :(
I have to retry it now that I have a better setup and the dog is grown-up a little.
12/04/2003 01:18:36 AM · #79 |
4.57 in the All Alone challenge.
I was rather disappointed with this, I rather liked the photo.
Thankfully, I've only had 2 sub-5.0 entries so far (fingers crossed).
12/04/2003 01:32:32 AM · #80 |
this is my lowest. 4.8 something... its jus not graceful enuff.
12/04/2003 03:04:04 AM · #81 |
My worst so far. This photo wasn't good enough to begin with and made worse with an ugly raised border. (if you're thinking of borders, stay clear of this one! Mind you that was my first entry back in the summer, and when nevered bother reading the forums. I've learned my lesson and I now read the forums and the comments on photos.
But my Money challenge is doing so bad. I think this one is sufferring from the I-must-have-an-entry-syndrome-no-matter-what. Although it's still doing better than my At rest entry.
12/17/2003 10:46:46 PM · #82 |
"don't you see god's face? or nixon
people hated this- it was kind of a joke but 5 people said "10"
oh yeah- average 3.1 |
12/17/2003 11:23:35 PM · #83 |
Tools 08/25/2003 4.378 218/256 15%
Before I wrote my Signature...
12/18/2003 01:50:57 AM · #84 |
Originally posted by sleekr:
4.57 in the All Alone challenge.
I was rather disappointed with this, I rather liked the photo.
Thankfully, I've only had 2 sub-5.0 entries so far (fingers crossed). |
Looks like my current 'Water' photo is definitely going to be my lowest. Pity, I liked the idea, I just couldnt get the lighting right.
I'll post the pic when the challenge is over (and I can probably proudly claim last place).
12/18/2003 02:00:14 AM · #85 |
Originally posted by achiral: in the spirit of nothing in particular, i thought it would be interesting to see everyone's worst photos. partly to see how far some people have come and partly to discuss what went wrong and why voters were turned off to a certain photo. |
Hehehe. Wait until the current voting period is over and I'll post mine. ;) |
12/18/2003 02:25:49 AM · #86 |
It was my lowest average in the "In the garden" challenge with 4,446. |
12/18/2003 07:46:04 AM · #87 |
Blur and noise were intentional, but not understood.
But I'm actually working on my lowest score in the vehicle challenge....go figure.
12/18/2003 10:43:26 AM · #88 |

Message edited by author 2003-12-18 11:07:42. |
12/18/2003 11:15:07 AM · #89 |
Entered into the garbage challenge.
I must have misinterpreted and entered a picture which was really garbage itself. LOL
4.695 It got what it deserved, or still too much. |
12/18/2003 12:00:07 PM · #90 |
This is mine:
From the self-portrait challenge (so no surprises on the low score I guess).
I didn't mind too much as I took this in a hotel room in Tours, France while on a business trip. The camera was balanced on a chair and I lit my face with a flashlight. Triggered the camera with my remote. Some of the outtakes are truly gruesome.
12/18/2003 12:14:46 PM · #91 |
My worse photo, but it was more of an intentional thing to go with it's subject. It was taken during a period of heavy anti-troll talk in the threads.
For those who don't know Mageknight, those figures are trolls. And the blurred object in front is the barrel to the turret of the dwarven tank.
12/18/2003 01:19:47 PM · #92 |
As soon as the Vehicles challenge is over I will post mine. My score is currently only at 3.9. :-(
12/18/2003 05:27:47 PM · #93 |
the vehicles challenge is my first one to enter and I was sad at my low score..kind of expecting a low score..but still sad..but it seems like a lot of people are getting low scores on this challenge... |
09/08/2004 07:53:29 AM · #94 |
Found this thread and decided to add mine. I must have been drunk or something. (Hangs head in shame)
Message edited by author 2004-09-08 07:54:09.
09/08/2004 08:04:45 AM · #95 |
and I wasnt even drunk ... :)
I still think it got higher than it deserved its just a bad photo
but hey I learned something from it :D
Try to keep your subjects in focus :)
09/08/2004 08:09:37 AM · #96 |
I must have taken a leave of my senses to have even considered this one:-
4th from last, and more than well-deserved.
09/08/2004 08:10:53 AM · #97 |
In all honesty, I tried to withdraw it before the challenge, but the buttons didn't work. But now I have this lovely dolphin in my portfolio!
09/08/2004 08:19:03 AM · #98 |
Words Challenge
Nothing written, most folks didn't think it met the challenge, right on. |
09/08/2004 09:10:05 AM · #99 |
From my third challenge entry in "Shadows II":
09/08/2004 09:10:29 AM · #100 |
4.008 What was I thinking? (still looking for that BIG 6.0)
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