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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> 9-11 : Conspiracy Theory
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04/30/2007 01:58:23 AM · #1
I am sure the subject caught your fancy and generated a range of emotions for the varied lot that you all are. But take a few minutes and just read through and perhaps help me understand things better.

I am an Indian. Have never visited the US but have interacted with your fellow brethren many times. I was anchored in front of a television too on that fateful day when the twin towers collapsed.

My point - Have any of you seen the numerous documentaries that have been made on the conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11. I for one saw 'Farenheit 9/11' and was impressed with it. But I noticed that it didnt do much to the American people's conscience. All the hype about it was more commercial than anything else. And plus Mr. Moore followed it up with some really stupid stuff on television. I can see how that lost credibility.

But more recently I saw this one called 'Loose Change' which seems to have left a much deeper impression on me. What it is is a bunch of amateurs who are not seeking recognition or fame but just stating well researched facts. And followed it up with some really incriminating evidence. I see how the whole terror angle has worked so well from Mr. Bush's point of view wherein the constant hypnotism has led to the citizens of US readily accepting his theories without question but not ready to even listen to other theories which I believe hold more water.

Maybe coming from a mentality which doesent readily accept theories at face value I can say that sitting here in my room thousands of miles away, but since I have been a part of only this community on the Internet I thought I would bring it up for an amicable discussion with you folks since you all are right there in the middle of it all and what you all think on it.

Why is it that Americans who are so 'terrified' of terrorist acts still have gun laws which defy the very basis of these fears? Why is it that in numerous documentaries I see Administration taking such a defensive stance and a very clandestine approach to people who just want to ask questions to the government?

Maybe I am going a bit far with this.. but what are your views? What do you think of all these theories cropping up? How much attention would you give to people who hold a banner in front of Ground Zero reading '9-11 was an inside job' ?

Message edited by author 2007-04-30 02:02:32.
04/30/2007 02:11:41 AM · #2
I think the reason that some people of the world don't understand america and american behavior is because they aren't as obsessed with wealth and greed. I think if you want to find the root causes for american actions you need to follow the $ signs.

Message edited by author 2007-04-30 02:13:22.
04/30/2007 04:54:36 AM · #3
3 hours and 1 reply.

I guess its a point of conversation which must have been done to death amongst the americans. Anyhow the conspiracy theories only seem to be emerging here about now. Which do leave us in a state of shock and amazement.

I guess following the $$ trail is right.
04/30/2007 07:28:36 AM · #4
Originally posted by saurabhv:

3 hours and 1 reply.

I guess its a point of conversation which must have been done to death amongst the americans. Anyhow the conspiracy theories only seem to be emerging here about now. Which do leave us in a state of shock and amazement.

I guess following the $$ trail is right.

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the simple concept of time zones before you disparage sleeping americans with your condescension.
04/30/2007 01:19:15 PM · #5
Originally posted by KaDi:

Originally posted by saurabhv:

3 hours and 1 reply.

I guess its a point of conversation which must have been done to death amongst the americans. Anyhow the conspiracy theories only seem to be emerging here about now. Which do leave us in a state of shock and amazement.

I guess following the $$ trail is right.

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the simple concept of time zones before you disparage sleeping americans with your condescension.

Ah I do know the time zones and maybe I think I was a little too rude in my remarks. My apologies on the condascending remarks.

I shall sit back and observe for a week. That should be enough time for all the world to reply, even the norwegians eh?

I'm just looking to learn more about them... not disparage. So maybe I was not very clear in my message or so to say wise in picking my words.
04/30/2007 04:09:36 PM · #6
Your thoughts echo those that I have on a daily basis.

What I find most interesting is how violently opposed to the idea of "Conspiracy" most people are. The word is thrown about like a slur anytime someone ventures to question the "information" that we are fed by the government and media. All this despite the constant stream of corruption and scandal that comes from these "sources".

I'm not sure what the source of denial is, whether it be pride or just brainwashing; but many people get violently upset at the idea our own government could have been involved. It's been my experience that a lot of these people have not really researched the evidence nor bothered to look beyond the incomplete "proof" that has been provided by our leaders.

The fact is that the story provided by our government is nothing more than a "Conspiracy Theory". And frankly, one that doesn't hold much water in my mind.

In observing the phenomenon, I've noticed that a lot of people had a sense that something just wasn't quite right about the story. Unfortunately, in their haste to get their ideas out they came up with some pretty hair-brained accusations and behaviors, which tainted the credibility of the entire "9-11 Conspiracy Theory" crowd. It's also frustrating because so much of the evidence was destroyed; and the people who feel like something is wrong are left to so much speculation.

If you found those videos interesting, I suggest you take a look at some of the more recent productions. A good place to start is Scholars for 911 Truth.

It's also a good idea to consider the debunking opinions; although they have done nothing except solidify my convictions that 9-11 was a catastrophic hoax.

As far as our gun laws are considered. The right to bear arms is a vital part of our Constitution. There was a recent thread about this subject which covers it pretty well. The current regime has already worked to strip us of so many Constitutional rights that I fear we are very vulnerable to fascism. The best way to get us to give up this one would to be to create an atmosphere of fear with workplace and school shootings. If our society slips into chaos or oppression, I want to be able to defend myself.

If you don't get a lot of response, it's probably because those of us who feel so strongly, one way or another, have argued this topic to death and it usually gets ugly, with no one changing their mind. I really do wish that everyone would spend some time researching it more, though. There are so many unanswered questions.

Message edited by author 2007-05-02 06:20:17.
04/30/2007 05:01:14 PM · #7
Originally posted by KaDi:

Originally posted by saurabhv:

3 hours and 1 reply.

I guess its a point of conversation which must have been done to death amongst the americans. Anyhow the conspiracy theories only seem to be emerging here about now. Which do leave us in a state of shock and amazement.

I guess following the $$ trail is right.

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the simple concept of time zones before you disparage sleeping americans with your condescension.

That or learn how to use the search feature on the forums and see that this topic has been discussed at length several times here. Most of have heard they arguement and are quite bored with it. Do a little diging on the internet and all of their conspiracy theories are pretty clearly disputed, if your mind is open enough to think that it's possible that terrorist actually did cause all the damage. Gotta go make some money now...
04/30/2007 05:46:30 PM · #8
Originally posted by LoudDog:

Do a little digging on the internet and all of their conspiracy theories are pretty clearly disputed, if your mind is open enough to think that it's possible that terrorist actually did cause all the damage.

I agree with that, and I'll add that a government staged hoax would not have left the president sitting in a kindergarten class with a bewildered look on his face. Unfortunately, the administration's handling of events and policies since then has probably harmed our country as much or more than the terrorists themselves (and certainly cost more lives). Anyone who believes in a conspiracy need look no further than Hurricane Katrina or Iraq to know that the current administration simply isn't capable of planning or orchestrating anything. :-(

The most common argument I hear against banning guns in the U.S. (aside from the fact that it's a right guaranteed by the constitution) is that there are already so many available that it wouldn't stop crime. Of course, there are FAR more guns available now than at any point in the past, and we've even allowed the ban on assault weapons to lapse (see previous paragraph). So the idea is apparently that we must have more guns to defend ourselves against more gun crimes. :-/
05/01/2007 11:23:23 AM · #9
Originally posted by scalvert:

I agree with that, and I'll add that a government staged hoax would not have left the president sitting in a kindergarten class with a bewildered look on his face. Unfortunately, the administration's handling of events and policies since then has probably harmed our country as much or more than the terrorists themselves (and certainly cost more lives). Anyone who believes in a conspiracy need look no further than Hurricane Katrina or Iraq to know that the current administration simply isn't capable of planning or orchestrating anything. :-(

My thoughts exactly. Conspiracy would imply intelligence and fore-thought this administration doesn't have.
05/01/2007 12:14:58 PM · #10
For those who say, basically, that Bush and "this government" have proven they're not CAPABLE of orchestrating such a conspiracy, I'd just remark, for the sake of argument, that nothing in the 9/11 conspiracy theories requires that BUSH be part of the conspiracy. In fact, it would be unlikely that he was. The more-likely conspirators would be the military, the CIA, and such; they aren't dependent upon the whims of elections, so they have a much broader timeframe in which to coalesce and conspire.

05/01/2007 05:37:11 PM · #11
Originally posted by saurabhv:

Ah I do know the time zones and maybe I think I was a little too rude in my remarks. My apologies on the condascending remarks.

I shall sit back and observe for a week. That should be enough time for all the world to reply, even the norwegians eh?

I'm just looking to learn more about them... not disparage. So maybe I was not very clear in my message or so to say wise in picking my words.

May I commend you on your excellent and amusing apology.
05/01/2007 10:02:00 PM · #12
Could someone please provide me with Coca-Cola's official recipe and current marketing strategy?
05/01/2007 10:10:05 PM · #13
Originally posted by scalvert:

......more gun crimes. :-/

What is a "gun crime" exactly?
05/01/2007 11:07:45 PM · #14
Titanic was a cover up too!
05/01/2007 11:21:41 PM · #15
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Could someone please provide me with Coca-Cola's official recipe and current marketing strategy?

I assume you're headed back to this thread so might as well post it now to get people caught up. Mind Control...Don't believe it? Then it's working.

Btw, your Scholars for 911 Truth link points to the DPC rules page. I haven't heard of the DPC mind control conspiracy yet but maybe there is one!
05/01/2007 11:36:21 PM · #16
Originally posted by yanko:

Btw, your Scholars for 911 Truth link points to the DPC rules page. I haven't heard of the DPC mind control conspiracy yet but maybe there is one!

yes there is one! each time i held up the camera to compose an "artistic" shot, my mind started telling me the limits of what items i could (or could not) later remove from the original composition during post-processing! it is becoming a problem because i didnt intend to use that photo on DPC... i think it's all thanks to the DPC-rules mind control conspiracy! :P

Message edited by author 2007-05-01 23:37:13.
05/01/2007 11:38:31 PM · #17
I'm not sure about 9-11. I have watched loose change, and it really does bring up some good points, but I don't know if they finish connecting the dots. Being and ex news photographer in Oklahoma City I am not quick to discount these conspiracy theories after all I have seen in connection with the 1995 oklahoma city bombing. Jayna davis and stephen jones claimed for years that there was an FBI informant involved with those who planned the event. It was only last year that documents... hard evidence was released that their claims were in fact true. Not to mention there is a john doe #2 still walking around who was identified my a number of people. Not to mention many, many other pieces of evidence that solidly show the truth. There is a cover up involved in the murrah building bombing. No question in my mind. Does that relate to 9-11? I'm not sure, I think only time will tell.

05/02/2007 06:36:08 AM · #18
Originally posted by yanko:

Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Could someone please provide me with Coca-Cola's official recipe and current marketing strategy?

I assume you're headed back to this thread so might as well post it now to get people caught up. Mind Control...Don't believe it? Then it's working.

Btw, your Scholars for 911 Truth link points to the DPC rules page. I haven't heard of the DPC mind control conspiracy yet but maybe there is one!

LOL, Thanks for pointing out the bad link. I've been having problems with my copy and paste function. Scholars for 9-11 Truth

My point about Coca-Cola is simply that with particular motivation a huge organization is capable of keeping secrets and manipulating public opinion. I can't remember everything that was said in that thread, but I'm pretty sure my views haven't changed.

I don't mind being ridiculed by people who see it differently. My predictions about the disastrous activities of the Bush Administration have been right since Day 1, and I've been speaking out about how I feel since I was the minority. Just for the record (again). In my mind it's not a "Bush Conspiracy". I believe it goes much deeper and farther into history than that. But I do believe that with the right incentives a man such as Bush is perfectly capable of portraying himself as a bumbling idiot.

Originally posted by LoudDog:

Titanic was a cover up too!

Here's another debunking site. I can't believe some people actually think the Earth is round.

Flat Earth Society

Message edited by author 2007-05-02 06:47:47.
05/02/2007 11:36:45 AM · #19
Originally posted by saurabhv:

3 hours and 1 reply.

I guess its a point of conversation which must have been done to death amongst the americans. Anyhow the conspiracy theories only seem to be emerging here about now. Which do leave us in a state of shock and amazement.

I guess following the $$ trail is right.

Another thing you have to realize is that this is not the first thread on this topic, either directly or peripherally. It is a subject that has been hashed out several times. I invite you to take a cruise through the rant forums, when you have several hours, and read all the 'government' related threads.
05/02/2007 01:08:59 PM · #20
Originally posted by "saurabhv":

My point - Have any of you seen the numerous documentaries that have been made on the conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11. I for one saw 'Farenheit 9/11' and was impressed with it.

Yes, I saw F911. And as I watched it I was easily able to discount 90% of the film. There is also an immense amount of disingenuous presentation and flat out lies. (example: the cruise missile quote, something to the effect of "It looked like a cruise missile flying low to the ground." I later saw the entire quote of the man who's comment was that he saw the airliner. It was flying low and I was shocked to see an commercial liner so low. And then it flew into the Pentagon. It looked like a cruise missile or something the way it flew."

So Michael Moore conveniently chopped things up and mis-quoted people to make his propumentary say what he wanted. If you spend about an hour or so on google you can pretty much discount 90% of what that film portrayed as false, misleading or inaccurate. He quotes numerous things as fact, when they are in fact not.

I've also seen a few other conspiracy films. Most are easily disproved.

Originally posted by "saurabhv":

I see how the whole terror angle has worked so well from Mr. Bush's point of view wherein the constant hypnotism has led to the citizens of US readily accepting his theories without question but not ready to even listen to other theories which I believe hold more water.

If you think it's without question then you should really visit the states. *lol* That said, there is a whole in NYC where two of the tallest buildings use to reside. Most everything in such conspiracy videos is easily disproved. And usually poorly researched. As for there not being any seeking recognition. Many of them are student projects for extremely liberal teachers by extremely liberal students. So there is often quite a political agenda.


I'll point out a case in point. I have watched a number of 911 conspiracy documentaries. Most spend an immense amount of time focusing on how the buildings a) look like a demolition collapse and b) how fire could never have melted cement and steal. They quote (often misquote) a few people and shout..."See, the towers had to be brought down with some explosives."

When in fact, the towers were brought down by gravity. When people see demolitions of buildings. The buildings are not brought down by explosives but by gravity. Explosives are just used to remove the strength that supports the buildings allowing them to collapse. The cascading collapse effect is all from gravity.

Where the importance of demolitions comes in is in how the buildings collapse. And to control that collapse so that the debris falls where it is desired. This sometimes means collapsing a building from the center out. From the left side to the ride side. Or to ensure it collapses uniformly so that it comes straight down. This is for when a building might be surrounded by other structures.

Mind you, the idea of the building structure maintaining it's structure and falling sideways is not really a outcome for such buildings. (Though could be for say an steel radio antenna.)

So the mainly straight down collapse of WTC towers does not demonostrate that it was professionally demolished. Just that gravity still works as it normally does.

Now, the the second part of the question is WHY DID THE TOWERS COLLAPSE. And I've heard numerous times in conspiracy films on how impossible it is for fire to have collapsed the towers. However such is merely ignorance speaking. And the much quoted "Who ever heard of fire melting steel!" comment is merely stupidity uttered into vocal form. ANYONE who has ever worked in forming steel knows that the way you work steel is by melting it with fire. (Though water is quite good at cutting it.)

Usually we're quoted a temperature that jet fuel burns versus the temperature that steel melts. But we're not giving the full facts.

a) There was more than just jet fuel - there was also numerous other flammable materials in the WTC
b) it was a semi-enclosed environment, therefore the heat that was being generated was not able to be fully released.
c) the steel was under immense strain as it was load bearing supports. The steel did not need to be melted for the towers to collapse. Rather, it's structural integrity needed to simply be lessened. The weight of the load being born would then collapse the steel supports.

Now let us consider for the sake of those who still doubt that fire can melt steel. Let me point you to Exhibit A: //www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/29/highway.collapse.ap/index.html

Please note that the overpass constructed of steel and cement has collapsed from a gasoline fire. I'd also wager that the steel beams involved in an overpassed have a large size-to-load ratio than those of a building, because a bridge is designed to handle additional placement load of car and 18-wheelers as well. Thus I'd imagine that an empty bridge has good structure to load ratio.

Seeing as fire cannot melt steel (this has been told to me repeatedly by 911 Conspiracists); we must look to another explanation for the bridge's collapse. I propose to you that the bridge collapse was not due to the fire and the tanker (that was just random chance) but due to a localized earthquake that only affected the bridge.


Please, I am tired of being accused of ignorance, hypnotised, etc. When I have a much better brain on my shoulders than those making these grossly inaccurate conspiracy films.

Originally posted by "saurabhv":

but not ready to even listen to other theories which I believe hold more water.

You assume that we aren't ready to even listen. This is far from the truth. In fact, at first I was caught by the hype of these conspiracy videos. As were many of my friends. But then I researched what they said and found them utterly full of falsehoods, misconclusions, etc.

And have used rational intelligence to eliminate the validity of most. Why? Because they DO NOT hold water when weighed against the facts.

Originally posted by "saurabhv":

Why is it that Americans who are so 'terrified' of terrorist acts still have gun laws which defy the very basis of these fears?

Please show me the terrorist act that used a gun? Why do I support gun laws? Because it is my final defense against threats to my family. Be it terrorist, state or otherwise.

Realize, had a single armed law-abiding citizen been on those planes. The WTC towers would still be standing today.

Originally posted by "briantammy":

I think if you want to find the root causes for american actions you need to follow the $ signs.

This is always put forth. But I will put forth the level and lifestyle of our impoverished class, those in poverty. Most of whom own cars. A large portion have color TVs, cable, Xboxes and more. We do have homeless and those with nothing. Some fall on hard straits but there are many programs of assistance. Many of those who remain at such levels do so because of addiction (drugs and alcohol).

Compare this to the greed of many countries. Look at the disparity of princes and dictators over the commoner in most countries. There poor rubbage through garbage dumps. There rich in exhuberance. Their commoners in small abodes with few commodities. Sure we have our Bill Gates and Al Gores in their mansions. They live a nicer life than me and the average American. But most Americans have a decent living situation as compared to much of the world.

But much of America's success has been derived from it's freedoms and ingeniuty. Take the middle-east. It is in a poor state of affairs economically. Though extremely rich and wealthy as nations go. But the wealth is not re-invested into society and only benefits a small select few. The leaders spend more time preaching hatred toward their neighbors, and especially toward Israel.

However, were the middle-eastern oil companies to have put aside their hate and all worked together. Between the cash influx from their oil reserves and all the scientific and technical expertise Israel received post-WWII and post-Soviet Union. The two could have worked together for prosperity. Had enough food to feed everyone. Re-forested the entire middle-east. And been an economic power to rival either the U.S., EU or Asia market. In America, although we have exceedingly wealthy individuals. Much of the wealth is re-invested into the economy for the benefit of all. (ie: as rich as Bill Gates is, his monies get used furthering other economic interests, creating jobs, etc thus raising the standard of living for all).

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

What I find most interesting is how violently opposed to the idea of "Conspiracy" most people are.

You want a building conspiracy. I'll give you one. "Oklahoma City Bombing". Yup, I believe there was a lot more conspiracy and screw-up there. And more still keeps emerging. Of course we executed the main witness as quickly as we could. Probably the shortest time anyone ever stayed on death row.

You want another conspiracy. The government cover-up of TWA Flight 800 being shot down.

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

The word is thrown about like a slur anytime someone ventures to question the "information" that we are fed by the government and media.

Oh, I question it all the time. In truth, I'd say there is a trend more so that if other don't agree we accuse them of not questioning. We seldom give the benefit of the doubt that they have questioned and concluded differently. (Sometimes right, sometimes wrong, and sometimes with a mixed result.)

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

I'm not sure what the source of denial is, whether it be pride or just brainwashing; but many people get violently upset at the idea our own government could have been involved. It's been my experience that a lot of these people have not really researched the evidence nor bothered to look beyond the incomplete "proof" that has been provided by our leaders.

On the flip side, I think conspiracy theories need to be looked at very carefully. Conspiratists often want to find a conspiracy. It is my experience that a lot of these people have not really researched the evidence nor bothered to look beyond the emotional mis-informed rhetoric.


Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

The fact is that the story provided by our government is nothing more than a "Conspiracy Theory".

Really, and the phone calls that said what was going on. The large mirrors hiding the WTC towers so people just think they're gone. *lol*

Are there some gaps of clarity. Of course....but there is substantial evidence to support the basic premise.

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

In observing the phenomenon, I've noticed that a lot of people had a sense that something just wasn't quite right about the story.

Of course... and I might add a lot of people have hated the current administration with such passion that they will accept the wildest ideas off-hand if for no other reason than to be in opposition to the present administration.

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

Unfortunately, in their haste to get their ideas out they came up with some pretty hair-brained accusations and behaviors, which tainted the credibility of the entire "9-11 Conspiracy Theory" crowd.

If we're going to make accusations. Can we at least make accusations. The above sentence is akin to me saying "Well, everyone knows that Langdon is certifiably insane." But not providing anything to assert that statement.

Originally posted by "scalvert":

I agree with that, and I'll add that a government staged hoax would not have left the president sitting in a kindergarten class with a bewildered look on his face. Unfortunately, the administration's handling of events and policies since then has probably harmed our country as much or more than the terrorists themselves (and certainly cost more lives). Anyone who believes in a conspiracy need look no further than Hurricane Katrina or Iraq to know that the current administration simply isn't capable of planning or orchestrating anything. :-(


Very much akin to my response to the conspiracists who believe we never landed on the moon. "If we never landed on the moon, I am sure the Soviet Union would have made sure such a fact was known."

And in fact, I do believe we've bongled most of what has followed. :(

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

I don't mind being ridiculed by people who see it differently. My predictions about the disastrous activities of the Bush Administration have been right since Day 1, and I've been speaking out about how I feel since I was the minority.

Since when has this attitude been in the minority? Not for a number of years.


See here is my issue with the conspiracy theories. I believe that without a doubt commercial airliners were used as bombs. They caused the destruction of the WTC towers. They were hijacked by islamic extremists.

So pretty much any conspiracy theory that goes against such basic premises I am pretty inclined to dismiss. However, were someone to express that another entity helped assist in some fashion behind the scenes. I would not be completely disinclined to such. I might feel there is not substantial evidence to make a good case but not an impossibility.

Some might put forth that elites behind the scenes (far beyond the Bushes, Clintons, etc)... for isntance the same puppets said to be behind Lincoln & JFk's assassinations, and the string pullers of the Federal Reserve - perhaps such were involved in manipulating things in some fashion.

(I will confess that it was rather interesting that the entire story of 9-11 can be expressed in order by using a standard folding technique of Federal Reserve Notes.)

But any aspect of conspiracy I think are far above the mere implementation of the events. Which is what every conspiracy film has focused on.

If I were to wager on a conspiracy I would say it is a conspiracy on the part of evilness in the world (Satan for Judeo-Christians, perhaps bad karma, evil spirits, or the Birds (Heinlein reference).

Originally posted by "greatandsmall":

Here's another debunking site. I can't believe some people actually think the Earth is round.

Ironically, the knowledge that the world was round and not flat was pretty well know. The greeks new. And it was even known within Europe throughout the ages. The concept is nigh impossible not to realize to sailors. It's the reason one sends a man up the mast to the look-out. Builds tall towers to see farther.

Most are taught that Columbus was called crazy because he thought the earth was round. This really wasn't the case. The issue was that most believed the world to be larger than Columbus did. And did not feel a voyage could be made. And guess what... THEY WERE RIGHT!!!!!!

Had Columbus set sail for India and the America's not been in the way. He'd have been lost at see and the voyage a failure. Thankfully, he ran into land. Those in the know were correct, the distance was too far for the journey. They just didn't realize there was a very large hotel in the middle of the ocean.

05/02/2007 01:13:18 PM · #21
Just for humor....

"Structural engineers who designed the Twin Towers carried out studies in the mid-1960s to determine how the buildings would fare if hit by large jetliners. In all cases the studies concluded that the Towers would survive the impacts and fires caused by the jetliners."

Remember, such experts also claimed the Titanic was unsinkable. It is very hard to determine what designs will survive a tragic encounter. Especially when it is a mono-design (only one built).

The real world has repeatedly proved experts wrong. And will continue to do so.

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."

Hmm, usually such netting is tied up in order to hold it. Doesn't sound like a very convincing argument to me. *lol*

Message edited by author 2007-05-02 13:17:21.
05/02/2007 02:53:26 PM · #22
Originally posted by theSaj:

Remember, such experts also claimed the Titanic was unsinkable. It is very hard to determine what designs will survive a tragic encounter. Especially when it is a mono-design (only one built).

Did the Titanic sink, or was it the Olympic???

But seriously, I am going through a dangerous patch of agreement with you on this. The 9-11 conspiracy theories are utterly ridiculous.

I would point out that finding a high point to observe further has nothing to do with the curvature of the Earth.

Message edited by author 2007-05-02 14:53:53.
05/02/2007 07:10:19 PM · #23
Originally posted by Matthew:

But seriously, I am going through a dangerous patch of agreement with you on this. The 9-11 conspiracy theories are utterly ridiculous.

Someone better get a photo of the flying pigs!
05/02/2007 07:35:53 PM · #24
Originally posted by Matthew:

Originally posted by theSaj:

Remember, such experts also claimed the Titanic was unsinkable. It is very hard to determine what designs will survive a tragic encounter. Especially when it is a mono-design (only one built).

Did the Titanic sink, or was it the Olympic???

But seriously, I am going through a dangerous patch of agreement with you on this. The 9-11 conspiracy theories are utterly ridiculous.

I would point out that finding a high point to observe further has nothing to do with the curvature of the Earth.

*breaks open a couple bottles of beer*

This is the second thread in which Matthew and I are in agreement!

(For people who don't know mine and Matthew's habit of butting heads. Drink all the beer you have. This may be a sign that the apocalypse has drawn nigh.)
05/02/2007 07:36:54 PM · #25
Originally posted by LoudDog:

Originally posted by Matthew:

But seriously, I am going through a dangerous patch of agreement with you on this. The 9-11 conspiracy theories are utterly ridiculous.

Someone better get a photo of the flying pigs!

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