Author | Thread |
06/04/2007 02:17:32 PM · #1 |
06/04/2007 02:21:00 PM · #2 |
wow, i couldn't' watch that...people make me sick. |
06/04/2007 02:21:24 PM · #3 |
pretty sick stuff. What part of what culture or religion makes people think this is acceptable? |
06/04/2007 02:24:31 PM · #4 |
That is the worst thing I have ever seen on the internet.
I seriously think you should remove that link due to the fact that we do have minors use this forum... |
06/04/2007 02:25:53 PM · #5 |
I don't think the link should be removed. There is a warning. Minors can find this sort of stuff anywhere... and there is much worse stuff on the internet.
On the subject... it's so sad. So much hate for love. It's all backwards.
Message edited by author 2007-06-04 14:26:25. |
06/04/2007 02:26:02 PM · #6 |
I've flagged the original post as containing adult content, so there should be no confusion over the nature of the link.
06/04/2007 02:34:17 PM · #7 |
I am sorry i didn't saw the link ... Press the play button in the bottom of the screen and not in the midle of the screen..
If you believe that this post must be moved , i will do it .I am sorry for the cruelty..
Message edited by author 2007-06-04 14:36:32. |
06/04/2007 03:06:35 PM · #8 |
It was on CNN a while ago and it should be viewed so the world can see how barbaric that culture is over there!
Animals! |
06/04/2007 07:58:00 PM · #9 |
well my curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on it, all I can say in this day and age the act of what their doing does not surprise me in the least. I have friends in the military (cdn and us) and must say Ive seen some pretty nasty stuff thanks to them, but this is truly disturbing and unforgivable in my eyes for those that took part and those that stood by and did nothing.
going to stop here before I relay go off the deep end.
-dave |
06/06/2007 07:14:43 PM · #10 |
The lowest bowls of Hell is reserved for those men and all like them that would stop a young ladies life out and finish her off with smashing a cinder block on her head. I do not envy what is in store for them at all. I almost threw up...the rage that this brings from seeing it is almost overwhelming. If I continue to talk it will make it worse. Even the Bible says to turn the other check...but for people like this I might just want to go Old Testament on them and bring back the tooth for a tooth mentality. |
06/06/2007 07:21:46 PM · #11 |
thats just so messed up
Message edited by author 2007-06-06 19:23:32. |
06/06/2007 07:25:12 PM · #12 |
06/06/2007 07:32:22 PM · #13 |
that deeply disturbs me..
In a time when the USA is trying to *bring democracy* to the Middle East, we need to stop and look at stuff like this and realize that it is not democracy we need to help them with, its the separation of church and state. The laws of most Middle Eastern countries allow for *Honor Killings* for adulterous wives and promiscuous daughters. The UN (or whoever) should make it so that all nations must remove religion from their legal system. I am a religious person, so don't bash me for hating on religions of the world, I just think they have their place, and its not in a legal system that allows murder of innocent children. |
06/06/2007 07:41:42 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by aerogurl: that deeply disturbs me..
In a time when the USA is trying to *bring democracy* to the Middle East, we need to stop and look at stuff like this and realize that it is not democracy we need to help them with, its the separation of church and state. The laws of most Middle Eastern countries allow for *Honor Killings* for adulterous wives and promiscuous daughters. The UN (or whoever) should make it so that all nations must remove religion from their legal system. I am a religious person, so don't bash me for hating on religions of the world, I just think they have their place, and its not in a legal system that allows murder of innocent children. |
Or maybe we need to stop "helping" them. |
06/06/2007 07:47:49 PM · #15 |
Could not watch it.
don't know if i'll sleep tonight.
We live in a sick sick world
if this is what Bush is trying to stop then for the first time i support him.
Kev |
06/06/2007 08:15:26 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by kevrobertson: Could not watch it.
don't know if i'll sleep tonight.
We live in a sick sick world
if this is what Bush is trying to stop then for the first time i support him.
Kev |
yikes. have to disagree with you there, don't think Bush gives a damn, he's got bigger fish to fry. If he was so nobel he's be in Darfur.
Things have gotten worse over there. There is more tention and civil war because of our presence... sigh. but lets not get into that....
Message edited by author 2007-06-06 20:15:51. |
06/06/2007 08:18:27 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by TechnoShroom: Originally posted by aerogurl: that deeply disturbs me..
In a time when the USA is trying to *bring democracy* to the Middle East, we need to stop and look at stuff like this and realize that it is not democracy we need to help them with, its the separation of church and state. The laws of most Middle Eastern countries allow for *Honor Killings* for adulterous wives and promiscuous daughters. The UN (or whoever) should make it so that all nations must remove religion from their legal system. I am a religious person, so don't bash me for hating on religions of the world, I just think they have their place, and its not in a legal system that allows murder of innocent children. |
Or maybe we need to stop "helping" them. |
It's not just adulterers and the like. This happens when a women gets raped too.
And yes, agreed. We need to get out. I don't think we are doing any good. |
06/06/2007 09:04:39 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by TechnoShroom:
Or maybe we need to stop "helping" them. |
They obviously look like they need some serious help to me. This is not the way normal human beings act and we as civilized citizens of the world should not allow such to happen. I'm liberal, I know WE should not be the world police, but some organization needs to. Look at Darfur, Northern Korea, the Middle East.. Genocide, Murder, Rape, you name it, its happening.. and NOT doing something is Allowing it to continue. We need out of Iraq, but that has nothing to do with what I am saying. Its like a tree falling in the woods, does anyone really hear? Well I HEAR THIS GIRL, and I want to save others like her... and it frustrates me that I can not. I cant turn my back and pretend this isnt happening all over the world,can you?
Message edited by author 2007-06-06 21:08:02. |
06/06/2007 09:56:35 PM · #19 |
nobody needs help from the united states. everybody can take care of themselves. they don't need our presence, they don't want it, why should we bother? why should we assume any place else in the world would need or want what we have, or go through what the US went through to get where it is. obviously, somewhere, it's the US and Bush's fault that girl was killed. is there any chance that our being outside our borders is doing any good in the world anywhere? if there is, is that good enough to justify all the bad that we cause? really. we should just stop helping and just come home. completely. we can't get it right when we try, or we try for the wrong reasons. we should just stop trying. we should just let the rest of the world be. maybe if we did, then there wouldn't be any problems anywhere anymore... |
06/06/2007 10:01:43 PM · #20 |
That was committed by the people Bush considers the "good guys"
bah..I dont want to continue this, it pisses me off too much.
Message edited by author 2007-06-06 22:04:29. |
06/06/2007 10:06:42 PM · #21 |
yeah, look at all the problems going on in the world. genocide, murder, rape, human rights trampled relentlessly. we can't do anything about it. not a damn thing. we can complain until the cows come home, but we're never going to fix any of it. might as well quit trying. even suggesting a solution just pisses people off. |
06/06/2007 11:29:04 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by Skip: nobody needs help from the united states. everybody can take care of themselves. they don't need our presence, they don't want it, why should we bother? why should we assume any place else in the world would need or want what we have, or go through what the US went through to get where it is. obviously, somewhere, it's the US and Bush's fault that girl was killed. is there any chance that our being outside our borders is doing any good in the world anywhere? if there is, is that good enough to justify all the bad that we cause? really. we should just stop helping and just come home. completely. we can't get it right when we try, or we try for the wrong reasons. we should just stop trying. we should just let the rest of the world be. maybe if we did, then there wouldn't be any problems anywhere anymore... |
you need to look at IF we are helping. I think now. And no one said her death was bush's fault. Although a look at what's going on I think we caused a lot of damage. |
06/07/2007 02:07:39 AM · #23 |
I think the video of the stoning is indeed very barbaric... I couldn't see it all... I uploaded it in my blog because I think that everyone has to know and be concerned about things that happening in our world... The internation pressure to Kurdistan Regional Government (Northern Iraq) after the release of this and other like this videos forced them to arrest the murderers... Otherwise they would have get away with this... There is information that even policeman were there during the event and they didn't do anything...
I have to point out some things:
1. Even though Honor killings exist in Islam too, the religion of the Yezidi tribe (The girl's tribe) is not islamic... It is a very old religion influenced by Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, ancient Iraqi Buzzard and both Islam and Christianism... Of course the influence of islam is heavy...
2. Even though I am against Bush's policy in the Middle East, It is obvious that this horrific event it is not his fault... From the other hand Western policy in the region was to keep poor and uneducated all the nations of the region and mainly the ones that had petrol, for obvious reasons... It is funny but the richer in petrol is a nation of this area the poorest and uneducated its population is... As western countries we supported specific leaders to achieve that... (Saddam was originally an American ally in the area) ... or our policy in other countries led to rise of theocratic regims as a reaction of the population (Iran)
When we have a poor and uneducated mass we have results like the ones you watched in this video...
I hope you will forgive me for my English...
06/07/2007 02:16:55 AM · #24 |
I did not click the link, but I can only imagine. Not to hijack the thread, but moments like this make me think long and hard about a passage written by CS Lewis.
"And, of course, that raises a very big question. If a good God made the world why has it gone wrong? And for many years [when I was an atheist] I simply refused to listen to the Christian answers to this question, because I kept on feeling "whatever you say, and however clever your arguments are, isn't it much simpler and easier to say that the world was not made by any intelligent power? Aren't all of your arguments simply a complicated attempt to avoid the obvious?" But then that threw me back into another difficulty.
"My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? ... Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying that it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too--for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my private fancies. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist--in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless--I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality--namely my idea of justice--was full of sense. Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
I'm happy to pick that up in another thread if people want.
06/07/2007 02:26:32 AM · #25 |
yikes. have to disagree with you there, don't think Bush gives a damn, he's got bigger fish to fry. If he was so nobel he's be in Darfur.
Things have gotten worse over there. There is more tention and civil war because of our presence... sigh. but lets not get into that.... [/quote]
I am so sick of people like you who say that because we aren't in this place or that place everything else we have done is without value. At least the U.S. tries. Most other countries of the world do absolutely nothing for no one. |
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