Author | Thread |
06/18/2007 01:50:11 PM · #1 |
I hate to be asking the same question asked here a million times, but I have been searching for last two days and can't decide.
The story begins, I broke the auto-focus mechanism of my 18-55mm lens, I don't know how! Although it was the basic cheap kit lens I loved the sharpness. Got me my highest score and also my only ribbon here with it! While I will miss it, I don't want to buy the same lens again.
Recalling - I remember complaining that it was not wide enough. And at other times I complained it did not have enough zoom. And now I am confused which complain I should answer while buying this new lens. I am looking to shoot landscapes (need more wide) as well as events (need the zoom).
Here are choices I came up with after several hours of browsing
For Wide + tele combo
1) Tokina 12-24mm $500
2) Sigma 10-20mm $500
3) Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 $350 - temped by the f/2.8
4) Nikon 18-70mm $350
5) Nikon 18-135mm $350 - not many owners of this lens here, wonder why?
6) Nikon 18-200mm $750+ @ Ritz - has a wait though
Tempting but not sure if this is what I want, as I will still complain that its not wide enough. Also I believe sharpness is an issue with this lens, am I correct?
I was thinking of going with either (1 or 2) with (3 or 4 or 5) this way I don't have to spend the entire money at the same time!
So any more recommendations to confuse me further or any inputs on the lenses I have selected to make things easier for me?
Thanks for the help!
Edit : fixed link - another thing, prices mentioned are approximate
Message edited by author 2007-07-14 08:13:24. |
06/18/2007 01:55:39 PM · #2 |
I had the same sort of question!
Here is my thread and some helpful advice:
// |
06/18/2007 01:56:24 PM · #3 |
And from what I have learned through research and advice, if you're thinking of something wide, the Tokina is far and away the better choice. |
06/18/2007 01:58:05 PM · #4 |
Thanks frisca! Reading the thread you started |
06/18/2007 01:59:57 PM · #5 |
The 18-200 shouldn't be more than $750. Anyway, get a 18-135mm and a 10-20mm and you've got some real good options there. I think the 18-200 would be a good upgrade from the 18-135 but I haven't used the 18-135. HMMM â€Â¦ scratch that - I like the advice of these others â€Â¦ I'm only experienced with the stuff I have.
Message edited by author 2007-06-18 14:01:31.
06/18/2007 02:06:28 PM · #6 |
Thanks Tate! I looked up your profile to get the idea of the Sigma 10-20mm.
After reading the thread posted by frisca, I am inclined towards Tokina 12-24mm.
Also wondering if anyone here is selling one of the lenses mentioned?
Message edited by author 2007-06-18 14:06:38. |
06/18/2007 02:10:09 PM · #7 |
A year ago, Kiwiness pointed out the Nikon 24-85mm 2.8-4.0 lens, said he was really happy with it. I browsed the ads and found one used and got it for a good price. It hardly ever leaves my camera. A great lens. And then I am still saving up for the 70-200 2.8 VR - almost there.
Edit to clarify.
Message edited by author 2007-06-18 14:11:01. |
06/18/2007 02:34:21 PM · #8 |
I̢۪m a big fan of the Sigma 10-20mm. I made my choice based on Pop. Photography magazine article about year ago where they compared 4 different super wide angle zoom lenses and Sigma was a winner.
BTW, Nikon 24-85 is a great lens too, but if I had enough money my first choice would be Nikon 17-55mm, f2.8.
06/18/2007 02:41:24 PM · #9 |
You can get the Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S DX VR II probly with shiping for 925 bucks. 1000+ is only if u want to get it local.
Message edited by author 2007-06-18 14:41:33. |
06/18/2007 03:07:01 PM · #10 |
I just scored the 18-200VR from ebay for $860. I got it through Cameta Camera. They are a legit store out of New York... and I have bought several things from them before. You should check them out! :)
06/18/2007 03:12:31 PM · #11 |
The 18-200mm VR is a good carry around lens - I use it probably 75%% of the time with my Tokina 12-24mm the other 25%. The 18-200mm has decent sharpness, is pretty solid at both 18 and 200mm but it tends to slide when you are pointing up or down. If you want something super sharp and fast, this is not your lens. But for us amatuers that like to take photos, it works pretty darn nicely. |
06/18/2007 03:26:07 PM · #12 |
I have the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8. I like it a lot.
My next lens will be the Nikon 80-200/D f/2.8.
After that, maybe one of the wide angle lenses you mentioned.
06/18/2007 03:38:46 PM · #13 |
It's pretty well known that the 50mm 1.4 / 1.8 is crisp and has nice bokeh at a low price - this has the bonus of becoming close-shot macro with extension tubes or a reversal ring. Add in the versatile 18-200 for all-around shooting (order from a camera store - a month later you have it for $750 + tax). The 12-24mm or 10-20mm will close the deal with a great and fun lens with a close focus distance. For a non-pro (me) this is a decent start. Add these up and I think the price might still be less than the 70-200mm 2.8 VR.
EDIT: corrected - comparing to 70-200mm VR (not 80-200)
Originally posted by bassbone: The 18-200mm VR is a good carry around lens - I use it probably 75%% of the time with my Tokina 12-24mm the other 25%. The 18-200mm has decent sharpness, is pretty solid at both 18 and 200mm but it tends to slide when you are pointing up or down. If you want something super sharp and fast, this is not your lens. But for us amatuers that like to take photos, it works pretty darn nicely. |
Message edited by author 2007-06-18 15:40:48. |
06/18/2007 03:38:52 PM · #14 |
I have lens 2 and 3 and use the wide angle on my D50 and the Tamron on my D200 and use those two lenses almost exclusively. I miss having the 21-27 mm range when I am out shooting sometimes. I had the 18-70 that you have listed also but one day it fell out of my bag and now doesn't auto focus. :( I love my Sigma, especially at 10 mm but I notice that with my night shots I can only shoot at 10 because that is the only spot you have f/4, otherwise it starts to need more light at 20 mm it is f/5.6. Although I can't decide if this trade off is worth losing two degrees. My guess is both lenses are good and the main difference is do you want a wider range or a little more zoom for your wide lens. Oh I think a lot of people don't have the 18-135 because it is a kit lens for the D80 and still fairly new. I think it may be a good option for you since you are looking for more zoom. My two cents. Good luck!
Joe |
06/19/2007 01:19:35 PM · #15 |
FWIW, I've been trying out the 18-200 VR over the weekend, and so far I love it! But it might just be what you use it for. For what I do I think it will work very well. |
06/19/2007 01:48:14 PM · #16 |
Tamron and Tokina lenses are not as solid as Nikkors. I own the 18-135mm and the reason not many own it is because it was just introduced in October 06. Rockwell says that the edge to edge sharpness on this lens is unmatched. However, without VR, at 135mm, you cant hand hold with a shutter speed of lets say 1/60. Lug your tripod or get VR. But for 350$ it's a score. I hardly every take the lens off my cam. |
06/19/2007 02:02:19 PM · #17 |
I have a number of the lenses that you mention. I have said it many times the Tokina 12-24 is a great lens for the price. I love my 80-200 , 2.8 and use that and the Tokina most often. I recently got the 18-200 VR from Ritz online for $749 no shipping or tax but, had to wait 5 weeks a reasonable wait. Ocassionally you can find it on B&H but, you have to really hunt for it again $749 but, you will pay for shipping. I haven't shot enough with the lens yet to give it a personal recommendation but, I will be shooting some hybrid lillies the week after next and am going to try to use it for that. |
06/19/2007 03:39:47 PM · #18 |
I have the sigma 10-20mm and nikon 18-135mm both excellent.
06/19/2007 03:41:29 PM · #19 |
I have lenses 1 and 4 that you're asking about. The Tokina is a very nice, sharp, contrasty lens, if you're not shooting into the sun. Shooting into the sun, it loses some contrast, but is still plenty sharp. At that focal length, though, every speck of dust, on either lens or sensor shows up quite clearly. That's an issue with any ultra-wide lens, not just the Tokina.
The 18-70 is an okay lens, but not professional quality, and not for $350. It was the kit lens on the D70, so you should be able to find one of these floating around used for cheap. You can buy an entire D70 for not much more than $350, if you're a resourceful shopper.
My favorite lens is the 80-200 2.8. I end up using it at times when it's completely inappropriate, because the pictures always look so darn good.
I just ordered the 18-200, as a travel lens, and to replace the 18-70. I will probably still use my other, better lenses for most local stuff, but hiking around San Francisco with the 80-200 on my back convinced me that I need a lighter kit for travelling.
edit: I just ordered the 18-200 from ritz camera online, and the email I got back says "usually ships within 7-14 days." Not bad lead time for $749. I'll report back when it actually arrives.
Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:14:51. |
06/19/2007 04:46:48 PM · #20 |
Thank you all for the replies with suggestions, reviews and price updates.
Narrowing it down -
At the moment I cannot justify the cost ($750) of Nikon 18-200mm VR lens, although reading reviews here and elsewhere it will be nice to have it in the bag.
Looks like it is going to be the 'Nikon AF Nikkor 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6G ED DX' after all, found one refurbished for $240 at Amazon and a new for $300 at (prices including shipping and tax/no tax)
To sum up (for people like myself who will be reading this thread later):
18-135mm is a fairly new lens introduced August, 2006 with the Nikon D80 as a kit lens.
Advantages over my broken 18-55mm
1) I will get the extra 80mm of zoom, I always wanted that while shooting events.
2) Also this new lens comes with SWM - silent wave motor, which makes it very quiet.
3) Front element does not rotate while focusing. This helps if you have a polarizer or graduated density filter attached to the lens.
From reading reviews online and suggestions here:
Looks like this is a nice sharp lens, fast focus. Has some distortions at wide angle, not a pro level, but will work great for an amateur like myself.
To add something wide, I will save some money and maybe later buy the Tokina 12-24mm f/4DX. Looks like another great lens to have in the bag.
Edit to add : Maybe if I get 6.5+ in my next challenge entry I will buy the 18-200mm :)
Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:51:02. |
06/19/2007 04:59:41 PM · #21 |
A good choice, I think, Vikas. Enjoy it.
06/19/2007 05:05:30 PM · #22 |
now you've got me looking at the 18-135mm! I was previously quite set on the tokina 12-24. |
06/19/2007 06:58:50 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by frisca: now you've got me looking at the 18-135mm! I was previously quite set on the tokina 12-24. |
The 18-135 comes with one of the D80 kits. Been happy with it myself. There are 175 owners of that lens on here... :) |
06/20/2007 06:38:15 PM · #24 |
I was going to buy the D80, and went with the D200. The 18-135mm will hold me for a while untill I buy the 18-200VR. This lens focuses really fast. At full extension it is more than twice the size of it when at 18mm.
When shooting architecture, you will notice some distortion, but the sharpness on this lens, especially in the center is top of line.
Message edited by author 2007-06-20 18:39:20. |
07/14/2007 08:11:30 AM · #25 |
Well I cheated!!
Although in my earlier post I mentioned that I had decided on Tokina 12-24mm, I ended up buying the Sigma 10-20mm (having browsed through hotpasta's profile a few hundred times :)
and wow it's wide, its a superb lens, sharp, fast and did I mention wide!
I can't wait to go out and capture some amazing landscapes!
I am still debating between the 18-200mm VR and 18-135mm (price being the only issue)
Will post some shots from my new and shinny 10-20mm in few days!
Edit : thanks everyone for helping out :)
Message edited by author 2007-07-14 08:12:06. |
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