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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Best Editing Software?
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07/01/2007 04:53:38 PM · #1
I have Paintshop Pro 11. But I hear alot about Photoshop. Prefrences? Thankyou!!!
07/01/2007 04:57:29 PM · #2
Haven't used Paintshop, have a couple of versions of PS, I think I like PhotoShop, but I don't really understand what I am doing with it or what I can do with it??

I think PS is good.
07/01/2007 05:12:27 PM · #3
I used Paintshop pro when it was free, seams like years ago now. Photoshop is the way to go, but only if you want to shell out some big money. I hear good things about Photoshop elements too.
07/02/2007 02:39:20 AM · #4
I'm a big PaintShop Pro fan. I've been using it for a few years for simple stuff, and only in the last 2-3 years have I been using it for photography. I've used PhotoShop, but I haven't really used it enough to be comfortable with it to compare the results. Only long enough to know that being used to PaintShop Pro, Photoshop is tricky because everything is a little different, and there's some stuff I don't like how PhotoShop does it.

If I was a pro, I would definitely get PhotoShop, because when time is money, you just go with the industry standard professional tools, and $1000 is nothing for a tool you use everyday. But, as a hobbyist, I get great results out of PSP, and I'm really comfortable with how it works - it would take me quite a while to retrain for PhotoShop, and I'm sure I'd miss some things about PSP. For a fraction of the cost, it pretty much does the same stuff, including lots of complex editing stuff that PhotoShop Elements doesn't come close to doing.

PS maybe has better RAW workflow, but this is no issue for me, as I use JPGs. PSP can still edit 16-bit, so no biggie. Also, because PS is the professional standard, all the cool add-ins work for PS, but not for PSP. So, I have a standalone copy of NoiseNinja which doesn't work as a plug in for PSP. As a result, I don't use it as much as I would if it was easier. Having said that, PSP has a pretty decent digital noise filter built in, so I end up using that instead. It's probably only 90% as good as NNinja, but also 90% easier to use because it's built in.

Having said all that, I now use Picasa (free) for 95% of my editing and image cataloging, and only go to PaintShop Pro for the occasional photo that needs more work.

When it comes to a hobby budget, there's better things to spend money on than PhotoShop. If you have the money to buy PhotoShop, buy PaintShop Pro instead, and get a DSLR with the change. Then when have saved enough to buy PhotoShop again, buy some more lenses instead, then a good flash or two, then some filters and a really good tripod... :)

Anyway, before I rant for too long, I suggest you download Picasa from the web. It's free, just search for it. It's not the 'best' software, but PSP/PS plus Picasa is far better than PSP/PS on it's own, and it's free. Use that to organise and rough-edit all your images. Then use PSP for anything that can't be done in Picasa.

Then, learn how to really use PaintShopPro. Find some before/after edited images and try to match them with your own edits. It takes a lot of practice to train your eye and your hand and your computer skills, but you'll get better with practice.

07/02/2007 07:39:17 AM · #5
The Best is PS. Period. But man it's expensive and takes a long time to learn.

PSP or PE5 is much cheaper and easier to learn, and will do everything that beginner or amature photographers need. Don't short either one.

But I'll throw a kink in the works. I'd say "the best editing software"... "for the money"..., would be to get Lightroom and then get either PSP or PE5. You'll split the difference in cost and have a killer combo.
07/02/2007 07:35:29 PM · #6
Yes, I've been meaning to check out Lightroom for a little while now. Picasa is great but has some annoying shortcomings. If Lightroom is better than Picasa, and reasonably priced, I'd happily pay for it.

For me the choice between PSP and PE5 is a nobrainer. PSP is far more capable for around the same price.

I found a rough comparison of the 3 here...

07/04/2007 02:38:01 AM · #7
We're getting to the point where open source and shareware image editors are getting very capable as compared to Photoshop. These "lesser" apps are fun and affordable. The free, cross-platform GIMP is a great companion to PS. For instance, GIMP can import and export layered PS files, so if you use PS at work/school and GIMP at home, you can still keep on being productive without spending your own money.

For Windows there is the free Paint .net, and for Mac there is the $30 GraphicConverter (I use it for my image browsing and management instead of Bridge or Lightroom, dragging the image icons into PS to open the images for editing, as well as accessing Core Image filters, etc.). Also for Mac is PhotoLine 32 ($80), which comes *very* close to Photoshop in a lot of ways for a fraction of the price.

I've used PSP under emulation on an Intel Mac, and think it's pretty decent.

But if you're a professional of any sort, you should really be using (or at the very least, familiar with) Photoshop, because it's the gold standard of digital imaging and the app you're most likely going to need to know to do business.
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