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DPChallenge Forums >> Web Site Suggestions >> Too many submissions!
Showing posts 26 - 46 of 46, (reverse)
06/02/2002 09:06:53 PM · #26
Originally posted by chariot:
We should pick an arbitrary number and then anyone who's past submissions have not gone over that number should be put into a "Novice" category along with anyone who is new. Anyone above a certain number should be put be promoted of sorts into a larger category. Another though would be to split novices into groups and have them submit pictures for that group.

One thing I enjoy about this site right now is that its not really big. By splitting stuff into groups you can allow the site to get large but still have the sort of illusion that its smaller.

Just a suggestion.

How would this help with learning though? Would people then decide to only vote in the experienced categories, and leave the novices to flounder with no or very little input?

06/02/2002 09:18:45 PM · #27
Also, what novice is going to want to compete in the "lesser" challenge?
I consider myself a novice, but I like competing against the best here.

Originally posted by Karen Bryan:
Originally posted by chariot:
[i]We should pick an arbitrary number and then anyone who's past submissions have not gone over that number should be put into a "Novice" category along with anyone who is new. Anyone above a certain number should be put be promoted of sorts into a larger category. Another though would be to split novices into groups and have them submit pictures for that group.

One thing I enjoy about this site right now is that its not really big. By splitting stuff into groups you can allow the site to get large but still have the sort of illusion that its smaller.

Just a suggestion.

How would this help with learning though? Would people then decide to only vote in the experienced categories, and leave the novices to flounder with no or very little input?


06/02/2002 09:21:19 PM · #28
Shortredneck has the right idea. Have more than one category and only allow one to enter one of them per week. I made this suggestion several hours ago, so I will share it with her. RP
06/02/2002 09:23:09 PM · #29
Originally posted by Karen Bryan:
Originally posted by chariot:
[i]We should pick an arbitrary number and then anyone who's past submissions have not gone over that number should be put into a "Novice" category along with anyone who is new. Anyone above a certain number should be put be promoted of sorts into a larger category. Another though would be to split novices into groups and have them submit pictures for that group.

One thing I enjoy about this site right now is that its not really big. By splitting stuff into groups you can allow the site to get large but still have the sort of illusion that its smaller.

Just a suggestion.

How would this help with learning though? Would people then decide to only vote in the experienced categories, and leave the novices to flounder with no or very little input?

We should start by getting the more experienced photographers to volunteer to help out a group. We can then limit each group to 25 or 50 submissions so that the volunteer can rate all the photographs in his/her group. If possible it would be great if there could be multiple volunteers per group. You'll also have all the novices rating the photographs themselves. Another reasont his would be good is so that we could have more winners which would encourage those novices to take more pictures.
06/02/2002 09:23:26 PM · #30
I will be interested to see if we have this many submissions next week... I believe that this challenge topic made it VERY easy to come up with a submission. I think the possible solution to this may be to make the challenge topics a little more difficult to execute.. :)
06/02/2002 09:24:07 PM · #31
How about making the vote/comment page for each photo a separate pop-up window accessed from the thumbnails, rather than "scrolling" to the next sequential entry after each vote is recorded?

This would provide two advantages for those with limited time and/or bandwidth:

1) The person can be evaluating/commenting/voting on one image while others open in the background.

2) The voter can prioritize which photos to vote on, if they're concerned they may not be able to vote on all of them.

The other best solution is from jmsetzler: to reduce the file size. I usually need a JPEG setting of 7 or 8 to get under 150k, it will probably take a setting of 5 or 4 to get it under 100k. Maybe we should all go back to our last few submissions and re-save them at less-than 100k and see if it would make a significant difference...
06/02/2002 09:50:52 PM · #32
I̢۪m a newbe and am blessed with a high-speed connection, but I can fully sympathize with those of us who have dial-up connections. Voting and commenting is a labor of love even at DSL speeds but especially at dial-up speeds.

The reason I am responding to this issue is this, I chose this site because of it̢۪s single weekly challenge format and the quality of the critiques given by the participating members, I would be disappointed to see that change. I would rather have to deal with the image degradation caused by limiting submissions to 100Kb than change any of the qualities of this great site.

06/02/2002 10:04:17 PM · #33
Originally posted by Maverick:
Also, what novice is going to want to compete in the "lesser" challenge?
I consider myself a novice, but I like competing against the best here.

Originally posted by Karen Bryan:
[i]Originally posted by chariot:
[i]We should pick an arbitrary number and then anyone who's past submissions have not gone over that number should be put into a "Novice" category along with anyone who is new. Anyone above a certain number should be put be promoted of sorts into a larger category. Another though would be to split novices into groups and have them submit pictures for that group.

One thing I enjoy about this site right now is that its not really big. By splitting stuff into groups you can allow the site to get large but still have the sort of illusion that its smaller.

Just a suggestion.

How would this help with learning though? Would people then decide to only vote in the experienced categories, and leave the novices to flounder with no or very little input?

Actually, if it was my way you would probably be in the higher groups. Some people come to the site and have a much lower ability than you do. And if they do have a lower ability and they really do want to compete with the best of them then they have motivation to get better. Once they get some high scores in the novice class they can be upgraded to go against the best.

06/02/2002 10:09:42 PM · #34
Originally posted by daysez:
I̢۪m a newbe and am blessed with a high-speed connection, but I can fully sympathize with those of us who have dial-up connections. Voting and commenting is a labor of love even at DSL speeds but especially at dial-up speeds.

The reason I am responding to this issue is this, I chose this site because of it̢۪s single weekly challenge format and the quality of the critiques given by the participating members, I would be disappointed to see that change. I would rather have to deal with the image degradation caused by limiting submissions to 100Kb than change any of the qualities of this great site.

How would you like to deal with being only 1 in 500 (or more) submissions and barely getting any critiques because there are too many submissions for people to go through? This isn't wants happening now, but if this site is listed in a magazine somewhere you better believe its gonna grow.

Just something to think about.

Another thing that would be interesting, which is used on another photo site, is again to have volunteers who would be notified that a user's photo has recieved less than X number of comments if that volunteer had not commented on it yet. X would probably have to depend on the number of volunteers and the number of photos being submitted to make sure there were enough volutneers to go around.
06/02/2002 10:29:11 PM · #35
There is one very simple solution that I proposed in the beginning. I know that Drew and Langdon are against it but it would solve several problems all at once.

Registration fees. A nominal annual fee to cover the costs of operating the site. Then the site stays sponsor free with no ads and Langdon and Drew don't have to run the site out of pocket. Shucks, maybe they won't even have to get real jobs! lol

Just something to think about.
06/02/2002 10:31:05 PM · #36
Why do so many people insist on changing things? I think it's fine the way it is. It's not much different from the way it was when we all joined and got excited about it, there's just more people. We don't have to vote on all of the pictures, only 15 or 25 percent of them. I'd rather have people vote seriously on that amount then hastily on all of them. It's not broke. Why try to fix it?

06/02/2002 10:37:02 PM · #37
I agree.....It aint broke yet!

I think I can still find time to vote on 150+ submissions, but 500? Thats a lot of time. When would I take pictures?

06/02/2002 11:03:11 PM · #38
Vote with your left hand and take picture with your right hand? :)
06/02/2002 11:18:29 PM · #39
How can there be a serious evaluation of an image when the quality is compromised by small file size, the current size limits are a minimum for judging digital photographic images.

Those evaluating images should reserve comments for the ones that they truely have something they want to say. That doesn't mean every submission.

Slow connection speeds should not dictate the purpose of the site. Being a place for photographers to accept a challenge and receive meaningful comments from fellow photogs.


Originally posted by daysez:
I̢۪m a newbe and am blessed with a high-speed connection, but I can fully sympathize with those of us who have dial-up connections. Voting and commenting is a labor of love even at DSL speeds but especially at dial-up speeds.

The reason I am responding to this issue is this, I chose this site because of it̢۪s single weekly challenge format and the quality of the critiques given by the participating members, I would be disappointed to see that change. I would rather have to deal with the image degradation caused by limiting submissions to 100Kb than change any of the qualities of this great site.

06/02/2002 11:23:51 PM · #40
Originally posted by arnit:
Vote with your left hand and take picture with your right hand? :)

Not even gonna reply to this... Afraid I might end up banned like Clay....lol
06/02/2002 11:53:13 PM · #41
Originally posted by timj351:
Why do so many people insist on changing things? I think it's fine the way it is. It's not much different from the way it was when we all joined and got excited about it, there's just more people. We don't have to vote on all of the pictures, only 15 or 25 percent of them. I'd rather have people vote seriously on that amount then hastily on all of them. It's not broke. Why try to fix it?


Excuse me for worrying about the future of this site. I'll just put my blind fold on now and wait until we step over the edge of the cliff before I decide whether I should make that turn or not.
06/02/2002 11:58:30 PM · #42
>How would you like to deal with being only 1 in 500 (or more) submissions and barely getting any critiquesâ€Â¦

A very good point - makes one feel insignificant. About 10% of the votes I am receiving now come with critiques and I don̢۪t expect more, because I̢۪m running around 4 on the average. I do read the comments and study the photographs that do well with the hope of improving my future submissions.

>Why do so many people insist on changing things? â€Â¦ It's not broke. Why try to fix it?

And I agree totally. My Point is, if limiting submission file size to 100Kb is unacceptable then what can be done to help people with dial-up connections vote and comment on more submissions, without compromising the quality of this site.

06/03/2002 12:07:45 AM · #43
Dial-up sucks..period.

And for many peopel they don't even have GOOD dial-up (meaning maybe their phone lines only offer 33k..holy slow motion Batman!).

But I agree with the poster who said we gotta decide what this site is for.

And I don't want to see a degradation in photo quality for the sake of getting a few more votes.

Whatever is decided here is decided here (DUH!) meaning...I like what the site has done so far and I feel confident it will go in the right direction.

But some division is inevitable..whether is is based on multiple challenges or skill or whatever. I cannot see people willing to participate in a weekly photo critique of 300-400 photos when that happens..(and it will).
06/03/2002 12:13:23 AM · #44
For those who think the dialup issue is just some annoyance that shouldn't be dictating any changes, please understand that the magical interweb is an international network. I am in Australia. Australia is a very, very large country with a very, very small population, and a government that doesn't think broadband is a priority. Broadband exists here, but is capped at 1GB downloads per month for most affordable plans, 3GB per month for those who want to be "power" users, and even then isn't available to the majority of people. And we're a developed country. Good luck to anyone from a less developed country who happens to have a camera and a dialup connection. But then, the cultural differences might make their photographs too hard for you to understand, so it just makes it easier for you, I guess...

Do you really want to cut whole continents of participants out of your photography club?
06/03/2002 07:35:49 AM · #45
Originally posted by lisae:
For those who think the dialup issue is just some annoyance that shouldn't be dictating any changes, please understand that the magical interweb is an international network. I am in Australia. Australia is a very, very large country with a very, very small population, and a government that doesn't think broadband is a priority. Broadband exists here, but is capped at 1GB downloads per month for most affordable plans, 3GB per month for those who want to be "power" users, and even then isn't available to the majority of people. And we're a developed country. Good luck to anyone from a less developed country who happens to have a camera and a dialup connection. But then, the cultural differences might make their photographs too hard for you to understand, so it just makes it easier for you, I guess....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bloody Brilliant I tell you.

Do you really want to cut whole continents of participants out of your photography club?

Not at all, I'd love to see more South American, African, European and Asian posters. You just think you are special because your whole country is one continent. ;)
06/03/2002 07:59:03 AM · #46
Originally posted by autool:
Shortredneck has the right idea. Have more than one category and only allow one to enter one of them per week. I made this suggestion several hours ago, so I will share it with her. RP

Great minds think alike! LOL
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