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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Anyone Up for a Walkabout Side Challenge?
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 183, (reverse)
09/14/2007 05:06:34 PM · #76
Originally posted by raish:

Originally posted by saurabhv:

I'm up for it too.

Just for clarification, can I shoot outside my home while on my way to work. E.g I have to walk a bit to catch a bus to work.
And then after that I can walk around work place and get some shots there.

Is that ok?

Albeit with zero authority - outside your home in India and around your work place in India? Yes please.

Yep, I'd agree ... so long as you leave your home or work on foot, you're good. Idea is to make you shoot in familiar environs, to look for the beauty in the everyday. Not required to do it all in a single walk, so a little from home and a little from work would seem to be ok to me too.
09/14/2007 05:12:48 PM · #77
Please count me in - this sounds interesting!
09/14/2007 09:35:09 PM · #78
I've got my five photos ready to upload, but will have to wait until tomorrow.

I guess a different thread for the photos would be a good idea.
09/14/2007 09:38:39 PM · #79

Time to go shooting!
09/15/2007 02:44:44 AM · #80
Been for my walk only just managed to fit it in! What are we doing about sharing photos?
09/15/2007 09:11:31 AM · #81
I've just come in from a 2 hour walkabout and uploaded the wossnames. Strange experience of looking for beauty in the mundane, thus feeling obliged to ignore any beauty that is not in the mundane. Hang on though, this would seem to make the two things mutually exclusive. One man's mundane is another man's...? Ah well.

Maybe whoever posts the first images might like to start a new thread.

This is right outside my back door but it's not as far out as the street, so I haven't left home so it doesn't count :)
09/15/2007 09:12:32 AM · #82
Let's all just post photos to this thread ... its not that long yet, and it'll be easy to find for everyone that's already watching this thread.

I was thinking that in posting your photos, it would be nice to include a short narrative of how your walkabout went ... speaking of which, saturday has finally arrived out here so I'm off to get some coffee and get started!
09/15/2007 09:36:15 AM · #83
Is it too late for me to change my mind once again?
09/15/2007 09:49:38 AM · #84
OK...I'm going out without combing my hair or anything. Maybe I can get some good expressions on my neighbor's faces. :)
09/15/2007 10:00:12 AM · #85
Originally posted by nightwolf242:

Is it too late for me to change my mind once again?

Nope! Come join the party. ;>)
09/15/2007 10:03:57 AM · #86
I am enjoying my coffee, then I will start my journey, I live in the middle of nowhere, so it'll take me a while, probably half the day, but been looking forward to it.
09/15/2007 02:56:13 PM · #87
Very hard to pick out 5 pictures - here's the nearest to my point of departure:

and still within the 200 yard barrier:

I kept on strolling and finally took a turn towards the river, when I had to do a double take and go back to capture this:

I fell into a trance - was it? could I? Yes, I was channeling Melethia:

(her's is better, look see:)

Strange and irresistible powers are evidently at work - as I walked through the park closer to home:

They're all in the walkabout collection in my portfolio, along with a good ten others that had to miss the party. Interesting little project. Thanks to all and sundry.
09/15/2007 03:22:58 PM · #88
Hey raish ... very cool pics ... looks like you had a great day. I'll be back to comment in a bit, after I edit a few from my little walk this morning. You're right its hard to pic ... I've already got 9 or 10 I'd like to use, and I was thinking of going out in the afternoon light to grab a few more.

Note to all -- I see there was another thread started, but I've asked that one to be locked, to avoid any confusion about where the entries/results will be posted.
09/15/2007 04:16:24 PM · #89
I can't wait for tomorrow, I gotta post my 5 now.

motherlee and I decided to walk to the local village, just to post a couple of parcels. I was not feeling very enthusiastic about finding anything worth shooting. After all, we live in a boring part of Berkshire. Okay, I was wrong!

This is the village theatre called Cordes Hall, and surprisingly photogenic.

The local coffee shop, I was attracted by the name and the colours.

We had a wander about the village and I took quite a few shots of the High Street. Then we popped into the Charity Shop and this display caught my eye.

Hovis is brand of bread, and this sign has been over the bakery for a lot of years, it came up quite good.

We decided to walk along one of the back streets, to take a different route home. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we were enjoying our walkabout. We had stopped for coffee in the posh coffee shop, not the Crazy Chicks one. So, in this quiet street, I spotted this Citroen 2CV, andhad to smile, a french car with the Union flag on the roof. A fitting end to an enjoyable morning. It opened my eyes to just how much there is to shoot within a mile of home. Places you think are totally boring and mundane, when they are really quite stunning! Thanks for this challenge!

Message edited by author 2007-09-15 16:19:36.
09/15/2007 04:25:58 PM · #90
Sorry i was under the impression that we were going to start another thread for the results

any ways lets try this again

My Ride

Neglected Lawn


How Times have changed

09/15/2007 04:33:12 PM · #91
formerlee is nagging me to post my photos. I didn't know anything about this challenge until last night. Just as well there was nothing planned for today.

We walked to the local village, a pleasant, sunny walk on a September day. Our first stop was Cordes Hall, the local theatre, a listed(protected) building.

We walked up the High Street and I spotted this shop, The Little Flower Pot, a florists shop.

This is the Junior School, St Michael's. Another old building.

On the return journey for home, we passed Cordes Hall again and I thought the hoarding for the new production was quite good.

An enjoyable morning all together!

09/15/2007 05:24:04 PM · #92
So I guess we're posting.
I started out on my journey today in 58* weather, nice brisk day for a walk, my first picture, a mile down the road, from a neighbors yard, a barrel,

walked for a bit more and discovered this barn hidden in the orchards,

thought that was cool, then I had to walk a good 20-25 minutes to reach this pond I've been wanting to get,

but I had to cut that short, because a killer dog was after me!! I had to run, too bad I didn't get a picture of that!!! :) After a while, the road turned into dirt, knowing I was getting close to my destination, but surprised when I saw this, a neat little birdhouse along side the road, all alone waiting for me,

made a nice picture, about a quarter mile left until I made it to this,

an old abandoned church, one of my favorite spots around here. I was so tired out from my walk, swear I lost 10 lbs, I had to call my hubby from my cell, and told him I'd be passed out in the bushes by the old church, so come and get me!!!!

I didn't know where to put these, so I put them in my workshop, I guess I'll be moving them to my porfolio, sometime.
09/15/2007 05:44:21 PM · #93
Well I didnt walk as far as some people!

This first one is taken at the side of my house on the grass berm

I walked just a little bit down the street into our local sports ground. I live in a lower socio economic area so as you can imagine the local youths treat it very well!

I went to the stands and experimented with a couple of arty farty shots

Actually the grounds has beautiful trees etc around the edge so walked around the edge to see what I could find. I was hoping to get a good shot of a magnolia tree as I love those but I did'nt have any luck but I did get this one. It has been lit by the on board camera which I could'nt stop from popping up! But I dont think it looks too bad

Thanks [user]Estimated Eyes[/user] for the suggestion I enjoyed myself and would love to do it again.

These are straight from camers with just resizing

Message edited by author 2007-09-15 17:46:19.
09/15/2007 06:06:25 PM · #94
Sorry have to pass ,still new to dp,can not get pics into forum, thanks
09/15/2007 06:11:47 PM · #95
I thought the idea was to post your when it's Sunday where you are, so here are mine. I didn't know there was a 200 yard restriction, nor about the beauty in the mundane business. Only one of these was cropped.

09/15/2007 06:15:44 PM · #96
09/15/2007 06:28:04 PM · #97
hopefully this will help you will get the id # when you click on you pitcher in your portfolio
09/15/2007 06:36:04 PM · #98
Originally posted by Pug-H:

I thought the idea was to post your when it's Sunday where you are, so here are mine. I didn't know there was a 200 yard restriction, nor about the beauty in the mundane business.

There's something about beauty in the mundane and ordinary in the opening post on this thread, but the 200 yards was something I just pulled out of my head, I think (which is not a nice place for anything to have been).
09/15/2007 06:52:18 PM · #99
I got up early this morning, had some coffee, then packed up the camera bag and headed out the door. At first it felt kind of strange, walking around the suburban neighborhood, camera in hand. A few other early morning risers ... joggers and dog walkers, mostly ... would cast a wary eye my way, wondering what in the heck I could be taking pictures of. It took a while to shake off the feeling that I was being watched, but a few blocks from my house I passed this house, and the matching blue mail box caught my eye so I snapped a few pictures:

Still not shaking the feeling of being watched by neighbors, I didn't work the subject as hard as I normally do, but at least I was off and on my way. Headed down the hill and cut through the local park, where I spied this shadow on the wall cast by the rising sun:

After crossing the park and taking a few more pictures (some of which ended up in my new walkabout folder in my portfolio), I walked down the bike and jogging path, laughing as I came upon this sign on the back of a fence around one of the homes lining the path:

Then the path took a turn, and cut round the back of my daughter's elementary school, where some early spectators were just beginning to set their chairs up for the morning's soccer match (there they are, those tiny specks off in th distance ...):

I rambled along the path some more, cutting in and out of various streets, and eventually started back up the road home. As I neared my house, I saw this flag fluttering in the morning breeze so stood there for a few minutes taking pictures, waiting for the breeze to catch it just right.

As I put my camera down I looked to my right, and saw a lady standing in her bathrobe, staring at me as her dog barked. I have no idea how long she was there, as I had my Ipod in for my entire ramble. I resisted the urge to point the camera in her direction and snap off one last pick. Regardless, I figured that was a fitting end to my walkabout, bringing me full circle to where I'd begun.

This was fun. Now I'm off to comment on some of the other pics I've seen
09/15/2007 07:37:39 PM · #100
Hey, thanks for this challenge, EstimatedEyes, we should do this again, mid October, when fall colors are at thier peek(here, anyway). Look forward to commenting on all the pics.
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