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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Nikon finally ticked me off enough to buy a Canon
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10/19/2007 11:55:20 AM · #1
I could tell my wife was getting frustrated that on our daily nature walks and just about everywhere else we went I took my D200 or D70s with a couple of lenses with me, so I started looking for a decent lens/shutter digital camera.

I used to have a Coolpix 5000, and what I would have loved to have is an updated version of that camera. I was real excited when Nikon introduced the new P5100, as it looked like just what I wantedâ€Â¦ good zoom range, a hot shoe, and small enough to fit in a large pocket. But the deal breaker for me is no RAW file support, argh! What is Nikon thinking? Do they think it is going to hurt DSLR sales? Well Nikon’s short sightedness caused me to buy a Canon Powershot G9 today. It has most everything I want (would have liked a wider lens), and my workflow will not be interrupted by shooting jpgs.

I've been a Nikon user since the late eighties (and probably alway will be), but they need a wake up call.
10/19/2007 11:57:07 AM · #2
You will be assimilated, resistance is futile!

LOL, hope you enjoy your new camera!
10/19/2007 11:57:31 AM · #3
Yeah, Nikon's point-and-shoot's suck. :(
10/19/2007 11:59:20 AM · #4
Couldn't agree more about Nikon's P/S cameras... but the two canons I've had have died... time for a Sony me thinks... W80...
10/19/2007 03:02:10 PM · #5
Originally posted by shalrath:

Couldn't agree more about Nikon's P/S cameras... but the two canons I've had have died... time for a Sony me thinks... W80...

I'd recommend to stay clear of Sony P&S, they are crap and all Sony products I had have died.

Have good experiences with Fuji build quality (and image quality).
10/19/2007 03:16:42 PM · #6
We have done well with 3 Canon P&S. One died after being serioulsy rained on, but the other two are alive and well. They work well and photo quality is generally excellent for P&S.
10/19/2007 03:35:41 PM · #7
walk towards the light...
10/19/2007 06:21:09 PM · #8
Originally posted by slide12345678:

walk towards the light...

Your Nikon D3 awaits you.
10/19/2007 08:07:02 PM · #9
Originally posted by Azrifel:

Originally posted by shalrath:

Couldn't agree more about Nikon's P/S cameras... but the two canons I've had have died... time for a Sony me thinks... W80...

I'd recommend to stay clear of Sony P&S, they are crap and all Sony products I had have died.

Have good experiences with Fuji build quality (and image quality).

Funny you should say that... of all the people I know... their Fujis have died and the Sonys are going strong... odd the way the world works :P.
10/19/2007 10:00:55 PM · #10
I just bought the Sony (W200, but that's overkill - the 80 is more than sufficient) and so far, so good. At least it hasn't died yet or anything.
10/20/2007 06:51:35 PM · #11
Ironic and kinda funny, the previous canon model of that serie actually lacked raw-support as well but they put it back in.
10/26/2007 12:01:12 PM · #12
Today the DPR has posted their Canon G9 review here. It got their "Highy Recommended (but only just)" rating.

I've had mine for 3 days now, but although it has been in my pocket everywhere I've gone I haven't had the time to give it a good work out yet. I've been mostly "playing" with the video mostly since I haven't had a camera that would shoot video since my camcorder was stolen in a break-in in 2004.
10/26/2007 12:28:53 PM · #13
Between the two, no matter which one you choose you're still saying baa baa.

10/26/2007 01:45:00 PM · #14
I really like Panaosnic P&S's. the Panasonic DMC LX2 is a nice 28mm wide angle lens compact, 10mp super high quality!
10/26/2007 02:28:40 PM · #15
The Coolpix 5400 had a firmware upgrade that included RAW. I don't know about the more recent models, though.
10/26/2007 02:55:28 PM · #16
Originally posted by Rebecca:

The Coolpix 5400 had a firmware upgrade that included RAW. I don't know about the more recent models, though.

Yea I had a 5400 and before that a 5000, both of which could shoot RAW. The Canon G9 is great, but what I'd really like is a digital version (that shoots RAW) of the Nikon 28Ti except with a iTTL hotshoe. I know I'm dreaming, but I'd pay real money for it.
10/26/2007 03:49:31 PM · #17
Canon finally ticked me off enough to consider Nikon.
10/26/2007 04:23:17 PM · #18
I haven't had much luck with Sony either. My first CoolPix (3200) still runs like a champ and it has seen a tremendous amount of abuse. I bounced it off a rock in Yosemite. I literally kicked it around Octoberfest in Munich like a soccer ball because we were bored and may have had a beer or two in us. Nonetheless, the Nikon's seem like they are built like tanks. I agree though that the Canon P&S's have some nice features.
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