I'll be honest - I'm very Ignorant to lighting and flashes. Hell, I've been in photography for 6 years and I've never used a flash - NEVER> I seem to always enjoy using my environment but I do understand the values of being able to create and manipulate to better an image and for Christmas - I'm giving in and getting some lighting equipment.
From my research, I've gathered I want a 580 Speedlite flash, some pocket wizards and meh..... some other stuff. Honestly, I have been watching this guy on YOUTUBE and LOVE his set up. It seems to easy to use, move, set up and has a great outcome. This exact set up would be REALLY useful to me.
However, in my ignorance, I can't tell by looking what he has - it doesn't look remote, its almost a removable flash on a string? Any takers on watching this and letting me know what he is using.
ANY ADVICE ON THE LIGHTING OR FLASH would be greatly appreciated too. :)
It looks pretty simple. Two Canon flashes with one set as master, the other as slave. Then just expose for the background and let the flashes fill the rest.
My advice: Dude (or Dudette), you have a digital. Try it out for yourself.
Of course, I just watched the first one. I'll have to check out more of these. They look pretty cool.
just took a look at the first one. It appears that he is using a flash in his left hand, that is connected via an off-camera hot shoe cord. The second flash, on the light stand, is set as a slave to the master (in his hand), that is triggered remotely via the infrared sensors. if he has the proper flashes, he can set the ratio of the flashes, and the camera handles all the exposures (canon's E-TTL II).
for more info on flash set-ups, check out the Strobist
However, in my ignorance, I can't tell by looking what he has - it doesn't look remote, its almost a removable flash on a string? Any takers on watching this and letting me know what he is using.
ANY ADVICE ON THE LIGHTING OR FLASH would be greatly appreciated too. :)
He is using two flashes, one by remote control. At the end he shows in text exactly what he is using. At the very beginning of the video I decided to suggest that you go to Strobist to learn all that you need to know to do what this guy is doing. But he also provided text directing you to Strobist.
I've heard a lot of good things from people who have spent time on that website. I plan on learning as much as I can about using multiple speedlights for another direction in photography that I want to explore. I am planning on setting up a several flashes on my kayak directed upwards to get shots of kitesurfers jumping over me with the colorful sky just after sunset. I'll get around to it in about a year I guess :(
just took a look at the first one. It appears that he is using a flash in his left hand, that is connected via an off-camera hot shoe cord. The second flash, on the light stand, is set as a slave to the master (in his hand), that is triggered remotely via the infrared sensors. if he has the proper flashes, he can set the ratio of the flashes, and the camera handles all the exposures (canon's E-TTL II).
for more info on flash set-ups, check out the Strobist
I know he has a 430 and a 580 and a canon xti like me, but I couldn't figure out the hot shoe cord (didn't know they had those) and also if the light was some sort of a big light or his second flash. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE REPLIES