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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> I should have jumped!
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02/12/2008 09:55:03 AM · #1
This past Sunday I met an old friend at Skydive Palatka (Palatka, Florida). It had been 22 years since we'd seen each other, so when I heard he would be skydiving just 25 miles from my house I had to go watch.

I watched a few jumps and met a few of his jump buddies . What a fun & interesting group.

After a bit, my friend tells me that he's arranged for me to ride along on the next flight. I'm thinking, "that's one tiny plane, but okay, should be fun". So I agree to get into this: with them.

People kept warning me about the pilot, that he might mess with me a bit. Even the pilot, an old Air Force codger named Tommy, was warning me that he might try to scare me.

Not to be daunted, I climb into the right-hand seat beside Tommy and get strapped into this Cesna Caravan. This is Tommy, the pilot: .

The guys want to jump at 13,500 feet, so we begin slow lazy circles above the airport climbing ever higher. It was calm and slow and relaxing. A beautiful day, wonderful scenery and Tommy kept talking to me through the headset showing me all of the sights we could see from up there.

The back of the plane was quiet, mostly because the plane's noise was so loud talking was difficult. The skydivers waited patiently for the plane to reach altitude while I snapped any shots I could get from my vantage.

Just before they got ready to jump, I hear my friend tell the pilot that he will be the last one out and would Tommy do a "wing over" so that I can see him over the side of the plane when he jumps (and hopefully get a picture). I don't know what a wing over is, but hey, can't hurt... right?

So at 13,500 feet (15 minutes after we'd left the ground) the skydivers open the door and start bailing out.

And now the fun begins.

The moment the last guy, my friend, left the plane, the world suddenly went freaky. Apparently wing over means one wing over the other. Or one wing pointing to heaven & one pointing to hell. As we turned over I was scrambling to find something to hold onto - reminding myself NOT to grab the controls in front of me. Seeing me not paying enough attention, Tommy taps my shoulder & yells "you're going to miss it, he's over there" and points me in the direction of my buddy falling fast beside us. I grab what shots I can while trying to hold onto my lunch...

Wait... it gets better.

Once I got a few shots (out of focus) of my friend's canopy opening I give Tommy the thumbs up hoping he will now right the plane and take us back to earth. Be careful what you wish for.

Tommy now puts the Cesna in a nose-down position, laughing, and takes us on a break-neck ride toward the earth. I didn't scream, just held on for all it was worth. We were decending so fast my ears were freaking out. I had to force my ears to pop again & again 'cause they were aching bad. It seemed like we were never going to stop the nose-dive. Tommy was loving this.

I actually forgot I had a camera for a bit, then managed to get one shot just as the airport came into view & Tommy began to align the plane for landing.

It had taken us 15 minutes to get up to altitude and 2 minutes to get back to earth. Once in position, Tommy performed the most perfect little kiss of a touchdown & parked the plane. Still trying to catch my breath I ask Tommy "Why the nose down decent, dude?". Tommy laughs and answers "I was saving gas". :D

We hit the ground before any of the skydivers!!

Happily EVERYONE got back to earth safely. It was a really cool day!

02/12/2008 09:57:18 AM · #2
Yes, but did you hold your lunch? LMAO!
02/12/2008 10:01:36 AM · #3
Originally posted by _eug:

Yes, but did you hold your lunch? LMAO!

Yessir, I did! :D
02/12/2008 10:02:20 AM · #4
lol great story and shots Cindi, I esp love the "saving gas" part lol. I think you need to come down to rox_rox's neck of the woods to relax a little on Saturday for the Central Florida GTG :D

02/12/2008 10:15:39 AM · #5
lol great story.........you should have jumped!!! I jumped out of a plan before parachuting of course and I loved it.....what a rush!!! I did for my 21st birthday.
02/12/2008 10:22:24 AM · #6
And the next trip down I will be coming out of skydiving videographer retirement and we will have video of Cindi making a skydive. Anyone want to come join her? ;-)
02/12/2008 10:23:57 AM · #7
Originally posted by CSpenceFLY:

And the next trip down I will be coming out of skydiving videographer retirement and we will have video of Cindi making a skydive. Anyone want to come join her? ;-)

LOL Chris, I still owe you a swift kick for not warning me ENOUGH about Tommy. :D

Guys, this is my buddy Chris, who I MAY jump with next time we get toghether.
02/12/2008 10:24:06 AM · #8
Wow, what a great day, Cindi! Thanks for the pictorial and enjoyable story!
02/12/2008 10:25:24 AM · #9
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by CSpenceFLY:

And the next trip down I will be coming out of skydiving videographer retirement and we will have video of Cindi making a skydive. Anyone want to come join her? ;-)

LOL Chris, I still owe you a swift kick for not warning me ENOUGH about Tommy. :D

Guys, this is my buddy Chris, who I MAY jump with next time we get toghether.

Cindi needs to jump!!! It's OK if she carries a disposable camera instead of her 30D, but I'd like to see the pics. :-)

Message edited by author 2008-02-12 10:25:37.
02/12/2008 10:28:56 AM · #10
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by CSpenceFLY:

And the next trip down I will be coming out of skydiving videographer retirement and we will have video of Cindi making a skydive. Anyone want to come join her? ;-)

LOL Chris, I still owe you a swift kick for not warning me ENOUGH about Tommy. :D

Guys, this is my buddy Chris, who I MAY jump with next time we get toghether.

I would definently do it again... lol we should get a bunch of dpcers together and jump or who ever does not want to can photograph the ones jumping
02/12/2008 10:30:54 AM · #11
Originally posted by digitalpins:

I would definently do it again... lol we should get a bunch of dpcers together and jump or who ever does not want to can photograph the ones jumping

Chris is just telling me on IM that we should get a group together & jump at Palatka. We could get a group rate & make a day of it. Would be great fun. Who wants to go??
02/12/2008 10:32:17 AM · #12
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by digitalpins:

I would definently do it again... lol we should get a bunch of dpcers together and jump or who ever does not want to can photograph the ones jumping

Chris is just telling me on IM that we should get a group together & jump at Palatka. We could get a group rate & make a day of it. Would be great fun. Who wants to go??

cool if so when around would this be, if I can make it I would join ya
02/12/2008 10:34:10 AM · #13
Originally posted by digitalpins:

cool if so when around would this be, if I can make it I would join ya

Whenever we want. They're out there every weekend. How about 1st weekend in April (I think I'm free that weekend)??
02/12/2008 10:42:40 AM · #14
Where is Palatka? I'd love to do something like this.
02/12/2008 10:46:07 AM · #15
Originally posted by _eug:

Where is Palatka? I'd love to do something like this.

About 1/2 hour west of St. Augustine. (North of Daytona).
02/12/2008 10:51:04 AM · #16
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by digitalpins:

cool if so when around would this be, if I can make it I would join ya

Whenever we want. They're out there every weekend. How about 1st weekend in April (I think I'm free that weekend)??

hmm have to see if I can get outta of work, cause I had planned to go to Philly in April too

Whats the closest Airport near their?

Message edited by author 2008-02-12 10:56:26.
02/12/2008 10:57:36 AM · #17
Originally posted by digitalpins:

Whats the closest Airport near their?

I guess Orlando would be the closest major airport. Or Daytona's smaller one. Orlando would be just over an hour away.
02/12/2008 10:59:31 AM · #18
ok thanks but I doubt if I can get off in early April... still interested though and wanna come down

Message edited by author 2008-02-12 10:59:47.
02/12/2008 11:01:32 AM · #19
Originally posted by digitalpins:

ok thanks but I doubt if I can get off in early April... still interested though and wanna come down

We can play with dates. We'll see what works for most and hopefully find a date that can include a bunch of us!! :D
02/12/2008 11:12:04 AM · #20
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by digitalpins:

ok thanks but I doubt if I can get off in early April... still interested though and wanna come down

We can play with dates. We'll see what works for most and hopefully find a date that can include a bunch of us!! :D

ok cool...lol the problem will be getting others to actually jump... its not easy to do I want to do it again but still part of me does not want to
02/12/2008 11:27:31 AM · #21
Let me know. With enough notice I can get more jumpers there so there would be a little more going on then last weekend. We could also plan to cookout and maybe a bonfire if any of you are nite owls.Skydivers are known to stay up and drink adult beverages.
02/12/2008 11:57:06 AM · #22
You should indeed have jumped! Forget the disposable cameras though - there are plenty of good guys and girls there who'll take your freefall pic... :o)

Spence, I recognise the handle from dropzone.com - good to see you here, I thought that I was the only one on here taking freefall shots!
02/12/2008 12:41:36 PM · #23
Why would anyone jump out of a prefectly good plane?

BTW, is it my monitor or is there a green cast to those pictures?
02/12/2008 01:00:22 PM · #24
Originally posted by Nullix:

Why would anyone jump out of a prefectly good plane?

BTW, is it my monitor or is there a green cast to those pictures?

From what I understand sometimes those planes are not all that great and you are better off jumping :P
02/12/2008 01:02:17 PM · #25
Originally posted by Nullix:

BTW, is it my monitor or is there a green cast to those pictures?

It's not you. Cindi DID say that she was trying to hold her lunch. The pictures are green 'cause the pilot tried to make her puke and it affected her camera too! LOL
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