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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Is Blurry Mess ridiculously hard to score?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 115, (reverse)
03/12/2008 09:26:25 AM · #1
I mean really.
This is hard to score objectively.
Quite a few different interpretations and a lot of "huh?" photos...
I'm trying to look at them "artistically" to see if the blur really adds to the photo, but if it doesn't--for me it gets a lower score.

03/12/2008 09:27:26 AM · #2
go with your instincts Grasshoppa. Only you know what lies as the dpc winnah today
03/12/2008 09:32:57 AM · #3
I actually had to take a break from voting...I was getting a headache!
03/12/2008 09:34:07 AM · #4
I haven't even looked at the thumbnails yet, but this is exactly what I was thinking beforehand. I mean, one blurry blob is pretty much the same as the next, I'm thinking. I'm not going to enjoy voting on this one at all.

Message edited by author 2008-03-12 09:34:22.
03/12/2008 09:37:47 AM · #5
Originally posted by alanfreed:

I haven't even looked at the thumbnails yet, but this is exactly what I was thinking beforehand. I mean, one blurry blob is pretty much the same as the next, I'm thinking. I'm not going to enjoy voting on this one at all.

Um, it might be advisable to at least peek at the thumbnails before making sweeping generalizations and pessimistic pronouncements. ;-)
03/12/2008 09:38:00 AM · #6
I just finished voting, 100%, and I think you'll be surprised. There are some blurry messes that stand out from the others, and they don't all look alike!

The ones I found it hard to vote on were the ones NOT blurry - some very good photos, but not good for this challenge... unfortunately got 1's...
03/12/2008 09:44:18 AM · #7
I agree with TygerPawz down there - some images are really outstandingly good and compelling, others are just out of focus.

Quite a few don't meet the challenge, in my opinion, by having too much in focus, or by being a panning shot where the main subject is un-blurred. Those are difficult to vote on. Generally I don't give what I feel is a DNMC a vote at all. I just woke up, so I don't know if I'm making any sense...

03/12/2008 09:47:33 AM · #8
Originally posted by alanfreed:

I haven't even looked at the thumbnails yet, but this is exactly what I was thinking beforehand. I mean, one blurry blob is pretty much the same as the next, I'm thinking. I'm not going to enjoy voting on this one at all.

I am absolutely looking forward to your "10" on my messy blob and don't forget that FAV button. ;-)
03/12/2008 09:47:40 AM · #9
Originally posted by KaDi:

Um, it might be advisable to at least peek at the thumbnails before making sweeping generalizations and pessimistic pronouncements. ;-)

Fair 'nuff... I looked at the thumbnails, and it doesn't look quite as tragic as I was envisioning :)
03/12/2008 09:54:50 AM · #10
It will be tough to vote, and the usual criteria are out the window. I did notice a couple that have no blur or mess in them at all.

Seems to be a handful of dominant methods I've noticed at my first look:
-out of focus
-camera shake
-long exposure blur
-camera toss (Or shake, perhaps. I know that I would not actually toss a camera of value)

There is really a wide range of what is being considered blurry.

Message edited by author 2008-03-12 09:55:42.
03/12/2008 09:55:18 AM · #11
It's time to stop worrying about getting everything just so: your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is the create the blurriest, most chaotic and disorganized image you canĂ¢€”and still have it be engaging and interesting.

I think a lot of people had trouble making the most chaotic and disorganized image they could and still have it engaging and interesting.

I tried to shoot for this challenge but couldn't get anything looking how I wanted it so I gave up but I do feel for the people who did enter it was very hard therefore I won't vote on this one after looking at the thumbs, far too many low scores that I would have to give out.
03/12/2008 10:00:20 AM · #12
Originally posted by tpbremer:

This is hard to score objectively.

Try to vote subjectively instead. ;>P

I've voted on about half the images so far, and there are many many many fabulous, wonderful, weird, creative pictures in there. And there is a lot of junk. Your view of which is which will likely differ from mine, and his, and hers, and theirs, and so on ...

So voting on this one has been kind of liberating for me. I'm actually using the entire voting scale for a change. I predict that, when all is said and done, I will give out way more 8s, 9s and 10s -- and way more 1s 2s and 3s -- than I ever have in a single challenge before.
03/12/2008 10:13:27 AM · #13
Good to hear others are having the same issue. My biggest problem is scoring good pictures that may not be blurry enough.

Originally posted by keegbow:

I think a lot of people had trouble making the most chaotic and disorganized image they could and still have it engaging and interesting.

This is how I have been scoring--those that are blurry, but still engaging and interesting... Good luck all!
03/12/2008 10:46:49 AM · #14
i got this as part of one of my comments,"too much going on for me". mabe theres a NEW definition for CHAOTIC that im yet not aware of...

Message edited by author 2008-03-12 10:51:44.
03/12/2008 10:59:58 AM · #15
I'm really disappointed in what appears to be a very low voting scale on this one. This is a fun challenge theme where artsy expression of creative blur should get free reign. . .and the voters should give the benefit of the doubt to photos that used blur and maintained "the engaging" part.

I really enjoy looking at artistic blur in photos and from what I've seen, there are some really interesting ones. Ok, there are some that are not artistic at all -- that look just like a photo that should have been sharp, but isn't. But to see the massive low scores that I've noticed on the scoring thread (including mine at 5.7), I think the voters are letting us artisic blurry types down :( Baaaaaaaaaad voters ! ! !

03/12/2008 11:06:37 AM · #16
what's interesting is that OOB thinking on this challenge may actually result in a lower score because your pictures isn't as technically INaccurate as most voters think it should be.

one person's perception of "blur", "chaos", or "engaging" is apparently not universal!


it will definitely be harder to vote given those wide parameters than with other challenges.

i'm getting murdered. . .but i totally accept it. i submitted MY interpretation of the challenge and i'm proud of what i was able to accomplish in-camera for a basic editing challenge. that's all that matters to me.

and, hey, there's always Free Study!


out of curiosity. . .those that are giving 1s. . .is that how you rate all pictures you consider to be DNMC? that's pretty harsh. even for this challenge.
03/12/2008 11:07:57 AM · #17
I'm tired of hearing i didn't "blur" my picture correctly it is completley blurred but all commenters insist that it should have been a motion blured instead. A blur is a blur isn't it, all a motion blur would have added is streaky lines anyway.
03/12/2008 11:09:23 AM · #18
Commenting might be extra-important in this challenge. I don't enjoy commenting because I'm afraid of being flamed, but voting on a "blurry mess" is so subjective that we maybe owe it to one another to include a comment with our vote. It took some courage & daring to enter this challenge, I'm trying to be courageous & daring in commenting. I'm writing my honest reaction, as best I can, & feeling very defensive while I type.
03/12/2008 11:10:48 AM · #19
Originally posted by SandyP:

I'm really disappointed in what appears to be a very low voting scale on this one. This is a fun challenge theme where artsy expression of creative blur should get free reign. . .and the voters should give the benefit of the doubt to photos that used blur and maintained "the engaging" part.

I really enjoy looking at artistic blur in photos and from what I've seen, there are some really interesting ones. Ok, there are some that are not artistic at all -- that look just like a photo that should have been sharp, but isn't. But to see the massive low scores that I've noticed on the scoring thread (including mine at 5.7), I think the voters are letting us artisic blurry types down :( Baaaaaaaaaad voters ! ! !
heck SandyP,your 5.7 could be in the top ten! and i agree about the voting so far, its still early but seems some dont really know what they're voting on.good luck all in this challenge...lol
03/12/2008 11:13:48 AM · #20
I do appreiciate comments and actually enjoy reading them because most of the time they do help me out and give me good ideas. It's just frustrating to read i am getting low scores because it is not the right "kind of blur". I wasn't aware there was a right way to blur
03/12/2008 11:15:46 AM · #21
Originally posted by pixelpig:

Commenting might be extra-important in this challenge. I don't enjoy commenting because I'm afraid of being flamed, but voting on a "blurry mess" is so subjective that we maybe owe it to one another to include a comment with our vote. It took some courage & daring to enter this challenge, I'm trying to be courageous & daring in commenting. I'm writing my honest reaction, as best I can, & feeling very defensive while I type.

I am even afraid to vote. Not because of any repercussions its just that there are sooo many takes on how to approach this and some (to me) aren't as effective yet they still meet the challenge. You can't vote on technicals as much but I think exposure should still be good. Then again if there's a blown highlight you can't say that there's no detail there because um...blurry pictures don't have a lot of detail. I guess when it comes down to it, I am going to look for composition and color and an artful presentation of elements.
03/12/2008 11:22:08 AM · #22
Folks, to reiterate what some have already said - don't worry about "how" to vote, and don't worry if you have the "right" blur (there isn't a "right" blur, by the way) - just enjoy the experience! It's a very different kind of challenge, a very different kind of voting experience. It may open your eyes to new ways of seeing pictures when you're out with your camera. What appeals to one may not appeal to another - that's part of the beauty of something like this. Just sit back and take it in. And I agree - leave comments! And to those receiving comments, accept them graciously and gratefully. While it may not be someone's idea of "good blur", the next commenter may love it! And consider whether or not you had a good time learning something new, both shooting for the challenge and voting. It's all good. :-)
03/12/2008 11:26:49 AM · #23
The PLANNING for this shot was just as important as the process ... if not more important - IMO. "How can I create an appealing image but still meet the challenge?" I thought about it for the entire week then shot my image on the last day. Even though the challenge was not to "worry" ... this was actually a pretty tough challenge because it is not as predictable when objects, the camera, or the lens is moving.
HAving said that, I always wanted a challenge like this to come along, so that I could try some of the horseplay I've tried in the past. I think looking at thumbnail size images was helpful in making the selection also - since the details of "blur" aren't particularly controllable.
My point being that it IS kind of difficult to create an attractive image and stil have it called a "bllurry mess" Ă¢€Â¦ Just my 2.9 cents.

Message edited by author 2008-03-12 11:37:34.
03/12/2008 11:28:51 AM · #24
Originally posted by nadiaC:

out of curiosity. . .those that are giving 1s. . .is that how you rate all pictures you consider to be DNMC? that's pretty harsh. even for this challenge.

I don't give 1's for DNMC, though I do usually knock a point or two off of what I would normally rate the image. That does not ding the image too badly if it was just because my own interpretation of the theme was narrow. A shoehorn effort will probably lose 1 point, while something that clearly does not fit will often lose 2. It's also important to TELL the person this in a comment, especially if their entry is otherwise pretty good.
03/12/2008 11:41:36 AM · #25
C'mon, folks - comments! I give out TONS of comments... I want to get some this time! And no, I haven't started voting yet, but I will try to leave lots of comments when I do.
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