Author | Thread |
03/16/2008 12:05:47 PM · #1 |
With apologies for wimping out on account of the weather, I only got a few half decent shots that I will upload in a moment...
Nice to see some new faces and I am looking forwards to the next one.
Edit - here we go:
Message edited by author 2008-03-16 12:14:51.
03/16/2008 01:38:50 PM · #2 |
Some great shots there Matthew! It was really good to meet you (finally), here's hoping the weather is a little better on our next GTG!
Not long in so no editing done yet but I'll try to upload something later tonight :o)
Thanks to everyone who turned up, it was nice to put faces to names and to meet up with a few familiar faces too :o) I'd just like to say an extra big THANK YOU to Jedusi, Melethia, Bruce_the_Robert and Ecce Signum for pushing me around today, I wouldn't have made it round the route without you all, you're all stars!
Hope everyone got back safely and you've all dried out now! :o) |
03/16/2008 02:12:07 PM · #3 |
Hey - a pleasure to help out, and to get to meet you all :- )
03/16/2008 02:18:23 PM · #4 |
I'm nice and toasty and dry now, fantastic! I had great fun chatting to you all, getting to look at your pretty cameras, and taking photos with you... great company :)
Cheers! |
03/16/2008 02:25:47 PM · #5 |
Nice shots, Matthew.
I wimped out totally, although I blame SAD and the rain. Never mind, I managed to take about two and a half photos and here they are in all their glory:
Mark pointed out that Mayor Ken was marching through our midst and, by the time I managed to get my sad arse in gear and pull the camera out from under my jacket, I only managed to get a snapshot of his fast-retreating back.
While standing outside the (closed) pub that we had all invaded, waiting for Moe, I saw this mounted policeman approaching. Seeing as the rain was pretty light at this point, I thought that I'd chance a couple of snaps. 
I took a couple in the bar that we ended up in. Again, nothing more than snaps. Ecce Signum and Quasimojo
... and that's it. The whole sorry, pathetic haul.
On a much lighter note. It was absolutely brilliant to meet up with so many people who are such great characters.
03/16/2008 03:57:47 PM · #6 |
Originally posted by Mr_Pants: Nice shots, Matthew.
Mark pointed out that Mayor Ken was marching through our midst and, by the time I managed to get my sad arse in gear and pull the camera out from under my jacket, I only managed to get a snapshot of his fast-retreating back.
Good to see that Mr Pants captured the good side of our politicians
After all most talk out their back side anyway : )
03/16/2008 04:11:20 PM · #7 |
Even with the grotty weather that was still lots of fun - what a lovely bunch of people you/we are :)
We absolutely definitely have to do that again sometime when there's better light and less rain because if it was fun when cold and damp it'll be amazing in the sun.
Thanks oodles to Simms, Talj and Sara (and anyone else) who organised today. I'm going to start using that badge as ID when I get pulled by the fuzz :)
As I was walking back to the bike at the Eye the Sports Relief run had started - and Seb Coe was something like 10ft away from me. I politely yelled 'excuse me Lord Coe, can I take a photo' and he posed for me....but guess my panic I was still in manual focus and I wasn't going to get a second I totally fluffed it. Big style. Got some other decent shots of him running but I swear he was running with his eyes closed most of the time :(
Anyhow, thanks lots again... I'm totally up for doing stuff like that more regularly (and a little bit later in the day!) for anyone in or near London (or anyone who doesn't mind the travel!), especially as the weather starts to brighten up.
03/16/2008 04:19:19 PM · #8 |
Hopefully we can all do that again, when the weather is abit less dull. I think we were all looking at MAK for that one. :p It was great to meet the people behind the cameras, everyone was great and really friendly. Thank god I managed to evade everyones camera today. Hence why there isn't a lovely portrait of me yet.
Take care everyone, hope you all enjoyed the day (despite it raining)! |
03/16/2008 04:23:12 PM · #9 |
Matthew, how did you manage snaps of Pete and I when we were there only briefly?! Given our expressions you can see why we wimped out... we're not looking enraptured with the weather are we?!
03/16/2008 04:23:23 PM · #10 |
Howdy all, thanks for a great day especially to all those on organising duty. Shame about the weather but if the next time is in the dry I'm up for round two :) Great to put some names to faces and fun meeting you all, even if you all have astonishingly good skills and kit :)
Failed to shoot much of interest but here's a best of it (such that it is)

Message edited by author 2008-03-16 16:25:10. |
03/16/2008 04:34:25 PM · #11 |
Sorry for leaving out early, rain severely stopped play for me and the idea of eating was too strong, i got only 3 worth talking about.
Really really nice to meet you all, hanae apologised for not making it. Good to see so many new faces and the usual old ones too. Simms left us standing on the side of the street while he went off chasing poor Ken Livingstone.
03/16/2008 05:10:16 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by MAK: Simms left us standing on the side of the street while he went off chasing poor Ken Livingstone. |
I'm pretty sure he left most of us standing around (or sitting in my case) waiting for him at nearly every place we photographed! ;o) I'm looking forward to seeing what his shots turn out like from the day! :o) Hurry up Simms, get posting! |
03/16/2008 05:19:59 PM · #13 |
I enjoyed meeting all of you, and hope to have the chance to talk to more of you next time 'round. I got some interesting shots, but don't have the energy to get posting tonight. Later this week, I promise. Thanks, everyone, even in the rain it was a good time, and I hope I can make the next one (thanks for the ride, Andi!).
03/16/2008 05:51:36 PM · #14 |
Strange, no one has mentioned our `breaking and entering` into the pub..
03/16/2008 05:56:53 PM · #15 |
Originally posted by Matthew: With apologies for wimping out on account of the weather, I only got a few half decent shots that I will upload in a moment...
Nice to see some new faces and I am looking forwards to the next one.
Nice shots, good day, thanks for the legal advice, should come in very useful... ;) |
03/16/2008 05:59:22 PM · #16 |
Well, what an eventful day it was!!
It rained, the wind blew, and we all managed to meet up at the London Eye. We slowly meandered through Parliament Square, where Simms got diverted and I got accosted by a Plastic Policeman (Community Support Police Officer, not a real one) who wanted to know what DPC stood for? Well, I explained we were all members of the Democratic Photographers Convention! No, I didn't really, I told him the truth.
My brolly quickly found a vacant bin, as it was being bent into tatters.
Then it was along Whitehall and again I spotted the PP(not Post Processing) following us, so I had a chat with him. He was heading off for his break, which was just as well, as within a few minutes we had found a great pub...except there were no staff and it wasn't really open! DPC members get arrested for breaking and drinking!! What a headline!
We found a watering hole: . No names, no pack drill!! While they were all consuming alcohol, I was taking photos:
. Everything became a bit of a blur as we headed into Trafalgar Square for a group photo. Then we moved off, some quicker than others!
, thru Admiralty Arch:
and down the Mall. The balloons from the St Patrick's Day Parade were released, but I haven't got round to those yet. We managed to reach Buck House, after I was used a marker for another group shot!
Here are a few at Buck House:
This is where we split company as motherlee and I had to head for the Eye.
Then, we got on this awesome bit of engineering, and Man, it blows you away. It was raining and reflections got in the way of some shots, but here are a few:
And that, is a brief resume of the London GTG from my perspective!
PS!! Another instance I overlooked in my haste: We were stopped by two Irish gentlemen in Trafalgar Square, where the St Patrick's Day Festivities were being held, they thought SaraR and couple more of us were Police, photographing the people there, I am not too sure they were convinced that we were really stupid photogs out for a day of fun!!
Message edited by author 2008-03-17 12:36:16. |
03/16/2008 06:00:09 PM · #17 |
Today may turn out to be more expensive than planned - now I'm lusting over 1D mk III pages after Mark's guided tour. Sod the 5D mk2 - I want a 1d mk III!
03/16/2008 06:29:17 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by Quasimojo: Today may turn out to be more expensive than planned - now I'm lusting over 1D mk III pages after Mark's guided tour. Sod the 5D mk2 - I want a 1d mk III!
N |
Haha, you know you want it, do it!! ;) |
03/16/2008 11:41:38 PM · #19 |
Wow...since I left you guys I literally haven't stopped. On the way home I caught the Sport Relief run, so I've had to stay and shoot that...then I got home, finished Chapter 7 and sent Chapters 5, 6 and 7 to the Prof for review, and then sorted my Harsh Environments shot and submitted....and then finally sorted and edited this afternoon's shots.
Here they are:
EDIT: And look how close I got to Seb Coe! (that's Lord Sebastian Coe, ex World Champion 1500m olympian/athlete/british track legend to non UK ppl). Not so much as even a disapproving glance from anyone, let alone the police. Security? Zero!
Message edited by author 2008-03-17 00:03:10.
03/17/2008 05:12:20 AM · #20 |
Hey guys!
Just wanted to say - it was lovely to meet you all! :)
I've got some shots, but won't get around to posting them for the next couple of days since I'll be having some visitors here in Cambridge (including Melethia, woohoo :) )
Hope to see you all again soon! |
03/17/2008 06:37:13 AM · #21 |
Here are a few. Possibly more later!
[thumb]658888[/thumb] [thumb]658889[/thumb] [thumb]658893[/thumb]

Message edited by author 2008-03-17 06:55:04. |
03/17/2008 07:46:53 AM · #22 |
Wow...nice looking group. Great shots all of you.
Looked like a good day to shoot, maybe a little too much rain but the light's beautiful. |
03/17/2008 07:58:05 AM · #23 |
Originally posted by pawdrix: Looked like a good day to shoot, maybe a little too much rain but the light's beautiful. |
I'll trade you London light for NYC light whenever you're ready :)
03/17/2008 08:33:44 AM · #24 |
Thanks for sharing, now I feel even more pissed that I did not make it !
03/17/2008 01:00:10 PM · #25 |
A few more I have just finished playing with:
SaraR in deep conversation in Trafalgar Square.
The Elerafe, part of the Dali exhibition.
Another Dali exhibit!! |
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