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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Strong correlation in bad photographers
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 38, (reverse)
03/13/2004 11:48:44 PM · #1
The most bitter and condecending critics on this site are the worst photographers.

It takes as much time to converse constructively with your colleagues as it does with sarcasim and spite toward percived inferiority.
03/14/2004 12:08:48 AM · #2
Joel, I am assuming this thread is a result of the responses you received in your suggestion for prizes. If so, I really think you are misinterpreting people's message. Try to remember that in online forums, there are no winks, no smiles, no eye movements, etc. It's just words on a screen. A person's mesage when typing may differ greatly from a person's interpretation when reading. In reading the replies to your suggestion, I noticed nothing that I would see as insulting or even ment as such. The worst was probably my sarcastic comment about prizes for searching the forums. I hope you understand that that was sarcasm with a smile, not sarcasm with an evil grin. The goal was to lighten the tension I saw developing on that thread, not to piss you off further. If I failed, I do appoligize. You will find that the people around here are quite nice and any jabs are done lightly with an elbow, not with a fist.

Sarcasm? Definately. Spite? Rarely (and obvious when done).

Message edited by author 2004-03-14 00:11:51.
03/14/2004 01:02:01 PM · #3
Originally posted by Trinch:

The worst was probably my sarcastic comment about prizes for searching the forums. I hope you understand that that was sarcasm with a smile, not sarcasm with an evil grin. The goal was to lighten the tension I saw developing on that thread...

Uh ... so was my answer to that ....
03/14/2004 01:10:52 PM · #4

03/14/2004 01:30:12 PM · #5
Ouch, you must be one of those photoraphers he's talking about.
03/14/2004 01:43:46 PM · #6
... one problem that recurs more and more frequently these days, in books and plays and movies, is the inability of people to communicate with the people they love: husbands and wives who can't communicate, children who can't communicate with their parents, and so on. And the characters in these books and plays and so on, and in real life, I might add, spend hours bemoaning the fact that they can't communicate. I feel that if a person can't communicate, the very least he can do is to shut up!
-- Tom Lehrer,
from the postscript to Alma (1965)

Message edited by author 2004-03-14 13:44:50.
03/14/2004 01:46:52 PM · #7
Which level of Photographers you are talking about?
03/14/2004 01:49:47 PM · #8
I know lot of level ones here :-)
03/14/2004 01:55:10 PM · #9
Just finished reading that :rofl That's great!


Originally posted by pitsaman:

Which level of Photographers you are talking about?

03/14/2004 01:55:14 PM · #10
If there's one thing that's simply bad taste and offensive, it's the picture posted by Russell2566.
03/14/2004 02:36:45 PM · #11
Originally posted by boomer:

If there's one thing that's simply bad taste and offensive, it's the picture posted by Russell2566.

HEHE, oh well... It's been floating around the internet forever... Your browser has a back button and your monitor has an off button. I shouldn't be afraid to post something because it might offend someone.

Originally posted by Jacko:

Ouch, you must be one of those photoraphers he's talking about.

Actualy no, I think I was one of the photographers he thanked for having a good and reasonable asnwer!

Message edited by author 2004-03-14 14:37:12.
03/14/2004 03:04:26 PM · #12
What's sad, Russell, is that you find the word "retard" funny in this day and age. Perhaps you don't have children yet. If and when you do, let's hope none has Downe's Syndrome, for example. I guess it's easy to make fun of those who can't defend themselves, and rationalize it with "it's been around the net forever," and flaunt your right to post whatever you want regardless of it's potential to offend people with disabilities, their parents, their families, and their friends. Post whatever you want. Be smug if you like. But look in the mirror someday and ask -- is this the best I can be?

I'm done; I'll climb off my high horse; end of sermon. It's going to be ignored anyway, but it's off my chest at least!
03/14/2004 04:16:01 PM · #13
I have never, to my recall, found something so offensive on DPC that I have written to ask SC to remove it.

Russell's post achieves that dubious honour.
03/14/2004 04:49:43 PM · #14
Kavey, be reminded that the Rant forum isn't moderated. It is not intented for people who are easily offended. There are other places within DPC to discuss things if you do not wish to see offensive matter.

Please understand that I am not saying this in defense of Russels post but rather in defense of the rant forum. If the SC is called in to investigate any and every offensive or bad taste post here, then this forum will be quickly eliminated. Wouldn't it be less sellfish to just eliminate it from your list of forums to read?
03/14/2004 04:58:41 PM · #15
I am fully aware of the difference between the rant forum and the others.

However, I believe Russell's post to be against site rules regarding offensive material, which do apply to this forum, as well as others.

I am not easily offended, infact I can't recall the last time I was offended by something I saw on the internet and, believe me, that's a pretty wide scope.
03/14/2004 05:01:32 PM · #16
The rant forum is for ranting and often includes discussions and debates that some prefer to stay out of.

That doesn't mean it doesn't need to conform to normal rules and laws.

If I saw someone post a racist comment, I'd complain about that too. It might be an unmoderated Rant forum but posting racist images and messages is still illegal.

Well, I assume it is - covered under Anti Discrimatory laws?

Message edited by author 2004-03-14 17:03:47.
03/14/2004 05:05:56 PM · #17
I don't consider myself a prude (far from it) but I really don't like...

a) the fact that a picture like the above was posted on a 'respectable' site

b) the aforesaid picture has not yet been removed

I'm pretty sure if I open a rant thread and post a picture of a naked women simulating sex with fruit or a man masterbating it would be removed pretty quickly!

I'll not yet remove myself from the rant forum but shall consider giving up membership to a site that allows such obvious bad taste in its forums if it is not removed. Yes there is an off button and I (like others) will most probably use it if this kind of material is not removed - we must have standards.
03/14/2004 05:11:35 PM · #18
The post by Russell2566 may be in poor taste, but I admit I did laugh at it.

I trust that all the folks who are condeming him have never laughed at any type of ethnic joke, never used any type of racial slur or even had the slightest chuckle at someone else's misfortune.

Lighten up...it is only causing a stir here because some folks can't just ignore it and move on.
03/14/2004 05:16:06 PM · #19
Actually, making racial comments is perfectly legal for US citizens on US websites. It's covered under the first ammendment. However, that doesn't mean your account can't be suspended for doing so. It just means you can't be fined or arrested by a government agency.

Having said that, you are right about the rules of conduct. I took the liberty of checking them...

Originally posted by Rules:

4.2 You will not use the DPChallenge.com Service to post content or to design, manufacture, market or sell a Product that (i) infringes the rights of a third party, including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, rights of privacy and publicity, (ii) is libelous, defamatory or slanderous, (iii) condones, promotes, contains or links to warez, cracks, hacks or similar utilities or programs, (iv) contains explicitly sexual content, (v) does or may denigrate or offend any ethnic, racial, gender, religious or other protected group, through use of language, images, stereotypical depiction or otherwise, (vi) is designed to or does harass, threaten, defame or abuse others, (vii) exploits images or the likeness of minors, (viii) encourages or depicts the use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes or (ix) is generally offensive or in bad taste.

Apperently, unmoderated isn't exactly unmoderated. My mistake.
03/14/2004 05:18:19 PM · #20
I wasn't fully aware of the way US laws worked but I felt that surely site rules must override individual forum rules but, who knows.

Since SC will likely need to vote on it before action is taken, no action may be taken at all!


03/14/2004 05:24:37 PM · #21
everyone, lighten up.
03/14/2004 05:28:14 PM · #22
You're right to an extent. Everyone has laughed at something that may not have been appropriate. The difference here, though, I feel, is that this is viewed by many people; kids, different ethnic groups, and people who may be directly affected, in some way, by someone who may be challenged.

You wouldn't tell a "polock joke" to someone who may be Polish if you didn't know them well enough to know if they would laugh or not.

I think we all need to be sensitive to how others take things. Debating is different; everyone has an opinion and if you can express your opinions in a respectable manner, then there is no problem. I think pictures and comments like the above are inappropriate for a website such as this.

Also, Kavey and others shouldn't have to remove the rant forum because of a few inappropriate things. And, the last I knew, the rant forum is also for "general topics"...unless that's been changed again.

Originally posted by rickhd13:

The post by Russell2566 may be in poor taste, but I admit I did laugh at it.

I trust that all the folks who are condeming him have never laughed at any type of ethnic joke, never used any type of racial slur or even had the slightest chuckle at someone else's misfortune.

Lighten up...it is only causing a stir here because some folks can't just ignore it and move on.

03/14/2004 05:28:47 PM · #23
I'm not stressed out, nor emotionally heavy.

I just feel it's offensive and over the bounds even for this site. But it's not my decision to make so I've simply made my own personal feelings clear and leave it to SC to decide.

However, whether or not something is humourous depends on whether you/ people you love/ know are the butt of the joke or not.

I can't say I have never laughed at a joke that's in poor taste, but I don't think even this Rant forum is the place for those kind of jokes.
03/14/2004 05:36:19 PM · #24
Originally posted by boomer:

What's sad, Russell, is that you find the word "retard" funny in this day and age. Perhaps you don't have children yet. If and when you do, let's hope none has Downe's Syndrome, for example. I guess it's easy to make fun of those who can't defend themselves...

My uncle who I'm very close to has two boys with Downe's Syndrome (twins). It's obvious that you've never been in a situation where you've been close to people with it or a family that has had to deal with it.

Wanna know who sent me this image for the first time a couple years ago? That very same uncle who has two boys with Downe's Syndrome, which is what the boy pictured has.

Yes I think you all need to relax a little bit. If my post was ment in hate or had some sort of "other meaning" associated with it I think some of you may have some very valid points. Political Correctness has brought things to a pathetic point. While my posting of this image pushes the limits, I say get a freaking grip.

Perhaps if I thought any one of you were genuenly offended by this I would remove my image. But instead, I'm going to let the mods decide if I am in need of sensorship.
03/14/2004 05:39:48 PM · #25
Russell your uncle may have sent the image to you - because you have a huge shared experience that modifies the message. That's a world away from an arena like this.

It's all about context. Humour in private, where much more is exchanged than just that single image, is very different than slapping a crass joke in a forum such as this.

I have worked with Downe's children in the past. Some members here may be in parents to Downe's children. Some members may have Downe's themselves. Others may not know anyone with the syndrome. Should that make any difference? No.

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