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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Ebay Weird Request
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05/05/2008 10:15:21 AM · #1
I listed my friends camera on Ebay for him. It's a Nikon D70 Outfit.

I opened the bidding at $150. We did this yesterday.

I just got an email saying:

Hi , I was very impressed with the advert of the item you placed on eBay, I am requesting it because I need it very urgently for a friend of mine in West Africa. I will like to offer you $800.00 including the shipping and handling via USPS priority mail, as i can't wait till bid ends,and also i'll like to ask if you be able to released item for shipment upon receiving the payment confirmation from paypal stating that your money has been confirmed.Basically i will be paying you via paypal coz is fast and secure pls if this is ok by you kindly get back to me with your details like Full name,and your paypal valid email address so that i can make the payment right away..looking forward to read from you. reply me back to this email address chrisbarry71@hotmail.com

This sounds scammy to me. What do you guys think?

Here's a link to the item in case anyone is interested in a D70.

The guy said he'd pay with Paypal but it still seems really shady. It's also my friend's first time using Ebay and I want to make sure this is a good experience for him.

Message edited by author 2008-05-05 10:15:40.
05/05/2008 10:17:59 AM · #2
Common scam... stay away.
05/05/2008 10:18:25 AM · #3
Mention of Africa + dodgy English = scam, as a general rule!

My advice is not to touch it with a barge pole.
05/05/2008 10:20:01 AM · #4
If the address you are sending it to is the confirmed Paypal address and you send the item with some sort of delivery confirmation, the risk is somewhat small.

On the other hand, if he asks that you ship it directly to his friend, then I would not only run, but run fast. It is likely a stolen Paypal account and the urgency is to get the item before the fraud is detected.

Personally, I would either ignore the request or, if you must, respond that negotiating outside of the eBay framework is a violation of the terms and conditions.

Message edited by author 2008-05-05 10:20:36.
05/05/2008 10:29:24 AM · #5
It`s a scam for sure.
If he`s in that much of a hurry why does he not buy one of the many other D70 kits with buy it now.
He trying it on as you have zero feedback.
05/05/2008 10:54:41 AM · #6
Or, you can offer it to him. But not...

Contact ebay, tell them you believe you're dealing with someone who has hijacked a user's Paypal account. And see if they can contact the user via their bank.

And maybe catch the SnOB.
05/05/2008 11:00:46 AM · #7
See this thread
05/05/2008 11:01:54 AM · #8
Run away.
05/05/2008 11:09:52 AM · #9
scam scam scam....right away I scanned through the email looking for Nigeria and I saw Africa in the email right away so its a scam. The whole thing gives it away also with email they supplied too.

Also be very careful with those paypal emails dont click on anything and also if you do click on the email dont start typing anything in such as your name and password. I got one of those a while ago and it looked 100% real I had to read it more then a dozen times to notice it was fake. First I got an email similar to that asking me to ship to Nigeria then I got a paypal email claiming I had funds in my account. So I figured something fishy was going on and I went to paypal (not clicking on that email) and I saw no funds in my account. So I re-read that email a dozen times then I saw a line in the fake paypal email that it said once I send them the shipping confirmation they would transfer the funds over.Once I called paypal they said it was a scam and to forward the email to them.

As long as you dont click anything in the email and start typing in your name and password you have nothing to worry about just ignore it. Those scams are all over ebay thats why I got tired of trying to sell stuff on ebay. Its such a pain in the *^$%(
05/05/2008 11:10:04 AM · #10
I had something VERY similar last year when I sold my 30d on ebay, I promply told him where to stick it! This clearly shouts out SCAM!!! You'd be very stupid to fall for this!!! Never, ever, dispatch goods, without first ensuring payment has been received!
05/05/2008 11:29:44 AM · #11
this is total BS. I posted a thread like this last week. I was selling my 400d and someone offered me over the asking price if I would ship it to Nigeria for their 'nephew' who was 'starting work there'. I said postage would cost £XX and they then sent me a phony paypal thing saying they had sent the money.

My sister in law works for paypal so I ran it by her who said no money had come in to my account (like i thought). They then told me that paypal would only release the funds once they had a tracking number, which is total BS again since paypal doesn't work that way. I knew it was BS from day 1 but had it confirmed by paypal and ebay.

Report the person to ebay, include their username and anything else and they will be banned and all should be good.
05/05/2008 09:38:15 PM · #12
Thanks all. I was 99% sure but just wanted to check.

There's already one bid on the item so it's gonna sell legitimately.
05/06/2008 06:42:31 AM · #13
dude,,,,,,do not let this person get your address or paypal id.....

05/06/2008 06:48:12 AM · #14
Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud ....

You can set various preferences in your account so that only people with more than 5 feedback or have paypal account etc can bid. I've had exactly the same several times. People with less than 5 feedback can contact you and you can then pre-approve them to bid if you think they are genuine.
05/06/2008 06:57:36 AM · #15
THE Chris Barrie? ha ha, it's a scam all the way... avoid!

I got the same when selling music equipment, and they offer to pay more with a fake bankers draft, so your supposed to send them the goods AND some cash! The fakes are very good, it takes the bank a few weeks to work out it's a fake, and then you're in trouble...
05/06/2008 01:29:00 PM · #16
At the risk of being redundant and repeating what everyone else has said: SCAM.
Very, very common...even on Craig's List.
//419eater.com/ has GREAT examples of people scamming the scammers.

Message edited by author 2008-05-06 13:29:55.
05/06/2008 01:48:23 PM · #17
Somewhere in Africa there's a nice guy trying very diligently to buy a used camera online thinking to himself "Why does everybody turn me down when I offer to buy their camera?"

...or maybe not. :-)
05/06/2008 02:10:13 PM · #18

My boyfriend has a store on e-bay, and our experience is that when people ask you to end an auction earlier, is because they know the item will sell for more that they are offering you (or maybe in this case, is a stolen account, and they know in five days, the account might be blocked). Dealing outside e-bay goes against the rules, so in case you decided to accept his offer, the best way to go, is end the auction and list the item on buy it now, that way he will have to click on the appropiate links to send you the payment.
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