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DPChallenge Forums >> Stock Photography >> my first 4 pics to dreamstime..
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05/17/2008 10:10:36 PM · #1
Seems i was wrong.

Dreamstime took all of 2 minutes to register and submit photos.

Although,i find my photos quite good and technically correct,i feel that the number one reject will be noise.Even when i reduce it,i still see it,maybe im paraphotonoid.
(Do i have dibs on that word ?)

They will be reviewed in 24 hours more or less.

I gotta buy Neatimage pro (its only 75 bucks)

I'll be back with details in a couple of days.

My next tries are Fotolia and Shutterstock.
05/17/2008 10:21:37 PM · #2
Hey fellow Montrealer. I was born there but now reside in Longueuil, can't wait to get back to the island. I hate it here. How goes?

I got 2 (my first) pics accepted by Dreamstime a few weeks ago. I'm getting ready to submit more in the next couple of days/weeks. I'm going to go with istock too. Good luck with the pics.
05/18/2008 05:03:39 AM · #3
Yeah dreamstime is not too bad for submitting speed. The categories take a little time but they go quicker once you remember what your options are.

Noise is a really killer - especially for sites like shutterstock. One idea however is to reduce the size of your image. If you are using a Canon 5D you can easily reduce the size by 50% and drastically improve noise. I wouldn't do this as a general practice but it might be useful for your initial 10 for you shutterstock submission.

If you haven't allready signed up at shutterstock here is a referral link if you care to use mine.

Sign up with Shutterstock

Sign up with Fotolia

If you end up using my referral links, let me know (private message for example) and I would be more than happy to spend extra time helping you get accepted and getting images online.
05/18/2008 01:41:58 PM · #4
Originally posted by leaf:

Noise is a really killer - especially for sites like shutterstock. One idea however is to reduce the size of your image. If you are using a Canon 5D you can easily reduce the size by 50% and drastically improve noise.

I'm stunned that you're getting significant noise out of a 5D - are you shooting at particularly high ISOs, or are microstocks just getting even more absurdly obsessed with noise?
05/18/2008 01:57:03 PM · #5
microstock sites are VERY picky with noise especially shutterstock.

I generally don't have to reduce noise on a regular image, but if I shoot a sky and then push it a little with editing - noise is going to show up with ISO 100. That is just the way it is with blue.

On the other hand if I am shooting a regular scene with variable colors (which hides noise a bit) I can shoot at iso 400 without a problem.
05/18/2008 09:00:46 PM · #6

24 hours ago,it said ETR 24 hours
now 24 hours later,it says ......21 hours.

This,like weather,is not an exact science.

Would you guys say that noise is the number one fault they find for rejection ?
I would think so,unless someone keeps sending grandma snapshots.

Hey Jac! it goes fine,but now with this first submission the suspense is killing this frenchman.

Come back to the island Jac! Thats where all the LADIES are !
05/18/2008 11:05:07 PM · #7
Maybe they meant "dog hours"? :)
05/19/2008 02:39:04 AM · #8
the hours pending is dependant on how many reviews they get done in the last X hours, so it varies quite a bit and is just a general idea. Things probably move slower on the weekends.

No, Dreamstime is not too much of a stickler for noise. If they made it into shutterstock they will not get rejected for noise at Dreamstime (generally)
05/19/2008 04:15:58 AM · #9
Originally posted by leaf:

microstock sites are VERY picky with noise especially shutterstock.

I have to admit I haven't submitted anything to micros for probably a couple of years now - they were pretty fussy back then but not, I think, that bad.

What I find ironic is that they are way more concerned about things like noise than people like Alamy. I honestly believe that it's easier to get a technically sound (sharp, focused, not excessive noise) picture into macro than micro these days.
05/19/2008 04:18:12 AM · #10
well Alamy doesn't really have a quality control.

They check the pictures to make sure the files are OK and that they are not pixelated or have jpg compressions and such but other than that Alamy doesn't check the images... so yes, it is very easy to get images onto Alamy.
05/19/2008 04:21:08 AM · #11
Is there a minimum number of photos one could submit to these agencies... I don't have too many that they could use, as mine tend to be either gritty or just *hitty.

I do have some of the Olympic complex in Greece that might do though...
05/19/2008 06:01:15 AM · #12
no there is no minimum.

With shutterstock however you do need a minimum of 10 to apply. I would suggest however, waiting until you have 100 good shots and pick your best 10 for you shutterstock submission.

Message edited by author 2008-05-19 06:01:29.
05/19/2008 02:40:47 PM · #13
Like Annie Potts in Ghostbusters...


My very first image on Dreamstime
(snif,me so happy )
It is a pic of a rusty surface,a very rusty surface.

anyone want to buy a pic of a rusty surface ??
everybody needs one in their living room LOL

The three that got rejected had quite a lot of specifics,but im pretty sure i can fix them and resubmit,but most importantly i can see the Dreamstime rejection points more clearly now.

I can fix my aim accordingly,or at least better.
05/19/2008 02:57:43 PM · #14
And you're off.... good news indeed. Did they specify what exactly was not to their liking? I was refused by Fotolia but all I got was a message that went something like this; Your images have been refused for one or more of these reasons and they supplied a list with about 10 things that could go wrong with an image. Not much help.
05/19/2008 03:02:51 PM · #15
Congrats! Welcome to the wonderful world of Stock Photography!
05/20/2008 07:00:08 PM · #16
thanks melking.

One of the pics didnt have a MR yet,but the couple in the wedding pic said they would sign it,so thats great.

it was the only request from the reviewer,so once its signed it should be accepted.

one of them said bad scanning,then i remembered i sent in the scanned one,found the original file so it should be a lot better.

this week,i will submit 8 instead of just 4(i know,i'm crazy that way.)
05/21/2008 03:27:29 AM · #17
congrats and good luck.
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