Author | Thread |
07/03/2008 09:33:24 AM · #276 |
Originally posted by Shecoya: Took the Energy Twins out to the mountains looking for bears...
only saw.. mountain goats, bald eagles, coyotes, moose, deer, gophers and a variety of hawks.. ;)
bear search continues.. maybe tomorrow morning when i'm all groggy and hung over.. they will see the bear in me :P |
In the last few weeks Ive seen Grizzlies up by Johnson's Canyon... |
07/03/2008 09:49:09 AM · #277 |
Since most of you have posted cellphone numbers, here's mine. (216) 469-5869. Verizon gave me that number. When I want to call my house, I just tell my phon, "Eee Tee Phone Home". I will be using that for my business number as well.
So, if you want to talk dirty, call a 900 number. You'll see talk is not-cheap. I've never had phone sex, I think it's too, Phony ;-) |
07/03/2008 10:54:25 AM · #278 |
Hi all,
I am just finishing up getting ready. Besides a sparkling fun loving personality, a thirst to learn, and a camera, what other sort of equipment should I pack? For the workshop, is, for instance:
1. a tripod indespensible
2. useful but will will take turns with one that is there
3. why would anyone ever go anywhere without one
This is my first photo workshop of any sort so I don't know how much is hands on and how much is just eyes and ears on.
Thanks. See you tomorrow evening in Calgary.
Bill |
07/03/2008 07:15:04 PM · #279 |
In the spirit of sharing phone numbers, here's the number for the soon to be internationally renowned Shanks Photography - 478-213-4435
Have cell phone, will travel.
yeah, well, about that internationally renowned bit? A guy can hope.
Arriving around 7pm. I have no idea how long it will take to get our luggage, get through customs, get the rental car, and get to the university. |
07/03/2008 08:36:39 PM · #280 |
Also in the spirit of sharing cell numbers, mine is +1 952 457-5426
See you tomorrow evening. |
07/03/2008 09:40:01 PM · #281 |
So Kilkenny's friday night at 9pm? Did anybody make a reservation? |
07/03/2008 09:53:43 PM · #282 |
Irish Pub? I'll go for a Guiness Stout!
Irish girls have some of the most beautiful red hair. |
07/04/2008 12:19:47 AM · #283 |
wifi at the residences is 10$ for the duration of your stay |
07/04/2008 01:57:44 AM · #284 |
Got here today, party is raging, just how I thought it would be..... Pedro is the best barman I have met :) |
07/04/2008 02:04:11 AM · #285 |
So I've been here shince June 23turd and Pedrosh benn a grate hosht! Burp! My liver is surviving... barely.... PARTY ON!!!! :))))
07/04/2008 02:32:54 AM · #286 |
i think pedro is starting to take advantage of my lightweightness
nice handle bars pedro
07/04/2008 01:28:24 PM · #287 |
Originally posted by Foolish Ice: So Kilkenny's friday night at 9pm? Did anybody make a reservation? |
Doesn't sound like it. I'll give them a ring over lunch. How many should I say? Keep in mind its Stampede and if I say too many they will probably tell me I am crazy. I was thinking of saying 20 and then if we get more we'll just start taking over the place.
07/04/2008 01:46:24 PM · #288 |
07/04/2008 01:59:45 PM · #289 |
I called Kilkenny's and apparently they don't take reservations on Fridays. However, because its Stampede they figured they would be relatively slow so we shouldn't have any problems getting in. (I figured with Stampede they would be busier however most people head downtown to 17th ave for their potent potables).
For those staying at the University I believe you can take the C-train north to Brentwood. (It will be the first stop after the University). I'd offer rides but I am not sure how I am getting there. (Being a responsible person I don't think I should drink and drive.)
I hope to see you all there because unfortunately I am heading out of town tomorrow and I really want to meet you all.
I guess since we are trading cell phone numbers mine is :403-973-5158 (stupid 10 digit dialling!)
07/04/2008 03:30:06 PM · #290 |
Okay, time is getting close to the "Nude Nature" excursion this coming Monday.
Quick recap: We will be heading off to the hills of Southern Alberta for a day of fun and frollick. The plan is to do some sightseeing, light hiking, wildlife viewing and high altitude knitting. I'd like to hit the road fairly early, 0700 and therefore need to setup a sensible meeting place to hook up with all those who wish to participate. We will be crowding into donated vehicles and sharing the expense of fuel, food and broken camera gear. I, will have a Ford Escape and can comfortably carry 3 passengers and uncomfortably carry 4. We'll be hitting some gravel roads and putting on 300 plus Kilometers (200ish Miles). I'm preparing a venue which will be emailed to Pedro for distribution and/or faxed to locations specified by whoever wishes to get faxed. I expect to have the venue prepared later today outlining the route and other stuff.
Remember we are going to the mountains where blisters prevail and sunburns are common. If we get some unpleasant weather, be prepared with something warm and weather resistant. Good footwear is a must as the rocky slopes can result in some twisted ankles and other unpleasant consequences. If we cross some water, socks will do the trick if you do not have footwear for fording a river. No real need to worry about wildlife attacks as the chance of us encountering ferocious on a hiking trail will be mitigated as I think stealth will not be on our side. A good tripod, filters, batteries, memory cards,BUG SPRAYand need I say your camera, should be mandatory.
It would be best if we start designating who will be riding with who as the logistics of pickups etc will be much easier that way.
Lets start with that.
Message edited by author 2008-07-04 16:38:01. |
07/04/2008 05:43:52 PM · #291 |
324 in Cascade Hall rez
& I'm an idiot & don't know whwrer i am ....
Message edited by author 2008-07-04 20:27:20. |
07/04/2008 06:25:30 PM · #292 |
Originally posted by ralph: 324 in Citadel rez |
Um...Huh? |
07/04/2008 06:50:24 PM · #293 |
Originally posted by Citadel: Originally posted by ralph: 324 in Citadel rez |
Um...Huh? |
room 324 in the Cascade residence (the buildings have names ..)
nothing to do with your nom de plume ..
Message edited by author 2008-07-04 20:27:42. |
07/04/2008 07:01:31 PM · #294 |
Originally posted by ralph: Originally posted by Citadel: Originally posted by ralph: 324 in Citadel rez |
Um...Huh? |
room 324 in the Citadel residence (the buildings have names ..)
nothing to do with your nom de plume .. |
Is this something to do with Monday and if so ...... huh? If not .... cheers. ;-) |
07/04/2008 07:56:57 PM · #295 |
I'm #114 in Glacier Hall... |
07/04/2008 08:02:58 PM · #296 |
We just checked in.
Glacier Hall - Room 127
Now to unpack! |
07/04/2008 08:27:44 PM · #297 |
I'm going to be like a child on Christmas eve tonight. There's gonna be very little sleep I'm afraid :P
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow, still working out whether or not I can make it Monday, but I REALLY want to, I've been envious of Ivo's knowledge of the area for a while so I can hardly pass up the offer of a guided tour. |
07/04/2008 08:30:16 PM · #298 |
Check/present! The flight was nice, had a couple of small hineys up there (11.5 oz Heinekin beer), while watching a 2008 Rolling Stones concert/movie, directed by Martin Scorcese. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, finally made it to the U-of-Calgary Glacier Hall.
On overweight luggage and no problems with the airport security with all my coiled cables and a Quantum Turbo 2x2 battery, etc.
I've met some wonderful people: DKnourek, BeeCee, and SJCarter. |
07/04/2008 08:31:14 PM · #299 |
can see Glacier Hall from my window which way are you facing ?
07/04/2008 08:34:30 PM · #300 |
I see a utility barn next to bldg, acrossed from my window, and am probably facing Nothern, if the shadows are coming from the Left.
Hey IVO (John), can I ride in your soovee Monday-to-the-Mountains, to feed the bears?
Message edited by author 2008-07-04 20:41:14. |
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