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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Calgary Nude/Glamour Workshop * thread 2
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05/30/2008 12:01:17 PM · #1
Hey, y̢۪all.

In the interest of cleaning up the previous thread a bit we̢۪re starting a new one here. If you are looking for the previous thread, you can find it here. It contains lots of information about lots of stuff, including the workshop itself, accommodations, things to do in Calgary, who̢۪s coming etc. It also contains a bunch of nonsense and rambling too, so if you̢۪re into that kind of thing, go read it.

The short version: On July 5th Shecoya and I are hosting this year̢۪s installment of the European nude/glamour workshop the kiwiness, Anastasia, and azrifel have hosted in previous years. It̢۪s a one-day workshop (July 5th) followed by a one-day GTG (july 6th) in Calgary, AB, Canada. I̢۪ll be posting a more detailed itinerary soon, but for now it̢۪s safe to assume we̢۪re going to be covering topics such as studio lighting, Photoshop/post-processing techniques, finding and using natural light, photo shoot styling and makeup, working with and directing models, the business of being a photographer, and more. The lineup of presenters is as follows:

Joey Lawrence
Rene Menendez (makeup artist)

We̢۪re still waiting on confirmation on a few others based on solidifying travel arrangements and schedules. Yes, Mr. Librodo is still on that list, but as yet he hasn̢۪t confirmed whether or not he can resolve a scheduling conflict (you listening Manny? Get on it, Pare ;) ).

Below is a list of confirmed attendees. If you̢۪re confirmed and I̢۪ve missed you, please PM me and I̢۪ll add your name to the list. We also have a very long list of parties who are interested and say they̢۪re coming, but have yet to confirm. For now we̢۪re keeping it limited to DPC members and their friends/family, but if I don̢۪t have confirmation by mid-June (let̢۪s say the 15th for the sake of being definitive) we̢۪ll open it up to outsiders as well. Several from outside our community have expressed interest, but we̢۪ll keep it amongst ourselves for the time being.

Steve Dunsmoor - Sea2c
David Dknourek - Dknourek
Kiyoko Gotanda - Pidge
Cory Smith - Fetor
Ralph Nevins - Ralph
Gary K – kiwiness
Anastasia K – Anastasia
Sheila M. - BeeCee
Wies - High on Energy
Sander - lowonenergy
Roz – Shecoya
Jordan Carman - Nocturnal_Delusion
John Erdovegi - Justamistere
Valeriy Katsnelson- edmeng
Joey Lawrence - Joey Lawrence
Frank Klienert - NewRomancer
Ralf Otmanns - Fanatic
Yanik Chauvin - kosmikkreeper
SJ Carter - SJCarter
Peter M – Pedro
Len Stinn - Baxter (sorry I missed you Len)
Sean Davis - Davisssrh
Jacqueline Morrison - sillygoat
Wayne Yetaon - silverhawk
Tony Shanks - shanksware
Mickey Shanks - just_me
JB Smith - jbsmithana
Bill Wehrmacher - wehrmacher
Corey Barker - Foolish ice

Have a look through their portfolios – you’ll see a wide range of experience, from noobs to professionals. Don’t worry about what your current skill level is – there’s something to be learned by everyone from the presenters and participants alike.

The cost is $200 Canadian (cheap by industry standards) and includes the full-day workshop, snacks/beverages, and lunch. We prefer cheques (or ‘checks’ for those of you in the US ;)), but will also accept PayPal for those who need it (payable to peter_marlin(at)hotmail.com). If you’re having trouble with either of those methods, PM Roz or myself and we’ll work something out.

I̢۪ll be posting links to some of the models that will be in attendance shortly. Suffice it to say we̢۪ll have lots of talent there to work with. At this point I have commitments from ten models, and expect there to be closer to 15 or 20 by the time all is said and done.

That̢۪s it for now. Looking forward to meeting the new people and seeing old friends from previous years :)


Accommodation info copied from previous thread:

You can start booking your rooms as of ......


We have, from July 3rd - July 8th a block of 15, 2 bedroom apartments and a block of 15 traditional dorm rooms set aside specifically for the DPChallenge Photography Workshop. You can start booking as of today and will have the opportunity to book your room until May 16th at which time the rooms set aside will be up for rent to the general public. *** If you haven't booked by then you risk not getting a spot ***

2 bedroom apartments are *$100.00 / night
Which is $50.00 a person. (full bath, kitchen, living room)

Traditional Dorm rooms are: $49.50 / night
which is $24.75 a person. (two beds in a room, shared bath down the hall, shared kitchen down the hall and shared common area)

you will be assigned the type of room you ask for and unless there is someone specifically you want to share with you will randomly be assigned spots with other workshop participants which is a great way to get to know each other.
Okay so on to the details:

Identify yourself as a participant of the DPChallenge Photography Workshop...you can call Vanessa Dumesnil 403 220 2588 or email at vadumesn@ucalgary.ca If you have any trouble booking with Vanessa you can contact as an alternate Tarah Blum 403 220 5443 or email at: tkmblum@ucalgary.ca

Peter nor I will be responsible to collect payments for your accommodation. You will be responsible for booking and paying for your individual accommodations via the contact information I just provided. Of course you are free to book hotels as well we just wanted to offer an affordable option that was close to the workshop as well as excellent access to transportation.

Message edited by author 2008-07-02 00:24:27.
05/30/2008 12:20:45 PM · #2
Dunno why I never read the other thread, but it's too late for me to change my vacation plans.

05/30/2008 05:10:31 PM · #3
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Dunno why I never read the other thread, but it's too late for me to change my vacation plans.


;) its never too late!!! (in my world)
05/30/2008 05:18:13 PM · #4
Hope the wife doesn't see the title of this workshop :S
05/30/2008 05:21:54 PM · #5
Originally posted by dknourek:

Hope the wife doesn't see the title of this workshop :S

Because of the Calgary part?
05/30/2008 05:23:44 PM · #6
The glamour part. She thinks he's glamourous enough already.
05/30/2008 05:39:01 PM · #7
Im in Calgary so that excuse is blown and well Sheila that all depends on how much Ive had to drink ;)

Ill plead ignorance as it was first stated as a Europe meets Canada workshop :P

good thing I still have my army helmet and flack vest
05/30/2008 07:29:15 PM · #8
thats a dmn fine turn out !!
looking forward to meeting you all ..
05/30/2008 07:29:23 PM · #9
Dang - can you come down to LA and run one here???
05/30/2008 07:48:02 PM · #10
Originally posted by socalsteve:

Dang - can you come down to LA and run one here???

I'd like to second this motion!
05/30/2008 08:14:47 PM · #11
Originally posted by onesaint:

Originally posted by socalsteve:

Dang - can you come down to LA and run one here???

I'd like to second this motion!

Betcha there are some seat sales.. LAX is only a couple of hours away by plane .. *wink* .. feel free to come on up and play with us..

wait till you see the models.. Woo hoo !!!
05/30/2008 08:35:23 PM · #12
I'd love to join you, meet all of you guys and learn some stuff. Unfortunately, I'll be shooting a wedding in France that day... Let me know if you plan anything for August, I might be in the area around that time.
05/30/2008 08:35:57 PM · #13
Just checked this new list against the old list. Not sure but there appeare to be a name missing. Did I miss the memo.
05/30/2008 08:35:59 PM · #14
Depending when it is I might actually be interested - I'll try and keep an eye out.
05/30/2008 08:39:07 PM · #15
Hey Baxter.. ;) no missed memo.. I already pointed it out to Pedro!!
will be fixed tonight :) Yer still good.

SocalSteve.. Its July 5 for the workshop and July 6th for the walk around.. :)

Message edited by author 2008-05-30 20:41:31.
05/30/2008 09:49:18 PM · #16
Originally posted by Shecoya:

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Dunno why I never read the other thread, but it's too late for me to change my vacation plans.


;) its never too late!!! (in my world)

If it didn't mean breaking my promise to go camping with my boys, I'd figure out a way.
05/30/2008 09:54:19 PM · #17
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Originally posted by Shecoya:

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Dunno why I never read the other thread, but it's too late for me to change my vacation plans.


;) its never too late!!! (in my world)

If it didn't mean breaking my promise to go camping with my boys, I'd figure out a way.

Okay never too late cept if its gonna break a promise to wee ones.. they always come first!!!
Camping will be just as amazing if not more.. pure quality!! .. as an aside.. Kids love the Calgary stampede and we have some of the best camping in the world out here in the mountains lol ;)
06/02/2008 09:58:52 PM · #18
Originally posted by Pedro:

Frank Klienert - NewRomancer

...frank knows what to do!
06/03/2008 02:36:06 PM · #19
Originally posted by Joey Lawrence:

Originally posted by Pedro:

Frank Klienert - NewRomancer

...frank knows what to do!

06/03/2008 02:40:13 PM · #20
Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by Joey Lawrence:

Originally posted by Pedro:

Frank Klienert - NewRomancer

...frank knows what to do!


Frank is sitting next to me right now..... he knows what to do :)
06/03/2008 03:18:34 PM · #21
Originally posted by kiwiness:

Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by Joey Lawrence:

Originally posted by Pedro:

Frank Klienert - NewRomancer

...frank knows what to do!


Frank is sitting next to me right now..... he knows what to do :)


Um what should I do? ;)
Can't wait to see you all!!
06/03/2008 03:24:38 PM · #22
Originally posted by Shecoya:

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Originally posted by Shecoya:

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Dunno why I never read the other thread, but it's too late for me to change my vacation plans.


;) its never too late!!! (in my world)

If it didn't mean breaking my promise to go camping with my boys, I'd figure out a way.

Okay never too late cept if its gonna break a promise to wee ones.. they always come first!!!
Camping will be just as amazing if not more.. pure quality!! .. as an aside.. Kids love the Calgary stampede and we have some of the best camping in the world out here in the mountains lol ;)

Perhaps next year....
06/03/2008 03:28:18 PM · #23
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

Perhaps next year....

Done... see you in Iceland :)
06/03/2008 03:35:20 PM · #24
Less than 20 confirmations only? Come on people this will be the event to top them all..... Evah!! :)))

I coming all the way from Germany, I wanna meet as many of you DPC'ers as possible, come on sign up now! You won't regret it, the last two years were awesome!
06/03/2008 03:56:56 PM · #25
Originally posted by kiwiness:

You won't regret it, the last two years were awesome!

i can second that, especially the after show parties at gary's and nasti's place!
i wonder who will go bald this year...? LOL

i'd love to come again and i even have plenty of time, but it's just that i can't afford the jump over to calgary DAMMIT! too bad, but maybe next year in iceland, at least i know some places there where i can stay for free ;)
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