nborton and jmsetzler,
Yeah, this thread got me too. Reason? I needed some info on band photography. There is precious little out there. So.....I just jumped right in and mucked about.
I started shooting bands a couple of months ago out of necessity. I'm a developer and one of my clients, a Beatles tribute band called Abbey Rode (www.abbeyrode.com) didn't have any good photos of them. So started researching photography and bravely (some would say idiotically) decided that I would shoot some pics of them with my Sony Cybershot DSC-P7. Those pics came out pretty well for my first time, and using a point and shoot. But being the perfectionist I am, I wanted more. (Plus, I suspect that I was already hooked.)
The second set in that series was shot with my new Fuji FinePix S-7000 - my very first use of it. I was pretty blessed confused, let me tell you. All that power and no clue what any of the controls meant! lol
The third set in that series was shot this last weekend. It was an awesome show and I hope that I managed to capture some of that excitement and energy in my photos. (By the way, just about all of my photos have been tweaked in Photoshop one way or another - usually just some color correction/sharpening, but as you may notice in my last set, some serious motion blur was added. Other shots that I've taken can be found at my website, //www.digitaldani.com.)
I welcome any and all comments and critiques that are constructive in nature - I love this and really want to get better at it. I especially welcome hearing from others that are shooting local bands in their area. There's so much talent out there!
Happy shooting,