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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Vermont GTG September 6th 2008
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 179, (reverse)
08/15/2008 09:50:29 AM · #76
I'm still in at 99% (it will depend on the wheather). Will be coming with Kathe, Alex_B, Dr_Toto and my daughter Valérie.

Message edited by author 2008-08-16 08:50:47.
08/15/2008 09:52:56 AM · #77
As it stands now I will be there. However, there is an ongoing medical situation with my daughter and if she ends up back in the hospital I won't be able to make it.
08/15/2008 11:02:27 AM · #78
I'm still hoping to make it....

08/16/2008 12:52:38 AM · #79
I am going shopping in the morning to get an air mattress, pump and possibly a sleeping bag... I truly want to make this GTG.

Anyone in the Ottawa area wanting to get a lift can PM me.

08/16/2008 08:50:05 AM · #80
ETA : entered in error...

Message edited by author 2008-08-16 08:51:14.
08/16/2008 09:24:17 AM · #81
Considering it ..
08/18/2008 07:24:52 AM · #82
I have updated the list of people as we are getting closer to the date of this GTG. Here is the staus of everyone that I have on the list so far, Please let me know if you are not on the list or there is some sort of error and you are not on the list etc.:

People interested Thus far:
hot_pixel (confirmed) bringing friends: Bala and Darryl
bassbone (confirmed)
cryan (confirmed)
bear_music (Still really hopes to make it!)
cej (80% likely to come, barring unforeseen things happening)
Nikolai1024 (Maybe)
emorgan49 (Most Probably will make it)
eva2k0 (confirmed)
hopper (Maybe)
annig (confirmed)
NathanW (Maybe)
patio127 (confirmed)
stargazer05766 (confirmed)
RayEthier (Wants to come really badly!!! and will be staying at my house)
soup (Maybe)
DJWoodward (Big Maybe)
Alain (99% probably comming)
kathe (comming with Alain)
Alex_B (comming with Alain)
Dr_Toto (comming with Alain)
digitalpins (maybe)
robs (maybe)
blindjustice (strong maybe)

Now comes the fun part, trying to get a good time for everyone to meet up and a locaion where we can meet up. Here is a list that Peter bassbone had put together in a previous post. I think starting at the Gorge maybe the best bet to get the group together as there is plenty of parking on both sides of the bridge and if anyone is interested in lunch or anything once we get back to the top I believe there is a picnic area on the side that does not have the gift shop. Any Suggestions?

Quechee Gorge - A nice easy hike to the bottom of the gorge and wonderful photo ops

VINS - Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences Raptor center

Simon Pearce Glass - The Simon Pearce Gallery and glass blowing factory is a great spot to stop (especially if the weather is a bit foul)

Billings Farm - Billings Farm is a great functioning creamery and dairy farm with tours and lots of mid 19th century buildings (and lots of farm animals up close)

Jenne Farm - one of the most photographed farms in the US. A wonderful little farm in the rolling hills of South Woodstock VT

Woodstock VT - The famous little town in central VT - lovely buildings, great shops, and a couple of covered bridges close by.

There are many more - including just some great other horse farms nearby and the covered bridges.

Any Suggestions or input would be great for this. Let me know what you all think for times to start and locations you would like to shoot. Lets start trying to put this together and see if we can get some loos schedule onto what we will be doing on Sept 6th.

Message edited by author 2008-08-18 07:26:40.
08/21/2008 06:51:04 AM · #83
Anyone out there following the thread? We should really be nailing down a meet up time and get together some kind of idea on what we want to shoot on the GTG. We also need to have some idea if we want to try and do lunch together or bring our own.

If anyone is following could you let me know your ideas?

08/21/2008 07:12:10 AM · #84
HI guys, put me in as a maybe! I'll talk to JeepGirl04 and see if I can talk her into coming too. I'll bring my own lunch, and I'm not sure how many of the crew I'll have with me at this point. If anyone *wants* me to bring the swarm of children let me know - I'll gladly sign model releases for the whole crew. :)

However, my tripod fell over while shooting lighting during that storm a few days ago and shattered my d200.... not sure if I'll have it replaced in time. :(

08/21/2008 07:59:32 AM · #85

I am in favor of meeting at Quechee Gorge. My family will be up at our place near by, so I can start any time. BUT, since many are traveling by car from a ways, I am not sure it makes sense to start too early.

If the weather is good, we should focus on the outside stuff - the Gorge, VINS, the farms, areas around the town of Woodstock, including the covered bridges.

If the weather is not cooperating, I think we can still do VINS (nature center with the cool birds), make a stop at Simon Pearce glassblowers, make a stop at Billings Farms (it has multiple in door areas worth a photo op).

Rich - Pick a time in the morning to meet and we will be there....

08/22/2008 07:30:44 PM · #86
I too am in favor of meeting at the gorge, its been years since i've been. My wife will also be comeing as we will be celebrating our 5 yr anniversary. As for time I'm in favor of meeting around 10 or 11.
08/28/2008 06:56:51 AM · #87
Weather permitting, I will be there. I'm also in favor of meeting at the Gorge, It looks very nice there. Anytime after 9:00 AM will be fine.
08/29/2008 07:56:24 AM · #88
Bump - I prefer to be a sheep, rather than a shepherd - Tell me where to be and when and I will be there.
08/29/2008 09:22:21 AM · #89
It's not gonna work for me :-( Some major health issues have cropped up in my family and I am gonna have to be prepared to travel at a moment's notice, so that uses up all my discretionary income for the month :-(

Looking forward to the pictures though :-)

08/29/2008 10:51:58 AM · #90
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

It's not gonna work for me :-( Some major health issues have cropped up in my family and I am gonna have to be prepared to travel at a moment's notice, so that uses up all my discretionary income for the month :-(

Looking forward to the pictures though :-)


I'm sorry to hear that...on two fronts. First, I hope for the best in the health situation that your family is dealing with. Second, I was looking forward to meeting you. Anyway, we'll get you next time...
08/29/2008 12:26:56 PM · #91
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

It's not gonna work for me :-( Some major health issues have cropped up in my family and I am gonna have to be prepared to travel at a moment's notice, so that uses up all my discretionary income for the month :-(

Looking forward to the pictures though :-)


You should plan a GTG on the Cape. The bridge traffic will be gone soon.
08/29/2008 12:41:32 PM · #92
I'm still planning on it. It will depend partly on the weather forecast, not worth the drive if not a great shooting day.

Awaiting the finalized details, so I can plan whether I need/want to drive up Friday night to get an early start without being exhausted for the drive home.

As far as my preferences, I'm game for any great landscapes, waterfalls, streams, chasms, and other gorgeous scenery depending on the light and clouds. :)

PS. If anyone else is going from the capital district, perhaps we can coordinate and share the ride.

Message edited by author 2008-08-29 12:42:37.
08/30/2008 04:09:38 PM · #93
i unfortunately have to work. i might call in sick. which would essentially mean not showing up, but i'm not sure...
08/30/2008 08:20:26 PM · #94
I think we need to start some real planning here.

There appears to be general agreement that we should meet at the Quechee gorge. It we want good light in the gorge, we probably should not start too early, but I think everyone is traveling far enough that we would want to make a good day of it.

Everone vote for a starting time:

The Gorge:

There is a shopping/ gift store next to the Quechee gorge (east side of the bridge) that is big enough to accomodate us. At the gorge there are some great views of the gorge from above. There are also two trails that lead up and down the gorge (one going to the bottom, about 0.3 miles reasonably steep but easy walking) and another that leads to a dam (flat about 0.2 miles).

Late Morning: After the gorge, we have a couple of choices...

1. Go to VINS (raptor rescue center) where they have some rescued eagles, owls, etc. You can get pretty close to some. Price is $9 for adults...They also have some hiking trails.
VINS. If we want to do this one, I will call them this week to make sure it is okay for a large group with big cameras etc. They have a policy on cmmercial photography.

2. Go to Simon Pearce Gallery (hand blown glass blowing, cool covered bridge and quaint little buildings).

After this, we should probably decide on lunch. There are several small restaurants in the Woodstock area. A few are pizza places and a couple nicer places. Alternatively, we could just stop and get some sandwiches...

Vote for Food choices:
1. Pizza
2. Nice lunch (downtown Woodstock ~ prices around 20 bucks a person)
3. Sandwich shop such as Subway or other
4. No food - keep shooting

After lunch, we have a couple other choices...

A. Walkaround Woodstock - streams and river running through a prototypical New England town. A great covered bridge, wonderful period buildings, etc.

B. Go to Billings Farm. Billings Farm. A working old dairy farm from the late 1800s. Lots of period activity, including a wonderful butter factory, farm animals, and some cool old buildings to explore. This is a great choice if we are dealing with weather. Price is about $11 for adults, something like 5 for kids under 15.

Late afternoon.

Drive about 10 miles down the the Jenne farm and some of South Woodstock's famous Morgan Horse farms. Rolling hills, great barns etc, and some covered bridges.

Again, these are just ideas. I am really looking for stargazer05766, annig, Hot_Pixel, and others that frequent this area to help out.

Am I missing anything? Are their some other secret spots that you can lead us to?

Message edited by author 2008-08-30 20:22:12.
08/30/2008 09:08:01 PM · #95
Unfortunately , I am out. I had been looking for a chance to meet a bunch of DPC'ers, talk some shop and learn a few things, but we have a new baby, wonderful Ruby Grace,

so, take some great shots, I can't wait to see them.

08/30/2008 09:24:45 PM · #96

Answer are in Italic Bold and Underlined below :)

Originally posted by bassbone:

I think we need to start some real planning here.

There appears to be general agreement that we should meet at the Quechee gorge. It we want good light in the gorge, we probably should not start too early, but I think everyone is traveling far enough that we would want to make a good day of it.

Everone vote for a starting time:
900am I'm 3 hours away from the Gorge, so 9:00am would be good for me.

The Gorge:

There is a shopping/ gift store next to the Quechee gorge (east side of the bridge) that is big enough to accomodate us. At the gorge there are some great views of the gorge from above. There are also two trails that lead up and down the gorge (one going to the bottom, about 0.3 miles reasonably steep but easy walking) and another that leads to a dam (flat about 0.2 miles).

Late Morning: After the gorge, we have a couple of choices... Whatever you decide, we will follow :)

1. Go to VINS (raptor rescue center) where they have some rescued eagles, owls, etc. You can get pretty close to some. Price is $9 for adults...They also have some hiking trails.
VINS. If we want to do this one, I will call them this week to make sure it is okay for a large group with big cameras etc. They have a policy on cmmercial photography.

2. Go to Simon Pearce Gallery (hand blown glass blowing, cool covered bridge and quaint little buildings).

After this, we should probably decide on lunch. There are several small restaurants in the Woodstock area. A few are pizza places and a couple nicer places. Alternatively, we could just stop and get some sandwiches...

Vote for Food choices: Either 1 or 3
1. Pizza
2. Nice lunch (downtown Woodstock ~ prices around 20 bucks a person)
3. Sandwich shop such as Subway or other
4. No food - keep shooting

After lunch, we have a couple other choices... Billings Farm sounds good, but again, the other option is good also.

A. Walkaround Woodstock - streams and river running through a prototypical New England town. A great covered bridge, wonderful period buildings, etc.

B. Go to Billings Farm. Billings Farm. A working old dairy farm from the late 1800s. Lots of period activity, including a wonderful butter factory, farm animals, and some cool old buildings to explore. This is a great choice if we are dealing with weather. Price is about $11 for adults, something like 5 for kids under 15.

Late afternoon. :( It will be time for us to drive back home, we have 2 dogs that will be waiting for us at home
Drive about 10 miles down the the Jenne farm and some of South Woodstock's famous Morgan Horse farms. Rolling hills, great barns etc, and some covered bridges.

Again, these are just ideas. I am really looking for stargazer05766, annig, Hot_Pixel, and others that frequent this area to help out.

Am I missing anything? Are their some other secret spots that you can lead us to?
08/30/2008 09:31:49 PM · #97
Start time 9:00
Either VINS or glassblowing
Hmm_ i like pizza and sandwiches - nice food takes too long
Billings Farm sounds lovely
Late afternoon horses also sounds lovely
I'm heading north to Burlington afterwards (college son)


08/30/2008 09:37:02 PM · #98
I'm dealing with an ERR99 on my Canon right now so I'm looking to borrow a camera for the outing 'cause I'm really looking forward too my first GTG.
I like the idea of meeting at the Quechee gorge.
9AM works.
Pizza or sandwiches sound good.
Other than Quechee I don't really know the area so I'm happy to follow. Sorry I don't have suggestions. Billings Farm seems like the popular choice from reading this thread.

08/30/2008 09:39:08 PM · #99
If I show up I'll show up more towards the 9 am time and leave early. I too have a drive and things at home. But, I'm still not sure if I'm going to make it (probably won't know for sure until I either leave the house to go, or stay home in the morning).
08/31/2008 01:38:05 AM · #100
I'm good for 9:00am, really getting hyped up for this. I am very sad that Robert won't be joining us, but I understand why.
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