Author | Thread |
07/11/2008 06:32:00 AM · #1 |
07/11/2008 07:19:42 AM · #2 |
Lucian Freud any help?
I guess not.
But do you want to make someone who is not a skinny girl look like a skinny girl? Or do you want to take a photograph that denies the revelation of the non-skinny personage? Flesh is good - bit of a problem for the morbidly obese, but some relief from the neurotically under-nourished.
Good luck. |
07/11/2008 10:14:09 AM · #3 |
07/11/2008 10:37:28 AM · #4 |
07/11/2008 10:37:34 AM · #5 |
Maybe he is merely concerned about the comfort of his model and assumes she would feel uncomfortable nude, even if she doesn't, and wants to minimize any discomfort she has either during shooting or while looking at the results.
I'm not saying his method is perfect or even right but he did ask for help on this. I'm not sure a lecture is really warranted at this time.
Also, about withholding your links. You think he cannot see the beauty in such examples so you are withholding them, isn't that the same thing as saying "You cannot possibly understand this material, so you are not allowed to read it." I think slave owners used to tell their slaves things like that. People change, however it will take a bit more than a lecture to do so.
07/11/2008 10:54:26 AM · #6 |
togtog I'm not sure how many women that are uncomfortable nude get nude photos taken. I will take your advice about educating by providing links to photogs that shoot all shapes well, here's a few links. These are all artists at RB it's easy for me to link to a community where I know the artists work and you'll find most of these artists have all sizes and shapes of women in their folios, just click on "view all art" under the thumbnails.
Links NSFW or the prudish.
Mark Routt
Leroy Dickson just for TC :D
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 10:59:32. |
07/11/2008 11:07:20 AM · #7 |
Fotoman_Forever aka Cheeseman aka Leroy Dickson (from Alabama?), a very popular guy here had some great nude photos of slighly heavier models.
He's still on other websites. In some older Art canvasses the Rubinesque figures were pupular in those eras. Famous Art paintings is always a great inspiration. Some cloth material draped properly can make a model look great, de-emphasising any unflattering areas.
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 11:09:10. |
07/11/2008 11:08:30 AM · #8 |
Wildcard, this is true, unless it is a gift for hubby or... wife, but those are usually better taken yourself. Erm, anyway...
He might be projecting his own discomfort onto the model seeing it as her discomfort and trying to reduce that. I suspect we will never know if he never replies again though.....
07/11/2008 11:14:44 AM · #9 |
Posts: 6
Threads Created: 4
He doesn't tend to hang around for lengthy conversation.
And togtog you can make all the excuses for him you like but a photog that thinks the most flattering way to photograph a women is to have only her face in focus is being insulting. |
07/11/2008 11:29:51 AM · #10 |
Originally posted by Wildcard: Forums:
Posts: 6
Threads Created: 4
He doesn't tend to hang around for lengthy conversation. |
Maybe he doesn't like getting lectured :P
Originally posted by Wildcard: And togtog you can make all the excuses for him you like but a photog that thinks the most flattering way to photograph a women is to have only her face in focus is being insulting. |
I'm not really trying to make excuses for anyone, I just don't like seeing people get jumped on when it isn't clear to me if they have represented themselves clearly enough to make that judgment.
And I certainly agree that it is very insulting to the model. - I think I said this, trying to please everyone and not seem insensitive, however since the photographers intent was never clear this statement was obviously in error and I should have stuck with that.
Message edited by author 2008-07-12 00:04:52. |
07/11/2008 01:00:06 PM · #11 |
There's also Leonard Nimoy - aka Spock on Start Trek
He did the Full Body Project here. |
07/11/2008 01:51:22 PM · #12 |
Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, I did not mean that her being a larger model would be unflattering and that only skinny girls are ideal. What I tried to mean is that there are certain unflattering things (stretch marks, etc.) that I am trying to hide. That is why I thought that I could work with the DOF to work on that. Also I was thinking of more poses where she is standing. I want to show her figure, I just don't want her, nor the viewer, to be drawn to other areas, if that makes sense. |
07/11/2008 02:17:23 PM · #13 |
Wow, I think some people are being unnecessarily harsh. Anytime we take a portrait of anyone it's our job to emphesize their best features and minimize their flaws whenever we can. That's all he was asking. Any model, overweight or not, would appreciate a photographer who was trying to take the most flattering portrait they can. Even if the model is comfortable being nude she's still going to want portraits taken from an angle that is most flattering to her. He was just asking for some pose ideas, not a commentary on how much he sucks. If someone were photographing me nude I would sure hope that they knew how to hide the stretch marks, the c-section scar and the 15 (alright, 20!!) extra pounds I wish I didn't have.
Hitmanrr, I'd be happy to help you except that I mostly do fine art and children's photography. I'm not good with working with adult models, skinny or not. Trees and leaves and flowers and birds are more my speed.:) I wish you luck though! :)
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 14:20:03. |
07/11/2008 04:34:12 PM · #14 |
I could suggest some poses NOT to use. That's the extent of my usefulness here. |
07/11/2008 04:47:11 PM · #15 |
Good nudes don't have to be full body. Sometimes patial is best particularily when dealing with subjects that are less than perfect... usually in their own eyes... and they in the end are usualy who you want to please. Fill the frame and crop with imagination. When done properly, no one can tell where things start and where they end. |
07/11/2008 05:36:23 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by Wenders11: Wow, I think some people are being unnecessarily harsh. - snip - He was just asking for some pose ideas, not a commentary on how much he sucks. |
I'm with Wendy on this one - there seem to be a few assumptions being made here . .
Originally posted by Wenders11: If someone were photographing me nude I would sure hope that they knew how to hide the stretch marks, the c-section scar and the 15 (alright, 20!!) extra pounds I wish I didn't have. |
Yeah yeah . . stretch marks, scars, extra weight . . your begining to sound like an extra from 'Phantom of the Opera'
Methinks you exagerate - as Shakespeare may (or indeed may not) have said - but if in doubt send us a picture and we'll check : )
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 17:37:31. |
07/11/2008 07:05:15 PM · #17 |
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks".
That's Gertrude, commenting on the play within the play of Hamlet. So now you know. Though of course, through the subtleties of dramatic irony, we also know that Gertrude is herself implicitly accused of protesting altogether too little.
We don't need to throw any such accusations at Wenders11 though. She's doing just fine and so's hitmanrr, who came back and held up his end of the conversation.
The question was about poses and I've nothing better to suggest than looking at classical and classically inspired sculpture and painting. There's a fair amount of textile and/or bits of furniture used to complement the curves. You might get away with covering the odd blemish like that.
The challenge of making the pictures is hard enough, but that's exactly the challenge you want, I presume. (Yes, yes, I have been told never to presume). That's OK if you're making the pictures you want.
An immensely complex question arises (which you didn't ask, so excuse me for just nattering on about it), as to whether this is a model or a client. Both, as I understand. The complexity then gets going with the question of what the model/client a) wants and b) says she wants. There is also the potential for a further element if the model/client intends to present these pictures to some significant other. Even so, it seems to me that your great challenge here is to get the feel of some resolution between a) and b), without letting prejudgement of 'what a portrait should reveal/conceal' get in the way of your interpretation - warts and all, says Oliver Cromwell, but she ain't him.
So I'm tempted to say that I don't envy you these various problems, but, in a way, I do.
Good luck. |
07/11/2008 07:16:12 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by raish:
The question was about poses and I've nothing better to suggest than looking at classical and classically inspired sculpture and painting.
Rubens comes to mind. |
07/11/2008 08:16:42 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by Jedusi:
Yeah yeah . . stretch marks, scars, extra weight . . your begining to sound like an extra from 'Phantom of the Opera'
Methinks you exagerate - as Shakespeare may (or indeed may not) have said - but if in doubt send us a picture and we'll check : ) |
Hmmm...that's actually not a bad idea. With everyone's eyesight permanently damaged, you'd all be unable to shoot and I just might have a chance at winning the next challenge! :)
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 20:18:30. |
07/11/2008 09:07:45 PM · #20 |
I like the idea about making it seem like a "painting" and getting artistic that way. Thanks for those who defended me :) LOL, yeah, I didn't mean to offend. She is a friend of mine and has seen the pictures I have taken of other friends, and wants some taken also. All of my other models/friends were skinnier, so I could hide some basic things, like love-handles, with different twists and what not. I just don't want my friend to look at these pictures and feel bad about herself. Any help, including what NOT to do, would be great. Thanks again everyone.
Also, would anyone happen to have any sites that take artistic nudes. Kind of hard to search Google for something like this and get back real photography work and not pornography.
Message edited by author 2008-07-11 21:10:52. |
07/11/2008 10:25:21 PM · #21 |
at the moment i'm 40 lbs overweight. closeup and careful cropping.
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