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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Announcing A Better Than Average Side Tourney
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07/16/2008 05:34:15 PM · #1
A tournament for the rest of us.

The goal is simple -- Enter a shot each week that will score better than your average score. If you succeed, you survive. If not, you're out. Last one standing wins. See full rules at bottom of this post.

Let's see how long it can go! What do you think?

Click this link to see the results and check your starting average for the week!

Stay tuned for BTA 2 – We’ll take a short break to give our winners a chance to bask in their glory and recharge their engines before starting this tourney up again, but watch the Forums for another announcement soon!


Thanks to everyone who participated, whether you lasted one week or ten, you made this a great, fun challenge to watch and run. And congratulations to all our winners:

to ace flyman for lasting 11 weeks!
to andrewt for lasting 10 weeks and averaging 0.6763 above his average!
to tfarrell23 for lasting 10 weeks and averaging 0.6673 above his average!
to EBJones for lasting 10 weeks and averaging 0.5791 above his average!

Those are all incredible runs ... both in the length of time you kept your scores up, and the average amount by which you exceeded your averages. Congratulations!

Honorable Mentions also go to the rest of our Top 20 finishers ... each of whom lasted at least a month in this tourney!

to bspurgeon, levyj413, and Trumpeteer4 for lasting 6 weeks in the tourney!

to Bogi, freakin_hilarious, magenmarie, raish and SDW for lasting 5 weeks in the tourney!

to Caroline69, Ecce Signum, eva2k0, Judi, liberty, LouisaSalazar, MAK and Quigley for lasting 4 weeks in the tourney!

Congratulations again to everyone!


Week 11 challenges: Brothers Grimm, Work, Play

And we have a winner!

After 11 weeks, the last one standing is ace flyman who knocked out the rest with this final shot:

Congrats Joe! You are truly "Better Than Average"

And congrats too to andrew, eric and tom for putting up a great fight, and to everyone else who participated in this challenge.


Week 10 challenges: Abstract Emotion, Pajamas, Color Studio Portrait III, Free Study 2008-09

Four Free Studies = Four Survivors Once Again

ace flyman - 0.3096 above his avg for

andrewt - 0.4550 above his avg for

EBJones - 0.5610 above his avg for

tfarrell23 - 0.2079 above his avg for


Week 9 challenges: Accidental Letters, Bummer, Color in Black & White

These Guys Never Lose!

Congrats again ... EVERYONE survives to week 10!

And with flying colors -- 1 Blue and 2 Top 10 finishes!

ace flyman - 0.3067 above his avg for

andrewt - 0.6676 above his avg and 6th place in Accidental Letters for

EBJones - 1.4210 above his avg and a Blue ribbon in Bummer for

tfarrell23 - 1.1230 above his avg and 7th place in Accidental Letters for

Great work again everybody, and good luck this week


Week 8 challenges: Numbers, Risk, Safety, Long Exposure IV

And the beat goes on -- EVERYONE survives to Week 9
ace flyman - 0.2143 above his avg for
andrewt - 0.5830 above his avg for
EBJones - 0.6902 above his avg for
tfarrell23 - 0.5376 above his avg for

Great collection of shots to carry you through!


Week 7 challenges: Product Shot, Immobile, Shallow DOF IV

HERE IS YOUR FINAL FOUR -- Congraulations to the Week 7 Survivors

ace flyman, andrewt, EBJones, and tfarrell23.

Sorry to see bspurgeon, levyj413 and Trumpeteer4 leave, but you all had a great run and should be proud of what you accomplished here. Hope to see all of you back for BTA 2!


Week 6 challenges: Double Take II, Dolls & Puppets, Overexposed, Free Study 2008-08

Week 6 Survivors -- And Then There Were Seven:
ace flyman, andrewt, bspurgeon, EBJones, levyj413, tfarrell23, Trumpeteer4

Congrats to all the winners, and all the people who got bounced this week for lasting as long as they did. Particular congrats to raish for being both the last non-member and the last sub-5.0 average entrant to get bounced, and to Bogi for being the last over-6.0 average entrant to leave.

Good luck to everyone this week!


Week 5 challenges: Horse(s), Abstract B+W, Road Less Traveled

Week 5 Survivors -- Down to Our Top 12!:

ace flyman, andrewt, Bogi, bspurgeon, EBJones, freakin_hilarious, levyj413, magenmarie, raish, SDW, tfarrell23, Trumpeteer4

And another shout out to andrewt for his second ribbon winner during this tourney!


Week 4 challenges: Mathematics, Doors, Purple III

Week 4 Survivors -- 20 and Counting:

ace flyman, andrewt, Bogi, bspurgeon, Caroline69, EBJones, Ecce Signum, eva2k0, freakin_hilarious, Judi, levyj413, liberty, LouisaSalazar, magenmarie, MAK, Quigley, raish, SDW, tfarrell23, Trumpeteer4

A special congrats to freakin_hilarious for taking the blue and to Bogi and Caroline69 for both getting their first-ever ribbons this week.


Week 3 challenges: Your Occupation III, Ducky II, Woody II

28 Survivors Into Week 4!

ace flyman, andrewt, bassbone, beckydi, Bogi, bspurgeon, Caroline69, DarkRider, EBJones, Ecce Signum, eva2k0, Eyesup, freakin_hilarious, jeger, Judi, levyj413, liberty, LouisaSalazar, magenmarie, MAK, pamelasue, Quigley, raish, SDW, socalsteve, tfarrell23, Trumpeteer4, XMountaineer

Congrats to all, especially jeger for beating his average by 1.5465 and scoring his first ever ribbon with this shot:


Week 2 challenges: Fallen, Morning II, Evening

Week 2 Survivors: (Down to 35!)

ace flyman, andrewt, bassbone, beckydi, Bogi, bspurgeon, Caroline69, CNovack, DarkRider, EBJones, Ecce Signum, EstimatedEyes, eva2k0, Eyesup, freakin_hilarious, haze, Jammur, jeger, Judi, levyj413, liberty, LouisaSalazar, magenmarie, MAK, Melethia, pamelasue, Quigley, raish, SDW, socalsteve, tfarrell23, totaldis, Trumpeteer4, whiterook, XMountaineer


Week 1 challenges: Cardboard Box, Lawn, Still Life IV, Free Study 2008-07

70 Survivors After Week 1 (That's all folks!):

ace flyman, Alain, andrewt, arron_christensen, bassbone, beckydi, bobonacus, Bogi, Brat, bspurgeon, bubeltrubel, bvlindalou, Caroline69, chesire, Citadel, CNovack, colorcarnival, dahkota, DarkRider, Dr_Toto, EBJones, Ecce Signum, EstimatedEyes, eva2k0, Eyesup, eyewave, freakin_hilarious, gwe21, haze, hopper, Iraklis, Ivory, Jammur, jeger, Joker1114, Judi, Kelli, levyj413, liberty, LouisaSalazar, magenmarie, MAK, Melethia, NikonJeb, NVPhoto, pamelasue, Pug-H, Qart, Quigley, raish, Ringostarr, rmezzo, SDW, sempermarine, sfalice, signal2noise, Sinky, snowflakejen, socalsteve, soon, SoulMan1978, tfarrell23, toddhead, totaldis, Trumpeteer4, wetland, whiterook, wildcard, XMountaineer, yanko

Congrats to all, particularly our FIVE ribbon winners -- bobonacus, levyj413, Judi, Dr_Toto and andrewt. Great work everybody!


119 Original Participants:

ace flyman, Alain, alans_world, ambaker, andrewt, AndyMac24, Ann, arron_christensen, bassbone, Bear_Music, beckydi, bobonacus, Bogi, Brat, brownsm, bspurgeon, bubeltrubel, Budya, bvlindalou, Caroline69, chesire, Citadel, citymars, CNovack, codfish, colorcarnival, crik, cynthiann, dahkota, DarkRider, Donna21, Doyle, Dr_Toto, DrAchoo, dsterner, eaglebeck, EBJones, Ecce Signum, ephesus, EstimatedEyes, eva2k0, Eyesup, eyewave, freakin_hilarious, GinaRothfels, gwe21, hajeka, Hatchet, haze, hopper, Hot_Pixel, imagesbytlp, Iraklis, ivale28, Ivory, Jac, Jammur, jasonlprice, jdannels, jeger, Joker1114, jonejess, Judi, karmat, kawesttex, Kelli, kleski, kolasi, levyj413, liberty, LouisaSalazar, LydiaToo, magenmarie, MAK, marbo, MaryO, mchalmers, Melethia, NikonJeb, NVPhoto, Oded, pamelasue, Patsfan, PDavis, Pug-H, Qart, Quigley, raish, Ringostarr, rmezzo, salmiakki, SaraR, SDW, sempermarine, sfalice, ShutterPug, signal2noise, silverhawk, Sinky, smichener, snowflakejen, socalsteve, soon, SoulMan1978, tfarrell23, The Eskimo, timfythetoo, toddhead, totaldis, Trumpeteer4, vlado, Wenders11, wetland, whiterook, wildcard, wildiris, XMountaineer, yanko, zackdezon



1. You must enter a challenge every week for the duration of the tournament -- Open, Member, Free Study or Speed.

2. If your score in the challenge is better than your overall average, you survive and go on to the next week. If your score does not beat your average, or you fail to enter any challenges, you're out.

3. If you enter more than one challenge, your first entry for the week counts, unless you post a message before voting starts on that challenge stating otherwise. ("First entry for the week" refers to the submission deadline, not the actual date you submit your entry.).

4. You must have completed at least 10 challenges before the tourney starts to be eligible to participate.

5. Last one standing wins. In case of a tie (no one left standing in the final week), the overall "winner" will be the person (among those surviving the longest) who has beaten their score by the highest average amount during the tourney (i.e., the sum of all the amounts over average divided by the number of weeks of survival.)

That's it!

Message edited by author 2008-10-15 09:05:52.
07/16/2008 05:36:06 PM · #2
Count me in!
07/16/2008 05:37:54 PM · #3
awesome idea! I'll play
07/16/2008 05:39:13 PM · #4
OK, I'm game, although I may fall out the first week due to moving. We'll see how she goes. Will be a fun challenge.
07/16/2008 05:39:27 PM · #5
I havn't done a chalenge in a good while, and this is just the side challenge to get me in again!!!

cout me in!

ETA: when will it all start?

Message edited by author 2008-07-16 17:39:49.
07/16/2008 05:40:05 PM · #6
Originally posted by Judi:

Count me in!

5.98!?! You should cruise to christmas!
07/16/2008 05:40:10 PM · #7
Originally posted by Judi:

Count me in!

Judi, looking at your recent challenges you'd last 5 weeks, just 2 for me but count me in please as this could be fun :)

Oh, and this could turn out to be a marathon side challenge!
07/16/2008 05:47:13 PM · #8
When will this start?

07/16/2008 05:55:48 PM · #9
Brilliant idea! Count me in :-)
07/16/2008 05:59:32 PM · #10
count me in too :-)
07/16/2008 06:01:49 PM · #11
Fun idea - I'm in!
07/16/2008 06:03:42 PM · #12
I would play in this one.
07/16/2008 06:24:53 PM · #13
add me please!
07/16/2008 06:27:07 PM · #14
Great to see all the early interest. Looks like we'll get a wide range of participants, which is what I was hoping for. Thanks everyone!

Originally posted by Eyesup:

When will it all start?

If interest keeps up at its current pace, we can start with the challenges announced this Sunday. If you'd all rather wait until the following week to give more time for sign ups, and to let the Olympics and Age tourneys run their course, we can do that too. If you have a preference, post it.

Originally posted by Ecce Signum:

Oh, and this could turn out to be a marathon side challenge!

Let's hope!
07/16/2008 06:28:42 PM · #15
Originally posted by Ecce Signum:

Originally posted by Judi:

Count me in!

Judi, looking at your recent challenges you'd last 5 weeks, just 2 for me but count me in please as this could be fun :)

Oh, and this could turn out to be a marathon side challenge!

I seriously doubt that I would make it through 5 weeks...LOL!!

Oh and my preference is to start with the Sunday Challenge! This is they type of event that can continuously run. You don't need to try and find teams for it. It is an individual style contest...therefore just run it!
07/16/2008 06:34:13 PM · #16
Originally posted by Judi:

I seriously doubt that I would make it through 5 weeks...LOL!!

If we start next week there will be 6 weeks of OlympicsII to run so plan to last that long :) And yes, starting with the next Members challenge sounds good :)
07/16/2008 06:36:59 PM · #17
I'll play.
07/16/2008 06:41:22 PM · #18
I'll join too

07/16/2008 06:44:35 PM · #19
i'm in too
07/16/2008 06:47:45 PM · #20
Changing the name of the thread "Announcing A Better Than Average Side Tourney" at the request of EstimatedEyes
07/16/2008 06:47:48 PM · #21
Neat idea. I'm in.
07/16/2008 06:48:49 PM · #22
Originally posted by sher:

Changing the name of the thread "Announcing A Better Than Average Side Tourney" at the request of EstimatedEyes

Thanks sher. That has a better ring to it. :>P
07/16/2008 06:49:45 PM · #23
count me in.
07/16/2008 06:58:51 PM · #24
I'll play.
07/16/2008 07:00:38 PM · #25
please count me in - thanls
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