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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Icelandic photographers
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 57, (reverse)
04/01/2004 09:42:05 AM · #1
how come there are so many amazing Icelandic photographers on Dpchallenge?
is it just pure coincidence?
04/01/2004 01:20:17 PM · #2
thanks for the help guys!
04/01/2004 01:23:15 PM · #3
They all have Canon 10D's.
04/01/2004 01:41:01 PM · #4
It's Iceland. What else is there?

(just kidding, guys)
04/01/2004 02:35:03 PM · #5
Hmm, don´t know....

The word just gets around :)
04/01/2004 02:59:26 PM · #6
We aint that many, we are just so good :D <--- ego ego ego

The real reson I think is because we are well conected to the web and are very often up to date in technolgy. Also many of us do blogs and there we talk about dpchallenge and other stuff.
04/01/2004 03:25:51 PM · #7
Yep, and Icelanders have all the good scenery too! Well, most of it.
05/13/2004 12:32:32 PM · #8
How about a gettogether? (2nd try) :)
05/13/2004 12:51:36 PM · #9
Originally posted by jonr:

How about a gettogether? (2nd try) :)

Nice Try, but like usually I think it's not going to work :)

I think the reason is that there is no site in iceland as good a dpc and because of those few how started here we all come here to try to stick to gether.

Eigum við kanski að segja þeim frá áætlunum Ãslendinga um að taka yfir Site Councel dótið og breita öllu hér og íslenska þessa síðu.
05/13/2004 12:51:37 PM · #10
Originally posted by jonr:

How about a gettogether? (2nd try) :)

Nobody shows up :S
05/13/2004 12:52:44 PM · #11
we did;)
05/13/2004 12:55:50 PM · #12
Originally posted by Nazgul:

we did;)

Well we can have that gettogether at our house then if its just you and me :p
05/13/2004 12:57:43 PM · #13
Originally posted by heida:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

we did;)

Well we can have that gettogether at our house then if its just you and me :p

I´m in:D
05/13/2004 01:00:47 PM · #14
Originally posted by Nazgul:

Originally posted by heida:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

we did;)

Well we can have that gettogether at our house then if its just you and me :p

I´m in:D

Tonight 10 o´clock?
05/13/2004 01:02:53 PM · #15
Originally posted by heida:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

Originally posted by heida:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

we did;)

Well we can have that gettogether at our house then if its just you and me :p

I´m in:D

Tonight 10 o´clock?

I´ll show up in my latex suit c," )
05/13/2004 01:07:15 PM · #16
LATEX... whhoohooo

GTG er ágæt hugmynd... veit að það virkaði ekki síðast.. má reyna aftur ef einhver vill taka á skarið
05/13/2004 06:50:29 PM · #17
I have three friends from Iceland. They really love taking photos of trees! Is that something common with Icelanders? Trees a huge interest for eveyrone? Just curious...
05/13/2004 06:53:15 PM · #18
Originally posted by mirdonamy:

I have three friends from Iceland. They really love taking photos of trees! Is that something common with Icelanders? Trees a huge interest for eveyrone? Just curious...

There are no trees here ... :p
05/13/2004 06:54:54 PM · #19
But I know one guy from USA he just loves taking pictures of russian leather worms, is that a common interest in there? :D
05/13/2004 06:57:57 PM · #20
Oh yes, Americans love interesting insects from around the world! I am obsessed with big, creepy bugs from New Guinea! I want to go there and photograph everything!!!

Iceland seems so beautiful. Are there really no trees? You do have the aurora don't you?
05/13/2004 07:31:16 PM · #21
Originally posted by mirdonamy:

Iceland seems so beautiful. Are there really no trees? You do have the aurora don't you?

Yes, during the winter we sometimes have great aurora (or northern lights).

Here is an example
05/13/2004 08:11:26 PM · #22
Originally posted by heida:

But I know one guy from USA he just loves taking pictures of russian leather worms, is that a common interest in there? :D

That is a really rare creature to encounter and people would pay millions of rublas to get a picture of it ...
05/13/2004 09:23:21 PM · #23
I´m the black sheep with my Nikon, but one day I hope to be as good as my fellow Icelanders.
05/13/2004 09:29:52 PM · #24
i tend to see a strong design ethic in the northlands :)

to me, the scandinavian countries, the netherlands, (now iceland) all have a very simple starkness to their art (whether photos, architecture, art, furniture...) it all seems to have a collective air about it. then i look at the majority of american design. honestly, its kind of dumb and clumsy in my opinion. it seems awkward and forced....i don't know, maybe its a capitalist thing..."design to sell what 'joe american' wants". who knows. does anyone else feel this?

rambling in the states,


Message edited by author 2004-05-13 21:30:07.
05/13/2004 09:43:02 PM · #25
I just want to know how cold it gets . . . . my husband won't move anywhere with really cold temps. If it "passes", I'm there!!!! Actually, I had noticed the same quality of work coming from that one area, too. Maybe in my next life . . . .

Message edited by author 2004-05-13 21:44:08.
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