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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> DPCO III - Polar Bear Club (Canada I I)
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Showing posts 176 - 200 of 479, (reverse)
09/25/2008 08:22:48 AM · #176
I just received an odd comment on my shot - "Get the feeling the title has more connection to the challenge than the image. Not voting, just commenting. Good luck." I'm confused how they can not get the connection to the challenge. It certainly meets both the literal definition and the more free-thinker definintion of Bummer, as well. I'll never figure out the DPC voters mindsets.

And BTW - I'm at 5.6. Not great, but considering what scores everyone else seems to be getting, I guess I should be jumping up and down with joy. Very very tough voters it seems. I wonder if folks are voting lower to help improve their own DPCO III team chances? I hope not - that's what seemed to kill the DPL idea last year. I like the team idea - it certainy pushes me to try new things, and I learn a lot, too.

(editted to remove details that may allow a reader to recognize my shot)

Message edited by author 2008-09-25 08:25:21.
09/25/2008 09:49:49 AM · #177
Originally posted by Shaman:

I just received an odd comment on my shot - "Get the feeling the title has more connection to the challenge than the image. Not voting, just commenting. Good luck." I'm confused how they can not get the connection to the challenge. It certainly meets both the literal definition and the more free-thinker definintion of Bummer, as well. I'll never figure out the DPC voters mindsets.

And BTW - I'm at 5.6. Not great, but considering what scores everyone else seems to be getting, I guess I should be jumping up and down with joy. Very very tough voters it seems. I wonder if folks are voting lower to help improve their own DPCO III team chances? I hope not - that's what seemed to kill the DPL idea last year. I like the team idea - it certainy pushes me to try new things, and I learn a lot, too.

(editted to remove details that may allow a reader to recognize my shot)


As long as we don't do crap like that (I'm sure no one on our team would) it's there problem not ours. I always vote with an open mind for the subject matter and I keep in mind the challenge theme as well as the "outside the box thinkers" as I am sometimes one of them myself.

Voters are funny, and everyone has reasons for voting the way they do. Some people are selfish and think they should win every time. I've noticed some profiles with vote totals in the 1000's and their average vote is at a very low 3, so these people are either the best photographers on the face of the planet, (in which case they should have comments made numbering in the 1000's range as well, because their knowledge of photography would be helpful to everyone, besides, if your that good, why not help others improve. Sadly they usually have comments numbering in the low 100's) or these people have no idea what a good photograph looks like and for that I feel sorry for them because they are loosing out on some of the best photography around.

All in all I do this to meet new people and to improve MY photography skills and for the most part everyone on this site support each other and you can ask for help of so many great photographers and they are only too willing to lend a hand if they can.

Just my two cents worth.

09/25/2008 09:59:33 AM · #178
Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Looking at all these scores I wonder if the team will break 5. uggggh

Mine's still around 4.9. It briefly went over but then promptly fell back again.

The point is to encourage everyone to do their best and to participate as much as we can, and above all to have FUN.

My entry is taking a few hits right now but I have 5 comments and they are all positive.

Trolls are always going to be out there and I know how frustrating it is to have one of your images take a beating, but I keep taking the hits and come back for more. What a sucker, eh!!

Lets stick together as a team, cry on each others shoulders, and pat each others backs, because that's what team members do, are you with me?

5.9832 at bed time and this morning 5.3793, damn.


Hey Max, my comments were more tongue in cheek than anything. Of course we're here to have fun. I keep coming back, just like you.

So, are we having fun yet?


09/25/2008 10:02:12 AM · #179
Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Looking at all these scores I wonder if the team will break 5. uggggh

Mine's still around 4.9. It briefly went over but then promptly fell back again.

The point is to encourage everyone to do their best and to participate as much as we can, and above all to have FUN.

My entry is taking a few hits right now but I have 5 comments and they are all positive.

Trolls are always going to be out there and I know how frustrating it is to have one of your images take a beating, but I keep taking the hits and come back for more. What a sucker, eh!!

Lets stick together as a team, cry on each others shoulders, and pat each others backs, because that's what team members do, are you with me?

5.9832 at bed time and this morning 5.3793, damn.


Hey Max, my comments were more tongue in cheek than anything. Of course we're here to have fun. I keep coming back, just like you.

So, are we having fun yet?



Oh ummm...yeah...FUN! :P
09/25/2008 10:05:29 AM · #180
Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Looking at all these scores I wonder if the team will break 5. uggggh

Mine's still around 4.9. It briefly went over but then promptly fell back again.

The point is to encourage everyone to do their best and to participate as much as we can, and above all to have FUN.

My entry is taking a few hits right now but I have 5 comments and they are all positive.

Trolls are always going to be out there and I know how frustrating it is to have one of your images take a beating, but I keep taking the hits and come back for more. What a sucker, eh!!

Lets stick together as a team, cry on each others shoulders, and pat each others backs, because that's what team members do, are you with me?

5.9832 at bed time and this morning 5.3793, damn.


Hey Max, my comments were more tongue in cheek than anything. Of course we're here to have fun. I keep coming back, just like you.

So, are we having fun yet?




Colette, I'm sorry about that, I'm a little off my game as of late. I have sent my sense of humor out to get cleaned and my funny bone in for repairs. I suspect I'll be fine by dinner time :)


OH and YES I'M HAVING FUN!!!!!!!! I'm just not getting the joke, is all:)
09/25/2008 10:07:48 AM · #181
Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Originally posted by Quigley:

Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Looking at all these scores I wonder if the team will break 5. uggggh

Mine's still around 4.9. It briefly went over but then promptly fell back again.

The point is to encourage everyone to do their best and to participate as much as we can, and above all to have FUN.

My entry is taking a few hits right now but I have 5 comments and they are all positive.

Trolls are always going to be out there and I know how frustrating it is to have one of your images take a beating, but I keep taking the hits and come back for more. What a sucker, eh!!

Lets stick together as a team, cry on each others shoulders, and pat each others backs, because that's what team members do, are you with me?

5.9832 at bed time and this morning 5.3793, damn.


Hey Max, my comments were more tongue in cheek than anything. Of course we're here to have fun. I keep coming back, just like you.

So, are we having fun yet?




Colette, I'm sorry about that, I'm a little off my game as of late. I have sent my sense of humor out to get cleaned and my funny bone in for repairs. I suspect I'll be fine by dinner time :)


OH and YES I'M HAVING FUN!!!!!!!! I'm just not getting the joke, is all:)


No worries. Chin up.
09/25/2008 10:13:33 AM · #182
Just checked my shot and in just three votes I shot up from 5.3750 to 5.4242 so that's three votes with an average of 7, now that makes one smile.



ETA: I'm also at 198 views and 99 votes how many views does everyone else have? This seems odd to me.


Message edited by author 2008-09-25 10:15:54.
09/25/2008 10:28:43 AM · #183
It's like baseball... Only the end score matters. I'm finally above 5! But I've had requestd for my photos From the New Caanan Register, NY Rider and Roadbike Magazine.

Message edited by author 2008-09-25 10:29:40.
09/25/2008 07:00:53 PM · #184
Hi everyone....I've dropped the ball somewhat, but have recovered and expect to have fun from now on!!

My score: :(

Votes: 96
Views: 146
Avg Vote: 5.0417
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/25/08 06:48 pm

Both comments were nice at least.

Once again I'm sorry for not joining the party sooner. Actually I had no idea my daughter's departure to college would effect me in such a negative manner. I have been moping around the empty nest of a house. I'm much better now and plan on joining in 110%.

I'm also concerned my score is dragging the team down. I had no idea the pressure would be this intense, but like I said I finally feel like I'm going to have fun.


09/25/2008 07:06:23 PM · #185
Originally posted by riversong:

Hi everyone....I've dropped the ball somewhat, but have recovered and expect to have fun from now on!!

My score: :(

Votes: 96
Views: 146
Avg Vote: 5.0417
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/25/08 06:48 pm

Both comments were nice at least.

Once again I'm sorry for not joining the party sooner. Actually I had no idea my daughter's departure to college would effect me in such a negative manner. I have been moping around the empty nest of a house. I'm much better now and plan on joining in 110%.

I'm also concerned my score is dragging the team down. I had no idea the pressure would be this intense, but like I said I finally feel like I'm going to have fun.


I think we're all pretty much in the same boat at the moment. ;o)

Votes: 113
Views: 173
Avg Vote: 5.0708
Comments: 4
09/25/2008 07:46:13 PM · #186
Join the party, Darlene, we're all here! :)

Votes: 101
Views: 160
Avg Vote: 5.2079
Comments: 1
09/25/2008 07:53:06 PM · #187
I keep hitting 5.0 then get knocked back down!
Votes: 99
Views: 151
Avg Vote: 4.9899
Comments: 3
09/26/2008 08:58:42 AM · #188
I have yet to break through past 5

Votes: 104
Views: 161
Avg Vote: 4.7212
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/26/08 08:10 am

yuk is all I have to say
09/26/2008 09:04:08 AM · #189
I'm hoping the vote scrubber Gods are good to me.

Votes: 127
Views: 243
Avg Vote: 5.4409
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/26/08 08:55 am


Message edited by author 2008-09-26 09:04:21.
09/26/2008 09:44:39 AM · #190
I'm barely holding on to a 5.

As Max says, let's hope the vote scrubber gods are good to us.

09/26/2008 12:08:00 PM · #191
I'm above 5.0 again! YES! I also posted one on flickr for pajamas and would love some comments.
09/29/2008 09:19:48 PM · #192
Who's in this week?

I've had no ideas so I probably won't be unless lightning strikes.
09/30/2008 12:13:41 AM · #193
I'm in! Pajamas.
09/30/2008 08:40:29 AM · #194
Quigley in (mostly)
cpanaioti :o\
mchalmers in
eyesdown in
Shaman in
neophyte in
riversong in
Doyle in

Message edited by author 2008-10-01 00:59:05.
09/30/2008 09:34:05 AM · #195
I'm almost ready for Color Studio Portrait III, I have a few shots and I just need to edit them and see how they turn out.

09/30/2008 09:42:25 AM · #196
Oh and Colette, my funny bone is all fixed and my sense of humor is all clean and polished. A priest, a hooker, and a nun all go into the bathroom together.....


Message edited by author 2008-09-30 09:42:43.
09/30/2008 06:50:00 PM · #197
I'm in for pjs, and max, what's the rest of the joke? Don't leave us hanging like that

09/30/2008 07:39:01 PM · #198
Hi Colette..I'm in for Portraits. I'm barely over a 5 for the b/w color challenge, major bummer. Looks like most of us are in the same boat.

09/30/2008 08:57:38 PM · #199
In on color portrait. My color in B$W has risen to 5.2....
09/30/2008 09:18:56 PM · #200
I'm in for Portrait, but I don't expect to get much of a score. So I'm in just to keep the team participation points up.

Message edited by author 2008-09-30 21:19:46.
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