Author | Thread |
03/09/2002 09:57:21 AM · #1 |
It appears that a photo must be EXACTLY 640X480 in order to post it. Is it possible to post any other size...smaller, of course? Some of my shots are not exactly 640x480, but it seems that I can't post them in any other size. Is that correct? |
03/09/2002 11:07:27 AM · #2 |
Yes, photos must be 640x480 or 480x640 with no borders. |
03/09/2002 06:58:53 PM · #3 |
I shoot with the Canon EOS D30 and the size of my pictures are 2160x1440 and if a shrink them I get 720x480 or 640x427. I like these proportions and I don't like croping my images to meet the requirements. Is it possible to change this rule? |
03/09/2002 11:21:01 PM · #4 |
go start your own site and play it by your own rules... otherwise respect the admins here
bitch |
03/10/2002 01:28:09 AM · #5 |
I second that.
People who keep complaining about the way the website is being run should find another site to join. That is why the Internet is wonderful: if you don't like this site, there are many others.
dpchallenge is great. If you think you can find better elsewhere, just go.
* This message has been edited by the author on 3/10/2002 1:28:19 AM. |
03/10/2002 01:52:26 AM · #6 |
03/10/2002 02:26:49 AM · #7 |
Apparently your EOS D30 will only takes images in a 3:2 ratio (width:height). I'm not sure why Canon has chosen this path, and only this path. A few cameras I've seen will let you change the image ratio to be for computer (4:3) or for print (3:2).
The majority of the digital photography world works off of a 4:3 ratio (being some equivalent of 640x480). It is possible in the future that we will allow 3:2 images, but for now 640x480 (4:3) is our standard. |
03/10/2002 07:26:17 AM · #8 |
Thanks langdon. I wasn't showing you or your site disrespect like da-drew thinks. I was simply asking a question. Canon is trying to make their Digital Cameras more simular to the Analogue SLR Cameras.
I run my own website and when people come to me and ask if I can change something I don't say them to go somewhere else. That is not how you run a website. You listen to the people and if their idea is good you make the change. If the idea is bad you don't change anything and explain to people why you are not going to use their idea. Just like langdon did.
I also think dpchallenge is great and not many changes needed.
* This message has been edited by the author on 3/10/2002 7:26:55 AM. |
03/10/2002 12:54:47 PM · #9 |
I'll pointedly ignore those in the forums saying people who don't like the challenges or rules should go elsewhere... If you folks (the site managers) didn't want input, you wouldn't have these forums.
That being said, I'm pretty disappointed that the 4:3 rule's sticking around... As a D30 user, of course.
When I first read the rules I was excited that I'd found a digital photography competition that put emphasis on the quality of the photograph at the time it was taken, not someone's elite Photoshop skills. It seemed fair and level.
But now if I want to participate I'm stuck doing exactly what I thought I was joining in on this to avoid -- Heavy post-production, at least as I see it. Now if I submit entries I'm going to have to zoom way back, hope to god my shutter/aperture are right for the sub-portion of the picture I'm trying to take, and mess around in PS or equivalent to get an image to submit that is wholly different from what's in the camera in framing and likely b/c.
I guess I'm particularly annoyed now because I spent a day taking pictures for the recent "Red" Challenge, some more time sifting through the pics to find the one that was the best (or so I thought), cleaning it up, then realizing I was either going to have to blow the proportions (which I did) or find some other picture and crop it back. What a waste of time.
Please, please reconsider the 4:3 restriction and include 3:2. I can't imagine how it can detract from the quality or fairness of the competition!
* This message has been edited by the author on 3/10/2002 12:56:01 PM. |
03/10/2002 01:41:35 PM · #10 |
3:2 is being strongly considered. The Canon EOS D30 is mostly the reason for this. I never thought camera manufacturers would break standards, so I guess DPChallenge should follow suit. |
03/11/2002 02:29:28 PM · #11 |
Way to go jumping all over someone for asking a completey legitimate question. I can understand that sort of reaction to a post calling our esteemed hosts fascist nazis (thanks xmutex) but when respectfully questioning the requirements due to a technical issue? Is it really called for?
03/11/2002 03:25:28 PM · #12 |
03/11/2002 06:34:42 PM · #13 |
I shot with an E10. Even cropping in camera, does not get me completely to where I want.
So in PhotoShop I will resize crop and then resize to get one dimension right and have the other larger. Then go back in PS and recrop to have the size as stated by the rules.
Ya, it can be a bear. I don't have an issue with and it makes it more even to have all images as one size.
The only photo competition I was ever a part of had a rule where all prints had to be 8 x 10, no exceptions. So I see this as just leveling the field for competition.
03/12/2002 12:38:27 PM · #14 |
Why not just make the requirement 640 pixels on the long side? Seems simple enough. (feel free to entirely disregard this bit of newbie drivel) |
03/12/2002 02:02:13 PM · #15 |
Could you explain why 640x480 is your standard? I can understand the need to keep file sizes down, and prefereably to have images visible on the screen. But I had thought that cropping pictures was an important part of the photographer's toolkit, be it a tall waterfall shot, an extra-wide landscape, or something in between.
I totally respect your right to set whatever rule you want, but if you could explain this (even if it's just that the web page template requires it) I think it will help us all understand.
Cheers, Paul |
03/14/2002 06:36:13 PM · #16 |
Just to add fuel to the fire, the soon to be released Nikon D100 (which I'm LUSTING over) has a 3:2 aspect ratio, 3000 X 2008 at it's largest size. It appears that more digital cameras are coming out that conform to the film aspect, and not the monitor aspect.
I'll be all sad if I can't frame stuff in my brand new (crosses fingers) DSLR without cropping it to all hell!
03/14/2002 06:50:39 PM · #17 |
The Canon EOS D30 is not the only digital camera that takes only 3:2 pictures. My camera, the Kodak DC4800, is another. |
03/14/2002 07:17:30 PM · #18 |
Images with a ratio of 3:2 will be allowed soon. Probably during the next challenge.
Thanks for all of your feedback. |
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