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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> K10DGuy ROCKS!!! Post Your K10DGuy comment HERE!!!
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 155, (reverse)
10/08/2008 11:32:20 AM · #26
K10DGuy is the undisputed king of the surreal comment. I salute you sir :-)

"the children didn't know there were being watched. Reflected in the mirrored eyes of the harbinger of their doom, they happily played along, blissfully unaware of the strike that was about to fall upon them from above.

Or, would fall on them above, if Oscar wasn't a burrowing owl, and if he wasn't just a little over 20oz large.

As Oscar flew off after the "attack", dejected, a final stab was cast into his heart.

"Aww, daddy, did you see that cute owl try and defend his nest?"

Oscar knew then that he'd be back, oh yes, and Guido the Great Grey would be with him this time!"

10/08/2008 11:33:12 AM · #27
Originally posted by MattO:

Originally posted by togtog:

Originally posted by ShutterPug:

I feel so left out :( Such fun comments and yet I have received none from this member.

Aye, I've none either but it still makes me happy to share the same planet with people like him, comments or not. :)

I have news for you, no one is on the same Planet as he is.........and if you were he would kick you off!


He is an alien? ....... I never, I mean, well I didn't ask him, but... you know he seemed like a normal nice guy... wow I guess you just never know about people, or aliens... are aliens people too? I don't know...
10/08/2008 11:36:27 AM · #28

K10DGuy's comment:

"As baby Billy nursed with his mother, she sighed. She was hoping this wouldn't happen, but it had. How was she going to explain the color of his skin to his father? If only that weekend in Mexico hadn't happened!"

:-) :-) :-)

I am telling ya.. even I didnt think of this as the theme.. I literally was sitting on the floor laughing.
We need more guys like you K10... to promote commenting. Bravo!

Message edited by author 2008-10-08 11:36:43.
10/08/2008 11:42:26 AM · #29

Little did Julie know, but the groom wasn't the owner of the Mercedes as he had claimed throughout their entire courtship. He was, indeed, a lowly umbrella salesman that rode a mo-ped. She wondered why they were forced to pose with his merchandise. This smile was to be her last.
10/08/2008 11:43:57 AM · #30
K10DGuy, if you are reading this thread, you have been nominated for the extraordinary outreach awards. The reference thread is here.

A decision will be made soon by a panel. I will be sending out a PM to you soon also.

Good luck!
10/08/2008 11:50:42 AM · #31
Originally posted by CEJ:

Well, once again I will set myself up to get slammed (at least I am honest)...I received a comment by this member. Quite frankly, I was not impressed. The comment was not helpful, constructive, entertaining or even funny. It is the only comment on my images besides the ones I have left myself that is not marked as helpful.

In all fairness, could you share that comment here?
10/08/2008 11:55:26 AM · #32
Originally posted by Saker:

Yep, as I said in the other thread .. he needs to write a book, with photos. If these phots with these commments were put in book form, I would want it, I would pay money for it - pure brillance on all levels!

I could imagine buying one such book myself. That would be unique.
10/08/2008 12:01:30 PM · #33
Originally posted by Prash:

Originally posted by CEJ:

Well, once again I will set myself up to get slammed (at least I am honest)...I received a comment by this member. Quite frankly, I was not impressed. The comment was not helpful, constructive, entertaining or even funny. It is the only comment on my images besides the ones I have left myself that is not marked as helpful.

In all fairness, could you share that comment here?

Prash - It is easy enough to find comments on recent entries in someone's images. If Chris CEJ didn't like the comment, why would he wish to share it further?

I personally think the comments are funny and add a bit of humor/ interest to the often staid comments we tend to give one another. I am just offended that my peeing sheep didn't get a commment....

fixed links

Message edited by author 2008-10-08 12:02:41.
10/08/2008 12:05:08 PM · #34
Originally posted by CEJ:

Well, once again I will set myself up to get slammed (at least I am honest)...I received a comment by this member. Quite frankly, I was not impressed. The comment was not helpful, constructive, entertaining or even funny. It is the only comment on my images besides the ones I have left myself that is not marked as helpful.

No problems man, some were better than others. If you didn't enjoy it or get it or whatever then I hope my next one if you get one, is better, more amusing, or more insightful somehow.

Get out and have fun!
10/08/2008 12:07:27 PM · #35
Originally posted by bassbone:

I am just offended that my peeing sheep didn't get a commment....

fixed links

Aww, sorry, better enter October Free Study then, never know :)
10/08/2008 12:10:26 PM · #36
I usually don't go for stuff like this but I can't stop reading them.

Loving it!
10/08/2008 12:31:34 PM · #37
Originally posted by CEJ:

Well, once again I will set myself up to get slammed (at least I am honest)...I received a comment by this member. Quite frankly, I was not impressed. The comment was not helpful, constructive, entertaining or even funny. It is the only comment on my images besides the ones I have left myself that is not marked as helpful.

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

No problems man, some were better than others. If you didn't enjoy it or get it or whatever then I hope my next one if you get one, is better, more amusing, or more insightful somehow.

Get out and have fun!

Personally, I did think it was funny.......maybe not as super-outstanding as most, but I certainly feel that as the recipent of only two comments, what would be wrong with at least marking it as helpful as an expression of appreciation for the time spent?

Though I've gotten some comments I haven't necessarily always thought were all that considerate or helpful, I have to say I mark them all as helpful simply because whether or not I agree with the gist of the comment, I very much appreciate that someone took the time to pass along their views.

I've even gotten quite a few comments I didn't necessarily like.....but they were accurate, and in those cases especially, someone stuck their neck out to offer their perspective on what might have made a better entry.

To each his own, but I really feel in this case with this challenge, the commenter had our best interest, entertainment, and the urge to do something a little special in mind with his flurry of commentary.....so I thought I'd start a comment appreciation thread for this gentleman who did something I've not seen yet in the 2+ years I've been here.

That was basically my original intent with this thread......there's always someone who's got a complaint on commenting so I thought I'd try to recognize someone who went way above and beyond to make the effort.

For that....I thought K10DGuy was certainly deserving of some additional kudos.

My $0.02 US.....YMMV....
10/08/2008 12:49:22 PM · #38

She glanced up at him, as he tried to hurry on his way, but the look stopped him.

"Please sir, I've lost my way, can you help me?"

His usual revulsion at these street urchins began to rise, but for some reason he was able to overcome it this time. With a slight scowl, he nodded and asked if where she lived, if anywhere. She mentioned a street, one that he recognized, and so for whatever reason, he decided to lead her there. As they went, she babbled on about this and that. At first, he simply nodded, but as they went her voice seemed to work on him somehow. He found himself answering, in brief at first, but then at length. By the time they arrived at their destination, he had found himself even starting certain small conversations. It astounded him.

As they turned on her street, a woman came running up, crying and grabbing her daughter. She showered her with hugs and kisses, and then turned to the man, thanking him profusely for bringing her home. At an invite for dinner, he found himself unable to say no, and was welcomed into their small and comfortable, if very rag-tag and poor, home.

It was the beginning of a life-long friendship, started because of the momentary decision to turn away from instinct and do what was right.

For all the rest of his life he remembered the face in the rain, and he was never an unkind man again.

Actually, his comment on my image was tender. I enjoyed reading it very much. Thanks K10DGuy. It has been my pleasure to read all of your comments and get tagged by you!

Message edited by author 2008-10-08 12:50:24.
10/08/2008 01:20:05 PM · #39
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by CEJ:

Well, once again I will set myself up to get slammed (at least I am honest)...I received a comment by this member. Quite frankly, I was not impressed. The comment was not helpful, constructive, entertaining or even funny. It is the only comment on my images besides the ones I have left myself that is not marked as helpful.

Originally posted by K10DGuy:

No problems man, some were better than others. If you didn't enjoy it or get it or whatever then I hope my next one if you get one, is better, more amusing, or more insightful somehow.

Get out and have fun!

Personally, I did think it was funny.......maybe not as super-outstanding as most, but I certainly feel that as the recipent of only two comments, what would be wrong with at least marking it as helpful as an expression of appreciation for the time spent?

Though I've gotten some comments I haven't necessarily always thought were all that considerate or helpful, I have to say I mark them all as helpful simply because whether or not I agree with the gist of the comment, I very much appreciate that someone took the time to pass along their views.

I've even gotten quite a few comments I didn't necessarily like.....but they were accurate, and in those cases especially, someone stuck their neck out to offer their perspective on what might have made a better entry.

To each his own, but I really feel in this case with this challenge, the commenter had our best interest, entertainment, and the urge to do something a little special in mind with his flurry of commentary.....so I thought I'd start a comment appreciation thread for this gentleman who did something I've not seen yet in the 2+ years I've been here.

That was basically my original intent with this thread......there's always someone who's got a complaint on commenting so I thought I'd try to recognize someone who went way above and beyond to make the effort.

For that....I thought K10DGuy was certainly deserving of some additional kudos.

My $0.02 US.....YMMV....

IMO, in an era of people getting back to you after seeing an honest comment and almost discouraging commenting (indirectly, by saying: if you comment not to my like, I will make sure you pay), K10DGuy's efforts are highly commendable. They may not always be technically rich, but they add perspective to an image.. they add the aesthetic sense of belonging and existence to a subject. Almost like getting preface to your book written by a famous author. People who do not appreciate such efforts (and they have a right to do so), do not deserve any comments at all.

I know a tad how much effort and work it takes to fairly comment on so many entries. And I wouldnt be demeaning anyone's great commenting efforts, unless I have made such comments too. As is said: easier said than done.

ETA: Kudos NikonJeb for recognising his efforts!!!

Message edited by author 2008-10-08 13:25:16.
10/08/2008 02:22:53 PM · #40

Gus pouted. It's not like he could do much more, his eyes forever set in such an expression. When Gus was promised reincarnation, his wildest dreams weren't enough to prepare him for this. In his former life, his lips had never been touched by a woman, and he had been promised that his new life would be different. Now, they were touched all too often, but this wasn't what he had had in mind. This gross distortion of his being, doomed to life as a steering wheel and a set of dash instruments, and he can't even say what they do to his...

Gus pouted. It was not as if he could do much else.

I think it gets more and more funny every time i read it. . .
10/08/2008 02:56:57 PM · #41
To me the value of his comments, beyond the wonderful humour of many, is that he's looked, he's seen and he's felt. He lets the photo reach and touch him, then spins a tale from what it has said. He's approaching the photos as art.

Some may feel his comments aren't helpful because they don't give any technical advice but they give something extremely rare for DPC and, IMO, extremely valuable.
10/08/2008 03:07:05 PM · #42
Originally posted by BeeCee:

To me the value of his comments, beyond the wonderful humour of many, is that he's looked, he's seen and he's felt. He lets the photo reach and touch him, then spins a tale from what it has said. He's approaching the photos as art.

Some may feel his comments aren't helpful because they don't give any technical advice but they give something extremely rare for DPC and, IMO, extremely valuable.

Quite well stated, m'lady!......8>)
10/08/2008 03:09:30 PM · #43
*curtsy* Thank you, kind sir :)
10/08/2008 03:10:12 PM · #44
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by BeeCee:

To me the value of his comments, beyond the wonderful humour of many, is that he's looked, he's seen and he's felt. He lets the photo reach and touch him, then spins a tale from what it has said. He's approaching the photos as art.

Some may feel his comments aren't helpful because they don't give any technical advice but they give something extremely rare for DPC and, IMO, extremely valuable.

Quite well stated, m'lady!......8>)

Hail hail hail... good said:-)
10/08/2008 04:28:33 PM · #45
Originally posted by BeeCee:

To me the value of his comments, beyond the wonderful humour of many, is that he's looked, he's seen and he's felt. He lets the photo reach and touch him, then spins a tale from what it has said. He's approaching the photos as art.

Some may feel his comments aren't helpful because they don't give any technical advice but they give something extremely rare for DPC and, IMO, extremely valuable.

That is a very good point. Most people dont spend more then 4-5 seconds looking before they vote. He spent time enough to make himself think of the quirky responses to each one. Feel honored your photo inspired him to think.

OTOH there are others on this site that are unwilling to take a technical critique and actually understand it and appreciate it. Most times those that need it the most are the ones who accept anything other then..........Marvelous, Perfect, ect.

10/08/2008 04:43:04 PM · #46
I was THRILLED with mine...

As she rested her head, and gazed into the morning light, her thoughts wandered as a child's are wont to do. From the joys -- a moment playing with Scruffy the dog, the kiss her mother had given her before bed, her daddy coming up the walk after work each day -- to the little traumas -- the skinned knee, that mean boy at school, the death of Petrie the budgie.

With each thought came a subtle change of expression, as the tempest of her mind brought her through the miniature storms of emotions that accompany the whirlwind that is a forming conciousness. At the end, however, a small and subtle smile played upon her lips, and a light came to her eyes, and the world was good and right.

If only for that moment.
10/08/2008 05:03:14 PM · #47

While Agatha was always green with envy of the bodies of the other jars, Kevin suffered from depression and Ingrid was frightened of everyone, and it was kind of tragic that Agatha never understood that her envy was unwarranted.
10/08/2008 05:30:54 PM · #48
I bet you thought, "why the heck did I enter a bee on a flower!?" now eh?

I guess he didn't like my picture that much =(, but it's ok, I apprecciate he took the time to leave a comment (and to be honest, that's exactly wha't I was thinking about this pic)
10/08/2008 05:56:40 PM · #49
Originally posted by Prash:

Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by BeeCee:

To me the value of his comments, beyond the wonderful humour of many, is that he's looked, he's seen and he's felt. He lets the photo reach and touch him, then spins a tale from what it has said. He's approaching the photos as art.

Some may feel his comments aren't helpful because they don't give any technical advice but they give something extremely rare for DPC and, IMO, extremely valuable.

Quite well stated, m'lady!......8>)

Hail hail hail... good said:-)

I must agree here as whilst we all want constructive technical critisim of our shots it takes more thinking power to derive a story from an image than to simply pick at its quality.

That said, I had to go and create my own story via google....

Comment by K10DGuy:
Meow meow X meow meow, Meow meow lost color meow meow, meow meow sad, meow meow.

(If you're sitting there scratching your head, google Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and The Land of Make Believe)
10/09/2008 07:16:00 AM · #50
Just wanted to give this thread a bump to once again thank K10DGuy for his outstanding efforts. I'm going to enlarge a copy of my challenge entry, mat & frame it, and put the comment on the mat under the image. I'll never look at this image, or the old truck which sits about a mile from my house, the same way again.

Edward, you've done something very unique and special here......I won't easily forget how you made me laugh, cry, and just take a different look at these images posted here.
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