Hey cynthiann
We actually have a few professional photographers at our church. Every other we they do free family portraits for father's day and after doing it for a few years, they've build up a pretty good system (and then the pictures there are used in the church directory).
I would have the church have all the information for the directory done before you even get there. Minimum, they should at least have an older directory there. That way before you shoot the portrait the families can check/verify their information. Then we have a few helpers (starting two or three weeks before hand, and then even more so the day of... maybe you can get people from the church to do this) to reserve a time slot for their shots. I think we do 3 families per 15 minutes. That way each family can do all of their extra little shots (i.e. One family with adult children together- then adult children and their spouses, some families even bring their dogs, etc).
We general finish well ahead of schedule... sometimes 30min to an hour before we plan to. But I would suggest that you send the church a spreadsheet or something with time slots arranged, and they can work on putting a schedule together (I'm assuming you're doing this after church on a sunday? then some families that are later can leave for lunch and come back for their slot).
Sorry, can't offer much help on pricing though... since our photographers volunteer this service. They set up equipment, shade structures, lighting, etc, take the picture, then pass it onto the church. We do all of our own printing and distributing in house.
But I definitely think it's far to offer packages... I think for the most part, people would at least want an 8x10 and a directory of their family portrait. (The 8x10 is what we give out).