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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Online Photo Books
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12/28/2008 05:13:01 PM · #1
I remember reading some postings a while ago regarding online publishers (Lulu, Blurb, Memento, Myphotobook etc) - but I can't locate them now. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or has anyone had dealings with any and have opinions on their quality etc.
12/28/2008 05:33:52 PM · #2
Before anyone can really answer you, you'll have to give more info on what is most important to you:

branding (publisher branding vs. your own)
drop-shipping (client generated, or you have to order for them)
time to process once uploaded
papers and bindings available


You really need to be more specific - are you looking to create an album for family snapshots or deliver high-quality finished products to clients?

12/28/2008 06:13:16 PM · #3
What I have been reading (in magazines - but I'm sure there were postings and opinions here somewhere) there seems to be a great difference in price and quality. The book I am looking at doing in basically for my own benifit on a couple of trips made to Borneo. Price wise - they seem to vary from $35 to $150. But quality is my main focus. I would rather pay $150 than $35 if the quality is better. I would like the nicest possible paper and binding. Time is not a big factor - I am prepared to wait for a good product. Some sort of indication of colour space etc would also be helpful.
12/28/2008 06:21:54 PM · #4
Wedding albums thread

Was this the link you were looking for? For my book, i went to ACI labs. It was perfect for the use i was looking for and had great quality. I would go back to them for photo books.
12/28/2008 06:22:20 PM · #5
Gordon launched a project about making a book and his is posted on his profile. I did some digging and he used:
a company called Blurb
as I recall there was a lot of interest.
12/28/2008 07:39:02 PM · #6
I would not necessarily associate Lulu and Blurb with the highest quality; not sure about the others. Blurb sticks their logo on their books, and you have to pay extra to get it off.

Have heard many good things about Asukabook, although they have a hurdle to registration. I do have an account there, but the design process is so clunky and anal that I have actually never made it from start to finish with them. For quality though, this is probably a very safe bet.

I have always had good luck with MpixPress. They've got a wide range of templates available and their customer service is fantastic should you have specific questions regarding papers and archival qualities.

12/28/2008 07:46:18 PM · #7
MyPublisher.com gives great service. They are very inexpensive and I've been happy with their quality.

Right now they're offering a free book with the purchase of a book: code is PHOTO241

It's a good time to try them out.

They're not amazingly perfect or anything... but I've had their books for several years am I'm still happy with them.
12/28/2008 07:56:01 PM · #8
Thank you for the "food for thought" It will make great reading during my vacation time :)
Originally posted by L2:

I would not necessarily associate Lulu and Blurb with the highest quality; not sure about the others. Blurb sticks their logo on their books, and you have to pay extra to get it off.

Have heard many good things about Asukabook, although they have a hurdle to registration. I do have an account there, but the design process is so clunky and anal that I have actually never made it from start to finish with them. For quality though, this is probably a very safe bet.

I have always had good luck with MpixPress. They've got a wide range of templates available and their customer service is fantastic should you have specific questions regarding papers and archival qualities.
12/28/2008 09:21:10 PM · #9
Had a look at Asukabook's site - seems you have to be a pro & won't give prices until you email them. Looked at MpixPress. Seems like reasonable prices. Are you saying you think the quality there is better than Blurb ? Have you had any experience with Memento ?
12/28/2008 09:55:00 PM · #10
Any Brits awake?
In the "Digital Camera" magazine (British) they did a comparison of various companies (none of the ones mentioned tho) and they claimed one called "Myphotobook" came up the best. Anyone used them or know anything about them ?

Message edited by author 2008-12-28 21:55:36.
12/28/2008 09:56:56 PM · #11
Originally posted by Tajhad:

Had a look at Asukabook's site - seems you have to be a pro & won't give prices until you email them. Looked at MpixPress. Seems like reasonable prices. Are you saying you think the quality there is better than Blurb ? Have you had any experience with Memento ?

I've not had any experience with Memento, sorry.

For a soft cover 10x10, Asukabooks starts at around $80 for the first book (20 pages) with discounts for volume ordering. For hard covers (20 pages) the less expensive bindings/fake leather starts at $100; for the best hard cover (leather) and binding method prices start at over $300 for 20 pages. Pages are ordered in increments of 20/30/40/60/80. As I said before, their design process is not for the faint of heart and neither are their prices. I have heard of some people getting through the registration process by using their DPC portfolio; you'll just have to apply and see if they'll take you. For a one-off like you describe, this might not be worth all the work and hassle to go through. They'll send you a pamphlet with the paper samples if you ask if they accept your portfolio. ETA: I just looked at your portfolio; I'm sure you'd be fine.

As for Blurb, I've never ordered through them myself but I've seen a few soft cover books through there and I don't like the logo (and I also don't like that they make you pay to get rid of it). The colors seemed to render fine and the paper was good; it was just nothing that made me say OMG QUALITY. Your mileage may vary.

I am an impatient person, and Mpix has quick turnaround times. I've never ordered anything that wasn't processed the same day and shipped the next day, including last week on Christmas Eve. Their customer service is stellar; I'm sure if you didn't like the quality they'd work with you until you were satisfied. Their design process is pretty good too, easy to navigate the software and you can either use a template or create completely from scratch. Colors are always spot-on, paper feels heavy to the touch and very similar to a "real" coffee table book. They'll probably send you some samples if you ask. I am very partial to Mpix due to their general speediness and their friendly knowledgeable awesomeness; consider me biased on their account and ask for the paper samples to be sure.

Another option if you have iPhoto or Aperture is SharedInk; they have a direct PDF wizard thing where you can design offline and just upload to them. Their quality is excellent but the design process is less intuitive and must be done while on-line unless you have iPhoto/Aperture. Customer service at SharedInk is also quite wonderful. Everyone starts with 50mb in space for photos but they'll upgrade you if you need it to complete your book. Actually, their customer service is so good that once I ran out, they sent me an e-mail telling me they upgraded me for free so I could finish -- I didn't even have to ask. They don't have leather hardcovers - it's linen, but it's very pretty and the start/end pages are color coordinated.

Good luck!

Message edited by author 2008-12-28 21:58:24.
12/28/2008 10:36:53 PM · #12
The ability to make books has added a fantastic dimension to my enjoyment of my photography hobby. I have used Blurb for several books and I am generally quite satisfied with their products. While I don't like that they stick their logos on the front and back pages, I can look past that, because the rest of the book comes out exactly what I am looking for. The covers are available in soft cover and hard cover, with a dust jacket or photowrap. I have made different books with all of these choices, and they came out fine -- right now I am partial to the photowrap for the larger sized hard covers. I grew disenchanted with the products from MyPublisher, because I did not like their cover choices (most had a goofy window in them).

As for the insides, Blurb now offers a heavier paper as an option to the regular paper and that is a real nice upgrade. Print quality was magnificent. They have abundant templates for page layout, but on my last book, I laid out my pages in Adobe Illustrator and imported whole pages into their software. Worked like a charm and the result was exactly what I was aiming for.

Blurb has good support.

I have done several books with Apple, using iPhoto and Aperture. Both are great.

I have done books with MyPublisher, but I felt the options there were more restrictive. I've looked at Asuka and others but felt no compelling reason to go there versus Blurb.

Hope this helps, good luck!
12/28/2008 11:14:35 PM · #13

120page Full Colour Book
Mature Content


I recently put a new book up for sale on Lulu. Before I put the book there I ordered a much smaller sample and I am happy to report I am extremely ecstatic with Lulu.

The sample was softback, it was great. I also ordered a hardback copy of the book above and I am very happy. I have showed it to many people and they all agree it is worth the price.

So my only negative thing to say is that it takes way to long for a hardback book. I believe they stay 10-15 days (work days) to make the book as apposed to 3-5 for a softback. The wait is a pain in the neck, but like I said I am happy all the same.

Edit to add, it took 12 days for the hardback before it was shipped. Shipping was for me $5 normal USPS and $10 Priority USPS. Though they do have two days and stuff, but if you have to wait two weeks for the hardback to be made anyway, no reason to pay extra for a couple days shipping.

Message edited by author 2008-12-28 23:18:05.
12/29/2008 12:09:58 AM · #14
For what it's worth, I've used Blurb and am delighted with the results. My book is hardbound, paper quality is good (this wasn't the "best" paper - wasn't available when I ordered) and colors rendered well using sRGB colorspace. The app you download to build your book is fairly self explanatory and easy to use. I had copies made for my family and some colleagues from work who had seen it and liked it. I don't have a problem with their label - it's small and reasonably unobtrusive. All depends on what you're looking for, but for a self-published "coffee table" book, I think they did a great job.
12/29/2008 12:41:08 AM · #15
i just wanted to tack onto what Melethia said, ive uesd Blurb aswell and i was very happy with the results as well as my client who had requested a coffee table book that i put together for them throught that site, very easy, decent quailty, speedy shipping, loved it and would recoment it and use it again good luck, best wishes

Message edited by author 2008-12-29 00:42:04.
01/05/2009 06:56:47 AM · #16
Any Blurb users out there?
I decided to give Blurb a go but am having great difficulty getting clear information on softproofing photos. I have checked their forums and they seem to contradict each other.
At present I have been doing the following;
* converting to sRGB
* Set proof to HP-Indigo Press 500 (their supposed printer)
* Rendering intent has been Relative Colormatric (but have read some posts saying use Perceptual
* Checking Black Point Compensation
* Leaving Display Options OFF (Simulate paper colour & simulate black ink)
I then have been adjusting for out of gamut colours etc - to get it looking right.

Now I'm reading in some of the forums that some people recommend Perceptual (instead of Relative Colormatric); checking the "simulate paper colour" and "simulate black point".

The results from these options create a whole different ballgame. I don't know who to believe.
Has anyone used them and been happy with thier results ? If so what rendering did you use and did you use the display options (and adjust for them) ?
Any help appreciated.

Message edited by author 2009-01-05 06:57:15.
01/05/2009 03:45:45 PM · #17
03/06/2009 08:04:01 AM · #18
Originally posted by Tajhad:

Any Blurb users out there?

I've recently published two books in Blurb and I tried to test to send the photos just in RGB and not soft proofed in Ps. The result is pretty fine I'd say. I had no problems with tonality of my photos even though some had very specific toning (variations of sepia).

Perhaps you should upload what you have ready and order a copy for yourself to check it..
03/06/2009 11:52:43 AM · #19
Apple (Kodak) using Aperture to customize layout. Wonderful print products all around. I've had several hardcover books published and couldn't be happier - great quality, true reproduction, very fast delivery, decent cost. Demo.
03/09/2009 01:03:44 PM · #20
Another Blurb user here. I had a book printed for myself so I could judge the quality before ordering a present for my parents and was very satisfied. The colours were as I sent them, the reproduction was excellent. I've no problem with the Blurb logos - very discreet. I won't say it's the best because I haven't tried the others, but I will say it gave me what I wanted.
03/09/2009 02:21:16 PM · #21
I was very happy with mypublisher.com. I originally ordered 5 books and they were such a hit the end total of people wanting it (at 50.00 each) was 30. It also give you the option of letting people order it directly from the site depending on your wishes. Often have 2 for 1 sales and other bargains.

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