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Showing posts 226 - 250 of 1127, (reverse)
03/11/2009 01:22:33 PM · #226
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by mikeee:


It's called wild, unfounded speculation. Don't read too much into it.

"Don't forget, this is a bigtime free study yet open to the votes of the unwashed masses."

There is nothing wild or unfounded about the quoted comment.

It *IS* a bigtime free study, right?
It *IS* open to non-members unlike other free studies, right?

So there is nothing to "read into" what I typed OR ignore about a purely factual statement.

as for "Should prove interesting with people maybe voting stuff down that's better than theirs." -- that is of course, speculation and a completely redundant comment on your part since I clearly said "MAYBE" which shows that. But certainly nothing "wild" or "unfounded" except in your attitude.

Get a life, dude.

Message edited by author 2009-03-11 13:26:38.
03/11/2009 01:24:03 PM · #227
Why is it the scores always seem to go down so much easier than they go back up?

Started the day over six and its been a slow and painful slide since then. Got 6 comments already though which is nice and I'm leaving more than usual too.

Votes: 80
Views: 110
Avg Vote: 5.7750
Comments: 6
03/11/2009 01:27:09 PM · #228
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by mikeee:


It's called wild, unfounded speculation. Don't read too much into it.

"Don't forget, this is a bigtime free study yet open to the votes of the unwashed masses."

There is nothing wild or unfounded about the quoted comment.

It *IS* a bigtime free study, right?
It *IS* open to non-members unlike other free studies, right?

So there is nothing to "read into" what I typed OR ignore about a purely factual statement.

Get a life, dude.

There IS something to read into your derogatory statement equating "non-members" to "un-washed masses"... and calling it a "factual statement"

Message edited by author 2009-03-11 13:28:01.
03/11/2009 01:28:28 PM · #229
Votes: 83
Views: 117
Avg Vote: 4.7108
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/11/09 01:10 pm

I think I want to cry. lol
03/11/2009 01:28:43 PM · #230
You have rated 50 of 1128 images (4%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 50 of 1128 images (4%) in this challenge.

I'm half-way there on my promise to comment on 100 images!
03/11/2009 01:31:11 PM · #231
Votes: 89
Views: 110
Avg Vote: 5.6067
Comments: 7

lots of votes, lots of comments--folks are starting early with 1100+ images to get through

Vote Early, Vote Often!!
03/11/2009 01:34:18 PM · #232
Votes: 95
Views: 156
Avg Vote: 5.5474
Comments: 2

I think this is the fastest my score has fallen on a challenge. Last night with 45 votes it was at 6.9, woke up this AM with it being 5.8 and it's been falling steadily ever since. I've been getting a lot of 1's which implies they didn't like the subject matter (because technically it is almost perfect). :)
03/11/2009 01:47:11 PM · #233
Originally posted by scalvert:

It's called wild, unfounded speculation. Don't read too much into it.

There was a lot of wild, unfounded speculation back in the DPL days that many voters were intentionally lowballing -- but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. :-)

Originally posted by Moose408:

I think this is the fastest my score has fallen on a challenge. Last night with 45 votes it was at 6.9, woke up this AM with it being 5.8 and it's been falling steadily ever since. I've been getting a lot of 1's which implies they didn't like the subject matter (because technically it is almost perfect). :)

I'm with you, Moose, though mine went from 6.6 to 5.4. Mine's not technically perfect, but it ain't bad. On the other hand, it may be soulless. :-D
03/11/2009 01:49:08 PM · #234
I didn't expect to win, but this is a little disappointing..

Votes: 91
Views: 124
Avg Vote: 6.0769
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/11/09 01:47 pm
03/11/2009 01:49:46 PM · #235
I'm going for a darker shade of brown.
03/11/2009 01:52:14 PM · #236
yay for me, i got about 1.5% of my comments done. LOL ah this is madness i tell you:)
03/11/2009 01:54:38 PM · #237

Votes: 93
Views: 120
Avg Vote: 4.7957
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

.2 less than predicted..
03/11/2009 01:56:47 PM · #238
Votes: 97
Views: 113
Avg Vote: 6.5670
Comments: 5
Favorites: 1

Almost to the 100 vote mark... this could end up in my top 10:)
03/11/2009 01:57:01 PM · #239
Votes: 93
Views: 143
Avg Vote: 6.3656
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1
wow ...
03/11/2009 01:57:02 PM · #240
Originally posted by Moose408:

Votes: 95
Views: 156
Avg Vote: 5.5474
Comments: 2

I think this is the fastest my score has fallen on a challenge. Last night with 45 votes it was at 6.9, woke up this AM with it being 5.8 and it's been falling steadily ever since. I've been getting a lot of 1's which implies they didn't like the subject matter (because technically it is almost perfect). :)

How can you tell you are getting 1's? Where can I see what individual scores I am getting.
03/11/2009 01:57:29 PM · #241
Originally posted by chromeydome:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by mikeee:


It's called wild, unfounded speculation. Don't read too much into it.

"Don't forget, this is a bigtime free study yet open to the votes of the unwashed masses."

There is nothing wild or unfounded about the quoted comment.

It *IS* a bigtime free study, right?
It *IS* open to non-members unlike other free studies, right?

So there is nothing to "read into" what I typed OR ignore about a purely factual statement.

Get a life, dude.

There IS something to read into your derogatory statement equating "non-members" to "un-washed masses"... and calling it a "factual statement"

What a nit to pick... It's a pretty common, non-offensive phrase referring to the general public. You need to get out more.
03/11/2009 02:05:06 PM · #242
Evil score!

Votes: 105
Views: 134
Avg Vote: 6.666
Comments: 8
Favorites: 1

I knew from the beginning this pic wouldn't be consensual, but it's one of the photos I'm really proud of! Glad I entered it anyway. And the comments made my day :)
03/11/2009 02:10:17 PM · #243
Oof, working on recovering from a 2 vote. (Must have been one of those unwashed masses...)

Do we have an award on DPC for "Boob of the year"? ;)
03/11/2009 02:17:33 PM · #244
I was referring more to the overall comment:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Don't forget, this is a bigtime free study yet open to the votes of the unwashed masses. Should prove interesting with people maybe voting stuff down that's better than theirs.

The very obvious implication is that you believe registered users are prone to voting unfairly. Yes, it's a big free study, and yes, it's open to all voters, but it's also no different than any other open challenge. If anything, this challenge has brought in past DPCers who have let their membership lapse, and starry-eyed newbies who may be more easily impressed by photos that are cliché to the regulars. Some voters will be more critical of what is represented as our "best," while some will have more appreciation for personal attachment and subtle meaning due to the special nature of this particular topic. This challenge is literally unlike any other- almost a total wild card, and even the suggestion that scores may suffer merely because the voters aren't "members of the club" *IS* wild, unfounded speculation.

Message edited by author 2009-03-11 14:29:44.
03/11/2009 02:23:49 PM · #245
I`m 7+ at 100 votes :)
20 comments and 2 favs.
03/11/2009 02:25:54 PM · #246
Votes: 94
Views: 126
Avg Vote: 4.5745
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/11/0

this is the worst voting I EVER had here. although it's getting better, I was already at 4.3!!! that sucks anyway. really...
03/11/2009 02:27:32 PM · #247
Originally posted by scalvert:

I was referring more to this part:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Don't forget, this is a bigtime free study yet open to the votes of the unwashed masses. Should prove interesting with people maybe voting stuff down that's better than theirs.

The very obvious implication is that you believe registered users are prone to voting unfairly. Yes, it's a big free study, and yes, it's open to all voters, but it's also no different than any other open challenge. If anything, this challenge has brought in past DPCers who have let their membership lapse, and starry-eyed newbies who may be more easily impressed by photos that are cliché to the regulars. Some voters will be more critical of what is represented as our "best," while some will have more appreciation for personal attachment and subtle meaning due to the special nature of this particular topic. This challenge is literally unlike any other- almost a total wild card, and even the suggestion that scores may suffer merely because the voters aren't "members of the club" *IS* wild, unfounded speculation.

You're wrong there about it being wild and unfounded, but what's new. I appreciate your explanation as well and thank you for offering it. But he quoted the first part, saying "WTF" to which you replied.

Next time be more clear.
03/11/2009 02:27:48 PM · #248
Votes: 108
Views: 125
Avg Vote: 5.9074
Comments: 11
Favorites: 1

I'm certainly very happy with this!

Not that I wouldn't be happier with a 6+. Come on people, go bump your 5s and 6s ;D
03/11/2009 02:28:44 PM · #249
I have to say I am really enjoying voting on this gigantic challenge and it has brought me out of my commenting funk.

Votes: 103
Views: 130
Avg Vote: 5.5825
Comments: 6
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/11/09 02:26 pm

I am floored by the number of votes many are getting already and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet!
03/11/2009 02:29:12 PM · #250
ouch! 5 votes with an average of 2.4--the trolls are out!

(it's not the best photo, but I'd been at 5.7 until then)

edited to add:
teheh, I'll leave my post in so people can see my stupidity! I pasted the average into the wrong spreadsheet--my 100 year old has 100 votes, my 1000th challenge has 104, no trolls around--just one 4 vote:)

Message edited by author 2009-03-11 14:31:48.
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