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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Nude Photography and your wife?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 99, (reverse)
03/27/2009 09:30:49 AM · #1
I know there are a few users on here that have used their wives (Or themselves) as nude models for photography and it's all done very tastefully. I've been keen on doing some as well and my wife doesn't mind so long as it is tasteful BUT then I realized that once a photo is on the internet...it's on for everyone. How did you (For those that have done it) get passed that feeling of "Dang, everyone is gonna see my wife's boobs?" Or did you even have that feeling?
03/27/2009 09:51:43 AM · #2
I don't think my wife would pose nude! You have to be comfortable with the knowledge that it may get around. I once posted a closeup of my teenage daughter's toes after she had painted them red with some little white hearts. It was cute, but I deleted it after a comment (and a lot of views in a short time) clued me in that foot fetishists were enjoying it.

Message edited by author 2009-03-27 09:52:42.
03/27/2009 10:16:04 AM · #3
I'm not married, nor have i ever uploaded a nude photo of anybody, so this is just my opinion:

If you're even the slightest bit nervous about it, i'd say don't do it. Like Yo_Spiff hinted at, and you're already aware of, the internet is filled with lots of creepy people. Post a picture of an elbow, and somewhere, somebody is super excited to see it. There are a few things you can do to protect the image, but their level of effectiveness is questionable. For instance, you can use the feature on flickr that attempts to prevent right clicking, but that is easily circumvented by blocking images from a certain address. for more privacy, you could keep the photo private and just send a direct link to those you think would enjoy your art.

another option is to just make sure people you know and see on a regular basis won't see the photos. at least for me, it would be a lot easier to dismiss it if i have no idea who the gawking people are. it's still a little creepy. i get uneasy when i notice a picture of one of my friends getting a few extra views... scratch that, it's still very unsettling.

just my opinion. a lot of people share nude photos and i think a lot of people can appreciate them for more than just "hey look, boobs!"
03/27/2009 10:42:58 AM · #4
However, everybody has a body. There are more than 6 billion to look at. The internet is full of very interesting body images and videos a lot of which are quite rude, so I've heard. It's unlikely anybody's going to be getting excited over a pair of boobs. If you and your wife are happy, go for it.
[snigger]he said 'boobs'![/snigger]

Message edited by author 2009-03-27 10:43:58.
03/27/2009 10:44:05 AM · #5
Do you have any nude pictures of your wife?
Want to buy some?

It's an old joke but applicable these days, huh?
03/27/2009 10:50:10 AM · #6
I think you need to look at it as once you put it on the web it will always be there someplace, so if you do realize you made a mistake and do not want that photo out there it is to late. If see wants to run for President some day some one will find it.....
03/27/2009 10:51:19 AM · #7
I don't think it is such a big deal really if done tastefully. If people wanna perv over it then they will but the reason I took the shot initially was not for pervs but as stated above, people will perv over anything. I say, if you feel comfortable and your wife feels ok about it then go for it, I seldom care what the big world will think about it
03/27/2009 11:21:05 AM · #8
I'm thinking a little different. It really wouldn't bother me that five hundred million strangers will see my wife's boobies....it may bother me to know that my bozo friends and nitwits I work with would see !!!!!
03/27/2009 11:26:48 AM · #9
Things like this used to bother me and then I realized I just don't really care that much. Like said above everyone has a body and I just don't see it as being a big deal.
03/27/2009 11:27:07 AM · #10
Charge them $29.99 for a look.
03/27/2009 11:29:57 AM · #11
I don't know if you have any kids or not but if you do or you will chances are they will also like photography too. What happens then they see moms body on the internet??? Or better yet what about her parents or relatives?

Your wife would not be a good idea. If you take some I wouldn't put them on the internet. Might be a bad idea later on in life.
03/27/2009 11:37:28 AM · #12
It is also important to look at any future ramifications. When stuff is put on the Internet, it is there forever. If you take it down, wayback or whatever may have archived it.

Many people, obviously, have considered this and done it. I guess it comes down to the fact to how comfortable YOU are. If you are not, for any reason, I would not recommend posting them for the world to see.
03/27/2009 11:41:11 AM · #13
also, one other thing. If you put a shot up of your wife , people will love it, hate it etc. SO expect some criticism. Can you handle someone saying something bad about your wife, can she handle it?
03/27/2009 11:49:36 AM · #14
If you are worried about pervs, then Nude photography isn't for you.
It also takes a special relationship, and a certain casualness to nudity to allow images of yourself to be posted on the Internet.

If you do post nude images of somebody, then never never never include their name in the post related to the picture. This would mean people searching for the name would find the image.

I take a lot of nude images, but I have never taken any of my wife, and I wouldn't post them on the Internet as she is uncomfortable with that.

One option I have used a few times for people who don't want to be recognized is to do body scapes without the head, or use a mask or something to hide the identity.

Tastefully done nudes shouldn't offend anybody, but as said there are a lot of weirdos and people hung up about nudity out there.

Whenever you do a shoot always talk to your model about what you can and can not do with the images before posting them. A signed model release is also good to have for if someone changes their mind.

Message edited by author 2009-03-27 11:50:31.
03/27/2009 12:21:52 PM · #15
Originally posted by kenskid:

I'm thinking a little different. It really wouldn't bother me that five hundred million strangers will see my wife's boobies....it may bother me to know that my bozo friends and nitwits I work with would see !!!!!

What's worse? Someone posting tasteful pictures of boobies or someone posting a picture of a turd in a toilet?!?!?!?!!?
03/27/2009 12:36:31 PM · #16
How did you know you were the Nitwit I was talking about ?

Originally posted by kindasyco:

Originally posted by kenskid:

I'm thinking a little different. It really wouldn't bother me that five hundred million strangers will see my wife's boobies....it may bother me to know that my bozo friends and nitwits I work with would see !!!!!

What's worse? Someone posting tasteful pictures of boobies or someone posting a picture of a turd in a toilet?!?!?!?!!?
03/27/2009 01:26:55 PM · #17
I did the headless ides for some of mine. My wife and I are not that worried about what people see on the internet. Any Pictures i have posted have been tasteful. I know that anyone can see them, but at the same time only I get too see the real thing so It really does not bother me.
03/27/2009 05:41:19 PM · #18
Originally posted by kenskid:

I'm thinking a little different. It really wouldn't bother me that five hundred million strangers will see my wife's boobies....it may bother me to know that my bozo friends and nitwits I work with would see !!!!!

It is so rare that we agree on something in the forums. I have to mark this on my calendar. :)

Although I was thinking Bozo coworkers and nitwit friends.

Message edited by author 2009-03-27 17:41:47.
03/27/2009 11:06:39 PM · #19
There you go then...we agree on something !

Originally posted by vxpra:

Originally posted by kenskid:

I'm thinking a little different. It really wouldn't bother me that five hundred million strangers will see my wife's boobies....it may bother me to know that my bozo friends and nitwits I work with would see !!!!!

It is so rare that we agree on something in the forums. I have to mark this on my calendar. :)

Although I was thinking Bozo coworkers and nitwit friends.
03/28/2009 04:11:25 AM · #20
03/28/2009 05:03:27 AM · #21
Originally posted by roba:

ROLMAO Robert!!!! Love your work!!!
03/28/2009 05:13:52 AM · #22
Several mentions in this thread (including the OP) specifying the need for 'tastefulness'. I don't care if you exhibit nude shots of your wife, or of anybody else. But whatever you do, please avoid tastefulness; it's an offensive concept with a corrosive effect on any society in which it is permitted, and should be avoided in any context. I would support the introduction of a tastefulness filter at DPC. Anything gratuitously tasteful would be hidden and would require the clicking of an additional 'OK' button to view, as well as submission to a small electric shock.
03/28/2009 07:18:04 AM · #23
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03/28/2009 07:21:35 AM · #24
Long before DPC my wife was always my favourite 'thing' to photograph, coz she's just so beautiful. Ahhhhh! If I was to put any on the internet I would certainly go for the headless body scape to preserve identity and it can make the taking of an interesting picture more challenging too without including a face. She wouldn't want the neighbours (or the PTA!) to spot her but would be less bothered about the 500 million strangers to be honest.

Maybe I am niave but a short while back I uploaded some portfolio pics to get some feedback and one of these was a very tasteful (soryy ubique(IMHO) picture, featuring my wife, that I had decided not to enter for the recent Skin challenge. To say I am suprised by the number of views is a massive understatement.

Get Off Pongo 2 N/A 03/05/2009 0 6 0
White Light RoseN/A 03/05/2009 1 94 0
Great Shot N/A 03/05/2009 0 9 0
Cow Girl N/A 03/05/2009 0 1240 0
Her Majesty N/A 03/05/2009 4 126 0
Get Off Pongo N/A 03/05/2009 0 14 0
Nature's Power N/A 03/05/2009 2 41 0
The Rath N/A 03/05/2009 0 18 0

When there are so many 'other' websites where you can see nude pics of people (and so much more) why would people come on here to look at nudes??

In summary, if you both are comfortable with doing it and you go into it with your eyes fully open then I say go for it and enjoy!
03/28/2009 07:24:22 AM · #25
@ toddheadthose are fantastic photographs. Your wife makes for a stunning model and you take a great pic. You both have every right to feel extremely proud.
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