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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Appalling new prison photos!!!
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05/11/2004 08:10:54 AM · #126
Hillary scares me, she makes Kerry look like a safe bet, which is sad...

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 08:11:15.
05/11/2004 03:17:40 PM · #127
Originally posted by thelsel:

Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II!

Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the chance.....women....kids....babies....they don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken
05/11/2004 03:26:12 PM · #128
Maybe it is time for us to treat Iraqi prisoners the same as they treat our people, you know, an eye for an eye...

Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
05/11/2004 03:36:46 PM · #129
Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

[b]Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs?

I must have missed the bit when the Iraqi military did this. Glad you could clear it all up for everyone though.
05/11/2004 03:46:31 PM · #130
Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

Originally posted by thelsel:

Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II!

Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the chance.....women....kids....babies....they don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken

With an attitude like that, you're no better than them. W is trying to take the moral highground and people like you are taking his credibility away...........I'm kidding.........about W.

And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bin Laden or Saddam sympathizer. I just think, if you (Republicans) would just keep your noses out of the worlds business, this would be a better place to live.
05/11/2004 03:55:55 PM · #131
William Pfaff: Who ordered 'shock and awe'?

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 16:00:03.
05/11/2004 03:56:54 PM · #132
And it's ignorant people like yourself, erroneously linking the war in Iraq with the war on terror (which have been cunningly linked together by your administration into one muddy 'us against them' war) who are perpetrating this attitude of hatred and anger, forming a situation where you've turned the whole world against your country.

Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

Originally posted by thelsel:

Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II!

Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the chance.....women....kids....babies....they don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 15:57:28.
05/11/2004 03:57:39 PM · #133
Even more horrific photos and stories the media won't show you, I'm ashamed to be an American after seeing this:
These stories outnumber the prison abuse stories, but for some reason no one cares about this.

For what it's worth, nothing worse happened in these Iraqi prisons then what has happened in every war prison, in every country, during every war, under any president/leader, under any secratary of defense/general... Based on the photos, what happened was pretty tame compared to stories I've heard from buddies that have served.
The only thing new is the digital camera and people stupid enough to take and share the pictures.
Yes it's apalling and I'm not condoning what happened, but how would you treat someone that shot at you and your friends and would kill your mother if given the chance.
05/11/2004 03:58:32 PM · #134
Originally posted by orussell:

And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.

Just to throw my 2 cents in...

I don't think it is really fair for you to blame all of the world's troubles on Republicans...bad people are bad people, be they Republican, Democrat, white, middle eastern, short, tall, fat, skinny...it doesn't make sense to group all Republicans together and make them the cause of all the ills in the universe. Just a thought. Consequently, I am not a Republican, Democrat, or of any particular political affiliation as a rule, so I don't take offense to it personally...I just think it is a bit of a broad statement, because I am sure that there are good, well-meaning and intelligent Republicans out there, just as there are Democrats, whites, middle easterners, short people, tall people, fat people, skinny people, etc...

Thank you for letting me state my opinion. Have a great day, all! :o)
05/11/2004 03:59:07 PM · #135
Originally posted by louddog:

Even more horrific photos and stories the media won't show you, I'm ashamed to be an American after seeing this:
These stories outnumber the prison abuse stories, but for some reason no one cares about this.

For what it's worth, nothing worse happened in these Iraqi prisons then what has happened in every war prison, in every country, during every war, under any president/leader, under any secratary of defense/general... Based on the photos, what happened was pretty tame compared to stories I've heard from buddies that have served.
The only thing new is the digital camera and people stupid enough to take and share the pictures.
Yes it's apalling and I'm not condoning what happened, but how would you treat someone that shot at you and your friends and would kill your mother if given the chance.

Hmm,nice to see some children left alive !
05/11/2004 04:03:56 PM · #136
Originally posted by Gordon:

Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

[b]Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs?

I must have missed the bit when the Iraqi military did this. Glad you could clear it all up for everyone though.

Iraqi military is now on our side. We are not fighting the Iraqi military in Iraq.
05/11/2004 04:07:28 PM · #137
What a nightmare, the original excuse for invading the country built on the abhorrent treatment of Iraqi civilians by Hussein's government, and lies of WMDs, only to go there and tear the palce up with depleted uranium shells and then torture the people anyways. Their oil fields are safe though. That's good.
05/11/2004 04:19:19 PM · #138
Originally posted by orussell:

And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.

This is the most insane thing I ever read. Seeing as the world trade center was destroyed 200+ days into Bush's term, are you saying Bin Laden decieded he hated America and planned the attacks in those 200 days? How would you explain the USS Cole?
Or are you saying if everyone in the US thought like a democrat, no bad things would happen?
05/11/2004 04:19:38 PM · #139
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

And it's ignorant people like yourself, erroneously linking the war in Iraq with the war on terror (which have been cunningly linked together by your administration into one muddy 'us against them' war). . .

I must be one among the "ignorant", and getting more "ignorant" all the time. This article is only one of those that adds to my "ignorance".

05/11/2004 04:23:11 PM · #140
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

What a nightmare, the original excuse for invading the country built on the abhorrent treatment of Iraqi civilians by Hussein's government, and lies of WMDs, only to go there and tear the palce up with depleted uranium shells and then torture the people anyways. Their oil fields are safe though. That's good.

Yeah, what a nightmare. Would you rather be an Iraqi today, or an Iraqi a few years ago? Hmm, dirty underware on my head, or have Saddam chop my head off. Tough choice.
05/11/2004 04:24:07 PM · #141
Originally posted by pitsaman:

Hmm,nice to see some children left alive !

Yeah, MINE - thanks to the actions taken by the Bush administration to take the war on terror to where the terrorists live and train rather than wait until they brought it to the U.S., AGAIN.

05/11/2004 04:24:51 PM · #142
I'm curious, does anyone give two shits about the American Contractor who was slowly beheaded with a knife in recent?

Probably not... I mean, making an arab man do something that many european and american men do to them selfs for enjoyment is so much worse than the slow beheading of a business man on camera!!!

I'm guessing we won't hear much outrage from the news media on this will we... It just doesn't further their adgenda!!!

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 16:25:48.
05/11/2004 05:14:56 PM · #143
a business man?? try mercenary.
05/11/2004 05:17:28 PM · #144
I feel very sorry and supportive for the American troops in Iraq.The task and the enemy they are facing is just overwhelming and their number is not adequate for the size of the country.Emotional pressure and psychological trauma of being shoot at from every corner sometimes make young people to snap and do bad things.
God bless the American military !
05/11/2004 05:23:24 PM · #145
let's try this again

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 17:24:27.
05/11/2004 05:25:08 PM · #146
Originally posted by orussell:

Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

Originally posted by thelsel:

Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II!

Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the chance.....women....kids....babies....they don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken

With an attitude like that, you're no better than them. W is trying to take the moral highground and people like you are taking his credibility away...........I'm kidding.........about W.

And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bin Laden or Saddam sympathizer. I just think, if you (Republicans) would just keep your noses out of the worlds business, this would be a better place to live.

At this point I'm not really concerned with being better than them; I just want to defeat them.
I wonder how many attacks have already been prevented by intelligence gathered through "torturing" the good citizens in our military prisons. In fact it's possible that the very people that are screaming the loudest about is may have had their life's saved through the intelligence collected.
War is hell and we are at WAR. It's not just a war against republicans; it's a war against all "infidels" In fact from what I know of Islam, democrats and liberals or more "infidel" than republicans. (How many of you democrats/liberals want to live under Islamic rule?)
I'm betting that the next terrorist attack will happen in a large east coast city filled with liberal democrats. George Bush and the US military are keeping us all safe but I don't think you will understand that until it is too late.
05/11/2004 05:39:10 PM · #147
Originally posted by RonB:

Originally posted by jimmythefish:

And it's ignorant people like yourself, erroneously linking the war in Iraq with the war on terror (which have been cunningly linked together by your administration into one muddy 'us against them' war). . .

I must be one among the "ignorant", and getting more "ignorant" all the time. This article is only one of those that adds to my "ignorance".


And, just in case any of the libs will quibble with the source (who I'm not familiar with, other than the Horowitz link in the banner), and who are still blind enough to accept the myth that Saddam had no link with terrorism, here it is straight (well, ok, transcribed) from the lips of Leslie Stahl and 60 Minutes:

60 Minutes: The Arafat Papers [his link with Iran and Iraq]

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 18:13:19.
05/11/2004 05:53:26 PM · #148
Originally posted by orussell:

Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson:

Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it....

With an attitude like that, you're no better than them. W is trying to take the moral highground and people like you are taking his credibility away...........I'm kidding.........about W.

Attitudes like that are born of frustration with you (liberals).

Originally posted by orussell:

And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.

My sister's been a flight attendant for over 15 years and traveled extensively and even lived for 2 years in Europe. Americans have been hated even when you (liberals) ruled the White House. (Even though you (liberals) "lovers of peace and harmony" were just as, if not more, eager to send the military on excursions around the globe)

Originally posted by orussell:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bin Laden or Saddam sympathizer. I just think, if you (Republicans) would just keep your noses out of the worlds business, this would be a better place to live.

And yet you (liberals) encourage Bin Laden, Saddam, and all the other haters of America by crying out to the world "just kill enough of us and we'll run home". There is a direct correlation between you're (liberals) senior spokesman, Ted "Gimme another *hic* Scotch" Kennedy, declaring the war in Iraq a quagmire (which it isn't), its broadcast to the arab world with the interpretation and commentary that we're ready to cut and run when there are enough dead Americans, and the upswing in violence against Americans in isolated regions of Iraq.

You (liberals) share with Al-Quida in the guilt and resposibility for the lives lost in the last months.

Message edited by author 2004-05-11 18:14:32.
05/11/2004 06:00:32 PM · #149
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

And it's ignorant people like yourself, erroneously linking the war in Iraq with the war on terror (which have been cunningly linked together by your administration into one muddy 'us against them' war) who are perpetrating this attitude of hatred and anger, forming a situation where you've turned the whole world against your country.

Do we really need to bring up the dozens and dozens of statements by DEMOCRAT luminaries from Clinton to Kerry linking Saddam Hussein with terrorism, WMDs, and attrocities directly ordered by Saddam against his own people and others? Or is it a waste of time, because the anti-Bush hatred has sunken so deep that reality no longer matters?
05/11/2004 06:01:34 PM · #150
Originally posted by louddog:

Iraqi military is now on our side. We are not fighting the Iraqi military in Iraq.

Excellent point.
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