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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> SEPTEMBER side challenge..."Serendipity".
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 244, (reverse)
08/31/2009 05:54:23 PM · #26
Room for one more? I think I probably built a whole portfolio on lucky accidents...

08/31/2009 06:19:54 PM · #27
I would like to participate, but not sure how much time I'll have (start of semester, etc.). If it's okay to play it be ear, count me in!
08/31/2009 08:26:21 PM · #28
Originally posted by RKT:

Originally posted by Germaine:

Can I play, too? I'm not sure how often or how much I'll contribute, because IMNSHO you can't program serindipty -- it happens by itself, which is what keeps it serindipitous, I guess.

I just wanted to add to this...I want the challenge to be about not just a situation, but also about the the realization of a serendipitous photograph. What do I mean by this? I'm talking about experimentation; shooting from the hip, throwing what you see through the viewfinder out of focus, moving your camera as you shoot...you name it. It's about finding the lovely in the unexpected action.

From one of my favorite photographers, Garry Winogrand:

“Photography is about finding out what can happen in the frame. When you put four edges around some facts, you change those facts.”

So yes, serendipity is something that is happened upon, but I also really believe it can be a result of a chance taken while shooting for something else entirely.

Am I making any sort of sense?

Yes, a lot of sense, but for me, serendipity needs to have the element of chance -- finding something interesting (valuable) while searching for something unrelated to the discovery. For me, that can't be planned, but that's just MNSHO.

Having said that, I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's take on serendipity. There isn't any right or wrong definition of the word, again IMNSHO. 8)
08/31/2009 11:35:28 PM · #29
Plan some serendipity, heh, sure why not ;-) Or at least embrace negative capability. And I'm trying to talk posthumous into joining... if you plop our names onto the list I'm sure we'll squeeze out a few odes to krnodil :)
08/31/2009 11:58:47 PM · #30
Originally posted by skewsme:

Plan some serendipity, heh, sure why not ;-) Or at least embrace negative capability. And I'm trying to talk posthumous into joining... if you plop our names onto the list I'm sure we'll squeeze out a few odes to krnodil :)

That sounds like it would hurt. ;)

I don't even know why Don needs talking into - isn't this right up his alley? His portfolio is full of happy accidents.

Not enough people treat their cameras serendipitously...maybe the "planned" exercise will lead to a greater openness to the accidental. Baby steps...

09/01/2009 12:27:17 AM · #31
btw serendipity has a nifty etymology. you might think that seren- here is related to serene or serenade, but it ain't:

1754 (but rare before 20c.), coined by Horace Walpole (1717-92) in a letter to Mann (dated Jan. 28); he said he formed it from the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip," whose heroes "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of." The name is from Serendip, an old name for Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka), from Arabic Sarandib, from Skt. Simhaladvipa "Dwelling-Place-of-Lions Island." Serendipitous formed c.1950.
(courtesy of etymonline.com)
09/01/2009 10:49:07 AM · #32
Originally posted by skewsme:

btw serendipity has a nifty etymology. ...


So... today's September 1st. Rachel ( RKT), will you start a new thread, or should we post below?

09/01/2009 11:37:40 AM · #33
Originally posted by citymars:

Originally posted by skewsme:

btw serendipity has a nifty etymology. ...


So... today's September 1st. Rachel ( RKT), will you start a new thread, or should we post below?

Just start posting here...yep!
09/01/2009 12:14:11 PM · #34

Here's my first one.
09/01/2009 06:19:11 PM · #35

I'm kind of cheating as I posted this last week (for Snapshots) but it probably fits the serendipity theme better. Whatever it is (or isn't) was the result of very little planning.
09/01/2009 06:45:11 PM · #36
Yikes. I have nothing. Guess I better get that camera movin'. :~)
09/01/2009 08:11:57 PM · #37

09/01/2009 09:08:36 PM · #38
09/01/2009 09:20:39 PM · #39
If I'm not too late, I'd like to try...
09/02/2009 01:39:44 AM · #40
Originally posted by ancientimages:

If I'm not too late, I'd like to try...

It's never too late!! : )
09/02/2009 01:40:46 AM · #41
09/02/2009 02:01:36 AM · #42
09/02/2009 03:43:18 AM · #43

this photo is 2 weeks early, and I am two days late. can I still drop in?
09/02/2009 05:22:42 AM · #44
09/02/2009 08:48:11 AM · #45
09/02/2009 09:00:29 AM · #46
09/02/2009 03:19:43 PM · #47
Didn't sign up, but serendipity found me.
09/02/2009 05:03:07 PM · #48
09/02/2009 05:44:15 PM · #49
Here's my first, taken last night:

09/02/2009 06:38:13 PM · #50
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