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DPChallenge Forums >> Administrator Announcements >> Challenge Size and Dimension Limitations Increased
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 140, (reverse)
11/08/2009 09:42:52 PM · #1
Based on internal discussion and the results of a recent poll, we have decided to increase the file size and image dimension limitations for both Member and Open challenges.

Member challenges will be increased from 720x720 @ 200kB to 800x800 @ 300kB.
Open challenges will be increased from 640x640 @ 150kB to 800x800 @ 300kB.

Yes, you read that correctly -- all challenges entries going forward will be limited to a maximum of 800 pixels tall/wide and 300 kilobytes in size. That said, there are two important things to note with this change.

Important Note 1: You should be very mindful of the fact that some laptops and desktops these days will not be able to view the entirety of an entry sized 800 pixels tall. In fact, that may very well be the reason that 218 users voted not to increase the limitations. It is also note worthy that only 115 of those users have voted in recent challenges.

Important Note 2: The November Free Study will be switching over to allow for these sizes. If you have submitted, consider reworking your entry.
11/08/2009 09:44:57 PM · #2
That's fantastic. Thank you Langdon

11/08/2009 09:47:04 PM · #3
Excellent news
11/08/2009 09:48:02 PM · #4

11/08/2009 09:50:01 PM · #5
hear hear! or is it hear hear!

Message edited by author 2009-11-08 21:50:14.
11/08/2009 09:50:25 PM · #6
Good news. I have a laptop, and I press F11 when I vote on large photos. Hmm, I'll probably still have to scroll. Oh well it is worth it.

11/08/2009 09:51:54 PM · #7

I'm assuming that aside from the november FS, this starts with the new challenges released at midnight tonight?
11/08/2009 09:52:13 PM · #8

For portrait shots I always use 650px high just in case.
11/08/2009 09:54:46 PM · #9
Is this good for the challenge that is up tonight?
11/08/2009 09:55:48 PM · #10
Man, now I'm going to have to pay more attention to details :)
11/08/2009 09:58:28 PM · #11
I will do my best to not suck at even higher resoulution. This will be challenging. I like the consistancy between basic and advanced.

Message edited by author 2009-11-08 21:59:59.
11/08/2009 09:58:45 PM · #12
If you check the challenge submission page only the FS has been changed. Thanks for the increase Langdon and SC!!
11/08/2009 10:08:10 PM · #13
Muchas gracias Señores!!! Es fantástico!

Message edited by author 2009-11-08 22:09:01.
11/08/2009 10:22:15 PM · #14
I'd love to be a fly on the wall of certain people after reading this announcement :P
11/08/2009 10:32:21 PM · #15
The current challenges are still reading as 720px @ 200kb...which is the correct size for Foliage and 47 steps???? HELP!
11/08/2009 10:33:42 PM · #16
The only current challenge that is changing it the November FS. The rest stay the same.
11/08/2009 10:34:24 PM · #17
My understanding is that the size change is from hence forward, with the exception of the free study. All previously announced challenges are the smaller size.
11/08/2009 10:34:59 PM · #18
It's my belief that as the posted challenges end(voting starts) that the new challenge will have the increased size. So tonights new member challenge should have the increased values. No word from any SC to confirm this yet...
11/08/2009 10:35:56 PM · #19
Okay thanks everyone!!! Phew!
11/08/2009 10:47:01 PM · #20
fantastic news! Let's move towards watermarking after a challenge has ended also ...
11/08/2009 11:10:27 PM · #21
awesome news.
11/08/2009 11:11:41 PM · #22
Those who use Firefox, and I would presume Explorer has the same feature, can press Ctrl - or + to zoom in or out when viewing images. Handy for those laptops.
11/08/2009 11:17:12 PM · #23
That is awesome....HIP HIP HORAY!!!!
11/08/2009 11:20:59 PM · #24
Now let's darken the backgrounds just a touch please. :D

11/08/2009 11:24:05 PM · #25
Originally posted by Jac:

Those who use Firefox, and I would presume Explorer has the same feature, can press Ctrl - or + to zoom in or out when viewing images. Handy for those laptops.

remember the f11!
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