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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Strobist lighting thread 2010
Showing posts 201 - 225 of 286, (reverse)
06/22/2010 10:47:12 AM · #201
Hey guys I was hoping you can help me out. Currently I have a canon 430ex that I use often and love it but I want more. I am really getting into the lighting and am debating on what the next step should be. I do a lot of location shoots and almost nothing indoors (and when it is indoors it is not at my place). So my question is what should I add? Should I go with an alienbees setup with battery? Should I pick up one or two 580 EX flashes? One 580 and another 430? I think Pocket wizard will come later as right now I can use the 7D's wireless function or cable the 580 to the camera for HSS (I think, may be wrong on that) I use a reflector as well so how many off camera strobes would you suggest for outdoor shoots?

ETA another option could be add a 580 to my 430 and get the radio triggers now and have a 2 light setup with reflector.

Message edited by author 2010-06-22 10:48:13.
06/22/2010 11:14:21 AM · #202
If you have the money and you're sure you're going to use it .... I think an Alien Bee B800 with battery pack would be the way to go. It just doesn't make sense to buy two 580's at $900.00 when the single B800 puts out twice as much light as both of them combined.

Originally posted by jminso:

Hey guys I was hoping you can help me out. Currently I have a canon 430ex that I use often and love it but I want more. I am really getting into the lighting and am debating on what the next step should be. I do a lot of location shoots and almost nothing indoors (and when it is indoors it is not at my place). So my question is what should I add? Should I go with an alienbees setup with battery? Should I pick up one or two 580 EX flashes? One 580 and another 430? I think Pocket wizard will come later as right now I can use the 7D's wireless function or cable the 580 to the camera for HSS (I think, may be wrong on that) I use a reflector as well so how many off camera strobes would you suggest for outdoor shoots?

ETA another option could be add a 580 to my 430 and get the radio triggers now and have a 2 light setup with reflector.
06/22/2010 11:26:09 AM · #203
Originally posted by hopper:

If you have the money and you're sure you're going to use it .... I think an Alien Bee B800 with battery pack would be the way to go. It just doesn't make sense to buy two 580's at $900.00 when the single B800 puts out twice as much light as both of them combined.

Originally posted by jminso:

Hey guys I was hoping you can help me out. Currently I have a canon 430ex that I use often and love it but I want more. I am really getting into the lighting and am debating on what the next step should be. I do a lot of location shoots and almost nothing indoors (and when it is indoors it is not at my place). So my question is what should I add? Should I go with an alienbees setup with battery? Should I pick up one or two 580 EX flashes? One 580 and another 430? I think Pocket wizard will come later as right now I can use the 7D's wireless function or cable the 580 to the camera for HSS (I think, may be wrong on that) I use a reflector as well so how many off camera strobes would you suggest for outdoor shoots?

ETA another option could be add a 580 to my 430 and get the radio triggers now and have a 2 light setup with reflector.

I would rather have wireless triggers above all else if I were you. Add A 580 plus pw'ds then add a second 580 or 430 down the road. A battery powered AB would be awesome but ease of portability is really impotant to me. My personal opinion... I do agree with hopper that buyin two 580s doesn't seem like your best option. I'm not familiar with the 7d trigger system but I can't imagine it has the range and versitility of wireless triggers. I use cybersyncs and have had great performAnce out of them.
06/22/2010 11:28:22 AM · #204
Impotent. Haha. Sorry I'm on an itouch!

Kris... A baby is due soon!
06/22/2010 11:39:05 AM · #205
Originally posted by mpeters:

Originally posted by hopper:

If you have the money and you're sure you're going to use it .... I think an Alien Bee B800 with battery pack would be the way to go. It just doesn't make sense to buy two 580's at $900.00 when the single B800 puts out twice as much light as both of them combined.

Originally posted by jminso:

Hey guys I was hoping you can help me out. Currently I have a canon 430ex that I use often and love it but I want more. I am really getting into the lighting and am debating on what the next step should be. I do a lot of location shoots and almost nothing indoors (and when it is indoors it is not at my place). So my question is what should I add? Should I go with an alienbees setup with battery? Should I pick up one or two 580 EX flashes? One 580 and another 430? I think Pocket wizard will come later as right now I can use the 7D's wireless function or cable the 580 to the camera for HSS (I think, may be wrong on that) I use a reflector as well so how many off camera strobes would you suggest for outdoor shoots?

ETA another option could be add a 580 to my 430 and get the radio triggers now and have a 2 light setup with reflector.

I would rather have wireless triggers above all else if I were you. Add A 580 plus pw'ds then add a second 580 or 430 down the road. A battery powered AB would be awesome but ease of portability is really impotant to me. My personal opinion... I do agree with hopper that buyin two 580s doesn't seem like your best option. I'm not familiar with the 7d trigger system but I can't imagine it has the range and versitility of wireless triggers. I use cybersyncs and have had great performAnce out of them.

The reason I am leaning towards the 580's is for the portability, Once I get my studio it will be decked out with AB but I really enjoy hitting the town with the strobes. The 7D trigger system is pretty good but it also has issues and wouldn't be something I want to rely on while with a model.

So I can probably find this out online but if anyone cares to answer jump on in. With the PW triggers should I use a receiver on each flash or have the 430 just set as a slave and fire off of the 580's flash?
06/22/2010 11:52:05 AM · #206
Originally posted by jminso:

So I can probably find this out online but if anyone cares to answer jump on in. With the PW triggers should I use a receiver on each flash or have the 430 just set as a slave and fire off of the 580's flash?

It depends what the outside lighting it like and how you want to use the flashes. The infra red from the 580 can fire the 430 but this could be an issue in bright sunlight.

I currently use a pair of 580's with pocket wizards and I find they are plenty powerful enough to light what I need and they are so portable I can carry them in my normal camera rucksack. I also use a ST-E2 on top of the pw so I can balance the flash ratio's
06/22/2010 12:28:13 PM · #207
Originally posted by jminso:

Hey guys I was hoping you can help me out. Currently I have a canon 430ex that I use often and love it but I want more. I am really getting into the lighting and am debating on what the next step should be. I do a lot of location shoots and almost nothing indoors (and when it is indoors it is not at my place). So my question is what should I add? Should I go with an alienbees setup with battery? Should I pick up one or two 580 EX flashes? One 580 and another 430? I think Pocket wizard will come later as right now I can use the 7D's wireless function or cable the 580 to the camera for HSS (I think, may be wrong on that) I use a reflector as well so how many off camera strobes would you suggest for outdoor shoots?

ETA another option could be add a 580 to my 430 and get the radio triggers now and have a 2 light setup with reflector.

No no no. You only need one 580ex. All the rest of your off camera flashes should be just be manual flashes that are decent and reliable. Check out the new Lumopro LP 160s.

//www.mpex.com/browse.cfm/4,14648.html - $160 ea.

Spend the extra money on radio triggers. The 7Ds built in trigger system is cool, but the flashes that work with it are too expensive. I'm about to invest in the radio popper jrs when my skyports sell on ebay.

From what I've read, the radiopoppers are just as good and/or better than pocketwizards. I wouldn't waste the money on pocketwizards when there are cheaper and highly reliable alternatives.

Message edited by author 2010-06-22 12:29:33.
06/22/2010 01:02:23 PM · #208
thanksgiving-ish .... and we're havin' a boy this time

Originally posted by mpeters:

Kris... A baby is due soon!
06/22/2010 01:07:12 PM · #209
While I can't disagree with this, especially outside ... you have a few cheap options in this regard:

* - Cactus V4 wireless triggers are $40 for a set. Not the greatest, but you don't need professional performance at the moment.

* - Long cords ... either TTL for like $55 or PC cord for less than $20

If you're anything like me, chunks of money don't come around too often. You can make due without the expensive triggers. You can't make due without light.

Originally posted by mpeters:

I would rather have wireless triggers above all else if I were you.
06/22/2010 01:14:40 PM · #210
This guy,


... makes a very strong case for a couple speedlights and pocketwizards
(warning: hot girl in a bikini being photographed)

Message edited by author 2010-06-22 13:14:46.
06/22/2010 02:37:58 PM · #211
Originally posted by hopper:

While I can't disagree with this, especially outside ... you have a few cheap options in this regard:

* - Cactus V4 wireless triggers are $40 for a set. Not the greatest, but you don't need professional performance at the moment.

* - Long cords ... either TTL for like $55 or PC cord for less than $20

If you're anything like me, chunks of money don't come around too often. You can make due without the expensive triggers. You can't make due without light.

Originally posted by mpeters:

I would rather have wireless triggers above all else if I were you.

I bought a cheap set of wireless triggers and I have had several missfires with them and a few while I was with clients so I do want to get a good set that will work consistantly. I have been able to get some nice shots using my 430ex and a reflector but I really want to add another light and reliable triggers. Would like to keep the cost under $1000 for this. So I can go either the 580exII for $500 (with a heavy duty lightstand and new umbrella) or I can get the AB800 for $580 (with heavy light stand, umbrella and battery pack) That leaves $300 for triggers. I do really like the portability of the 580exII but the AB800 seems extra sweet. I have no assistants so I think the 580exII will be the way to go.

RadioPoppers seem great but... which one do I get? And can I get away with just the kit for now (1 receiver and 1 transmitter) or do I need to buy 2 receivers(which seems like the logical way to go) And where can you find just the JrX receivers or do I go with the other receiver which won't show me the price(at least not on my work computer)
06/22/2010 02:42:28 PM · #212
I will also be selling my Canon EF 100mm f/2.0 USM to fund the triggers.

Bonus from work plus sale of the lens should pretty much cover me.

There are so many entry level dslr owners with kit lenses setting up $20 photo shoots and shooting crap. Even most of the semi pros in this area use just ambient light, I rarely even see a reflector in use. I want to set myself apart from them and I love the strobist lighting so that is what I want to do.
06/22/2010 02:52:31 PM · #213
you can't go wrong with either choice ... good luck with your new stuff :)
06/22/2010 04:11:21 PM · #214
If you are thinking pocket wizards there is really no reason to go for the 580EX. The 430EX puts out almost the same light, is less expensive and creates less distance limiting RF noise. Since the 7D already has the smarts to control three groups of remote ETTL flashes, you should only need the Pocket Wizard miniTT1 on the camera. As for the pocketwizard vs radio popper debate, I've tried both and I think the pocketwizard system offers more capabilities for future expansion. Of course that just my opinion
06/22/2010 05:03:41 PM · #215
To throw another log on the fire, what are your thoughts of the CyberSync's for use with AB's?
06/22/2010 05:19:11 PM · #216
I think the CyberSyncs are a great choice if alienbees are your primary lights. The price is great and I've heard good things about them. I'll add another log myself and point out that PocketWizard just added an another for AlienBees so you can control the power of the monolight from your camera. I didn't look at the price, but this would be an interesting option for keeping some consistency in your tools for location and studio shooting.
06/22/2010 05:55:02 PM · #217
I think I am going to start with the AB800 and battery pack. Still not sure on the triggers but may look more into PW and RP since (at least from what I read about the radiopoppers) I can use that with my 430 so if I want to throw some hardlight behind the model I can use my speedlite for that.
06/22/2010 06:10:13 PM · #218
I just started using speedlights/strobes. I got this for my trigger, haven't had a misfire yet. The best part is it's relatively cheap.

06/22/2010 06:47:53 PM · #219
So I can go with a single Ab with what all I need for around $950

I can go with an additional 430ex(but I may do the 580 any just for the stroboscopic mode add $150 more) plus the pocket wizzard triggers for $900-$1050

Or with (the likely smarter initial move) a 430ex and radiopoppers for $600

I think with starting out the 430ex and radiopoppers are going to be the way to go.
06/22/2010 07:12:30 PM · #220
lol ... you've changed your mind about 3 times already ... take your time ... think about how you shoot ... don't buy anything until you're sure
06/22/2010 07:19:04 PM · #221
Originally posted by hopper:

lol ... you've changed your mind about 3 times already ... take your time ... think about how you shoot ... don't buy anything until you're sure

lol, yeah I know. I think the AB would be great but I do a lot of moving with my shots and locations so I think the speedlites are going to be the way to go. That and the battery pack for the AB is almost 20lbs that I would be lugging around.
06/22/2010 07:43:42 PM · #222
Originally posted by Nusbaum:

If you are thinking pocket wizards there is really no reason to go for the 580EX. The 430EX puts out almost the same light, is less expensive and creates less distance limiting RF noise. Since the 7D already has the smarts to control three groups of remote ETTL flashes, you should only need the Pocket Wizard miniTT1 on the camera. As for the pocketwizard vs radio popper debate, I've tried both and I think the pocketwizard system offers more capabilities for future expansion. Of course that just my opinion

Not sure I can agree with you. On future expandability, Radiopoppers are more versatile. I heard that pocketwizards are stuck on an old technology and transmitter band (if that's what you call it). And because so many people use pocketwizards they have to make all their new products backwards compatible which limits how they can innovate.

Radiopoppers use a more modern technology and can certainly be innovated beyond where pocketwizards can currently go. The radiopoppers actually have a farther range than the new pocketwizards and when approaching longer distances fire more consistently than the pocketwizards.

06/22/2010 07:44:44 PM · #223
Originally posted by jminso:

Originally posted by hopper:

While I can't disagree with this, especially outside ... you have a few cheap options in this regard:

* - Cactus V4 wireless triggers are $40 for a set. Not the greatest, but you don't need professional performance at the moment.

* - Long cords ... either TTL for like $55 or PC cord for less than $20

If you're anything like me, chunks of money don't come around too often. You can make due without the expensive triggers. You can't make due without light.

Originally posted by mpeters:

I would rather have wireless triggers above all else if I were you.

I bought a cheap set of wireless triggers and I have had several missfires with them and a few while I was with clients so I do want to get a good set that will work consistantly. I have been able to get some nice shots using my 430ex and a reflector but I really want to add another light and reliable triggers. Would like to keep the cost under $1000 for this. So I can go either the 580exII for $500 (with a heavy duty lightstand and new umbrella) or I can get the AB800 for $580 (with heavy light stand, umbrella and battery pack) That leaves $300 for triggers. I do really like the portability of the 580exII but the AB800 seems extra sweet. I have no assistants so I think the 580exII will be the way to go.

RadioPoppers seem great but... which one do I get? And can I get away with just the kit for now (1 receiver and 1 transmitter) or do I need to buy 2 receivers(which seems like the logical way to go) And where can you find just the JrX receivers or do I go with the other receiver which won't show me the price(at least not on my work computer)

For strobist stuff, the Jrx is fine. That's what I'm getting. If you have ETTL flashes, then get the studio versions and you're supposed to be able to control the power output from the transmitter on the camera.

But the studio versions work with the basic version so it's not a big deal.
06/22/2010 07:47:33 PM · #224
Originally posted by jminso:

So I can go with a single Ab with what all I need for around $950

I can go with an additional 430ex(but I may do the 580 any just for the stroboscopic mode add $150 more) plus the pocket wizzard triggers for $900-$1050

Or with (the likely smarter initial move) a 430ex and radiopoppers for $600

I think with starting out the 430ex and radiopoppers are going to be the way to go.

You don't NEED a 430ex. You can do everything with non-ETTL flashes (that's the traditional strobist method). For $650 you could get a transmitter, two receivers, and two Lumopro160 strobes. Then you'd have two off-camera lights. Then each next strobe you want to add to your setup is $160 + $79 (flash + receiver).
06/22/2010 09:08:05 PM · #225
Originally posted by kgeary:

Originally posted by jminso:

So I can go with a single Ab with what all I need for around $950

I can go with an additional 430ex(but I may do the 580 any just for the stroboscopic mode add $150 more) plus the pocket wizzard triggers for $900-$1050

Or with (the likely smarter initial move) a 430ex and radiopoppers for $600

I think with starting out the 430ex and radiopoppers are going to be the way to go.

You don't NEED a 430ex. You can do everything with non-ETTL flashes (that's the traditional strobist method). For $650 you could get a transmitter, two receivers, and two Lumopro160 strobes. Then you'd have two off-camera lights. Then each next strobe you want to add to your setup is $160 + $79 (flash + receiver).

I can't seem to find the Lumopro 160 strobes online but I want to go with ettl flashes since the triggers I want with them can do ettl and it would be nice to have that option as well as manual.
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