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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> 300D firmware revisited
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 117, (reverse)
06/02/2004 11:12:32 AM · #26
Originally posted by Gordon:

Originally posted by BrennanOB:

Look at the sigma 500 dg super also, it has the second curtain, fec, ect. at about half the price of the 550ex

Would you lose high speed sync with that, or does the 300D even support that E-TTL mode ?

The Sigma flash has high speed synch and it works very well with the 300d.

Message edited by author 2004-06-02 11:13:02.
06/02/2004 11:14:22 AM · #27
Originally posted by chiqui74:

where can I download Canon firmware?


The official Canon firmware is available from the Canon homepage..


Click on customer support and go from there... or the Driver/software link on the bottom left of the page.

Message edited by author 2004-06-02 11:15:21.
06/02/2004 11:16:30 AM · #28
One downside to the Sigma 500DG is the auto-focus assist beam only works for the central AF point. With the 550EX, the AF assist is effective for all 5 horizontal AF points, with the 420EX it works for all 7. And don't forget that multiple 550EX/420EX Speedlites can be combined into a fully E-TTL compatible wireless master/slave configuration without any additional hardware.
06/02/2004 01:54:18 PM · #29
Originally posted by PaulMdx:

Not sure if I have the guts to try it

Well, apparently I did!

I downloaded the firmware earlier and followed the instructions. It's actually very simple - copy the file onto an empty flash, put it in a fully charged 300D, turn it on and follow instructions.

My camera seems absolutely fine, reporting version 1.1.1 from the menu. It even kept the same settings I had prior to flashing.

I've tried ISO 3200, which seems to work fine. I don't have a flash so I can't try FEC, but the selectable AF/AI-Servo/AiAF seems to work fine too.

Another useful link is to the author's site showing how to use your new features.
06/04/2004 09:12:28 PM · #30
It works as advertised, and its great--
Side note though--
If you do install it, reformat your CF card afterwards-, because after a battery charge, It asked me again if I want to update my firmware, because the file was still on my card..
No this doesnt come close to making your rebel a 10d, but its still nice..
06/05/2004 03:43:41 PM · #31
I don't have a flash so I can't try FEC

You should have a flash built into your camera :)

I`m going to go with the hack now its got MLU and ISO 3200. Very useful for astrophotography.
06/05/2004 04:27:40 PM · #32
The file for the 300D which I down loaded from Russian firmware
is named this: E3kr111B7.rar...... Cannon has the current default 300D firmware file named E3kr111.fir...... Would any one know if the .rar should changed to .fir for implementation?
06/05/2004 04:45:48 PM · #33
Originally posted by undieyatch:

The file for the 300D which I down loaded from Russian firmware
is named this: E3kr111B7.rar...... Cannon has the current default 300D firmware file named E3kr111.fir...... Would any one know if the .rar should changed to .fir for implementation?

A rar is a compressed format like zip. Use WinRar from RarLabs to decompress it.
06/05/2004 07:51:53 PM · #34
I'm definitely impressed as well. I just updated the firmware to the russian version and it works great. Fast, easy, and no adverse side effects so far.

ISO 3200 - is cool (it's more noisy, but when you need it, you need it)

Choose shot mode - very nice to be able to select one shot mode w/o ai servo kicking in by accident

FEC - awesome, kicked it up to +1`and my indoor shots with the onboard flash are no longer suffering from underexposure
06/07/2004 09:31:17 AM · #35
Nobody having problems with the new firmware jet?
06/07/2004 09:35:07 AM · #36
No, works perfectly :-)

06/07/2004 01:12:54 PM · #37
I tested the ISO 3200 feature here with odd results: //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=97920
06/12/2004 06:49:49 AM · #38
What is the difference between E3kr111M.rar and Ekr111B7.rar? I downloaded the first one but the second one I cannot download.
06/12/2004 07:18:18 AM · #39
This is just guess work: I think the B7 one may be the slightly older version as it's what I downloaded a couple of weeks ago. If the M version is what is currently available from the site, I guses that is the currect 'release'.
06/12/2004 07:35:10 AM · #40
B7 is the current release but I can't download it.
06/12/2004 08:37:29 AM · #41
I have B7. You can download it from here if you want: //www.konador.com/E3kr111B7.rar
06/12/2004 09:57:44 AM · #42
Thanks Ben. So how's your evaluation with this firmware?
06/12/2004 09:58:28 AM · #43
I have a question about the firmware update... It has been mentioned that the .rar file is compressed. Will I be able to perform all the steps to update my cam on my Mac or will I need to use my husband's Windoz system to do it?

Anybody have any advice prior to doing this?

Thanks everyone!
06/12/2004 10:00:07 AM · #44
It works great :)
The only thing that's a little annoying is that when U click the trashcan button when previewing a shot, the default selection is now "OK" rather than "Cancel", but whenever I click that button to delete a shot I am in the habit of clicking Right on the d-pad to select "OK", which now causes an error cos it's on "OK" already. It's just a case of breaking the habit of pressing right, and doesn't really bother me at all.
06/12/2004 10:02:12 AM · #45
Cool! I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Now what about the .rar/Mac compatibility thing??

06/12/2004 10:03:19 AM · #46
Originally posted by digistoune:

I have a question about the firmware update... It has been mentioned that the .rar file is compressed. Will I be able to perform all the steps to update my cam on my Mac or will I need to use my husband's Windoz system to do it?

Anybody have any advice prior to doing this?

Thanks everyone!

I think you can uncompress .rar files on a mac with MacRAR: //macrar.free.fr/ which I expect is the equivilent to WinRAR, although I'm on a PC so I don't know if it will work for sure.
06/12/2004 10:20:35 AM · #47
Thank you, Ben. You're a helpful soul!
06/12/2004 10:24:59 AM · #48
Macrar didn't work for me (nor is it OS X native). I used UnRarX on my Mac and it worked fine. The UnRarX interface is slightly cumbersome- look for the buttons in the top right corner of the window. Now I just have to muster up the courage to load the firmware.

Message edited by author 2004-06-12 10:27:03.
06/12/2004 10:39:16 AM · #49
I have the Russian installed. So far so good.
06/12/2004 10:49:18 AM · #50
On the left Button,there is PA 1 shot, PA 2 AI servo, PA 3 AIfocusAF.
What should be my settings? When will I use PA 1, 2 or 3?
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