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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> So who is buying an ipad?
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01/27/2010 04:45:18 PM · #1
or a glorified bigger iphone/ipod touch?

While the promotional video looks amazing (talk about video-lighting, its so well lit), review on Engadget is a little disappointing!
01/27/2010 04:48:53 PM · #2
I'll probably get one once I can get my hands on it for real.

Looks really promising.

ETA - that was hardly a review at Engadget

Message edited by author 2010-01-27 16:52:20.
01/27/2010 04:58:37 PM · #3
You might want to hold off and wait for the iTampon.
01/27/2010 05:00:12 PM · #4
I just watched the video, it does look really cool but my first thought too was it's a big iPhone, or iPod touch if you don't get the 3G version.

What was interesting for me is that Apple has chosen to design their own custom processor for it. I wonder if they will continue that trend into some of their other devices.

I'll probably buy one, because I would love to have a proper capable web browser and mail client that I can easily carry about with me. I just hope they don't cripple it like they did with the iPhone one in terms of plug-in support, I hope it's a fully fledged version of Safari.
01/27/2010 05:05:05 PM · #5
The engadget video was the best "demo" video I've seen so far. It is very cool.

But what's with the no multitasking? Seems to me a BIG mistake. (And I remember tweaking the reps many years ago when the first single-tasking Mac came out and they tried to "upgrade" us from our multitasking Lisa's).

Who does one thing at a time anymore?

01/27/2010 05:07:02 PM · #6
Originally posted by scarbrd:

ETA - that was hardly a review at Engadget

yeah its more like quick pointers by an apple hater..

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

You might want to hold off and wait for the iTampon.


It's tempting, I also have a reason (wife's birthday coming up) could gift it and pass it along without her knowing who it was really for. But waiting for the second generation seems like the way to go after seeing how the updates went on for ipod touch 2nd gen vs. 1st gen.

01/27/2010 05:12:45 PM · #7
As soon as this is released, someone will figure out how to "Jailbreak" it and then it wont be as "Crippled".
I was expecting more of a netbook/slate device rather than just an bigger Ipod Touch though :(
01/27/2010 05:14:38 PM · #8
Originally posted by Covert_Oddity:

I just watched the video, it does look really cool but my first thought too was it's a big iPhone, or iPod touch if you don't get the 3G version.

Actually, I see no evidence that it has phone capbilities in either version, only data.

Originally posted by Covert_Oddity:

What was interesting for me is that Apple has chosen to design their own custom processor for it. I wonder if they will continue that trend into some of their other devices.

I'll probably buy one, because I would love to have a proper capable web browser and mail client that I can easily carry about with me. I just hope they don't cripple it like they did with the iPhone one in terms of plug-in support, I hope it's a fully fledged version of Safari.

I doubt you will see a plug-in architecture like Safari on OS X or Windows. This device is using the iPhone OS, not OS X. But it is considered a full blown web browser.
01/27/2010 05:15:01 PM · #9
BTW if you goto apples site-- they do have 2 adapters for camera's that will be available-
1- has a connection for the user to plug in the camera itself to the ipad using the cams usb conection
2- is an adapter to plug in a SD card directly
01/27/2010 05:29:44 PM · #10
I am torn if I want one.
It seems responsive and good quality, works great.

But no camera kills it. I want to video skype. No multi tasking is not good either.

And I bet they will overprice it in Europe.

Want to see what HP will do with their slate/notebook (not the MS thing we saw at CES).
01/27/2010 06:53:57 PM · #11
Originally posted by scarbrd:

I doubt you will see a plug-in architecture like Safari on OS X or Windows. This device is using the iPhone OS, not OS X. But it is considered a full blown web browser.

If it had Flash, that'd be a step in the right direction. (In the browser demo they did, you can see a broken flash component on one of the pages)
01/27/2010 07:02:59 PM · #12
And BTW to answer the Original Question-- Whos buying one?

I am gonna get it. I love my touch and I want this. :)
01/27/2010 07:06:10 PM · #13
But no OLED display? It's IPS...

Pity, the AMOLED display on my Samsung Jet is just amazing.

I was very jealous when I saw the v2 iTouch comapared to my v1 iTouch, especially the integrated speaker. So, like a few others, I'll hold off my gadget lust until v2 of this device.
01/27/2010 07:10:16 PM · #14
Originally posted by JH:

Originally posted by scarbrd:

I doubt you will see a plug-in architecture like Safari on OS X or Windows. This device is using the iPhone OS, not OS X. But it is considered a full blown web browser.

If it had Flash, that'd be a step in the right direction. (In the browser demo they did, you can see a broken flash component on one of the pages)

Flash is overrated. It is full of security holes and Adobe does not issue patches in a timely fashion. I'd be more interested in seeing multitasking than Flash.

Silverlight from Microsoft is actually an interesting technology. I think you will see it encroach on Flashes dominance in the rich content arena. I'm no MS fan, but Silverlight is cool, easy to program against, and as bad as Microsoft is with security, they do patch regularly.
01/27/2010 07:47:25 PM · #15
I think it'd make a great digital portfolio.

It'd be nice to see pull off tethering with live view. but i think i read it didn't have a firewire port. I'd also wish it could sync with your pc and be used as a photo editing tablet where you could make the edits right on the ipad screen with a wacom pen. I'd love to do digital painting on it.
01/27/2010 07:56:19 PM · #16
I was just a bit underwhelmed. Maybe my expectations were too high. I love my Mac Pro tower, my MacBook Pro, and my Iphone. I just can't see how I NEED this....
01/27/2010 08:04:52 PM · #17
Originally posted by robm001:

I was just a bit underwhelmed. Maybe my expectations were too high. I love my Mac Pro tower, my MacBook Pro, and my Iphone. I just can't see how I NEED this....

The expectations were set so high, how could everyone not be disappointed at some level. This thing was sooooo over hyped.
01/27/2010 08:05:17 PM · #18
Originally posted by robm001:

I was just a bit underwhelmed. Maybe my expectations were too high. I love my Mac Pro tower, my MacBook Pro, and my Iphone. I just can't see how I NEED this....

Is it ever really about NEED though, I think it falls firmly into the WANT category!
01/27/2010 08:24:30 PM · #19
It looks absolutely amazing. I won't be buying a laptop again - instead I'll buy one of these. Once again Apple have shown how innovative and with the needs of their customers they are.
01/27/2010 08:27:20 PM · #20
I probably will... for use as a portable portfolio. Everything else is gravy.
01/27/2010 08:29:27 PM · #21
Originally posted by scalvert:

I probably will... for use as a portable portfolio. Everything else is gravy.

That's a really good idea, but how well will it integrate with an existing Aperture library, will you have to keep an export of certain Aperture libraries for the iPad or do you think Apple will give us a way to do it automatically in Aperture 3, which they will be announcing any day now :D

(I'll leave my dream world now and come back to reality).

Edit to say I just remembered you can do this already with Aperture and iTunes, but I still dream they will release V3 any day now!

Message edited by author 2010-01-27 20:30:47.
01/27/2010 08:30:15 PM · #22
If you used your laptop for anything more than e-mail and browsing, this isn't a replacement. Recall that it runs iPhone OS. I was pretty jazzed about all the rumours, but I'm pretty tired of fan-boy journalists telling us that the new * device from Apple will be a * game-changer. I'm not sure this thing is a must-have. I still prefer real books.
01/27/2010 08:41:03 PM · #23
By the time any new Apple device is released, I am so tired of the rumors and hype leading up to it, that I won't be wanting one.
01/27/2010 08:47:04 PM · #24
I never liked aperture all that much when compared to lightroom. I guess my main reason for using lightroom was I like to use two monitors and I never liked aperture's dual screen mode. What the pain in the neck for me is that I have to export my images to a seperate folder that I would want to put on my iPhone, but thats not really a pain in the neck in the grand scheme of things. I just cant keep an aperture library and lightroom library.

I agree, the iPad would be great for portfolio showing, I already use my iPhone for that. It will be nice to have it on a bigger screen. But until the iPad comes out with bigger and better options, I wont be using it.

Would be real nice for multi-tasking. The flash thing isnt a big deal really. having a video camera would be great for video conferencing and whatnot.
01/27/2010 08:56:44 PM · #25
It is an innovation for sure, i mean look at those apps, they are so damn intuitive.. sure I cannot use this for programming a microcontroller or designing an integrated circuit, but i can totally visualize an app for editing images/creating logos ... how cool will it be to use your fingers to dodge/burn an eye, to add colors to a flat sky - precision of a finger vs. using a mouse or touchpad .. it will be almost like drawing freehand again!
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