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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Good-bye party for posthumous
Showing posts 126 - 150 of 220, (reverse)
04/01/2010 08:48:44 PM · #126
Oh I do Cory, and I think that this is the saddest statement of the whole day

Originally posted by posthumous:

p.s. the most encouraging thing I've heard on the forums so far is that someone puts aside a water drop picture instead of entering it into a challenge, and that *I* might have actually had something to do with that... hallelujah!!
04/01/2010 08:56:14 PM · #127
Originally posted by JulietNN:

Oh I do Cory, and I think that this is the saddest statement of the whole day

Originally posted by posthumous:

p.s. the most encouraging thing I've heard on the forums so far is that someone puts aside a water drop picture instead of entering it into a challenge, and that *I* might have actually had something to do with that... hallelujah!!

And, yet, I agree with this as well, if you have a beautiful waterdrop photo, and you love it, but don't enter it out of fear? Well that would be terrible and sad.. If however you choose to expand your horizons (what I hope, really, really hope posthumous was trying to say), instead of even shooting the waterdrop, now for that, I say kudos.

So we do have to be careful in how we present our ideas, we should foster creativity, and not instill fear of rejection..
04/01/2010 09:14:04 PM · #128
Hmmm... Posthumous... I posted in the original voting thread about how pissed I was at this... I don't blame you at all for leaving.

My real issue here was the way this was handled... First and foremost, the whole fact that it was out in the open and public is insignificant... The real issue was the fact that everyone was guilty and handed down a punishment without any chance to plead their case... It wasn't until after punishment was handed down that they were able to issue a ticket... I have a problem with that, especially when it comes to people who have given so much to this site, they deserve alittle respect...

I've heard over and over again about keeping the integrity of this website in check... Well, where is the integrity in suspending paying members accounts without at least consulting them first and listening to their side??? It's true that this site is not a democracy, but does that mean that it has to be a dictatorship???

Sadly, we may lose one of the most influential members of this site, not to mention other members who I feel are assets. With that said, I am sitting out the length of Posthumous' suspension. I will not be voting, commenting, or submitting in that time... I am going to encourage all other paying members of this site to do the same, and remember, this could have just as easily been YOU suspended!!! This will give me time to contemplate whether or not I want to continue here... but I can tell you one thing, I will never PAY to belong to a site that suspends people without at least listening to their side first... So with that said, when renewal comes up for me in October, I will not be renewing my membership... and I sincerely hope others consider doing the same...

In closing I would say.......I've never won anything here... and that includes a Posthumous award... but for me, it was never about that... It was about entering shots I liked, and seeing how others reacted to it. I enjoyed voting as well, and numerous times I have recognized submitters by their entry. I voted on the entries honestly, even though I knew who submitted it, YOU CAN'T CENSOR SOMEONE'S STYLE... And with that said, you can't censor me for voting on it, even if I knew who the artist was by their style... This whole debacle exposed a serious FLAW in this website, and that FLAW is that people's styles can be recognized... SO WHAT EXACTLY AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN I RECOGNIZE JUDI'S SHOT, OR ART'S, OR YOSPIFF'S??? This whole thing is so ridiculous that it kills any will I had to be here... It makes me wonder with every vote if I'm being watched and if this particular 10 will come back to haunt me... This is not that way I want to ENJOY my hobby... so with that said, POSTHUMOUS, I wish you the best!!! and if you find another site that you are going to participate in, PLEASE P.M. me!!! and let me know... Keep in touch with us and let us know about your new pursuits....
04/01/2010 09:26:22 PM · #129
Originally posted by Sirashley:

Hmmm... Posthumous... I posted in the original voting thread about how pissed I was at this... I don't blame you at all for leaving.

I like your passion. Here, have a warm Budweiser, and here's a few of tnuns Blue Posthumous Ribbons to start your collection. Don't tell tnun I took them.
04/01/2010 09:38:26 PM · #130
Originally posted by frisca:

i just want to say to Don particularly, that nothwithstanding this thread, there will be resolution to this matter, and I hope you do not let this assertion be the only thing that stands in your way or stayiing or of returning. You might feel marginalized, but let me quote Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

thanks for this. And I hope everyone is listening.
My only hope is that the resolution is a positive one in terms of bringing us all back together again.
My suggestion would be for SC to examine the rules and see if there is something that can be done to change those that allow for people to be misjudged and punished with no opportunity for rebuttal.
04/01/2010 09:41:06 PM · #131
Oh geez, Don, some of the young ones are calling you Sir... and that Pointy guy - yes, the one who started all of this! - is giving away Timothy's ribbons.... I suspect that will end poorly.
04/01/2010 09:44:12 PM · #132
ripples should be seen, and not heard...
04/01/2010 09:46:22 PM · #133
Originally posted by pointandshoot:

ripples should be seen, and not heard...

Ribbed, rippled - same diff.
04/01/2010 09:46:57 PM · #134
Originally posted by pointandshoot:

ripples should be seen, and not heard...

Wow, and I was about to type "Who farted?"

There really is a psychic link going on here...

Deb, I'll trade you a blue napkin for some chocolate. Trust me, you'll need it.

p.s. thank you, frisca. much appreciated.
04/01/2010 09:48:11 PM · #135
You haven't changed, Pointy.

Well, ok, if I can have some of your 10's.

Message edited by author 2010-04-01 21:56:11.
04/01/2010 09:49:19 PM · #136
Rumor has it there is some very good Finnish chocolate on the way here. I'm waiting patiently. I probably will not share, however.

Care for a Nestle bar? Hersheys? No?
04/01/2010 10:02:32 PM · #137
Originally posted by Melethia:

Rumor has it there is some very good Finnish chocolate on the way here. I'm waiting patiently. I probably will not share, however.

Care for a Nestle bar? Hersheys? No?

I'll take the Nestle as long as it's not a crunch bar. ;)
04/01/2010 10:05:49 PM · #138
They make something other than the crunch bar? Who knew?
04/01/2010 10:10:32 PM · #139
Originally posted by Melethia:

They make something other than the crunch bar? Who knew?

Yep, but they're hard to find.
04/01/2010 10:15:04 PM · #140
Originally posted by Melethia:

They make something other than the crunch bar? Who knew?

They make the Aero bar. For Canadians anyway. Deb, do you remember the old Choco'Lite candy bar? Same thing.
04/01/2010 10:17:30 PM · #141
Originally posted by bvy:

Originally posted by Melethia:

They make something other than the crunch bar? Who knew?

They make the Aero bar. For Canadians anyway. Deb, do you remember the old Choco'Lite candy bar? Same thing.

I think I do. I was never a HUGE chocolate bar fan. I did the Hershey's Special Darks and thought those were the cat's pajamas until I went to Europe. Also was quite fond of Mounds bars (can't miss with coconut) and Reeses cups. Still can go for that peanut butter sugary chocolate goodness now and again. All so sickly sweet, though, isn't it?
04/01/2010 10:20:15 PM · #142
Originally posted by Melethia:

I think I do. I was never a HUGE chocolate bar fan. I did the Hershey's Special Darks and thought those were the cat's pajamas until I went to Europe. Also was quite fond of Mounds bars (can't miss with coconut) and Reeses cups. Still can go for that peanut butter sugary chocolate goodness now and again. All so sickly sweet, though, isn't it?

I love Mounds bars. Not a big fan of almonds, and I love dark chocolate. The thing is, Almond Joy has nuts. Mounds don't.
04/01/2010 10:21:02 PM · #143
All I can say now is that if Posthumous was allowed to vote my score would be higher in the fs. thank you for reading this post and for taking the time to read this post.
04/01/2010 11:14:51 PM · #144
oops... i woke up .... ok, everybody go home!!
04/01/2010 11:18:43 PM · #145
he is risen indeed, hallelujah
04/01/2010 11:21:43 PM · #146
Oh Jesus! ;)

Glad this worked out, as I was quite sure it would... :)
04/01/2010 11:22:49 PM · #147
he's not quite dead...
04/01/2010 11:37:21 PM · #148
Originally posted by tnun:

he is risen indeed, hallelujah

Praise de lawd, and pass de ammunition! Posthumous LIVES!
04/01/2010 11:44:27 PM · #149
Originally posted by Melethia:

They make something other than the crunch bar? Who knew?

LOL, I love that statement, I work for Nestle and I just know they would be delighted that all the money the pour into advertising is paying off!
04/01/2010 11:45:59 PM · #150
....so no party?
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