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Showing posts 29926 - 29950 of 30665, (reverse)
04/12/2018 01:19:58 AM · #29926
You think? I guess it could be...only one to find out. Let's annihilate spork and see if that causes him to win.
04/12/2018 10:21:03 AM · #29927
Originally posted by skewsme:

You think? I guess it could be...only one to find out. Let's annihilate spork and see if that causes him to win.

Spork knows.

Spork wins.
04/14/2018 12:30:08 AM · #29928
Spork used chemical weapons (or so I've reported), therefore he must suffer the full wrath of the LWMIC (Last Wins Military Industrial Complex). Since I have made heavy investments in the weapons needed to annihilate Spork (being fully justified in doing so because remember, I accused him of using chemical weapons) and also investments in the companies contracted to rebuild this thread when the smoke clears, as well as the mining corporations that will be setting up to extract resources as restitution for his alleged actions, I am winning and winning and winning. And if you disagree or question my evidence or my motives, then you are a traitor and a conspiracy nut and you will be banned FRO EVAHHH!`
04/16/2018 09:51:45 AM · #29929
Spork has countless minions that have sabotaged Art's weaponry, as Art releases his weaponry (In full violation of the Geneva Convention no less), it explodes immediately, incinerating Art, leaving a nasty, chemically contaminated lethal radiation zone. It immediately becomes the #1 EPA Superfund site.

Spork laughs at Art's carbonized remains.

Spork wins
04/16/2018 11:00:52 PM · #29930

...I got better.
04/19/2018 10:18:13 AM · #29931
Art's health insurance claim was rejected. Spork will start a GoFundMe to prolong Art's suffering make sure he gets the treatment he needs from Dr. Demento, the world's foremost expert in this kind of thing.

Spork wins.
04/20/2018 07:22:20 PM · #29932
*spends all the gofundme money on aloe vera*
04/22/2018 05:20:52 AM · #29933
Aloe ha! Pass the poi.
04/23/2018 12:34:12 PM · #29934
Spork sends the angry GoFundMe sponsors with torches and pitchforks after Art while Skews takes hula lessons after overindulging on poi.

Spork wins.
04/23/2018 09:13:53 PM · #29935
This is the most stupid game ever. The guy who originally posted it is no longer around. And, if you think about it, the whole concept makes no sense at all. So now you have Art and Spork taking revenge on eachother. Everyone else left eons ago. Let Spork win and start another game. It's over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04/23/2018 09:55:57 PM · #29936
Um. Don't smoke the poi, k?
04/24/2018 12:49:07 AM · #29937
Nothing is over! Nothing! You can't just switch it off! It wasn't my war. You asked me, l didn't ask you! I did everything to win, but someone didn't let us win.
04/24/2018 04:56:53 AM · #29938
Flerpnoodles + refungusbraten
04/24/2018 05:04:39 AM · #29939
Your language is offensive, your spelling atrocious, and your math is incomplete. Win you have not. You are sentenced to four days in the remedial thread.
04/24/2018 05:23:24 AM · #29940
= eggwhiches/egg warlocks

04/24/2018 03:03:20 PM · #29941
Spork thinks he won. haha
04/24/2018 05:02:43 PM · #29942
Hello there.
04/25/2018 08:37:26 AM · #29943
Spork just wins
04/25/2018 11:57:39 AM · #29944
Spork's just wind.
04/25/2018 12:28:08 PM · #29945
Spork is just wind in the same way a Sharknado is just a storm. Spork wins.

Originally posted by skewsme:

Spork's just wind.
04/25/2018 02:17:15 PM · #29946
Looks like Spork won, time to start another game.

Message edited by author 2018-04-25 17:43:02.
04/25/2018 04:13:22 PM · #29947
five days.
04/25/2018 05:44:39 PM · #29948
Is that a new game.. how does it work?
04/26/2018 07:42:53 AM · #29949
Oh it's fun.. and easy! First, you totally ignore Spork for 5 days. Then you totally ignore Spork for the next 5 days... and so on. In advanced play, there is also the option to burn his village or melt him down into a lump of shapeless plastic, but best to master the basics first.
04/26/2018 09:17:22 AM · #29950
This "new" game is F.U.N.

F is for Fire that burns down the whole town

U is for Uranium...BOMB!

N is for No survivors!

Spork wins
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