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07/08/2023 04:32:21 PM · #326 |
Thag hydes under pier and invents upskurt fotagraf.
Gurrl praktises flerting for males reterning from hunt. Thag is eesy and will give Gurrl more mammoth meet. |
07/08/2023 07:52:53 PM · #327 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:
Thag hydes under pier and invents upskurt fotagraf.
Gurrl praktises flerting for males reterning from hunt. Thag is eesy and will give Gurrl more mammoth meet. |
Gurrl miss Grog! |
07/09/2023 11:09:41 AM · #328 |
Hey! Bear just belatedly realized he FINALLY made it into the Grog Chronicle after all these years of dreaming :-) |
07/09/2023 01:05:10 PM · #329 |
Originally posted by Bear_Music: Hey! Bear just belatedly realized he FINALLY made it into the Grog Chronicle after all these years of dreaming :-) |
Grog not meant disrepekt to grate bear. Selekshun for Grog coments is randum. Inspyre Grog's sens of humer, get grate coment. |
07/09/2023 01:49:25 PM · #330 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff: Originally posted by Bear_Music: Hey! Bear just belatedly realized he FINALLY made it into the Grog Chronicle after all these years of dreaming :-) |
Inspyre Grog's sens of humer, get grate coment. |
Like this ...  |
08/08/2023 12:53:59 AM · #331 |
Thag tyred of hunting and killing, so invents cureer as sooper modul. Thag think he only have to stand around luking pritty, but is hard wurk and gets swetty. Thag colapsus on steps during promo for grate invenchun of persunal wings. Grog blame Thag for comershul falure of produkt. Taker of pickchurs shuld have entured this in "falure" challunge insted. |
09/08/2023 12:32:00 AM · #332 |
Grog hungry but not stoopid and leevs kittehs aloan.
Youngling taunts Thag by taking Thag's ball and not giving bak.
Urga make pilrgumage to plase of grate eldurs in shinee towurs and fake caves. Ugra bring offering uv speshul watur from pond outsyde Grog's cave. Cannot fynd eny grate eldurs. Only man with shoping cart of stuf who is gratful for offering uv watur on hot day. Watur has powerfel efekt on man with shoping cart. Grog shuld have warned Urga to not take water from pond ryte after Grog's annuel bath. |
10/02/2023 12:10:53 AM · #333 |
Is close up uv Grog's grate parts.
Is hiden entrence to cave uv Grog. Can see youngling's artwurk of mountin gote in corner.
10/02/2023 05:46:11 PM · #334 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:
Is close up uv Grog's grate parts.
Is hiden entrence to cave uv Grog. Can see youngling's artwurk of mountin gote in corner. |
Grog no reel-eyes that grate part fotos forbiddened. No Saif fer werk. |
10/08/2023 11:13:22 PM · #335 |
Grate wyld preditor plans upcuming hunt. Will find grate meety mammoth or skwerul to prezent as gift to belovid hooman. More planing needed but will aksept scritches for now.
Grog having trubel attrakting new females to dramatik cureer in tribe. Grog send out tribul evangulists evajelissts uvangul salespeeple to attrakt females. Tell females about grate benufits such as furst choice of mammoth stakes after hunt and grate males such as Grog and Thag. Female in black say not uv inturest, but have gud snaks in bakpak so females from tribe pursoo enyway. Female in blak invents harassmint suit-uv-laws. |
10/09/2023 05:33:40 AM · #336 |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:
Grate wyld preditor plans upcuming hunt. Will find grate meety mammoth or skwerul to prezent as gift to belovid hooman. More planing needed but will aksept scritches for now.
Grog having trubel attrakting new females to dramatik cureer in tribe. Grog send out tribul evangulists evajelissts uvangul salespeeple to attrakt females. Tell females about grate benufits such as furst choice of mammoth stakes after hunt and grate males such as Grog and Thag. Female in black say not uv inturest, but have gud snaks in bakpak so females from tribe pursoo enyway. Female in blak invents harassmint suit-uv-laws. |
was THE best comment I've had in a long while during voting .. for the smile .. and the laugh ..
thanks Steve .. xx
edit to say ..
as far as I know the grate wyld preditor has been unable to find meety mammoth or skwerul .. but even so the hooman is still giving scritches .. for now .. I think his pashents is wearing thin though .. ;)
Message edited by author 2023-10-09 05:39:43. |
12/08/2023 12:04:09 AM · #337 |
Grog make grate plan top serprize Grog's younglings with erly return from grate hunt. Grog hide in tree and camuflage self for making serprize, but younglings find Grog enyway. Cursis, foiled agen!
Grog is grate eveloshinary byologist, catched famus nuthatch. Nuts not hatch no mattur how much Grog make burd sit on them. Grog think that must have been day that Grog skippeded byology class.
Is grate coming uv age tredishun in trybe uv Grog. Younglings selekt spirit animul to fit persunaltee. Littul Krage piks lepurd who is stelthy in hunt and loyul to pak, lyk Krage iz. When yung Grog pickeded eegle who iz magestik, Kron pickeded fox who iz cuning and Thag pikceded opossum who play ded to avoyd confruntashuns. |
02/08/2024 12:15:36 AM · #338 |
Littul Urka is grate inventur, like fathur Grog. Tuday, Urka invent Gee-string. Iz skale modul for demunstrashun purposis. |
04/12/2024 09:30:37 PM · #339 |
Thag beleeves that Thag iz grate performer-on-street. Doez magik show for younglings. Grog give younglings bribe gift of treets such as mammoth-on-stik and ised cofee to stay and watch purformence. For extra treet of iced creams, younglings agree to klap and ask for mor. Grog iz grate sitter-of-babees.
Grog invents planed obsulesense. |
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