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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Do these two look identical?
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05/11/2010 08:40:50 AM · #1
After a trip to Spain (yippee!!!) I want to make sure I've got my colors correct before printing.
Here are two pics with different color profiles. Can you please tell me if they look similar to you, or is there one that looks better or more natural than the other - all help will be much appreciated!

btw, this is in Segovia
05/11/2010 08:44:41 AM · #2
They look the same to me. The sky does not look quite right to me though. Seems a little too bright to me.
05/11/2010 08:46:37 AM · #3
They do not look the same to me.
The sky color in the top one is kind of purple-like.
The bottom one definitely looks more natural, but maybe a bit oversaturated.
Pretty picture!
05/11/2010 08:51:44 AM · #4
My vote is for the bottom as well - the sky is blue-er and more realistic. The top one looks very oversaturated, and I am not a fan of the purple sky.
05/11/2010 09:11:29 AM · #5
Thanks for the replies, guys. You have all voted for the straight SRGB and have confirmed my own thoughts.
I have been blundering around with color profiles because my different viewers gave me different results, but I think I've got it now.
Thanks again!
05/11/2010 09:18:55 AM · #6
Not the same.

Top image - sky is purple.
Bottom image - sky is blue.

Neither look natural though, definitely over saturated.
05/11/2010 09:30:21 AM · #7
On my Dell 2007FP, they are identical

Message edited by author 2010-05-11 09:31:18.
05/11/2010 09:42:30 AM · #8
Identical on my monitors as well. That can't be good news the way it's so obvious to everyone else. Segovia?
05/11/2010 09:49:04 AM · #9
Originally posted by kashi:

Not the same.

Top image - sky is purple.
Bottom image - sky is blue.

Neither look natural though, definitely over saturated.

05/11/2010 09:52:58 AM · #10
look the same on my screen, however the top image has more grain in the sky
05/11/2010 09:53:33 AM · #11
It's not just the sky that is purple in the first one. The pavement has a purple color cast to it also.
05/11/2010 09:55:21 AM · #12
I'm getting identical color on my calibrated monitor, both are very saturated blue. The bottom one seems to have less noise in the sky.
05/11/2010 09:55:33 AM · #13
Originally posted by yakatme:

It's not just the sky that is purple in the first one. The pavement has a purple color cast to it also.

ditto for me!
05/11/2010 09:59:42 AM · #14
For those of you seeing purple - are you using a color-managed browser? I'm viewing in Firefox.

OP - did you save for web for both?
05/11/2010 10:03:41 AM · #15
Originally posted by BeefnCheez:

look the same on my screen, however the top image has more grain in the sky

Ditto. And looking at the pavement, there seems to be a color cast to both of them.
05/11/2010 10:04:42 AM · #16
Maybe I should clarify what is going on.
I used Spider2 to create a monitor color profile and somehow got the notion that I have to use this as my color profile in photoshop as well. My pictures come off my camera in SRGB and when I open them in photoshop it asks me if I want to convert the profile - which I did. Because this is my monitor profile the two images (a with spider2 profile and b with SRGB) are identical, but on any monitor that is not exactly like mine they should be different.
I was viewing some of my pics on a friend's PC when I saw some strange color differences like the blue and purple in this case. So, I believe the correct way to handle the color profiles is to use something like spider to create a profile for you monitor and to use SRGB for everything else.
By the way, the blue does seem unnatural, but it's straight off the camera!

ps. Segovia is a town in Central Spain, just north of Madrid, and it is magnificent.
05/11/2010 10:28:13 AM · #17
Just for interest sake - this is the exact same pic without a color profile, it actually looks the most natural to me.
05/11/2010 10:32:08 AM · #18
Originally posted by wsteyn:

Just for interest sake - this is the exact same pic without a color profile, it actually looks the most natural to me.

Are you viewing in Photoshop or your browser? This one looks identical to your lower version to me in a browser.
05/11/2010 10:37:15 AM · #19
All of them look identical to me - viewed on two different iMacs, two Windows machines and one iPad and a total of three different browsers and 2 other photo aps.

NOTE: This was all done after initial viewing and then reading some were seeing a purple sky. I see/saw no purple, just blue. And in fact on side by side monitors, all pics looked identical as far as color.
05/11/2010 10:42:13 AM · #20
Originally posted by CEJ:

All of them look identical to me - viewed on two different iMacs, two Windows machines and one iPad and a total of three different browsers and 2 other photo aps.

NOTE: This was all done after initial viewing and then reading some were seeing a purple sky. I see/saw no purple, just blue. And in fact on side by side monitors, all pics looked identical as far as color.

Well, after employing all of those variables it only leads to one conclusion...there is something wrong with your eyes. I suggest you see an optometrist ;) aww, c'mon, I'm just kidding. See the smiley face?

Seriously, though, I see the purple color cast in the sky and on the pavement in the first one. The last one you posted appears identical to the second one. I'm viewing them using Google Chrome as my browser and I just viewed them using Internet Explore with the same results.

Message edited by author 2010-05-11 10:42:55.
05/11/2010 10:44:05 AM · #21
Those that are saying they look identical must be viewing them with a color profile enabled browser.
05/11/2010 10:46:08 AM · #22
They are nearly identical.

I am color blind, so I took a mathematical approach to this. I "grabbed" them from the screen when displayed in the Safari browser, opened them in Photoshop, stacked them, aligned them, and used the "difference blending" mode on the top layer.

On most of the image, the difference is 1 (+/- 1) on the red channel, 2 (+/- 2) on the green channel and 1 (+/- 1) on the blue channel. Perfectly identical would be 0, 0, 0. These on a scale of 0 to 255. In parts of the sky and the stone, the difference is up to 8, up to 5, and up to 8. In general one is just a bit redder and a bit bluer than the second, most noticeably in the sky and the stone. So while not mathematically identical, they are just noticeably different.

This relates to the pixels themselves, viewed in the Safari browser. Other browsers might render them differently. If you apply my method to your edited versions, you'll see the real differences independent of browser.

Hope that helps.

Message edited by author 2010-05-11 10:52:53.
05/11/2010 10:47:18 AM · #23
Originally posted by Ken:

For those of you seeing purple - are you using a color-managed browser? I'm viewing in Firefox.

OP - did you save for web for both?

Good call. In Firefox, they are identical. In IE7 and Google Chrome, the top one is purple, bottom one blue.
05/11/2010 10:48:45 AM · #24
The look very different on this Samsung monitor. My browser is Google Chrome. Are these long exposures, taken at night? Is that how you got the wierd sky color?

[eta]On this Dell monitor at work, they also look very different. Browser is MSIE7

Message edited by author 2010-05-11 13:59:14.
05/11/2010 10:50:00 AM · #25
The sky looks to be the same color to me -- but the first one does seem to have more noise/grain in it.

There is a very subtle difference in the sidewalk color to me, but I didn't notice it until someone else mentioned it.
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