The forums
are one of the most popular features of DPChallenge. In order to help
keep them fun and useful, we require that all participants follow a
few simple rules of conduct. These rules are designed to ensure that
discussions run smoothly and all participants treat each other with
courtesy and respect.
Read and follow the DPChallenge
Terms of Service.
Please do not discuss specific
challenge entries or outtakes until voting has ended. Doing so
can affect voting and commenting, so please save these discussions
for after the end of the voting period. Please report any posts
discussing these, and do not reply to them. Outtake threads posted
early will be removed.
Search existing threads for a topic before starting a new
one. Since threads are indexed for search every few hours, you
should both search (using the search box at the bottom of the front
page) AND check recent threads (by checking the front page, or better,
clicking "Community" on the menu bar) before creating a new thread.
In the interest of keeping the forums orderly, the Site Council will
lock any duplicate threads, and include a link to the existing thread
on the topic.
Do not offer anything of value
in exchange for manipulation of site statistics. This includes
anything based on voting, comments, or favorites. This does not
include exchange of comments where no other exchange of
value is involved. Exceptions to this policy, such as for contests,
must be approved by Site Council in advance.
Please do not post large images
directly to the forums. When posting images to the forums, be
aware that some readers access the site via dial-up, and that in
some countries, Internet access is charged per KB downloaded. With
this in mind, images larger than about 30K, or more than 500 pixels
in either dimension, should be posted as links or thumbnails.
There is no rule 6.
When posting potentially adult
content, include a warning. When possible, include the warning
in your subject line. If you are posting in an existing thread,
consider carefully whether the content is appropriate for the
thread. If it is, include a warning at the beginning of your post.
Unless your warning is in the subject line, any images must be
linked rather than thumbnailed or posted directly.
When posting “spoilers,”
include a warning. Spoilers include content that gives away
endings of movies or television shows, solutions to games or
puzzles, and the like. Include a link to the spoiler, rather than
the actual spoiler text, if at all possible.
Watch your language. While
it is not our intention to censor all use of foul language, please
respect your fellow participants. We can and will remove excessive,
gratuitous and inappropriate use of foul language.
Do not publicly accuse other
participants of rules violations. If you believe a rule has been
broken, report the post and do not reply.
Do not attack other users.
This includes "calling out" specific comments or
commenters in a hostile manner. Personal attacks are never
appropriate in a constructive discussion. If you disagree with
another participant, address their points without attacking them
personally. Be aware that others may have differing opinions of a
personal attack, so use care when posting. Please note that this
includes publicly "calling out" commenters (whether by
name or not) in a hostile way.
Do not bait or provoke other
users. This does not promote civil discussion and will not be
Assume good faith. When
replying to a post, your reply must assume that the original
poster's message was intended to be constructive and follow the
rules. It's difficult to convey facial expressions or tone of voice
over the forums, so a post that appears offensive may be well
intentioned. If you cannot assume the original poster acted in good
faith, report the post in question, and do not reply at all.
Above all, play nice.
Be aware that the above rules are not all-inclusive. If you stir up
trouble to prove a point, or engage in a pattern of disruptive
behavior, we will address your actions, even if those actions do not
violate any specific rule listed here. We will also handle any
issues not specifically covered by the rules on a case by case
If you have any
questions about these rules, please contact the Site Council for
clarification. Thank you for helping to keep the DPChallenge forums
fun and constructive!