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Secret Garden
2nd PlaceSecret Garden

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fairy Tales (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: she lives in my garden
Date: Aug 25, 2004
Galleries: Portraiture, Persuasive
Date Uploaded: Aug 25, 2004

I've gotten a few comments on the fact that her right pupil is not showing. On my original pick for this challenge it was showing. But my model (my wife) chose this one because it's the one she liked. And yes, I was rushing to get this done. I waited till the last second and did all of my editing at 10pm on the last night. I forgot the vein in her eye and there is a little sloppiness on the leaf at the bottom. Her original color was pink (makeup), but it just didn't seem right to me. So I changed the hue on her skin to this green/blue. The "hair" is from my daughters dress-up closet (fake feathers) the ear is made of modeling clay, the giant leaf is from a giant sunflower in my garden. In this shot, you cannot see the top she is wearing, it's a white bra totally covered in white feathers. the fairies in my neighborhood wear some clothing because it gets pretty cold at night. Add some fairy dust (sparkels) a few plastic jewels and 2 sided tape, and you get a Fairy!

yes I do use real make-up. Sometimes I use product by MAC, other times I go to my local Kmart and buy liquid eye shadow. my wife is the make-up expert, so don't bark to far up my tree for makeup info!

Place: 2 out of 104
Avg (all users): 7.4292
Avg (commenters): 8.5526
Avg (participants): 7.3889
Avg (non-participants): 7.4490
Views since voting: 9481
Views during voting: 573
Votes: 219
Comments: 82
Favorites: 38 (view)

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12/01/2007 11:21:36 PM
So very creative and a wonderful result.

Thanks for explaining so much!
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08/19/2005 09:07:01 AM
fantastic fantasy image with a wonderful model to add to the overall quality odf the shot :)

09/12/2004 08:00:47 PM
Originally posted by robm:

this is the only decent picture in this whole challenge.deserved first place and the only ribbon.With all due respect none of the other images do much for me including the other winners.good job.

Thank you for the comment, but I don't agree with your statement. I think there are several excellent photos in this challenge, and the other ribbon winners deserve the credit they received. Thanks again, E
09/12/2004 04:34:36 PM
this is the only decent picture in this whole challenge.deserved first place and the only ribbon.With all due respect none of the other images do much for me including the other winners.good job.
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09/09/2004 11:31:05 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club!

A great photo, well deserving of a ribbon! The overall light tone fits the subject well, giving the desired fairy tale feeling. Focus is perfect and the shallow DOF adds depth and, combined with the large leaf, gives the impression of a macro shot of a small fairy. Very effective! Colors are perfect, as is the wonderfully impish expression.

Since you requested a critique, I'll point out the only problem I see, and it is very minor, not detracting from the overall image. The glare on the lips and, to a lesser extent, the nose is a bit bright. Discreet application of the Burn tool could tone it down to better match the rest of the image.
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09/09/2004 10:58:43 AM
Awesome. I can see a lot of work went into this shot. Great job. Should of scored higher than 7.4.
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09/08/2004 08:47:59 PM
That expression says it all. Kudos to you and your lovely wife!
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09/08/2004 06:57:48 AM

Thanks :)

Message edited by author 2004-09-09 07:46:29.
09/07/2004 10:38:36 PM
Originally posted by ericlimon:

Originally posted by TechnoShroom:

.... and I am.


You would have to read my original comment on the image.
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09/07/2004 06:55:34 PM
instead of double-sided tape, I've found using paper cement useful when tacking faux jewels onto the face. Just be sure to let the solvent evaporate before adhering to prevent irritation.
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09/07/2004 10:43:40 AM
it's the green fairy! Absinthe drinkers rejoice!!!
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09/07/2004 09:42:41 AM
On a photo as imaginative and as beautiful as this, who cares if the left pupil isn't showing. Great creative thinking and presentation!
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09/07/2004 09:36:23 AM
I know I am pretty absent in the area of comments on this site, but I always look at the winners. I love this one! I work more with digital imaging, which this site doesn't seem to support. You and your wife did a great job on this photo!
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09/06/2004 09:23:52 PM
Finally a Ribbon! I thought your botany entry should have ribboned as well. Great Job, she looks wonderful! :)
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09/06/2004 08:14:32 PM
Originally posted by TechnoShroom:

.... and I am.

09/06/2004 06:34:49 PM
.... and I am.
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09/06/2004 05:51:02 PM
Congtatulations on your first ribbon, Great Work!
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09/06/2004 12:28:00 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon!
you are rocking!
great picture btw :)
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09/06/2004 09:22:25 AM
Congratulations on second and on your first ribbon!
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09/06/2004 09:20:42 AM

Message edited by author 2004-09-06 09:21:54.
09/06/2004 09:08:47 AM
I just knew the race would be a tight one!! This was my fav of the challenge!! Ccongrats!!!
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09/06/2004 08:03:32 AM
Congrats on the red ! Well done, waiting to see what you'll ribbon with next !
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09/06/2004 05:17:43 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon Eric....well deserved.

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09/06/2004 05:08:48 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. This was one of my 10s. Very good work.
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09/06/2004 03:51:33 AM
Great picture Eric. Despite that you "dropped like a rock", people can't put a good picture down. Excellent! i wish I had taken it.

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09/06/2004 12:49:50 AM
Congrats on your first of what I'm sure will be many many ribbons...
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09/06/2004 12:25:14 AM
My warmest congratulation on your red. I am glad you made it despite my comment. But hey, you are a good photographer and many more of these await you.
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09/06/2004 12:22:52 AM
The lighting is amazing here. Beautiful shot! Congrats!
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09/06/2004 12:15:53 AM
Great photo! Congrats on your first ribbon.
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09/06/2004 12:13:16 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon! Only one to go and you're in the masters club! :-)

Message edited by author 2004-09-06 00:13:51.
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09/06/2004 12:13:14 AM
congrats ^^ my favorite from the challenge ;)
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09/06/2004 12:11:43 AM
Congrats on the Red!!
Interesting composition and I'm sure this is close to what a Fairy would look like. Or are they real?

Well Done!
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09/06/2004 12:09:55 AM
Congrats, I am really glad this got a ribbon, it was my favourite of the challenge :) (though the blue ribbon is equally well deserved for that entry as well).
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09/06/2004 12:06:33 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon!! Well done!
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09/06/2004 12:03:44 AM
Congrats on a great photo, and second place!
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09/06/2004 12:01:48 AM
thanks for all the comments. I was holding out at 7.52 till about 10pm on the final night. then I dropped like a rock.
Oh well,
live and learn :)
09/06/2004 12:01:19 AM
i had a feeling this would get a ribbon, i gave you a 9, congrats!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/05/2004 11:34:58 PM
My fav of the challenge, hope this wins blue! Very creative pic!!!
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09/05/2004 10:23:50 PM
Amazing and very original, I love the expression on her face. - 9 -
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09/05/2004 10:09:36 PM
This image creates a very strong thumbnail and the makeup, coloration and composition are great. However, you should have opted for an angle to show a little more of the pupil of the right eye. Yet the effect is strong and I am bumping the image to 6. This could have easily been an 8. Do not be discouraged, your work is good and you are creative.
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09/05/2004 02:35:26 PM
great "pixie" expression, like how you've composed the shot -- one of my ribbon picks BOL
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09/05/2004 02:23:38 PM
Very nicely done! This looks as if a lot of thought has gone into it and may have taken some time to execute?
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09/05/2004 08:43:17 AM
Beautiful. I love how you've filled the frame, and the colours are fantastic. 10
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09/05/2004 08:13:57 AM
You did a great job of capturing a secretive, mischievous look. This should do very well. Congrats!

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09/05/2004 07:39:47 AM
pretty cool shot, i like it.
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09/05/2004 12:01:21 AM
Excellent photo! Should prove to be an inspiration! Two comments though. The nost has a little too much shine and the far eye is showing a little too much white. Did you paint the model or adjust colors in photoshop?
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09/04/2004 06:49:55 PM
u took the effort
well done
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09/04/2004 01:42:28 PM
Perfect picture....this will win a ribbon for sure!!! :)
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09/04/2004 12:04:13 PM
Fabulous shot, great work! you've got my only 10!

Is she the Green fairy?
If you don't place....this forum sucks...nothing even comes close to your shot.
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09/04/2004 12:37:34 AM
great image. fits the challenge perfectly and very well done. wonderful originality and excellent attention to detail. 10.
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09/03/2004 03:58:20 PM
Misterious, appealing....fairy. Good one.
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09/03/2004 11:19:51 AM
I love this phtoo! What kind of camera are you using?
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09/03/2004 10:50:15 AM
Hmm, why do I guess this should be in the top 10...

Because it is simply amazing.
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09/01/2004 05:29:48 PM
So glad you found a vulcan for this. A lot of time must have gone into this and it is reflected in the shot. Not a fan of borders in challenges [8]
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09/01/2004 03:08:57 PM
Fun! and filled with wonderful color!
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09/01/2004 02:10:03 PM
This is really nice! I like the colors, they way you used the sequins and feathers and face paint to create a magical being. I even like the nose ring and eye-vein! Makes her an edgy fairy. One of my top picks.
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09/01/2004 08:47:30 AM
Great lighting and makeup! I like the model's expression and how it is highlighted by the tight crop. Excellent.
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08/31/2004 08:58:28 PM
Thats a really nice one.. i love the expression on the model's face.
Very well done.
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08/31/2004 06:04:03 PM
Wow, you worked on this for sure...and for me it's convincing. That blurred elf-ear-->grrreat composition.
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08/31/2004 04:59:25 PM
Most definately one of the week's best, and no doubt will win a ribbon. Great work for a hard topic.
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08/31/2004 10:27:57 AM
Does have a sense of the bizarre that perhaps truly belongs in a fairy tale. My first impression though, is more of a slightly weird commercial than of magic. Excellent technical work, almost as good as the make-up.
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08/31/2004 09:21:19 AM
Oooo I love it, great color.
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08/31/2004 06:52:29 AM
My favourite of the challenge. Love the lighting and with that cheeky smile she really could be an imp. If you can be bothered to PM me I would love to know what you used there for the green makup, it is sensational. What a truly lovely smile, it is captivating. 10
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08/30/2004 10:32:03 PM
Wow, I hope the green comes off! Beautiful image.. I love the colors and the textures. Good luck in the challenge.
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08/30/2004 10:28:37 PM
Great Photo, one of my top picks ;)...
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08/30/2004 09:56:25 PM
I thought this was very nice. Great effort. I find the pose a little distracting because no pupil is visible in the other eye. I would have liked to see a full profile, or turned a little more to the camera. I also would have edited the white part of the eye to remove the redness. My attention seems to go there first. 7.
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08/30/2004 09:53:35 PM
Great Shot! This is one of my favorites, I hope to see you in one of the top 3!
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08/30/2004 05:32:31 PM
Great makeup
Beautifull model
Great picture... I guess I know who you are, but am only 70% sure..
will see after the challenge!
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08/30/2004 01:30:32 PM
Nice shot. I get the impression of a fairy you came about while weeding and was able to capture in macro. Might this be jmlelii ? -8-
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08/30/2004 01:08:58 PM
my top pick, good luck.
would have liked to see both eyes though.
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08/30/2004 11:45:45 AM
10. What else is there to say? :-)
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08/30/2004 11:29:52 AM
Great image!
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08/30/2004 09:57:50 AM
Very clever, love the makeup.
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08/30/2004 09:29:24 AM
Very cool pic!
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08/30/2004 09:13:52 AM
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08/30/2004 08:55:35 AM
Great coloring and lighting, surprising and magical. Wonderful pic!
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08/30/2004 04:34:56 AM
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08/30/2004 03:16:20 AM
I would be surprised if this one didn't win.
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08/30/2004 01:47:41 AM
the naughtyist of nymphs... spank! (8)
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08/30/2004 12:55:09 AM
I just want to congratulate your model for being such a sport as to let you paint her.. unless, of course, this is all just hues :) A great look in her face.. very mischevous.
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08/30/2004 12:46:50 AM
It's great to see people going all out for the challenges. The make-up job with the jewels is excellent as is the mood and composition. The red lines in the eyes are a bit distracting and would be easy to remove. A small amount of the photoshopping seems to have been rushed (ie the pinkish glow around the top of the leaf). The hair is completely brilliant and I will have to give you a 10 for that effect alone. 10!
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08/30/2004 12:37:19 AM
great shot and the best I have seen out of this challenge! Good job!
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