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Splashing Alex
Splashing Alex

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Leap Day: In The Style Of: Natsumi Hayashi (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Casio Exilim EX-Z70
Location: In a City
Date: Mar 3, 2012
Aperture: 3.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/100
Date Uploaded: Mar 6, 2012

I found a large puddle of water and had my brother jump in. I had him jump in because I like water pictures.

Place: 79 out of 86
Avg (all users): 2.8178
Avg (commenters): 2.5000
Avg (participants): 2.7619
Avg (non-participants): 2.8314
Views since voting: 573
Views during voting: 443
Votes: 214
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0

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03/14/2012 11:33:57 AM
Interesting class project, kudos to your teacher and you guys for taking the time to submit :)
In every image, even not so great ones, there are one or more good images in the hiding, if you have the patience to work on it a bit.
If you like water photos like this, consider that you could come with some amazing looking splashes by choosing a time of the day when the light comes from a side. Just have somebody splashing and turn around the puddle taking test shots until you see good texture in the water.
Often you can make for a more interesting image by lowering a bit or taking it from the top (a chair, ladder, whatever) as you'll show an angle that is unusual for the viewer (that doesn't make for a really good image in itself, just for a more interesting one).
You have this in your image already, a bit, because your brother was standing somewhere high.

You have a focus problem, which is not that easy to tackle with your camera. Your subject is moving, even with a much more expensive camera you might have a problem focussing properly, But there is no need to. If you have manual focus, try using that, taking test images until you have everything in focus. Or else, you could half-press the shutter while pointing to something near to the subject, so to lock the focus, and then frame the image and tell them to jump.

After you click, try not to release the shutter button completely, keep it half pressed. If you do that, some cameras will keep the focus locked, which means you can take several images without having to refocus.

If you choose to pre-focus on something else than your subject, choose something that it's more or less illuminated as your subject, as many cameras will also lock exposure and might give you an over or underexposed image when you actually take your picture. It can taken a while to do it right, and sometimes mistakes look quite cool anyway :)

Last thing. If possible, put you camera in portrait mode, or if you have manual control choose a very large aperture (f4,f3.2,f5.6 , you should see a number like that in the menu, choose the lowest number you can dial in). And walk farther away and use as much zoom as you can.

That will keep you subject and water splashes in focus but the background a bit out of focus, which often makes for nicer images.

Hey, hope it's a fun class ;)

Message edited by author 2012-03-14 11:35:36.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/13/2012 06:56:37 PM
Seems like you might be new (if I'm wrong, sorry!). You should submit larger images so they can be better evaluated. As for what we can see here, its out of focus, and too tight a crop to really get a feel for the subject. Also needs better lighting as the sky is too bright and the subject appears then too dark.
03/13/2012 05:07:46 PM
I want to love this... but it's too small for me to see.


(commenting only)
03/07/2012 04:23:56 PM
I don't see much levitation going on here. It's also too OOF for my liking. The image size is a little small. I think with some minor adjustments, it could have been a good shot.
03/07/2012 02:02:27 AM
I want to give you a 10 for this brown ribbon effort.

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