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My Addiction: Finding the Beauty in a (sometimes) Unbeautiful World
My Addiction: Finding the Beauty in a (sometimes) Unbeautiful World

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: My Drug (Advanced Editing VII)
Date: Mar 13, 2012
Date Uploaded: Mar 16, 2012

Took this when I was trying to find something for my Urban Landscape. Decided to do a few "shots from the hip" and loved what came out of it. Simple PP applied.

Wonder how many people will think DNMC?
But this is something I am truly addicted to.
Finding the beauty in hard to find places.

Life isn't always rainbows and unicorns... life is tough, it's unbearable at times, we fall, but we have to pick ourselves back up.

There is beauty everywhere we turn, we just have to see with our hearts, rather than with just our eyes.

Place: 72 out of 102
Avg (all users): 5.4622
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 5.4490
Avg (non-participants): 5.4714
Views since voting: 578
Views during voting: 236
Votes: 119
Comments: 16
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/16/2012 02:24:41 AM
I gave you 6 for this. I love your attitude to life, and this must be helping your whole family at the moment. Best wishes to little Dallas and all of you. I hope that recovery is progressing well.
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04/14/2012 07:53:59 PM
I think if the camera was tighter to the wall you'd have had a more interesting perspective, but maybe there was some stuff to the right that you wanted to hide? Anyhow, I like the texture of the stone, and the repeating window pattern
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04/14/2012 02:20:55 PM
I think you could have done with less at the top (or a different angle) but otherwise great job capturing the texture of the building, the leading lines and the man with the pop of blue at the end.
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04/13/2012 11:28:36 AM
this is just awesome. i love everything about it from the title, the processing, the composition, the crop everything. very very well done.
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04/13/2012 09:47:49 AM
Better perspective than the train shot but still not vertically straight (sorry I'm probably overly anal about such things :| ), I do like the dull tones though.
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04/13/2012 12:08:46 AM
This was a 5 for me- I would like to see it cropped differently- take off those round things at the top & crop the left side so you don't include the 1st opening. I think that would give more importance to the man.
Kudos to your addiction!
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04/12/2012 06:54:34 PM
Another underrated picture. Probably 'cause people don't take time to really study the pictures when voting.
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04/12/2012 05:42:02 PM
I love the splash of blue at the end... just when I think I've seen all the image has...
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04/12/2012 05:10:41 PM
People seemed to have not liked this shot. I don't really understand why. The texture of the wall I like...The leading line I like. Even the man sitting adds interest for me.
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04/12/2012 04:04:52 PM
B&W and a closer to the man would have improved this shot for me.
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03/30/2012 04:14:31 PM
Nice work, Denielle. You have good instincts, and they show in this image. For me, there is something about the composition that is a bit weak. This is a nice "find", but the pov is odd. It's oblique, but lacks "dimension", if that makes sense. The happy "accident" of finding a person in the stone is not as rewarding as it might be, because he is small, dark, and chopped off at the knees, which at first glance makes him appear to be an amputee. That is what I thought the image was conveying - but it looked odd. I think some vignetting might have helped the viewer focus more towards the person; as it is, it's all much of the same tones throughout the image, which makes our eye wander all over the place without really settling anywhere.
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03/30/2012 12:53:47 PM
This is only my opinion, so feel free to ignore it if it's not helping ;)
I gave this picture 5.
The reason was that I felt like something is missing.
If I'll try to reproduce the way I experience this image, it goes something like this - first my eyes went to the person on the right (probably due to the blue color).
Since he is looking at something outside the area of the picture, me eyes instantly moved to next subject on the far left side.
So the moment I focused on the lamp (probably since it's yellow over the gray areas), again I got the sense that it's not connected to the main area of the picture, because it's made of metal and the photo was mainly stone (stone was the impression while I moved from him to the lamp).
And only then my eyes focused on the gray stones of the building.
Now, what I described took place in less then a 1-2 seconds, but still, it led me to feel like something is missing for me as a viewer in order to understand this picture.
Only then I've read the title, and I must say that it didn't help me to change the first impression ;)
because I didn't understand what supposed to be un-beautiful here.

I guess that if you had crop off the lamp or the person, then I would have experienced it in a very different way.

Message edited by author 2012-03-30 12:55:25.
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03/30/2012 08:34:07 AM
This is a really nice sentiment, and a very good image. Good detail and eye movement, from left to right and back again, and very good handling of the gray-tones, which is super difficult. Perhaps the message missed or was not perceived as a "garden variety addiction." But I will say, this is one of your best so far, score is unimportant and fruitless to contemplate. Keep finding the beauty, keep coming up with shots like this.
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03/29/2012 03:46:43 PM
Nice image Denielle. Probably my favorites of yours so far... didn't spot it originally because I didn't have time to vote on this challenge.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/24/2012 01:31:59 PM
so right 8
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03/21/2012 02:56:24 PM
:) I think we can all relate!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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